local luv = vim.loop local api = vim.api local lib = require "nvim-tree.lib" local log = require "nvim-tree.log" local colors = require "nvim-tree.colors" local renderer = require "nvim-tree.renderer" local view = require "nvim-tree.view" local utils = require "nvim-tree.utils" local change_dir = require "nvim-tree.actions.change-dir" local legacy = require "nvim-tree.legacy" local core = require "nvim-tree.core" local _config = {} local M = {} function M.focus() M.open() view.focus() end ---@deprecated M.on_keypress = require("nvim-tree.actions").on_keypress function M.toggle(find_file, no_focus) if view.is_visible() then view.close() else local previous_buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() M.open() if _config.update_focused_file.enable or find_file then M.find_file(false, previous_buf) end if no_focus then vim.cmd "noautocmd wincmd p" end end end function M.open(cwd) cwd = cwd ~= "" and cwd or nil if view.is_visible() then lib.set_target_win() view.focus() else lib.open(cwd) end end function M.open_replacing_current_buffer() if view.is_visible() then return end local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) if bufname == "" or vim.loop.fs_stat(bufname) == nil then return end local cwd = vim.fn.fnamemodify(bufname, ":p:h") if not core.get_explorer() or cwd ~= core.get_cwd() then core.init(cwd) end view.open_in_current_win { hijack_current_buf = false, resize = false } require("nvim-tree.renderer").draw() require("nvim-tree.actions.find-file").fn(bufname) end function M.tab_change() if view.is_visible { any_tabpage = true } then local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) if bufname:match "Neogit" ~= nil or bufname:match "--graph" ~= nil then return end view.open { focus_tree = false } require("nvim-tree.renderer").draw() end end local function find_existing_windows() return vim.tbl_filter(function(win) local buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(win) return api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf):match "NvimTree" ~= nil end, api.nvim_list_wins()) end local function is_file_readable(fname) local stat = luv.fs_stat(fname) return stat and stat.type == "file" and luv.fs_access(fname, "R") end local function update_base_dir_with_filepath(filepath, bufnr) local ft = api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "filetype") or "" for _, value in pairs(_config.update_focused_file.ignore_list) do if utils.str_find(filepath, value) or utils.str_find(ft, value) then return end end if not vim.startswith(filepath, core.get_explorer().cwd) then change_dir.fn(vim.fn.fnamemodify(filepath, ":p:h")) end end function M.find_file(with_open, bufnr) if not with_open and not core.get_explorer() then return end bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf() local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) local filepath = utils.canonical_path(vim.fn.fnamemodify(bufname, ":p")) if not is_file_readable(filepath) then return end if with_open then M.open() end vim.schedule(function() -- if we don't schedule, it will search for NvimTree if _config.update_focused_file.update_cwd then update_base_dir_with_filepath(filepath, bufnr) end require("nvim-tree.actions.find-file").fn(filepath) end) end M.resize = view.resize function M.open_on_directory() local should_proceed = M.initialized and (_config.hijack_directories.auto_open or view.is_visible()) if not should_proceed then return end local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) if vim.fn.isdirectory(bufname) ~= 1 then return end change_dir.force_dirchange(bufname, true) end function M.reset_highlight() colors.setup() renderer.render_hl(view.get_bufnr()) end local prev_line function M.place_cursor_on_node() local l = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1] if l == prev_line then return end prev_line = l local node = lib.get_node_at_cursor() if not node or node.name == ".." then return end local line = api.nvim_get_current_line() local cursor = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) local idx = vim.fn.stridx(line, node.name) if idx >= 0 then api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { cursor[1], idx }) end end function M.on_enter(netrw_disabled) local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) local buftype = api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "filetype") local ft_ignore = _config.ignore_ft_on_setup local stats = luv.fs_stat(bufname) local is_dir = stats and stats.type == "directory" local is_file = stats and stats.type == "file" local cwd if is_dir then cwd = vim.fn.expand(bufname) -- INFO: could potentially conflict with rooter plugins vim.cmd("noautocmd cd " .. cwd) end local lines = not is_dir and api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false) or {} local buf_has_content = #lines > 1 or (#lines == 1 and lines[1] ~= "") local buf_is_dir = is_dir and netrw_disabled local buf_is_empty = bufname == "" and not buf_has_content local should_be_preserved = vim.tbl_contains(ft_ignore, buftype) local should_open = false local should_focus_other_window = false local should_find = false if (_config.open_on_setup or _config.open_on_setup_file) and not should_be_preserved then if buf_is_dir or buf_is_empty then should_open = true elseif is_file and _config.open_on_setup_file then should_open = true should_focus_other_window = true should_find = _config.update_focused_file.enable elseif _config.ignore_buffer_on_setup then should_open = true should_focus_other_window = true end end local should_hijack = _config.hijack_directories.enable and _config.hijack_directories.auto_open and is_dir and not should_be_preserved -- Session that left a NvimTree Buffer opened, reopen with it local existing_tree_wins = find_existing_windows() if existing_tree_wins[1] then api.nvim_set_current_win(existing_tree_wins[1]) end if should_open or should_hijack or existing_tree_wins[1] ~= nil then lib.open(cwd) if should_focus_other_window then vim.cmd "noautocmd wincmd p" if should_find then M.find_file(false) end end end M.initialized = true end function M.get_config() return M.config end local function manage_netrw(disable_netrw, hijack_netrw) if hijack_netrw then vim.cmd "silent! autocmd! FileExplorer *" vim.cmd "autocmd VimEnter * ++once silent! autocmd! FileExplorer *" end if disable_netrw then vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1 vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 end end local function setup_vim_commands() vim.cmd [[ command! -nargs=? -complete=dir NvimTreeOpen lua require'nvim-tree'.open("") command! NvimTreeClose lua require'nvim-tree.view'.close() command! NvimTreeToggle lua require'nvim-tree'.toggle(false) command! NvimTreeFocus lua require'nvim-tree'.focus() command! NvimTreeRefresh lua require'nvim-tree.actions.reloaders'.reload_explorer() command! NvimTreeClipboard lua require'nvim-tree.actions.copy-paste'.print_clipboard() command! NvimTreeFindFile lua require'nvim-tree'.find_file(true) command! NvimTreeFindFileToggle lua require'nvim-tree'.toggle(true) command! -nargs=1 NvimTreeResize lua require'nvim-tree'.resize("") command! NvimTreeCollapse lua require'nvim-tree.actions.collapse-all'.fn() command! NvimTreeCollapseKeepBuffers lua require'nvim-tree.actions.collapse-all'.fn(true) ]] end function M.change_dir(name) change_dir.fn(name) if _config.update_focused_file.enable then M.find_file(false) end end local function setup_autocommands(opts) vim.cmd "augroup NvimTree" vim.cmd "autocmd!" -- reset highlights when colorscheme is changed vim.cmd "au ColorScheme * lua require'nvim-tree'.reset_highlight()" if opts.auto_reload_on_write then vim.cmd "au BufWritePost * lua require'nvim-tree.actions.reloaders'.reload_explorer()" end vim.cmd "au User FugitiveChanged,NeogitStatusRefreshed lua require'nvim-tree.actions.reloaders'.reload_git()" if opts.open_on_tab then vim.cmd "au TabEnter * lua require'nvim-tree'.tab_change()" end if opts.hijack_cursor then vim.cmd "au CursorMoved NvimTree_* lua require'nvim-tree'.place_cursor_on_node()" end if opts.update_cwd then vim.cmd "au DirChanged * lua require'nvim-tree'.change_dir(vim.loop.cwd())" end if opts.update_focused_file.enable then vim.cmd "au BufEnter * lua require'nvim-tree'.find_file(false)" end if not opts.actions.open_file.quit_on_open then vim.cmd "au BufWipeout NvimTree_* lua require'nvim-tree.view'._prevent_buffer_override()" else vim.cmd "au BufWipeout NvimTree_* lua require'nvim-tree.view'.abandon_current_window()" end if opts.hijack_directories.enable then vim.cmd "au BufEnter,BufNewFile * lua require'nvim-tree'.open_on_directory()" end vim.cmd "augroup end" end local DEFAULT_OPTS = { -- BEGIN_DEFAULT_OPTS auto_reload_on_write = true, disable_netrw = false, hijack_cursor = false, hijack_netrw = true, hijack_unnamed_buffer_when_opening = false, ignore_buffer_on_setup = false, open_on_setup = false, open_on_setup_file = false, open_on_tab = false, sort_by = "name", update_cwd = false, view = { width = 30, height = 30, hide_root_folder = false, side = "left", preserve_window_proportions = false, number = false, relativenumber = false, signcolumn = "yes", mappings = { custom_only = false, list = { -- user mappings go here }, }, }, renderer = { indent_markers = { enable = false, icons = { corner = "└ ", edge = "│ ", none = " ", }, }, icons = { webdev_colors = true, git_placement = "before", }, }, hijack_directories = { enable = true, auto_open = true, }, update_focused_file = { enable = false, update_cwd = false, ignore_list = {}, }, ignore_ft_on_setup = {}, system_open = { cmd = "", args = {}, }, diagnostics = { enable = false, show_on_dirs = false, icons = { hint = "", info = "", warning = "", error = "", }, }, filters = { dotfiles = false, custom = {}, exclude = {}, }, git = { enable = true, ignore = true, timeout = 400, }, actions = { use_system_clipboard = true, change_dir = { enable = true, global = false, restrict_above_cwd = false, }, open_file = { quit_on_open = false, resize_window = false, window_picker = { enable = true, chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", exclude = { filetype = { "notify", "packer", "qf", "diff", "fugitive", "fugitiveblame" }, buftype = { "nofile", "terminal", "help" }, }, }, }, }, trash = { cmd = "trash", require_confirm = true, }, log = { enable = false, truncate = false, types = { all = false, config = false, copy_paste = false, diagnostics = false, git = false, profile = false, }, }, } -- END_DEFAULT_OPTS local function merge_options(conf) return vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DEFAULT_OPTS, conf or {}) end local FIELD_OVERRIDE_TYPECHECK = { width = { string = true, ["function"] = true, number = true }, height = { string = true, ["function"] = true, number = true }, } local function validate_options(conf) local msg local function validate(user, def, prefix) -- only compare tables with contents that are not integer indexed if type(user) ~= "table" or type(def) ~= "table" or not next(def) or type(next(def)) == "number" then return end for k, v in pairs(user) do local invalid local override_typecheck = FIELD_OVERRIDE_TYPECHECK[k] or {} if def[k] == nil then -- option does not exist invalid = string.format("unknown option: %s%s", prefix, k) elseif type(v) ~= type(def[k]) and not override_typecheck[type(v)] then -- option is of the wrong type and is not a function invalid = string.format("invalid option: %s%s expected: %s actual: %s", prefix, k, type(def[k]), type(v)) end if invalid then if msg then msg = string.format("%s | %s", msg, invalid) else msg = string.format("%s", invalid) end user[k] = nil else validate(v, def[k], prefix .. k .. ".") end end end validate(conf, DEFAULT_OPTS, "") if msg then utils.warn(msg) end end function M.setup(conf) legacy.migrate_legacy_options(conf or {}) validate_options(conf) local opts = merge_options(conf) local netrw_disabled = opts.disable_netrw or opts.hijack_netrw _config.update_focused_file = opts.update_focused_file _config.open_on_setup = opts.open_on_setup _config.open_on_setup_file = opts.open_on_setup_file _config.ignore_buffer_on_setup = opts.ignore_buffer_on_setup _config.ignore_ft_on_setup = opts.ignore_ft_on_setup _config.hijack_directories = opts.hijack_directories _config.hijack_directories.enable = _config.hijack_directories.enable and netrw_disabled manage_netrw(opts.disable_netrw, opts.hijack_netrw) M.config = opts require("nvim-tree.log").setup(opts) log.line("config", "default config + user") log.raw("config", "%s\n", vim.inspect(opts)) require("nvim-tree.actions").setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.colors").setup() require("nvim-tree.diagnostics").setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.explorer").setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.git").setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.view").setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.lib").setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.renderer").setup(opts) setup_vim_commands() setup_autocommands(opts) vim.schedule(function() M.on_enter(netrw_disabled) end) end return M