"" " " Format the entire buffer, or visual selection of the buffer " > " :Neoformat " " <Or specify a certain formatter (must be defined for the current filetype) " > " :Neoformat jsbeautify " " Or format a visual selection of code in a different filetype " " *Note:* you must use a ! and pass the filetype of the selection " " > " :Neoformat! python " > " You can also pass a formatter to use " " > " :Neoformat! python yapf " < " " Or perhaps run a formatter on save " " > " augroup fmt " autocmd! " autocmd BufWritePre * undojoin | Neoformat " augroup END " < " " The |undojoin| command will put changes made by Neoformat into the same " |undo-block| with the latest preceding change. See " |neoformat-managing-undo-history|. command! -nargs=? -bar -range=% -bang -complete=customlist,neoformat#CompleteFormatters Neoformat \ call neoformat#Neoformat(<bang>0, <q-args>, <line1>, <line2>)