*screensaver.txt*	ScreenSavers for Vim

Version: 0.2
Author: itchyny (https://github.com/itchyny)
License: MIT License
Repository: https://github.com/itchyny/screensaver.vim
Last Change: 2015/05/08 07:34:50.

CONTENTS					*screensaver-contents*

Introduction				|screensaver-introduction|
Commands				|screensaver-commands|
Password				|screensaver-password|
Options					|screensaver-options|
Key Mappings				|screensaver-key-mappings|
Changelog				|screensaver-changelog|

INTRODUCTION					*screensaver-introduction*

The *screensaver.vim* provides a framework to create a *screensaver* for Vim.

COMMANDS					*screensaver-commands*

:ScreenSaver [{name}]
		Starts the screensaver.
		You can specify the name of the screensaver.
		The following screensavers are bundled.
			clock:		A moving clock.
			largeclock	A large clock.
			helloworld	A hello world screensaver.
			password	Password lock.
		If you omit the argument, it starts the clock screensaver.

PASSWORD					*screensaver-password*

You can use the screensaver to lock the Vim.
In order to use this feature, |sha256()| function is required.
Note that this feature is just a toy. Do not use for confidential matters.

In order to use password lock, add the following configuration to your vimrc.

	let g:screensaver_password = 1

Then, start the screensaver with :ScreenSaver command.
You are required to enter the password to exit the screensaver.
By default, the password is not set so just press <Enter>.

You can set your own password by the following function.


Note that the argument is not the raw password.
The argument is sha256({string}).

For example, if you want to use the password 'vim':

	call screensaver#source#password#set(sha256('vim'))

However, if you write the password directly, it is not secure.
So when you write your vimrc, write the SHA256 checksum directly.

	call screensaver#source#password#set('0f2ed9e33d29ff4f3b0f664ca1e1dc3df1f8b9b315b2af284c6e0e3dc52be290')

You can insert the checksum by the following key sequences in the insert mode.


OPTIONS						*screensaver-options*

	let g:screensaver_password = {0/1}
	When the variable is 1, you are required to input the password to exit
	the screensaver.
	The default value is 0.

KEY MAPPINGS					*screensaver-key-mappings*

<Plug>(screensaver)				*<Plug>(screensaver)*
	Starts the clock screensaver.

CHANGELOG					*screensaver-changelog*

0.2	2015-01-24, 02-11, 05-08
	- Set colorcolumn=
	- Set norelativenumber
	- use &guicursor and &t_ve to hide the cursor

0.1	2015-01-21
	- Improve g:loaded_screensaver check
	- Support coompatible mode

0.0	2014-05-27,..., 2014-06-02
	- Implementation and initial commit.
