# CompleteParameter.vim [](https://gitter.im/tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [](https://travis-ci.org/tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim) [](https://github.com/tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim/tags)  [](https://github.com/tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim/blob/develop/doc/complete_parameter.txt) CompleteParameter is a plugin for complete function's parameters after complete a function. If you like this plugin, please star it. # Screenshots Without CompleteParameter, only insert the function name.  With CompleteParameter, insert the function name and parameters. You can jump to the next parameter use `<c-j>` and jump to the previous parameter use `<c-k>`.  # Features - Complete parameters after select a complete item from the completion popup menu. - After complete the parameters, jump to the first parameter and the select it. - Jump to next parameter. - Jump to previous parameter. - Select next overload function. - Select previous overload function. - Select the first item in the completion popup menu. - Echo signature when select an item. (need to `set noshowmode` or `set cmdheight=2`) # Install I suggest you to use a plugin manager, such vim-plug or other. - [vim-plug][] ```viml Plug 'tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim' ``` - Manual ``` git clone https://github.com/tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/CompleteParameter.vim echo 'set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/CompleteParameter.vim' >> ~/.vimrc vim -c 'helptag ~/.vim/bundle/CompleteParameter.vim/doc' -c qa! ``` # Usage Install a complete engine have supported. Goto the completion item of the completion popup menu you want to select, and then type `(`(minimal setting), the parameters will be inserted and select the the first parameter. `<c-j>`/`<c-k>`(minimal setting) will jump to the next/previous parameter and select it. # Minimal setting ```viml inoremap <silent><expr> ( complete_parameter#pre_complete("()") smap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) smap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) imap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) ``` **The parameter of `complete_parameter#pre_complete` will be insert if parameter completion failed.** # Mapping ### `<Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)` Goto next parameter and select it. eg: ```viml nmap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) smap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) ``` ### `<Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)` Goto previous parameter and select it. eg: ```viml nmap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) imap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) smap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) ``` ### `<Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down)` Select next overload function. eg: ```viml nmap <m-d> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down) imap <m-d> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down) smap <m-d> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down) ``` ### `<Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up)` Select previous overload function. eg: ```viml nmap <m-u> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up) imap <m-u> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up) smap <m-u> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up) ``` # Options ### The `g:complete_parameter_log_level` option This option set the log level. 5: disable log. 4: only print **error** log. 2: print **error** and **debug** log. 1: print **error**, **debug**, **trace** log. Default: 5 ```viml let g:complete_parameter_log_level = 5 ``` ### The `g:complete_parameter_use_ultisnips_mappings` option If this option is 1 and you use ultisnips together, it will use ultisnips mapping to goto next or previous parameter. default: 0 ```viml let g:complete_parameter_use_ultisnips_mapping = 0 ``` ### The `g:complete_parameter_echo_signature` option It will echo signature if this option is 1. (need to `set noshowmode` or `set cmdheight=2`) default: 1 ```viml let g:complete_parameter_echo_signature = 1 ``` ### The `g:complete_parameter_py_keep_value` option It will keep default value if this option is 1 for python. For example, if the definition is `def foo(a=1, b=2)`, it will complete `(a=1, b=2)` if its value is 1. Otherwise, it will complete `(a, b)`. If there are `=` in the completion, the jump to action only select the value, but not parameter name. It will select `1` and then `2` in the previous example. default: 1 ```viml let g:complete_parameter_py_keep_value = 1 ``` ### The `g:complete_parameter_py_remove_default` option It will remove default parametrs if this option is 1 for python. For example, if the definition is `def foo(a, b=1)`, it will complete `(a)` if its value is 1. Otherwise, it will complete `(a, b)`. default: 1 ```viml let g:complete_parameter_py_remove_default = 1 ``` # Supported The cell mark `√` means the completion engine has supported the language by itself. Of course, you must install the completion engine for the language follow its document. The plugin in the cell was supported with the completion engine. | | [YouCompleteMe][] | [deoplete][] | [neocomplete][] | [clang_complete][] | |----------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------|--------------------| | **c** | √ | [deoplete-clang][] | [clang_complete][] | √ | | **cpp** | √ | [deoplete-clang][] | [clang_complete][] | √ | | **go** | √ | [vim-go][] | [vim-go][] | | | **python** | √ | [deoplete-jedi][] | [jedi-vim][] | | | **rust** | √ | [deoplete-rust][] | [vim-racer][] | | | **javascript** | √ | [deoplete-ternjs][] | [tern_for_vim][] | | | **typescript** | √ | [nvim-typescript][] | [tsuquyomi][] | | | **erlang** | [vim-erlang-omnicomplete][] | [vim-erlang-omnicomplete][] | [vim-erlang-omnicomplete][] | | ## Setting for completion plugins ### `vim-racer` ```viml let g:racer_experimental_completer = 1 ``` ### `tern_for_vim` ```viml if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns') let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.javascript = '[^. \t]\.\w*' ``` ### `tsuquyomi` ```viml let g:tsuquyomi_completion_detail = 1 if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns') let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.typescript = '[^. *\t]\.\w*\|\h\w*::' ``` # FAQ ### Can't work with plugin auto-pairs use the default mapping `(` Because the auto-pairs use `inoremap` to mapping the keys. It can't call this plugin after the auto-pairs process. You can add the following setting to you .vimrc, and it'll work well. ```viml let g:AutoPairs = {'[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"', '`':'`'} inoremap <buffer><silent> ) <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert(')')<CR> ``` ### Can't jump to next parameter If you use `ultinsips`, you must load `ultisnips` before this plugin. In other words, if you use `plug` to load plugins, `Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'` must before `Plug 'tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim'` in your vimrc. ### How to accept the selected function but not parameters You can type `<c-y>` key to accept the selected function and stop completion. When the popup menu is disappeared, the parameters will not be insert. ### The mapping `<c-j>` doesn't jump to the next parameter, but delete the selected words. If you use neosnippet, Please set `g:neosnippet#disable_select_mode_mappings` to 0. It will remove all select mappings. If you don't use neosnippet, please send me a issue, and give me the plugins you are using. # Contributions Contributions and pull requests are welcome. # Thanks - [johnzeng](https://github.com/johnzeng), support erlang # LICENSE MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 tenfyzhong [vim-plug]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug [YouCompleteMe]: https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe [deoplete]: https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim [neocomplete]: https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim [clang_complete]: https://github.com/Rip-Rip/clang_complete [deoplete-clang]: https://github.com/zchee/deoplete-clang [nvim-typescript]: https://github.com/mhartington/nvim-typescript [deoplete-rust]: https://github.com/sebastianmarkow/deoplete-rust [jedi-vim]: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi-vim [deoplete-ternjs]: https://github.com/carlitux/deoplete-ternjs [deoplete-jedi]: https://github.com/zchee/deoplete-jedi [vim-erlang-omnicomplete]: https://github.com/johnzeng/vim-erlang-omnicomplete [vim-go]: https://github.com/fatih/vim-go [vim-racer]: https://github.com/racer-rust/vim-racer [tern_for_vim]: https://github.com/ternjs/tern_for_vim [tsuquyomi]: https://github.com/Quramy/tsuquyomi