"============================================================================= " tools.vim --- SpaceVim tools layer " Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Wang Shidong & Contributors " Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg at 163.com > " URL: https://spacevim.org " License: GPLv3 "============================================================================= function! SpaceVim#layers#tools#plugins() abort let plugins = [] call add(plugins, ['tpope/vim-scriptease', { 'merged' : 0}]) call add(plugins, ['lymslive/vimloo', { 'merged' : 0}]) call add(plugins, ['lymslive/vnote', { 'depends' : 'vimloo', 'on_cmd' : ['NoteBook','NoteNew','NoteEdit', 'NoteList', 'NoteConfig', 'NoteIndex', 'NoteImport']}]) call add(plugins, ['junegunn/rainbow_parentheses.vim', { 'on_cmd' : 'RainbowParentheses'}]) call add(plugins, ['mbbill/fencview', { 'on_cmd' : 'FencAutoDetect'}]) call add(plugins, ['simnalamburt/vim-mundo', { 'on_cmd' : 'MundoToggle'}]) call add(plugins, ['wsdjeg/vim-cheat', { 'on_cmd' : 'Cheat'}]) call add(plugins, ['wsdjeg/Mysql.vim', { 'on_cmd' : 'SQLGetConnection'}]) call add(plugins, ['wsdjeg/SourceCounter.vim', { 'on_cmd' : 'SourceCounter'}]) call add(plugins, ['itchyny/calendar.vim', { 'on_cmd' : 'Calendar'}]) call add(plugins, ['junegunn/limelight.vim', { 'on_cmd' : 'Limelight'}]) call add(plugins, ['junegunn/goyo.vim', { 'on_cmd' : 'Goyo', 'loadconf' : 1}]) call add(plugins, ['MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks', { 'on_cmd' : \ [ \ 'BookmarkShowAll', \ 'BookmarkToggle', \ 'BookmarkAnnotate', \ 'BookmarkNext', \ 'BookmarkPrev', \ ], \ 'loadconf_before' : 1}]) let s:CMP = SpaceVim#api#import('vim#compatible') if s:CMP.has('python') call add(plugins, ['gregsexton/VimCalc', {'on_cmd' : 'Calc'}]) elseif s:CMP.has('python3') call add(plugins, ['fedorenchik/VimCalc3', {'on_cmd' : 'Calc'}]) endif return plugins endfunction function! SpaceVim#layers#tools#config() abort let g:better_whitespace_filetypes_blacklist = ['diff', 'gitcommit', 'unite', 'qf', 'help', 'markdown', 'leaderGuide'] call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['a', 'l'], 'Calendar', 'vim calendar', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['e', 'a'], 'FencAutoDetect', \ 'Auto detect the file encoding', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['a', 'c'], 'Calc', 'vim calculator', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'c'], \ 'Goyo', 'centered-buffer-mode', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'C'], \ 'ChooseWin | Goyo', 'centered-buffer-mode(other windows)', 1) " bootmark key binding nnoremap mm :BookmarkToggle nnoremap mi :BookmarkAnnotate nnoremap ma :BookmarkShowAll nnoremap mn :BookmarkNext nnoremap mp :BookmarkPrev nnoremap :MundoToggle augroup rainbow_lisp autocmd! autocmd FileType lisp,clojure,scheme,java RainbowParentheses autocmd FileType vimcalc setlocal nonu nornu nofoldenable | inoremap :q \ | nnoremap q :bdelete augroup END let g:rainbow#max_level = 16 let g:rainbow#pairs = [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'],['{','}']] " List of colors that you do not want. ANSI code or #RRGGBB let g:rainbow#blacklist = [233, 234] if maparg('', 'v') ==# '' vnoremap :Ydv endif if maparg('', 'n') ==# '' nnoremap :Ydc endif endfunction " vim:set et sw=2 cc=80: