--============================================================================= -- logger.lua --- logger api implemented in lua -- Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Wang Shidong & Contributors -- Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > -- URL: https://spacevim.org -- License: GPLv3 --============================================================================= local fn = vim.fn or require('spacevim').fn local nt = require('spacevim.api.notify') local rtplog = {} local M = { name = '', silent = 1, level = 1, verbose = 1, file = '', temp = {}, } M.levels = { 'Info ', 'Warn ', 'Error', 'Debug' } M.clock = fn.reltime() function M.set_silent(sl) if type(sl) == 'boolean' then M.silent = sl elseif type(sl) == 'number' then -- this is for backward compatibility. if sl == 1 then M.silent = true elseif sl == 0 then M.silent = false end end end function M.set_verbose(vb) -- verbose should be 1 - 4 -- message type: log debug, info, warn, error -- info and debug should not be print to screen. -- the default verbose is 1 -- 1: notify nothing -- 2: notify only error -- 3: notify warn and error M.verbose = vb end function M.set_level(l) -- the level only can be: -- 0 : log debug, info, warn, error messages -- 1 : log info, warn, error messages -- 2 : log warn, error messages -- 3 : log error messages if l == 0 or l == 1 or l == 2 or l == 3 then M.level = l end end function M._build_msg(msg, l) msg = msg or '' local _, mic = vim.loop.gettimeofday() local c = string.format('%s:%03d', os.date('%H:%M:%S'), mic / 1000) -- local log = string.format('[ %s ] [%s] [ %s ] %s', M.name, c, M.levels[l], msg) return { name = M.name, time = c, msg = msg, level = l, str = string.format('[ %s ] [%s] [ %s ] %s', M.name, c, M.levels[l], msg), } end function M.write(log) table.insert(M.temp, log) table.insert(rtplog, log.str) end function M.clear() rtplog = {} end function M.debug(msg) if M.level <= 0 then local log = M._build_msg(msg, 4) M.write(log) end end function M.error(msg) local log = M._build_msg(msg, 3) if M.silent == 0 and M.verbose >= 1 then nt.notify(msg, 'Error') end M.write(log) end function M.warn(msg, ...) if M.level <= 2 then local log = M._build_msg(msg, 2) local issilent = select(1, ...) if type(issilent) == 'number' then if issilent == 1 then issilent = true else issilent = false end elseif type(issilent) ~= 'boolean' then issilent = false end if not issilent then nt.notify(msg, 'WarningMsg') else if not M.silent and M.verbose >= 2 then nt.notify(msg, 'WarningMsg') end end M.write(log) end end function M.info(msg) if M.level <= 1 then local log = M._build_msg(msg, 1) M.write(log) end end function M.view_all() local info = table.concat(rtplog, '\n') return info end function M.view(l) local info = '' for _, log in ipairs(M.temp) do if log.level >= l then info = info .. log.str .. '\n' end end return info end function M.set_name(name) if type(name) == 'string' then M.name = name end end function M.get_name() return M.name end return M