# lua's indent plugin doesn't work well partly with markers. Use hard-tab for some of this snippet. snippet func abbr function name(args)...end options word function ${1:#:function_name}(${2:#:argument}) -- {{{ ${0:TARGET} end -- }}} snippet if options head if ${1:#:condition} then ${0:TARGET} end snippet for options head for ${2:i} = 0, ${1:#:Things} do ${0:TARGET} end snippet forin options head for ${2:k}, ${3:v} in ${1:ipairs(xs)} do ${0:TARGET} end snippet print_table options head abbr for k, v in ipairs(table) do for k, v in ipairs(${1:table}) do print(k, v) end snippet print alias p options head print(${0:TARGET}) snippet comment options head [[${0:TARGET}]] # For busted snippets # http://olivinelabs.com/busted/ snippet describe options head abbr describe(message, func) describe(${1:#:message}, function() ${0:TARGET} end) snippet it options head abbr it(message, func) it(${1:#:message}, function() ${0:TARGET} end) snippet before_each options head abbr before_each(func) before_each(function() ${0:TARGET} end) snippet after_each options head abbr after_each(func) after_each(function() ${0:TARGET} end) snippet setup options head abbr setup(func) setup(function() ${0:TARGET} end) snippet tear_down options head abbr tear_down(func) tear_down(function() ${0:TARGET} end) snippet finally options head abbr finally(func) finally(function() ${0:TARGET} end)