local event = require('cmp.utils.event') local autocmd = require('cmp.utils.autocmd') local keymap = require('cmp.utils.keymap') local feedkeys = require('cmp.utils.feedkeys') local types = require('cmp.types') local config = require('cmp.config') local api = require('cmp.utils.api') ---@class cmp.NativeEntriesView ---@field private offset integer ---@field private items vim.CompletedItem ---@field private entries cmp.Entry[] ---@field private preselect_index integer ---@field public event cmp.Event local native_entries_view = {} native_entries_view.new = function() local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = native_entries_view }) self.event = event.new() self.offset = -1 self.items = {} self.entries = {} self.preselect_index = 0 autocmd.subscribe('CompleteChanged', function() self.event:emit('change') end) return self end native_entries_view.ready = function(_) if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 0 then return true end return vim.fn.complete_info({ 'mode' }).mode == 'eval' end native_entries_view.on_change = function(self) if #self.entries > 0 and self.offset <= vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2] + 1 then local preselect_enabled = config.get().preselect == types.cmp.PreselectMode.Item local completeopt = vim.o.completeopt if self.preselect_index == 1 and preselect_enabled then vim.o.completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noinsert' else vim.o.completeopt = config.get().completion.completeopt end vim.fn.complete(self.offset, self.items) vim.o.completeopt = completeopt if self.preselect_index > 1 and preselect_enabled then self:preselect(self.preselect_index) end end end native_entries_view.open = function(self, offset, entries) local dedup = {} local items = {} local dedup_entries = {} local preselect_index = 0 for _, e in ipairs(entries) do local item = e:get_vim_item(offset) if item.dup == 1 or not dedup[item.abbr] then dedup[item.abbr] = true table.insert(items, item) table.insert(dedup_entries, e) if preselect_index == 0 and e.completion_item.preselect then preselect_index = #dedup_entries end end end self.offset = offset self.items = items self.entries = dedup_entries self.preselect_index = preselect_index self:on_change() end native_entries_view.close = function(self) if api.is_insert_mode() and self:visible() then vim.api.nvim_select_popupmenu_item(-1, false, true, {}) end self.offset = -1 self.entries = {} self.items = {} self.preselect_index = 0 end native_entries_view.abort = function(_) if api.is_suitable_mode() then vim.api.nvim_select_popupmenu_item(-1, true, true, {}) end end native_entries_view.visible = function(_) return vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 end native_entries_view.info = function(self) if self:visible() then local info = vim.fn.pum_getpos() return { width = info.width + (info.scrollbar and 1 or 0) + (info.col == 0 and 0 or 1), height = info.height, row = info.row, col = info.col == 0 and 0 or info.col - 1, } end end native_entries_view.preselect = function(self, index) if self:visible() then if index <= #self.entries then vim.api.nvim_select_popupmenu_item(index - 1, false, false, {}) end end end native_entries_view.select_next_item = function(self, option) local callback = function() self.event:emit('change') end if self:visible() then if (option.behavior or types.cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert) == types.cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert then feedkeys.call(keymap.t(string.rep('<C-n>', option.count)), 'n', callback) else feedkeys.call(keymap.t(string.rep('<Down>', option.count)), 'n', callback) end end end native_entries_view.select_prev_item = function(self, option) local callback = function() self.event:emit('change') end if self:visible() then if (option.behavior or types.cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert) == types.cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert then feedkeys.call(keymap.t(string.rep('<C-p>', option.count)), 'n', callback) else feedkeys.call(keymap.t(string.rep('<Up>', option.count)), 'n', callback) end end end native_entries_view.get_offset = function(self) if self:visible() then return self.offset end return nil end native_entries_view.get_entries = function(self) if self:visible() then return self.entries end return {} end native_entries_view.get_first_entry = function(self) if self:visible() then return self.entries[1] end end native_entries_view.get_selected_entry = function(self) if self:visible() then local idx = vim.fn.complete_info({ 'selected' }).selected if idx > -1 then return self.entries[math.max(0, idx) + 1] end end end native_entries_view.get_active_entry = function(self) if self:visible() and (vim.v.completed_item or {}).word then return self:get_selected_entry() end end return native_entries_view