# ============================================================================ # FILE: util.py # AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> # License: MIT license # ============================================================================ from os.path import expandvars from pathlib import Path from pynvim import Nvim from pynvim.api import Buffer import glob import importlib.util import re import sys import traceback import typing import unicodedata UserContext = typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] Candidate = typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] Candidates = typing.List[Candidate] def set_pattern(variable: typing.Dict[str, str], keys: str, pattern: typing.Any) -> None: for key in keys.split(','): variable[key] = pattern def convert2list(expr: typing.Any) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: return (expr if isinstance(expr, list) else [expr]) def convert2candidates(li: typing.Any) -> Candidates: ret = [] if li and isinstance(li, list): for x in li: if isinstance(x, str): ret.append({'word': x}) else: ret.append(x) else: ret = li return ret def globruntime(runtimepath: str, path: str) -> typing.List[str]: ret: typing.List[str] = [] for rtp in runtimepath.split(','): ret += glob.glob(rtp + '/' + path) return ret def import_plugin(path: str, source: str, classname: str) -> typing.Optional[typing.Any]: """Import Deoplete plugin source class. If the class exists, add its directory to sys.path. """ name = str(Path(path).name)[: -3] module_name = 'deoplete.%s.%s' % (source, name) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, path) if not spec: return None module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) # type: ignore cls = getattr(module, classname, None) if not cls: return None dirname = str(Path(path).parent) if dirname not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, dirname) return cls def debug(vim: Nvim, expr: typing.Any) -> None: if hasattr(vim, 'out_write'): vim.out_write(f'[deoplete] {expr}\n') else: vim.call('deoplete#util#print_debug', expr) def error(vim: Nvim, expr: typing.Any) -> None: if hasattr(vim, 'err_write'): vim.err_write(f'[deoplete] {expr}\n') else: vim.call('deoplete#util#print_error', expr) def error_tb(vim: Nvim, msg: str) -> None: lines: typing.List[str] = [] t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() if t and v and tb: lines += traceback.format_exc().splitlines() lines += ['%s Use :messages / see above for error details.' % msg] if hasattr(vim, 'err_write'): vim.err_write('[deoplete] %s\n' % '\n'.join(lines)) else: for line in lines: vim.call('deoplete#util#print_error', line) def error_vim(vim: Nvim, msg: str) -> None: throwpoint = vim.eval('v:throwpoint') if throwpoint != '': error(vim, 'v:throwpoint = ' + throwpoint) exception = vim.eval('v:exception') if exception != '': error(vim, 'v:exception = ' + exception) error_tb(vim, msg) def escape(expr: str) -> str: return expr.replace("'", "''") def charpos2bytepos(encoding: str, text: str, pos: int) -> int: return len(bytes(text[: pos], encoding, errors='replace')) def bytepos2charpos(encoding: str, text: str, pos: int) -> int: return len(bytes(text, encoding, errors='replace')[: pos].decode( encoding, errors='replace')) def get_custom(custom: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], source_name: str, key: str, default: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: custom_source = custom['source'] if source_name not in custom_source: return get_custom(custom, '_', key, default) elif key in custom_source[source_name]: return custom_source[source_name][key] elif key in custom_source['_']: return custom_source['_'][key] else: return default def get_syn_names(vim: Nvim) -> typing.List[str]: return list(vim.call('deoplete#util#get_syn_names')) def parse_file_pattern(f: typing.Iterable[str], pattern: str) -> typing.List[str]: p = re.compile(pattern) ret: typing.List[str] = [] for li in f: ret += p.findall(li) return list(set(ret)) def parse_buffer_pattern(b: Buffer, pattern: str) -> typing.List[str]: return list(set(re.compile(pattern).findall('\n'.join(b)))) def fuzzy_escape(string: str, camelcase: bool) -> str: # Escape string for python regexp. p = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_])', r'\1.*', re.escape(string)) if camelcase and re.search(r'[A-Z]', string): p = re.sub(r'([a-z])', (lambda pat: f'[{pat.group(1)}{pat.group(1).upper()}]'), p) p = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_])\.\*', r'\1[^\1]*', p) return p def load_external_module(base: str, module: str) -> None: current = Path(base).parent.resolve() module_dir = str(current.parent.joinpath(module)) if module_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, module_dir) def truncate_skipping(string: str, max_width: int, footer: str, footer_len: int) -> str: if not string: return '' if len(string) <= max_width / 2: return string if strwidth(string) <= max_width: return string footer += string[ -len(truncate(string[::-1], footer_len)):] return truncate(string, max_width - strwidth(footer)) + footer def truncate(string: str, max_width: int) -> str: if len(string) <= max_width / 2: return string if strwidth(string) <= max_width: return string width = 0 ret = '' for c in string: wc = charwidth(c) if width + wc > max_width: break ret += c width += wc return ret def strwidth(string: str) -> int: width = 0 for c in string: width += charwidth(c) return width def charwidth(c: str) -> int: wc = unicodedata.east_asian_width(c) return 2 if wc == 'F' or wc == 'W' else 1 def expand(path: str) -> str: if path.startswith('~'): try: path = str(Path(path).expanduser()) except Exception: pass return expandvars(path) def exists_path(path: str) -> bool: try: return Path(path).exists() except Exception: pass return False def getlines(vim: Nvim, start: int = 1, end: typing.Union[int, str] = '$') -> typing.List[str]: if end == '$': end = len(vim.current.buffer) max_len = min([int(end) - start, 5000]) lines: typing.List[str] = [] current = start while current <= int(end): # Skip very long lines lines += [x for x in vim.call('getline', current, current + max_len) if len(x) < 300] current += max_len + 1 return lines def binary_search_begin(li: typing.List[Candidates], prefix: str) -> int: if not li: return -1 if len(li) == 1: word = li[0]['word'] # type: ignore return 0 if word.lower().startswith(prefix) else -1 s = 0 e = len(li) prefix = prefix.lower() while s < e: index = int((s + e) / 2) word = li[index]['word'].lower() # type: ignore if word.startswith(prefix): if (index - 1) < 0: return index prev_word = li[index-1]['word'] # type: ignore if not prev_word.lower().startswith(prefix): return index e = index elif prefix < word: e = index else: s = index + 1 return -1 def binary_search_end(li: typing.List[Candidates], prefix: str) -> int: if not li: return -1 if len(li) == 1: word = li[0]['word'] # type: ignore return 0 if word.lower().startswith(prefix) else -1 s = 0 e = len(li) prefix = prefix.lower() while s < e: index = int((s + e) / 2) word = li[index]['word'].lower() # type: ignore if word.startswith(prefix): if (index + 1) >= len(li): return index next_word = li[index+1]['word'] # type: ignore if not next_word.lower().startswith(prefix): return index s = index + 1 elif prefix < word: e = index else: s = index + 1 return -1 def uniq_list_dict(li: typing.List[typing.Any]) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: # Uniq list of dictionaries ret: typing.List[typing.Any] = [] for d in li: if d not in ret: ret.append(d) return ret