"============================================================================= " FILE: commands.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} " Version: 3.0, for Vim 7.2 "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim call neobundle#util#set_default( \ 'g:neobundle#rm_command', \ (neobundle#util#is_windows() ? 'rmdir /S /Q' : 'rm -rf'), \ 'g:neobundle_rm_command') let s:vimrcs = [] function! neobundle#commands#install(bang, bundle_names) abort "{{{ if neobundle#util#is_sudo() call neobundle#util#print_error( \ '"sudo vim" is detected. This feature is disabled.') return endif let bundle_names = split(a:bundle_names) let bundles = !a:bang ? \ neobundle#get_force_not_installed_bundles(bundle_names) : \ empty(bundle_names) ? \ neobundle#config#get_enabled_bundles() : \ neobundle#config#fuzzy_search(bundle_names) let reinstall_bundles = \ neobundle#installer#get_reinstall_bundles(bundles) if !empty(reinstall_bundles) call neobundle#installer#reinstall(reinstall_bundles) endif if empty(bundles) call neobundle#installer#error( \ 'Target bundles not found.') call neobundle#installer#error( \ 'You may have used the wrong bundle name,'. \ ' or all of the bundles are already installed.') return endif call sort(bundles, 's:cmp_vimproc') call neobundle#installer#_load_install_info(bundles) call neobundle#installer#clear_log() call neobundle#installer#echomsg( \ 'Update started: ' . \ strftime('(%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S)')) let [installed, errored] = s:install(a:bang, bundles) if !has('vim_starting') redraw! endif call neobundle#installer#update(installed) call neobundle#installer#echomsg( \ neobundle#installer#get_updated_bundles_message(installed)) call neobundle#installer#echomsg( \ neobundle#installer#get_errored_bundles_message(errored)) call neobundle#installer#echomsg( \ 'Update done: ' . strftime('(%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S)')) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#helptags(bundles) abort "{{{ if neobundle#util#is_sudo() call neobundle#util#print_error( \ '"sudo vim" is detected. This feature is disabled.') return endif let help_dirs = filter(copy(a:bundles), 's:has_doc(v:val.rtp)') if !empty(help_dirs) try call s:update_tags() if !has('vim_starting') call neobundle#installer#echomsg( \ 'Helptags: done. ' \ .len(help_dirs).' bundles processed') endif catch call neobundle#installer#error('Error generating helptags:') call neobundle#installer#error(v:exception) endtry endif return help_dirs endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#check() abort "{{{ if neobundle#installer#get_tags_info() !=# \ sort(map(neobundle#config#get_enabled_bundles(), 'v:val.name')) " Recache automatically. NeoBundleDocs endif let reinstall_bundles = neobundle#installer#get_reinstall_bundles( \ neobundle#config#get_neobundles()) if !empty(reinstall_bundles) call neobundle#installer#reinstall(reinstall_bundles) endif if !neobundle#exists_not_installed_bundles() return endif " Defer call during Vim startup. " This is required for 'gui_running' and fixes issues otherwise. if has('vim_starting') autocmd neobundle VimEnter * NeoBundleCheck else echomsg 'Not installed bundles: ' \ string(neobundle#get_not_installed_bundle_names()) if confirm('Install bundles now?', "yes\nNo", 2) == 1 call neobundle#commands#install(0, \ join(neobundle#get_not_installed_bundle_names())) endif echo '' endif endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#check_update(bundle_names) abort "{{{ let bundle_names = split(a:bundle_names) " Set context. let context = {} let context.source__updated_bundles = [] let context.source__processes = [] let context.source__number = 0 let context.source__bundles = empty(bundle_names) ? \ neobundle#config#get_neobundles() : \ neobundle#config#fuzzy_search(bundle_names) let context.source__max_bundles = \ len(context.source__bundles) let statusline_save = &l:statusline try while 1 while context.source__number < context.source__max_bundles \ && len(context.source__processes) < \ g:neobundle#install_max_processes let bundle = context.source__bundles[context.source__number] call s:check_update_init(bundle, context, 0) call s:print_message( \ neobundle#installer#get_progress_message(bundle, \ context.source__number, \ context.source__max_bundles)) endwhile for process in context.source__processes call s:check_update_process(context, process, 0) endfor " Filter eof processes. call filter(context.source__processes, '!v:val.eof') if empty(context.source__processes) \ && context.source__number == context.source__max_bundles break endif endwhile finally let &l:statusline = statusline_save endtry let bundles = context.source__updated_bundles redraw! if !empty(bundles) echomsg 'Updates available bundles: ' \ string(map(copy(bundles), 'v:val.name')) echomsg ' ' for bundle in bundles let cwd = getcwd() try call neobundle#util#cd(bundle.path) let type = neobundle#config#get_types(bundle.type) let rev = neobundle#installer#get_revision_number(bundle) let fetch_command = has_key(type, 'get_fetch_remote_command') ? \ type.get_fetch_remote_command(bundle) : '' let log_command = has_key(type, 'get_log_command') ? \ type.get_log_command(bundle, bundle.remote_rev, rev) : '' if log_command != '' echomsg bundle.name call neobundle#util#system(fetch_command) for output in split(neobundle#util#system(log_command), '\n') echomsg output endfor echomsg ' ' endif finally call neobundle#util#cd(cwd) endtry endfor if confirm('Update bundles now?', "yes\nNo", 2) == 1 call neobundle#commands#install(1, \ join(map(copy(bundles), 'v:val.name'))) endif endif endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#clean(bang, ...) abort "{{{ if neobundle#util#is_sudo() call neobundle#util#print_error( \ '"sudo vim" is detected. This feature is disabled.') return endif if a:0 == 0 let all_dirs = filter(split(neobundle#util#substitute_path_separator( \ globpath(neobundle#get_neobundle_dir(), '*', 1)), "\n"), \ 'isdirectory(v:val)') let bundle_dirs = map(copy(neobundle#config#get_enabled_bundles()), \ "(v:val.script_type != '') ? \ v:val.base . '/' . v:val.directory : v:val.path") let x_dirs = filter(all_dirs, \ "neobundle#config#is_disabled(fnamemodify(v:val, ':t')) \ && index(bundle_dirs, v:val) < 0 && v:val !~ '/neobundle.vim$'") else let x_dirs = map(neobundle#config#search_simple(a:000), 'v:val.path') if len(x_dirs) > len(a:000) " Check bug. call neobundle#util#print_error('Bug: x_dirs = %s but arguments is %s', \ string(x_dirs), map(copy(a:000), 'v:val.path')) return endif endif if empty(x_dirs) let message = a:0 == 0 ? \ 'All clean!' : \ string(a:000) . ' is not found.' call neobundle#installer#log(message) return end if !a:bang && !s:check_really_clean(x_dirs) return endif let cwd = getcwd() try " x_dirs may contain current directory. call neobundle#util#cd(neobundle#get_neobundle_dir()) if !has('vim_starting') redraw endif for dir in x_dirs call neobundle#util#rmdir(dir) call neobundle#config#rmdir(dir) endfor try call s:update_tags() catch call neobundle#installer#error('Error generating helptags:') call neobundle#installer#error(v:exception) endtry finally call neobundle#util#cd(cwd) endtry endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#reinstall(bundle_names) abort "{{{ let bundles = neobundle#config#search_simple(split(a:bundle_names)) if empty(bundles) call neobundle#installer#error( \ 'Target bundles not found.') call neobundle#installer#error( \ 'You may have used the wrong bundle name.') return endif call neobundle#installer#reinstall(bundles) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#gc(bundle_names) abort "{{{ let bundle_names = split(a:bundle_names) let number = 0 let bundles = empty(bundle_names) ? \ neobundle#config#get_enabled_bundles() : \ neobundle#config#search_simple(bundle_names) let max = len(bundles) for bundle in bundles let number += 1 let type = neobundle#config#get_types(bundle.type) if empty(type) || !has_key(type, 'get_gc_command') continue endif let cmd = type.get_gc_command(bundle) let cwd = getcwd() try " Cd to bundle path. call neobundle#util#cd(bundle.path) redraw call neobundle#util#redraw_echo( \ printf('(%'.len(max).'d/%d): |%s| %s', \ number, max, bundle.name, cmd)) let result = neobundle#util#system(cmd) redraw call neobundle#util#redraw_echo(result) let status = neobundle#util#get_last_status() finally call neobundle#util#cd(cwd) endtry if status call neobundle#installer#error(bundle.path) call neobundle#installer#error(result) endif endfor endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#rollback(bundle_name) abort "{{{ let bundle = get(neobundle#config#search_simple([a:bundle_name]), 0, {}) if empty(bundle) || !isdirectory(bundle.path) call neobundle#util#print_error(a:bundle_name . ' is not found.') return endif call neobundle#installer#_load_install_info([bundle]) if len(bundle.revisions) <= 1 call neobundle#util#print_error('No revision information.') return endif let cnt = 1 let selections = [] let revisions = neobundle#util#sort_by( \ items(bundle.revisions), 'v:val[0]') for [date, revision] in revisions call add(selections, cnt . strftime( \ '. %Y/%D/%m %H:%M:%S ', date) . ' ' . revision) let cnt += 1 endfor let select = inputlist(['Select revision:'] + selections) if select == '' return endif redraw let revision = revisions[select-1][1] call neobundle#installer#log('[neobundle] ' . a:bundle_name . \ ' rollbacked to ' . revision) let cwd = getcwd() let revision_save = bundle.rev try let bundle.rev = revision let type = neobundle#config#get_types(bundle.type) if !has_key(type, 'get_revision_lock_command') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ a:bundle_name . ' is not supported this feature.') return endif let cmd = type.get_revision_lock_command(bundle) call neobundle#util#cd(bundle.path) call neobundle#util#system(cmd) finally call neobundle#util#cd(cwd) let bundle.rev = revision_save endtry endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#list() abort "{{{ call neobundle#util#redraw_echo('#: not sourced, X: not installed') for bundle in neobundle#util#sort_by( \ neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), 'tolower(v:val.name)') echo (bundle.sourced ? ' ' : \ neobundle#is_installed(bundle.name) ? '#' : 'X') \ . ' ' . bundle.name endfor endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#lock(name, rev) abort "{{{ let bundle = neobundle#config#get(a:name) if empty(bundle) return endif let bundle.install_rev = a:rev endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#remote_plugins() abort "{{{ if !has('nvim') return endif " Load not loaded neovim remote plugins call neobundle#config#source(map(filter( \ neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles(), \ "isdirectory(v:val.rtp . '/rplugin')"), 'v:val.name')) UpdateRemotePlugins endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#source(names, ...) abort "{{{ let is_force = get(a:000, 0, 1) let names = neobundle#util#convert2list(a:names) if empty(names) let bundles = [] for bundle in neobundle#config#get_neobundles() let bundles += neobundle#config#search([bundle.name]) endfor let names = neobundle#util#uniq(map(bundles, 'v:val.name')) endif call neobundle#config#source(names, is_force) endfunction "}}} function! neobundle#commands#complete_bundles(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort "{{{ return filter(map(neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), 'v:val.name'), \ 'stridx(tolower(v:val), tolower(a:arglead)) >= 0') endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#complete_lazy_bundles(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort "{{{ return filter(map(filter(neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), \ "!v:val.sourced && v:val.rtp != ''"), 'v:val.name'), \ 'stridx(tolower(v:val), tolower(a:arglead)) == 0') endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#complete_deleted_bundles(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort "{{{ let bundle_dirs = map(copy(neobundle#config#get_neobundles()), 'v:val.path') let all_dirs = split(neobundle#util#substitute_path_separator( \ globpath(neobundle#get_neobundle_dir(), '*', 1)), "\n") let x_dirs = filter(all_dirs, 'index(bundle_dirs, v:val) < 0') return filter(map(x_dirs, "fnamemodify(v:val, ':t')"), \ 'stridx(v:val, a:arglead) == 0') endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#get_default_cache_file() abort "{{{ return neobundle#get_rtp_dir() . '/cache' endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#get_cache_file() abort "{{{ return get(g:, 'neobundle#cache_file', neobundle#commands#get_default_cache_file()) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#save_cache() abort "{{{ if !has('vim_starting') " Ignore if loaded return endif let cache = neobundle#commands#get_cache_file() " Set function prefixes before save cache call neobundle#autoload#_set_function_prefixes( \ neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles()) let bundles = neobundle#config#tsort( \ deepcopy(neobundle#config#get_neobundles())) for bundle in bundles " Clear hooks. Because, VimL cannot save functions in JSON. let bundle.hooks = {} let bundle.sourced = 0 endfor let current_vim = neobundle#util#redir('version') call writefile([neobundle#get_cache_version(), \ v:progname, current_vim, string(s:vimrcs), \ neobundle#util#vim2json(bundles)], cache) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#load_cache(vimrcs) abort "{{{ let s:vimrcs = a:vimrcs let cache = neobundle#commands#get_cache_file() if !filereadable(cache) | return 1 | endif for vimrc in a:vimrcs let vimrc_ftime = getftime(vimrc) if vimrc_ftime != -1 && getftime(cache) < vimrc_ftime | return 1 | endif endfor let current_vim = neobundle#util#redir('version') try let list = readfile(cache) let ver = list[0] let prog = get(list, 1, '') let vim = get(list, 2, '') let vimrcs = get(list, 3, '') if len(list) != 5 \ || ver !=# neobundle#get_cache_version() \ || v:progname !=# prog \ || current_vim !=# vim \ || string(a:vimrcs) !=# vimrcs call neobundle#commands#clear_cache() return 1 endif let bundles = neobundle#util#json2vim(list[4]) if type(bundles) != type([]) call neobundle#commands#clear_cache() return 1 endif for bundle in bundles call neobundle#config#add(bundle) endfor catch call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Error occurred while loading cache : ' . v:exception) call neobundle#commands#clear_cache() return 1 endtry endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#commands#clear_cache() abort "{{{ let cache = neobundle#commands#get_cache_file() if !filereadable(cache) return endif call delete(cache) endfunction"}}} function! s:print_message(msg) abort "{{{ if !has('vim_starting') let &l:statusline = a:msg redrawstatus else call neobundle#util#redraw_echo(a:msg) endif endfunction"}}} function! s:install(bang, bundles) abort "{{{ " Set context. let context = {} let context.source__bang = a:bang let context.source__synced_bundles = [] let context.source__errored_bundles = [] let context.source__processes = [] let context.source__number = 0 let context.source__bundles = a:bundles let context.source__max_bundles = \ len(context.source__bundles) let statusline_save = &l:statusline try while 1 while context.source__number < context.source__max_bundles \ && len(context.source__processes) < \ g:neobundle#install_max_processes let bundle = context.source__bundles[context.source__number] call neobundle#installer#sync( \ context.source__bundles[context.source__number], \ context, 0) call s:print_message( \ neobundle#installer#get_progress_message(bundle, \ context.source__number, \ context.source__max_bundles)) endwhile for process in context.source__processes call neobundle#installer#check_output(context, process, 0) endfor " Filter eof processes. call filter(context.source__processes, '!v:val.eof') if empty(context.source__processes) \ && context.source__number == context.source__max_bundles break endif endwhile finally let &l:statusline = statusline_save endtry return [context.source__synced_bundles, \ context.source__errored_bundles] endfunction"}}} function! s:check_update_init(bundle, context, is_unite) abort "{{{ let a:context.source__number += 1 let num = a:context.source__number let max = a:context.source__max_bundles let type = neobundle#config#get_types(a:bundle.type) let cmd = has_key(type, 'get_revision_remote_command') ? \ type.get_revision_remote_command(a:bundle) : '' if cmd == '' || !isdirectory(a:bundle.path) return endif let message = printf('(%'.len(max).'d/%d): |%s| %s', \ num, max, a:bundle.name, cmd) call neobundle#installer#log(message, a:is_unite) let cwd = getcwd() try " Cd to bundle path. call neobundle#util#cd(a:bundle.path) let process = { \ 'number' : num, \ 'bundle' : a:bundle, \ 'output' : '', \ 'status' : -1, \ 'eof' : 0, \ 'start_time' : localtime(), \ } if neobundle#util#has_vimproc() let process.proc = vimproc#pgroup_open(vimproc#util#iconv( \ cmd, &encoding, 'char'), 0, 2) " Close handles. call process.proc.stdin.close() " call process.proc.stderr.close() else let process.output = neobundle#util#system(cmd) let process.status = neobundle#util#get_last_status() endif finally call neobundle#util#cd(cwd) endtry call add(a:context.source__processes, process) endfunction "}}} function! s:check_update_process(context, process, is_unite) abort "{{{ if neobundle#util#has_vimproc() && has_key(a:process, 'proc') let is_timeout = (localtime() - a:process.start_time) \ >= a:process.bundle.install_process_timeout let a:process.output .= vimproc#util#iconv( \ a:process.proc.stdout.read(-1, 300), 'char', &encoding) if !a:process.proc.stdout.eof && !is_timeout return endif call a:process.proc.stdout.close() let status = a:process.proc.waitpid()[1] else let is_timeout = 0 let status = a:process.status endif let num = a:process.number let max = a:context.source__max_bundles let bundle = a:process.bundle let remote_rev = matchstr(a:process.output, '^\S\+') let revision_save = bundle.rev try " Get HEAD revision let rev = neobundle#installer#get_revision_number(bundle) finally let bundle.rev = revision_save let bundle.remote_rev = remote_rev endtry if is_timeout || status let message = printf('(%'.len(max).'d/%d): |%s| %s', \ num, max, bundle.name, 'Error') call neobundle#installer#log(message, a:is_unite) call neobundle#installer#error(bundle.path) call neobundle#installer#error( \ (is_timeout ? 'Process timeout.' : \ split(a:process.output, '\n'))) elseif remote_rev != '' && remote_rev !=# rev call add(a:context.source__updated_bundles, \ bundle) endif let a:process.eof = 1 endfunction"}}} function! s:check_really_clean(dirs) abort "{{{ echo join(a:dirs, "\n") return input('Are you sure you want to remove ' \ .len(a:dirs).' bundles? [y/n] : ') =~? 'y' endfunction"}}} function! s:update_tags() abort "{{{ let enabled = neobundle#config#get_enabled_bundles() let bundles = [{ 'rtp' : neobundle#get_runtime_dir()}] + enabled call neobundle#util#copy_bundle_files(bundles, 'doc') call neobundle#util#writefile('tags_info', sort(map(enabled, 'v:val.name'))) silent execute 'helptags' fnameescape(neobundle#get_tags_dir()) endfunction"}}} function! s:has_doc(path) abort "{{{ return a:path != '' && \ isdirectory(a:path.'/doc') \ && (!filereadable(a:path.'/doc/tags') \ || filewritable(a:path.'/doc/tags')) \ && (!filereadable(a:path.'/doc/tags-??') \ || filewritable(a:path.'/doc/tags-??')) \ && (glob(a:path.'/doc/*.txt') != '' \ || glob(a:path.'/doc/*.??x') != '') endfunction"}}} " Vimproc is first. function! s:cmp_vimproc(a, b) abort "{{{ return !(a:a.name ==# 'vimproc' || a:a.name ==# 'vimproc.vim') endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo