"" " This variable is used to inform the s:step_*() functions about whether the " current movement is a cursor movement or a scroll movement. Used for " motions like gg and G let s:cursor_movement = v:false "" " This variable is needed to let the s:step_down() function know whether to " continue scrolling after reaching EOL (as in ^F) or not (^B, ^D, ^U, etc.) " " NOTE: This variable "MUST" be set to v:false in "every" function that " invokes motion (except smoothie#forwards, where it must be set to v:true) let s:ctrl_f_invoked = v:false if !exists('g:smoothie_enabled') "" " Set it to 0 to disable vim-smoothie. Useful for very slow connections. let g:smoothie_enabled = 1 endif if !exists('g:smoothie_update_interval') "" " Time (in milliseconds) between subsequent screen/cursor position updates. " Lower value produces smoother animation. Might be useful to increase it " when running Vim over low-bandwidth/high-latency connections. let g:smoothie_update_interval = 20 endif if !exists('g:smoothie_speed_constant_factor') "" " This value controls constant term of the velocity curve. Increasing this " boosts primarily cursor speed at the end of animation. let g:smoothie_speed_constant_factor = 10 endif if !exists('g:smoothie_speed_linear_factor') "" " This value controls linear term of the velocity curve. Increasing this " boosts primarily cursor speed at the beginning of animation. let g:smoothie_speed_linear_factor = 10 endif if !exists('g:smoothie_speed_exponentiation_factor') "" " This value controls exponent of the power function in the velocity curve. " Generally should be less or equal to 1.0. Lower values produce longer but " perceivably smoother animation. let g:smoothie_speed_exponentiation_factor = 0.9 endif if !exists('g:smoothie_break_on_reverse') "" " Stop immediately if we're moving and the user requested moving in opposite " direction. It's mostly useful at very low scrolling speeds, hence " disabled by default. let g:smoothie_break_on_reverse = 0 endif "" " Execute {command}, but saving 'scroll' value before, and restoring it " afterwards. Useful for some commands (such as ^D or ^U), which overwrite " 'scroll' permanently if used with a [count]. " " Additionally, this function temporarily clears 'scrolloff' and resets it " after command execution. This is workaround for a bug described in " https://github.com/psliwka/vim-smoothie/issues/18 function s:execute_preserving_scroll(command) let l:saved_scroll = &scroll let l:saved_scrolloff = 0 if &scrolloff let l:saved_scrolloff = &scrolloff let &scrolloff = 0 endif execute a:command let &scroll = l:saved_scroll if l:saved_scrolloff let &scrolloff = l:saved_scrolloff endif endfunction "" " Scroll the window up by one line, or move the cursor up if the window is " already at the top. Return 1 if cannot move any higher. function s:step_up() if line('.') > 1 if s:cursor_movement exe 'normal! k' return 0 endif call s:execute_preserving_scroll("normal! 1\<C-U>") return 0 else return 1 endif endfunction "" " Scroll the window down by one line, or move the cursor down if the window is " already at the bottom. Return 1 if cannot move any lower. function s:step_down() let l:initial_winline = winline() if line('.') < line('$') if s:cursor_movement exe 'normal! j' return 0 endif " NOTE: the three lines of code following this comment block " have been implemented as a temporary workaround for a vim issue " regarding Ctrl-D and folds. " " See: neovim/neovim#13080 if foldclosedend('.') != -1 call cursor(foldclosedend('.'), col('.')) endif call s:execute_preserving_scroll("normal! 1\<C-D>") if s:ctrl_f_invoked && winline() > l:initial_winline " ^F is pressed, and the last motion caused cursor postion to change " scroll window to keep cursor position fixed call s:execute_preserving_scroll("normal! \<C-E>") endif return 0 elseif s:ctrl_f_invoked && winline() > 1 " cursor is already on last line of buffer, but not on last line of window " ^F can scroll more call s:execute_preserving_scroll("normal! \<C-E>") return 0 else return 1 endif endfunction "" " Perform as many steps up or down to move {lines} lines from the starting " position (negative {lines} value means to go up). Return 1 if hit either " top or bottom, and cannot move further. function s:step_many(lines) let l:remaining_lines = a:lines while 1 if l:remaining_lines < 0 if s:step_up() return 1 endif let l:remaining_lines += 1 elseif l:remaining_lines > 0 if s:step_down() return 1 endif let l:remaining_lines -= 1 else return 0 endif endwhile endfunction "" " A Number indicating how many lines do we need yet to move down (or up, if " it's negative), to achieve what the user wants. let s:target_displacement = 0 "" " A Float between -1.0 and 1.0 keeping our position between integral lines, " used to make the animation smoother. let s:subline_position = 0.0 "" " Start the animation timer if not already running. Should be called when " updating the target, when there's a chance we're not already moving. function s:start_moving() if ((s:target_displacement < 0) ? line('.') == 1 : (line('.') == line('$') && (s:ctrl_f_invoked ? winline() == 1 : v:true))) " Invalid command call s:ring_bell() endif if !exists('s:timer_id') let s:timer_id = timer_start(g:smoothie_update_interval, function('s:movement_tick'), {'repeat': -1}) endif endfunction "" " Stop any movement immediately, and disable the animation timer to conserve " power. function s:stop_moving() let s:target_displacement = 0 let s:subline_position = 0.0 if exists('s:timer_id') call timer_stop(s:timer_id) unlet s:timer_id endif endfunction "" " Calculate optimal movement velocity (in lines per second, negative value " means to move upwards) for the next animation frame. " " TODO: current algorithm is rather crude, would be good to research better " alternatives. function s:compute_velocity() let l:absolute_speed = g:smoothie_speed_constant_factor + g:smoothie_speed_linear_factor * pow(abs(s:target_displacement - s:subline_position), g:smoothie_speed_exponentiation_factor) if s:target_displacement < 0 return -l:absolute_speed else return l:absolute_speed endif endfunction "" " Execute single animation frame. Called periodically by a timer. Accepts a " throwaway parameter: the timer ID. function s:movement_tick(_) if s:target_displacement == 0 call s:stop_moving() return endif let l:subline_step_size = s:subline_position + (g:smoothie_update_interval/1000.0 * s:compute_velocity()) let l:step_size = float2nr(trunc(l:subline_step_size)) if abs(l:step_size) > abs(s:target_displacement) " clamp step size to prevent overshooting the target let l:step_size = s:target_displacement end if s:step_many(l:step_size) " we've collided with either buffer end call s:stop_moving() else let s:target_displacement -= l:step_size let s:subline_position = l:subline_step_size - l:step_size endif if l:step_size " Usually Vim handles redraws well on its own, but without explicit redraw " I've encountered some sporadic display artifacts. TODO: debug further. redraw endif endfunction "" " Set a new target where we should move to (in lines, relative to our current " position). If we're already moving, try to do the smart thing, taking into " account our progress in reaching the target set previously. function s:update_target(lines) if g:smoothie_break_on_reverse && s:target_displacement * a:lines < 0 call s:stop_moving() else " Cursor movements are very delicate. Since the displacement for cursor " movements is calulated from the "current" line, so immediately stop " moving, otherwise we will end up at the wrong line. if s:cursor_movement call s:stop_moving() endif let s:target_displacement += a:lines call s:start_moving() endif endfunction "" " Helper function to calculate the actual number of screen lines from a line " to another. Useful for properly handling folds in case of cursor movements. function s:calculate_screen_lines(from, to) let l:from = a:from let l:to = a:to let l:from = (foldclosed(l:from) != -1 ? foldclosed(l:from) : l:from) let l:to = (foldclosed(l:to) != -1 ? foldclosed(l:to) : l:to) if l:from == l:to return 0 endif let l:lines = 0 let l:linenr = l:from while l:linenr != l:to if l:linenr < l:to let l:lines +=1 let l:linenr = (foldclosedend(l:linenr) != -1 ? foldclosedend(l:linenr) : l:linenr) let l:linenr += 1 elseif l:linenr > l:to let l:lines -= 1 let l:linenr = (foldclosed(l:linenr) != -1 ? foldclosed(l:linenr) : l:linenr) let l:linenr -= 1 endif endwhile return l:lines endfunction "" " Helper function to set 'scroll' to [count], similarly to what native ^U and " ^D commands do. function s:count_to_scroll() if v:count let &scroll=v:count end endfunction "" " Helper function to ring bell. function s:ring_bell() if !(&belloff =~# 'all\|error') let l:belloff = &belloff set belloff= exe "normal \<Esc>" let &belloff = l:belloff endif endfunction "" " Smooth equivalent to ^D. function smoothie#downwards() if !g:smoothie_enabled exe "normal! \<C-d>" return endif let s:ctrl_f_invoked = v:false call s:count_to_scroll() call s:update_target(&scroll) endfunction "" " Smooth equivalent to ^U. function smoothie#upwards() if !g:smoothie_enabled exe "normal! \<C-u>" return endif let s:ctrl_f_invoked = v:false call s:count_to_scroll() call s:update_target(-&scroll) endfunction "" " Smooth equivalent to ^F. function smoothie#forwards() if !g:smoothie_enabled exe "normal! \<C-f>" return endif let s:ctrl_f_invoked = v:true call s:update_target(winheight(0) * v:count1) endfunction "" " Smooth equivalent to ^B. function smoothie#backwards() if !g:smoothie_enabled exe "normal! \<C-b>" return endif let s:ctrl_f_invoked = v:false call s:update_target(-winheight(0) * v:count1) endfunction "" " Smoothie equivalent for G and gg " NOTE: I have also added - movement to dempnstrate how to add more new " movements in the future function smoothie#cursor_movement(movement) let l:movements = { \'gg': { \'target_expr': 'v:count1', \'startofline': &startofline, \'jump_commmand': v:true, \}, \'G' : { \'target_expr': "(v:count ? v:count : line('$'))", \'startofline': &startofline, \'jump_commmand': v:true, \}, \'-' : { \'target_expr': "line('.') - v:count1", \'startofline': v:true, \'jump_commmand': v:false, \}, \} if !has_key(l:movements, a:movement) return 1 endif call s:do_vertical_cursor_movement(a:movement, l:movements[a:movement]) endfunction "" " Helper function to preform cursor movements function s:do_vertical_cursor_movement(movement, properties) let s:cursor_movement = v:true let s:ctrl_f_invoked = v:false " If in operator pending mode, disable vim-smoothie and use the normal " non-smoothie version of the movement if !g:smoothie_enabled || mode(1) =~# 'o' && mode(1) =~? 'no' " If in operator-pending mode, prefer the movement to be linewise exe 'normal! ' . (mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 'V' : '') . v:count . a:movement return endif let l:target = eval(a:properties['target_expr']) let l:target = (l:target > line('$') ? line('$') : l:target) let l:target = (foldclosed(l:target) != -1 ? foldclosed(l:target) : l:target) if foldclosed('.') == l:target let s:cursor_movement = v:false return endif " if this is a jump command, append current position to the jumplist if a:properties['jump_commmand'] execute "normal! m'" endif call s:update_target(s:calculate_screen_lines(line('.'), l:target)) " suspend further commands till the destination is reached " see point (3) of https://github.com/psliwka/vim-smoothie/issues/1#issuecomment-560158642 while line('.') != l:target exe 'sleep ' . g:smoothie_update_interval . ' m' endwhile let s:cursor_movement = v:false " reset s:cursor_movement to false if a:properties['startofline'] " move cursor to the first non-blank character of the line call cursor(line('.'), match(getline('.'),'\S')+1) endif endfunction " vim: et ts=2