" Vim indent file " Language: PlantUML " License: VIM LICENSE if exists('b:did_indent') finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal indentexpr=GetPlantUMLIndent() setlocal indentkeys=o,O,<CR>,<:>,!^F,0end,0else,} " only define the indent code once if exists('*GetPlantUMLIndent') finish endif let s:decIndent = '^\s*\%(end\|else\|fork again\|}\)' function! GetPlantUMLIndent(...) abort "for current line, use arg if given or v:lnum otherwise let clnum = a:0 ? a:1 : v:lnum if !s:insidePlantUMLTags(clnum) return indent(clnum) endif let pnum = prevnonblank(clnum-1) let pindent = indent(pnum) let pline = getline(pnum) let cline = getline(clnum) let s:incIndent = s:getIncIndent() if cline =~ s:decIndent if pline =~ s:incIndent return pindent else return pindent - shiftwidth() endif elseif pline =~ s:incIndent return pindent + shiftwidth() endif return pindent endfunction function! s:insidePlantUMLTags(lnum) abort call cursor(a:lnum, 1) return search('@startuml', 'Wbn') && search('@enduml', 'Wn') endfunction function! s:listSyntax(syntaxKeyword) abort " Get a list of words assigned to a syntax keyword " The 'syntax list <syntax keyword>' command returns " a string with the keyword itself, followed by xxx, " on which we can split to extract the keywords string. " This string must then be split on whitespace let syntaxWords = split( \ execute('syntax list ' . a:syntaxKeyword), \ a:syntaxKeyword . ' xxx ')[-1] return split(syntaxWords) endfunction function! s:typeKeywordIncPattern() abort " Extract keywords for plantumlTypeKeyword, returning the inc pattern let syntaxWords = join(s:listSyntax('plantumlTypeKeyword'), '\\\|') return '^\s*\%(' . syntaxWords . '\)\>.*{' endfunction function! s:getIncIndent() abort " Function to determine the s:incIndent pattern return \ '^\s*\%(artifact\|class\|cloud\|database\|entity\|enum\|file\|folder\|frame\|interface\|namespace\|node\|object\|package\|partition\|rectangle\|skinparam\|state\|storage\|together\)\>.*{\s*$\|' . \ '^\s*\%(loop\|alt\|opt\|group\|critical\|else\|legend\|box\|if\|while\|fork\|split\)\>\|' . \ '^\s*ref\>[^:]*$\|' . \ '^\s*[hr]\?note\>\%(\%("[^"]*" \<as\>\)\@![^:]\)*$\|' . \ '^\s*title\s*$\|' . \ '^\s*skinparam\>.*{\s*$\|' . \ s:typeKeywordIncPattern() endfunction