*SpaceVim.txt* /###### /## /##/## /##__ ## | ## | #|__/ | ## \__/ /###### /###### /####### /######| ## | ##/##/######/#### | ###### /##__ ##|____ ##/##_____//##__ #| ## / ##| #| ##_ ##_ ## \____ #| ## \ ## /######| ## | ########\ ## ##/| #| ## \ ## \ ## /## \ #| ## | ##/##__ #| ## | ##_____/ \ ###/ | #| ## | ## | ## | ######| #######| ######| ######| ####### \ #/ | #| ## | ## | ## \______/| ##____/ \_______/\_______/\_______/ \_/ |__|__/ |__/ |__/ | ## | ## |__/ wsdjeg *spacevim* *SpaceVim* ============================================================================== CONTENTS *SpaceVim-contents* 1. Introduction.............................................|SpaceVim-intro| 2. Options................................................|SpaceVim-options| 1. autocomplete_method............|SpaceVim-options-autocomplete_method| 2. autocomplete_parens............|SpaceVim-options-autocomplete_parens| 3. buffer_index_type................|SpaceVim-options-buffer_index_type| 4. checkinstall..........................|SpaceVim-options-checkinstall| 5. colorscheme............................|SpaceVim-options-colorscheme| 6. colorscheme_bg......................|SpaceVim-options-colorscheme_bg| 7. default_indent......................|SpaceVim-options-default_indent| 8. enable_ale..............................|SpaceVim-options-enable_ale| 9. enable_bepo_layout..............|SpaceVim-options-enable_bepo_layout| 10. enable_cursorcolumn...........|SpaceVim-options-enable_cursorcolumn| 11. enable_cursorline...............|SpaceVim-options-enable_cursorline| 12. enable_debug.........................|SpaceVim-options-enable_debug| 13. enable_googlesuggest.........|SpaceVim-options-enable_googlesuggest| 14. enable_guicolors.................|SpaceVim-options-enable_guicolors| 15. enable_insert_leader.........|SpaceVim-options-enable_insert_leader| 16. enable_key_frequency.........|SpaceVim-options-enable_key_frequency| 17. enable_neomake.....................|SpaceVim-options-enable_neomake| 18. enable_statusline_bfpath.|SpaceVim-options-enable_statusline_bfpath| 19. enable_statusline_mode.....|SpaceVim-options-enable_statusline_mode| 20. enable_statusline_tag.......|SpaceVim-options-enable_statusline_tag| 21. enable_tabline_ft_icon.....|SpaceVim-options-enable_tabline_ft_icon| 22. enable_vimfiler_welcome...|SpaceVim-options-enable_vimfiler_welcome| 23. enable_ycm.............................|SpaceVim-options-enable_ycm| 24. error_symbol.........................|SpaceVim-options-error_symbol| 25. filemanager...........................|SpaceVim-options-filemanager| 26. filetree_direction.............|SpaceVim-options-filetree_direction| 27. guifont...................................|SpaceVim-options-guifont| 28. home_files_number...............|SpaceVim-options-home_files_number| 29. info_symbol...........................|SpaceVim-options-info_symbol| 30. keep_server_alive...............|SpaceVim-options-keep_server_alive| 31. language.................................|SpaceVim-options-language| 32. lint_on_the_fly...................|SpaceVim-options-lint_on_the_fly| 33. max_column.............................|SpaceVim-options-max_column| 34. plugin_bundle_dir...............|SpaceVim-options-plugin_bundle_dir| 35. plugin_manager_processes.|SpaceVim-options-plugin_manager_processes| 36. realtime_leader_guide.......|SpaceVim-options-realtime_leader_guide| 37. relativenumber.....................|SpaceVim-options-relativenumber| 38. retry_cnt...............................|SpaceVim-options-retry_cnt| 39. sidebar_width.......................|SpaceVim-options-sidebar_width| 40. snippet_engine.....................|SpaceVim-options-snippet_engine| 41. statusline_iseparator.......|SpaceVim-options-statusline_iseparator| 42. statusline_left_sections.|SpaceVim-options-statusline_left_sections| 43. statusline_separator.........|SpaceVim-options-statusline_separator| 44. terminal_cursor_shape.......|SpaceVim-options-terminal_cursor_shape| 45. vim_help_language...............|SpaceVim-options-vim_help_language| 46. vimcompatible.......................|SpaceVim-options-vimcompatible| 47. warning_symbol.....................|SpaceVim-options-warning_symbol| 48. windows_index_type.............|SpaceVim-options-windows_index_type| 49. windows_leader.....................|SpaceVim-options-windows_leader| 50. windows_smartclose.............|SpaceVim-options-windows_smartclose| 3. Configuration...........................................|SpaceVim-config| 4. Commands..............................................|SpaceVim-commands| 5. Functions............................................|SpaceVim-functions| 6. Layers..................................................|SpaceVim-layers| 1. autocomplete..................................|SpaceVim-autocomplete| 2. checkers....................................|SpaceVim-layer-checkers| 3. colorscheme....................................|SpaceVim-colorscheme| 4. core#statusline......................|SpaceVim-layer-core-statusline| 5. core#tabline............................|SpaceVim-layer-core-tabline| 6. exprfold....................................|SpaceVim-layer-exprfold| 7. format........................................|SpaceVim-layer-format| 8. github........................................|SpaceVim-layer-github| 9. incsearch..................................|SpaceVim-layer-incsearch| 10. indentmove...............................|SpaceVim-layer-indentmove| 11. lang#c.......................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-c| 12. lang#crystal...........................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-crystal| 13. lang#csharp.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-csharp| 14. lang#d.......................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-d| 15. lang#dart.................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-dart| 16. lang#elixir.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-elixir| 17. lang#elm...................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-elm| 18. lang#erlang.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-erlang| 19. lang#go.....................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-go| 20. lang#groovy.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-groovy| 21. lang#hack.................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-hack| 22. lang#haskell...........................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-haskell| 23. lang#hy.....................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-hy| 24. lang#java.................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-java| 25. lang#julia...............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-julia| 26. lang#kotlin.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-kotlin| 27. lang#livescript.....................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-livescript| 28. lang#lua...................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-lua| 29. lang#nim...................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-nim| 30. lang#nix...................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-nix| 31. lang#ocaml...............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-ocaml| 32. lang#pact.................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-pact| 33. lang#php...................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-php| 34. lang#pony.................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-pony| 35. lang#processing.....................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-processing| 36. lang#prolog.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-prolog| 37. lang#puppet.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-puppet| 38. lang#python.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-python| 39. lang#racket.............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-racket| 40. lang#rust.................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-rust| 41. lang#scala...............................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-scala| 42. lang#tcl...................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-tcl| 43. lang#xml...................................|SpaceVim-layer-lang-xml| 44. operator...................................|SpaceVim-layer-operator| 45. shell.........................................|SpaceVim-layer-shell| 46. test...........................................|SpaceVim-layer-test| 47. tmux...........................................|SpaceVim-layer-tmux| 48. tools#dash...............................|SpaceVim-layer-tools-dash| 49. tools#zeal...............................|SpaceVim-layer-tools-zeal| 7. API........................................................|SpaceVim-api| 1. cmdlinemenu................................|SpaceVim-api-cmdlinemenu| 2. data#dict....................................|SpaceVim-api-data-dict| 3. data#list....................................|SpaceVim-api-data-list| 4. data#string................................|SpaceVim-api-data-string| 5. job................................................|SpaceVim-api-job| 6. logger..........................................|SpaceVim-api-logger| 7. password......................................|SpaceVim-api-password| 8. prompt..........................................|SpaceVim-api-prompt| 9. sid............................................|SpaceVim-api-vim-sid| 10. system.........................................|SpaceVim-api-system| 11. vim#buffer.................................|SpaceVim-api-vim-buffer| 12. vim#command...............................|SpaceVim-api-vim-command| 13. vim#compatible.........................|SpaceVim-api-vim-compatible| 14. vim#message...............................|SpaceVim-api-vim-message| 8. FAQ........................................................|SpaceVim-faq| 9. Changelog............................................|SpaceVim-changelog| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *SpaceVim-intro* SpaceVim is a bundle of custom settings and plugins with a modular configuration for Vim. It was inspired by Spacemacs. ============================================================================== OPTIONS *SpaceVim-options* SpaceVim uses `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.toml` as its default global config file. You can set all the SpaceVim options and layers in it. `~/.SpaceVim.d/` will also be added to runtimepath, so you can write your own scripts in it. SpaceVim also supports local config for each project. Place local config settings in `.SpaceVim.d/init.toml` in the root directory of your project. `.SpaceVim.d/` will also be added to runtimepath. here is an example setting SpaceVim options: > [options] enable-guicolors = true max-column = 120 < ============================================================================== AUTOCOMPLETE_METHOD *SpaceVim-options-autocomplete_method* Set the autocomplete engine of spacevim, the default logic is: > if has('python3') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'deoplete' elseif has('lua') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'neocomplete' elseif has('python') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'completor' elseif has('timers') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'asyncomplete' else let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'neocomplcache' endif < and you can alse set this option to coc, then coc.nvim will be used. ============================================================================== AUTOCOMPLETE_PARENS *SpaceVim-options-autocomplete_parens* Enable/Disable autocompletion of parentheses, default is true (enabled). > autocomplete_parens = false < ============================================================================== BUFFER_INDEX_TYPE *SpaceVim-options-buffer_index_type* Set SpaceVim buffer index type, default is 4. > # types: # 0: 1 ➛ ➊ # 1: 1 ➛ ➀ # 2: 1 ➛ ⓵ # 3: 1 ➛ ¹ # 4: 1 ➛ 1 buffer_index_type = 1 < ============================================================================== CHECKINSTALL *SpaceVim-options-checkinstall* Enable/Disable checkinstall on SpaceVim startup. Default is true. > checkinstall = true < ============================================================================== COLORSCHEME *SpaceVim-options-colorscheme* The colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'gruvbox'. ============================================================================== COLORSCHEME_BG *SpaceVim-options-colorscheme_bg* The background of colorscheme. Default is 'dark'. ============================================================================== DEFAULT_INDENT *SpaceVim-options-default_indent* Change the default indentation of SpaceVim. Default is 2. > default_indent = 2 < ============================================================================== ENABLE_ALE *SpaceVim-options-enable_ale* Use ale for syntax checking, disabled by default. > enable_ale = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_BEPO_LAYOUT *SpaceVim-options-enable_bepo_layout* Enable/Disable bepo layout, by default it is disabled. > enable_bepo_layout = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_CURSORCOLUMN *SpaceVim-options-enable_cursorcolumn* Enable/Disable cursorcolumn. Default is 0, cursorcolumn will be highlighted in normal mode. To enable this feature: > enable_cursorcolumn = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_CURSORLINE *SpaceVim-options-enable_cursorline* Enable/Disable cursorline. Default is true, cursorline will be highlighted in normal mode.To disable this feature: > enable_cursorline = false < ============================================================================== ENABLE_DEBUG *SpaceVim-options-enable_debug* Enable/Disable debug mode for SpaceVim. Default is false. > enable_debug = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_GOOGLESUGGEST *SpaceVim-options-enable_googlesuggest* Enable/Disable Google suggestions for neocomplete. Default is false. > enable_googlesuggest = false < ============================================================================== ENABLE_GUICOLORS *SpaceVim-options-enable_guicolors* Enable true color support in terminal. Default is false. > enable_guicolors = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_INSERT_LEADER *SpaceVim-options-enable_insert_leader* Enable/Disable spacevim's insert mode leader, default is enable ============================================================================== ENABLE_KEY_FREQUENCY *SpaceVim-options-enable_key_frequency* Enable/Disable key frequency catching of SpaceVim. default value is 0. to enable it: > enable_key_frequency = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_NEOMAKE *SpaceVim-options-enable_neomake* SpaceVim default checker is neomake. If you want to use syntastic, use: > enable_neomake = false < ============================================================================== ENABLE_STATUSLINE_BFPATH *SpaceVim-options-enable_statusline_bfpath* Enable/Disable showing full path of current buffer on statusline, disabled by default, to enable this feature: > enable_statusline_bfpath = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_STATUSLINE_MODE *SpaceVim-options-enable_statusline_mode* Enable/Disable display mode. Default is 0, mode will be displayed in statusline. To enable this feature: > enable_statusline_mode = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_STATUSLINE_TAG *SpaceVim-options-enable_statusline_tag* Enable/Disable showing current tag on statusline > enable_statusline_tag = false < ============================================================================== ENABLE_TABLINE_FT_ICON *SpaceVim-options-enable_tabline_ft_icon* Enable/Disable tabline filetype icon. default is false. To enable this feature: > enable_tabline_ft_icon = true < ============================================================================== ENABLE_VIMFILER_WELCOME *SpaceVim-options-enable_vimfiler_welcome* Enable/Disable vimfiler in the welcome windows. Default is true. This will cause vim to start up slowly if there are too many files in the current directory. > enable_vimfiler_welcome = false < ============================================================================== ENABLE_YCM *SpaceVim-options-enable_ycm* Enable/Disable YouCompleteMe. Default is false. > enable_ycm = true < ============================================================================== ERROR_SYMBOL *SpaceVim-options-error_symbol* Set the error symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '✖'. > error_symbol = "+" < ============================================================================== FILEMANAGER *SpaceVim-options-filemanager* The default file manager of SpaceVim. Default is 'vimfiler'. you can also use nerdtree or defx ============================================================================== FILETREE_DIRECTION *SpaceVim-options-filetree_direction* Config the direction of file tree. Default is 'right'. you can also set to 'left'. NOTE: if it is 'left', the tagbar will be move to right. ============================================================================== GUIFONT *SpaceVim-options-guifont* Set the guifont of SpaceVim. Default is empty. > guifont = "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:h11" < ============================================================================== HOME_FILES_NUMBER *SpaceVim-options-home_files_number* Change the list number of files for SpaceVim home. Default is 6. > home_files_number = 6 < ============================================================================== INFO_SYMBOL *SpaceVim-options-info_symbol* Set the information symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '🛈'. > info_symbol = 'i' < ============================================================================== KEEP_SERVER_ALIVE *SpaceVim-options-keep_server_alive* Option for keep the spacevim server ailive ============================================================================== LANGUAGE *SpaceVim-options-language* Set the message language of vim. Default is 'en_US.UTF-8'. > language = 'en_CA.utf8' < ============================================================================== LINT_ON_THE_FLY *SpaceVim-options-lint_on_the_fly* Enable/Disable lint on the fly feature of SpaceVim's maker. Default is true. > lint_on_the_fly = false < ============================================================================== MAX_COLUMN *SpaceVim-options-max_column* Change the max number of columns for SpaceVim. Default is 120. > max_column = 120 < ============================================================================== PLUGIN_BUNDLE_DIR *SpaceVim-options-plugin_bundle_dir* Set the cache directory of plugins. Default is `~/.cache/vimfiles`. > plugin_bundle_dir = "~/.cache/vimplugs" < ============================================================================== PLUGIN_MANAGER_PROCESSES *SpaceVim-options-plugin_manager_processes* Set the max process of SpaceVim plugin manager ============================================================================== REALTIME_LEADER_GUIDE *SpaceVim-options-realtime_leader_guide* Enable/Disable realtime leader guide. Default is true. to disable it: > realtime_leader_guide = false < ============================================================================== RELATIVENUMBER *SpaceVim-options-relativenumber* Enable/Disable relativenumber, by default it is enabled. > relativenumber = true < ============================================================================== RETRY_CNT *SpaceVim-options-retry_cnt* Set the number of retries for SpaceVim Update when failed. Default is 3. Set to 0 to disable this feature, or you can set to another number. > update_retry_cnt = 3 < ============================================================================== SIDEBAR_WIDTH *SpaceVim-options-sidebar_width* Set the width of the SpaceVim sidebar. Default is 30. This value will be used by tagbar and vimfiler. ============================================================================== SNIPPET_ENGINE *SpaceVim-options-snippet_engine* Set the snippet engine of SpaceVim, default is neosnippet. to enable ultisnips: > snippet_engine = "ultisnips" < ============================================================================== STATUSLINE_ISEPARATOR *SpaceVim-options-statusline_iseparator* Set the statusline separators of statusline in inactive windows, default is 'nil' > Separators options: 1. arrow 2. curve 3. slant 4. nil 5. fire < See more details in: http://spacevim.org/documentation/#statusline ============================================================================== STATUSLINE_LEFT_SECTIONS *SpaceVim-options-statusline_left_sections* Define the left section of statusline in active windows. By default: > statusline_left_sections = [ 'winnr', 'filename', 'major mode', 'minor mode lighters', 'version control info' ] < ============================================================================== STATUSLINE_SEPARATOR *SpaceVim-options-statusline_separator* Set the statusline separators of statusline, default is 'nil' > Separators options: 1. arrow 2. curve 3. slant 4. nil 5. fire < See more details in: http://spacevim.org/documentation/#statusline ============================================================================== TERMINAL_CURSOR_SHAPE *SpaceVim-options-terminal_cursor_shape* Set the SpaceVim cursor shape in the terminal. > 0 : to prevent Nvim from changing the cursor shape. 1 : to enable non-blinking mode-sensitive cursor. 2 : to enable blinking mode-sensitive cursor (default). < > < Host terminal must support the DECSCUSR CSI escape sequence. Depending on the terminal emulator, using this option with nvim under tmux might require adding the following to ~/.tmux.conf: > set -ga terminal-overrides ',*:Ss=\E[%p1%d q:Se=\E[2 q' < ============================================================================== VIM_HELP_LANGUAGE *SpaceVim-options-vim_help_language* Set the help language of vim. Default is 'en'. You can change it to Chinese. > vim_help_language = "cn" < ============================================================================== VIMCOMPATIBLE *SpaceVim-options-vimcompatible* Enable/Disable vimcompatible mode, by default it is false. to enable vimcompatible mode, just add: > vimcompatible = true < In vimcompatible mode all vim origin key bindings will not be changed. Includes: > q smart quit windows s windows key bindings leader switch buffer < ============================================================================== WARNING_SYMBOL *SpaceVim-options-warning_symbol* Set the warning symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '⚠'. > warning_symbol = '!' < ============================================================================== WINDOWS_INDEX_TYPE *SpaceVim-options-windows_index_type* Set SpaceVim windows index type, default is 3. > # types: # 0: 1 ➛ ➊ # 1: 1 ➛ ➀ # 2: 1 ➛ ⓵ # 3: 1 ➛ 1 windows_index_type = 1 < ============================================================================== WINDOWS_LEADER *SpaceVim-options-windows_leader* Window functions leader for SpaceVim. Default is `s`. Set to empty to disable this feature, or you can set to another char. > windows_leader = "" < ============================================================================== WINDOWS_SMARTCLOSE *SpaceVim-options-windows_smartclose* Set the default key for smart close windows, default is `q`. to disable this feature, just set it to empty string: > windows_smartclose = "" < ============================================================================== CONFIGURATION *SpaceVim-config* If you still want to use `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` as configuration file, please take a look at the following options. *g:spacevim_version* Version of SpaceVim , this value can not be changed. *g:spacevim_default_indent* Change the default indentation of SpaceVim. Default is 2. > let g:spacevim_default_indent = 2 < *g:spacevim_expand_tab* In Insert mode: Use the appropriate number of spaces to insert a *g:spacevim_relativenumber* Enable/Disable relativenumber in current windows, by default it is enabled. *g:spacevim_enable_bepo_layout* Enable/Disable bepo layout, by default it is disabled. *g:spacevim_max_column* Change the max number of columns for SpaceVim. Default is 120. > let g:spacevim_max_column = 120 < *g:spacevim_home_files_number* Change the list number of files for SpaceVim home. Default is 6. > let g:spacevim_home_files_number = 6 < *g:spacevim_enable_guicolors* Enable true color support in terminal. Default is 0. > let g:spacevim_enable_guicolors = 1 < *g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest* Enable/Disable Google suggestions for neocomplete. Default is 0. > let g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest = 1 < *g:spacevim_windows_leader* Window functions leader for SpaceVim. Default is `s`. Set to empty to disable this feature, or you can set to another char. > let g:spacevim_windows_leader = '' < *g:spacevim_enable_insert_leader* Enable/Disable spacevim's insert mode leader, default is enable *g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir* Set the cache directory of plugins. Default is `~/.cache/vimfiles`. > let g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = '~/.cache/vimplugs' < *g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide* Enable/Disable realtime leader guide. Default is 1. to disable it: > let g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide = 0 < *g:spacevim_enable_key_frequency* Enable/Disable key frequency catching of SpaceVim. default value is 0. to enable it: > let g:spacevim_enable_key_frequency = 1 < *g:spacevim_autocomplete_method* Set the autocomplete engine of spacevim, the default logic is: > if has('python3') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'deoplete' elseif has('lua') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'neocomplete' elseif has('python') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'completor' elseif has('timers') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'asyncomplete' else let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'neocomplcache' endif < and you can alse set this option to coc, then coc.nvim will be used. *g:spacevim_enable_neomake* SpaceVim default checker is neomake. If you want to use syntastic, use: > let g:spacevim_enable_neomake = 0 < *g:spacevim_enable_ale* Use ale for syntax checking, disabled by default. > let g:spacevim_enable_ale = 1 < *g:spacevim_guifont* Set the guifont of SpaceVim. Default is empty. > let g:spacevim_guifont = "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:h11" < *g:spacevim_enable_ycm* Enable/Disable YouCompleteMe. Default is 0. > let g:spacevim_enable_ycm = 1 < *g:spacevim_sidebar_width* Set the width of the SpaceVim sidebar. Default is 30. This value will be used by tagbar and vimfiler. *g:spacevim_snippet_engine* Set the snippet engine of SpaceVim, default is neosnippet. to enable ultisnips: > let g:spacevim_snippet_engine = "ultisnips" < *g:spacevim_enable_cursorline* Enable/Disable cursorline. Default is 1, cursorline will be highlighted in normal mode.To disable this feature: > let g:spacevim_enable_cursorline = 0 < *g:spacevim_statusline_separator* Set the statusline separators of statusline, default is 'nil' > Separators options: 1. arrow 2. curve 3. slant 4. nil 5. fire < See more details in: http://spacevim.org/documentation/#statusline *g:spacevim_statusline_iseparator* Set the statusline separators of statusline in inactive windows, default is 'nil' > Separators options: 1. arrow 2. curve 3. slant 4. nil 5. fire < See more details in: http://spacevim.org/documentation/#statusline *g:spacevim_enable_statusline_bfpath* Enable/Disable showing full path of current buffer on statusline, disabled by default, to enable this feature: > enable_statusline_bfpath = true < *g:spacevim_enable_statusline_tag* Enable/Disable showing current tag on statusline *g:spacevim_statusline_left_sections* Define the left section of statusline in active windows. By default: > let g:spacevim_statusline_left_sections = \ [ \ 'winnr', \ 'filename', \ 'major mode', \ 'minor mode lighters', \ 'version control info' \ ] < *g:spacevim_statusline_right_sections* Define the right section of statusline in active windows. By default: > g:spacevim_statusline_right_sections = \ [ \ 'fileformat', \ 'cursorpos', \ 'percentage' \ ] < *g:spacevim_statusline_unicode_symbols* Enable/Disable unicode symbols in statusline *g:spacevim_enable_language_specific_leader* Enable/Disable language specific leader, by default you can use `,` ket instead of `SPC` `l`. *g:spacevim_enable_statusline_mode* Enable/Disable display mode. Default is 0, mode will be displayed in statusline. To enable this feature: > let g:spacevim_enable_statusline_mode = 1 < *g:spacevim_custom_color_palette* Set the statusline/tabline palette of color, default values depends on the theme > let g:spacevim_custom_color_palette = [ \ ['#282828', '#b8bb26', 246, 235], \ ['#a89984', '#504945', 239, 246], \ ['#a89984', '#3c3836', 237, 246], \ ['#665c54', 241], \ ['#282828', '#83a598', 235, 109], \ ['#282828', '#fe8019', 235, 208], \ ['#282828', '#8ec07c', 235, 108], \ ['#282828', '#689d6a', 235, 72], \ ['#282828', '#8f3f71', 235, 132], \ ] < *g:spacevim_enable_cursorcolumn* Enable/Disable cursorcolumn. Default is 0, cursorcolumn will be highlighted in normal mode. To enable this feature: > let g:spacevim_enable_cursorcolumn = 1 < *g:spacevim_error_symbol* Set the error symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '✖'. > let g:spacevim_error_symbol = '+' < *g:spacevim_warning_symbol* Set the warning symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '⚠'. > let g:spacevim_warning_symbol = '!' < *g:spacevim_info_symbol* Set the information symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '🛈'. > let g:spacevim_info_symbol = 'i' < *g:spacevim_terminal_cursor_shape* Set the SpaceVim cursor shape in the terminal. > 0 : to prevent Nvim from changing the cursor shape. 1 : to enable non-blinking mode-sensitive cursor. 2 : to enable blinking mode-sensitive cursor (default). < > < Host terminal must support the DECSCUSR CSI escape sequence. Depending on the terminal emulator, using this option with nvim under tmux might require adding the following to ~/.tmux.conf: > set -ga terminal-overrides ',*:Ss=\E[%p1%d q:Se=\E[2 q' < *g:spacevim_vim_help_language* Set the help language of vim. Default is 'en'. You can change it to Chinese. > let g:spacevim_vim_help_language = 'cn' < *g:spacevim_language* Set the message language of vim. Default is 'en_US.UTF-8'. > let g:spacevim_language = 'en_CA.utf8' < *g:spacevim_keep_server_alive* Option for keep the spacevim server ailive *g:spacevim_colorscheme* The colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'gruvbox'. *g:spacevim_colorscheme_bg* The background of colorscheme. Default is 'dark'. *g:spacevim_colorscheme_default* The default colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'desert'. This colorscheme will be used if the colorscheme set by `g:spacevim_colorscheme` is not installed. > let g:spacevim_colorscheme_default = 'other_color' < *g:spacevim_filemanager* The default file manager of SpaceVim. Default is 'vimfiler'. you can also use nerdtree or defx *g:spacevim_filetree_direction* Config the direction of file tree. Default is 'right'. you can also set to 'left'. NOTE: if it is 'left', the tagbar will be move to right. *g:spacevim_plugin_manager_processes* Set the max process of SpaceVim plugin manager *g:spacevim_checkinstall* Enable/Disable checkinstall on SpaceVim startup. Default is 1. > let g:spacevim_checkinstall = 1 < *g:spacevim_vimcompatible* Enable/Disable vimcompatible mode, by default it is false. to enable vimcompatible mode, just add: > let g:spacevim_vimcompatible = 1 < In vimcompatible mode all vim origin key bindings will not be changed. Includes: > q smart quit windows s windows key bindings leader switch buffer < *g:spacevim_enable_debug* Enable/Disable debug mode for SpaceVim. Default is 0. > let g:spacevim_enable_debug = 1 < *g:spacevim_auto_disable_touchpad* Auto disable touchpad when switch to insert mode or focuslost in neovim. *g:spacevim_debug_level* Set the debug level of SpaceVim. Default is 1. see |SpaceVim#logger#setLevel()| *g:spacevim_buffer_index_type* Set SpaceVim buffer index type, default is 4. > " types: " 0: 1 ➛ ➊ " 1: 1 ➛ ➀ " 2: 1 ➛ ⓵ " 3: 1 ➛ ¹ " 4: 1 ➛ 1 let g:spacevim_buffer_index_type = 1 < *g:spacevim_windows_index_type* Set SpaceVim windows index type, default is 3. > " types: " 0: 1 ➛ ➊ " 1: 1 ➛ ➀ " 2: 1 ➛ ⓵ " 3: 1 ➛ 1 let g:spacevim_windows_index_type = 1 < *g:spacevim_enable_tabline_ft_icon* Enable/Disable tabline filetype icon. default is 0. *g:spacevim_enable_os_fileformat_icon* Enable/Disable os fileformat icon. default is 0. *g:spacevim_github_username* Set the github username, It will be used for getting your starred repos, and fuzzy find the repo you want. *g:spacevim_windows_smartclose* Set the default key for smart close windows, default is `q`. *g:spacevim_disabled_plugins* Disable plugins by name. > let g:spacevim_disabled_plugins = ['vim-foo', 'vim-bar'] < *g:spacevim_custom_plugins* Add custom plugins. > let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [ \ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', 'on_ft' : 'markdown'], \ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'], \ ] < *g:spacevim_filetype_icons* change the default filetype icon for a specific filtype. > let g:spacevim_filetype_icons['md'] = '' < *g:spacevim_force_global_config* SpaceVim will load the global config after local config if set to 1. Default is 0. If you have a local config, the global config will not be loaded. > let g:spacevim_force_global_config = 1 < *g:spacevim_enable_powerline_fonts* Enable/Disable powerline symbols. Default is 1. *g:spacevim_lint_on_save* Enable/Disable lint on save feature of SpaceVim's maker. Default is 1. > let g:spacevim_lint_on_save = 0 < *g:spacevim_search_tools* Default search tools supported by flygrep. The default order is ['rg', 'ag', 'pt', 'ack', 'grep', 'findstr'] *g:spacevim_project_rooter_patterns* Set the project rooter patterns, by default it is `['.git/', '_darcs/', '.hg/', '.bzr/', '.svn/']` *g:spacevim_project_rooter_automatically* Enable/Disable changing directory automatically. Enabled by default. *g:spacevim_commandline_prompt* Config the command line prompt for flygrep and denite etc. *g:spacevim_lint_on_the_fly* Enable/Disable lint on the fly feature of SpaceVim's maker. Default is 0. > let g:spacevim_lint_on_the_fly = 0 < *g:spacevim_update_retry_cnt* Set the number of retries for SpaceVim Update when failed. Default is 3. Set to 0 to disable this feature, or you can set to another number. > let g:spacevim_update_retry_cnt = 3 < *g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_welcome* Enable/Disable vimfiler in the welcome windows. Default is 1. This will cause vim to start up slowly if there are too many files in the current directory. > let g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_welcome = 0 < *g:spacevim_autocomplete_parens* Enable/Disable autocompletion of parentheses, default is 1 (enabled). *g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_gitstatus* Enable/Disable gitstatus column in vimfiler buffer, default is 0. *g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_filetypeicon* Enable/Disable filetypeicon column in vimfiler buffer, default is 0. *g:spacevim_hosts_url* The host file url. This option is for Chinese users who can not use Google and Twitter. *g:neomake_echo_current_error* neomake/neomake {{{ This setting will echo the error for the line your cursor is on, if any. *g:ale_echo_delay* w0rp/ale {{{ *g:github_issues_no_omni* jaxbot/github-issues.vim {{{ Disable completion by github-issues.vim. Because github-complete.vim provides more powerful completion. *g:github_dashboard* junegunn/vim-github-dashboard {{{ *g:dash_map* rizzatti/dash.vim {{{ Allows configuration of mappings between Vim filetypes and Dash's docsets. ============================================================================== COMMANDS *SpaceVim-commands* :SPLayer {layers} *:SPLayer* Load exist layer, {layers} can be a string of a layer name, or a list of layer names. :SPVersion *:SPVersion* Print the version of SpaceVim. The following lines contain information about which features were enabled. When there is a preceding '+', the feature is included, when there is a '-' it is excluded. :SPSet {opt} [value] *:SPSet* Set or check SpaceVim option. {opt} should be the option name of spacevim, This command will use [value] as the value of option name. :SPDebugInfo[!] *:SPDebugInfo* print the debug information of spacevim, [!] forces the output into a new buffer. :SPRuntimeLog *:SPRuntimeLog* view runtime log :SPConfig *:SPConfig* edit custom config file of SpaceVim, by default this command will open global custom configuration file, '-l' option will load local custom configuration file. > :SPConfig -g < :SPUpdate *:SPUpdate* Command for update plugin, support completion of plugin name. If run without argv, All the plugin will be updated. > :SPUpdate vim-airline < :SPReinstall *:SPReinstall* Command for reinstall plugin, support completion of plugin name. :SPInstall *:SPInstall* Command for install plugins. ============================================================================== FUNCTIONS *SpaceVim-functions* SpaceVim#api#import({name}) *SpaceVim#api#import()* Import API base the given {name}, and return the API object. for all available APIs please check |spacevim-api| SpaceVim#layers#load({layer}) *SpaceVim#layers#load()* Load the {layer} you want. For all the layers SpaceVim supports, see |SpaceVim-layers|. the second argv is the layer variable. SpaceVim#logger#setLevel({level}) *SpaceVim#logger#setLevel()* Set debug level of SpaceVim. Default is 1. 1 : log all messages 2 : log warning and error messages 3 : log error messages only SpaceVim#logger#setOutput({file}) *SpaceVim#logger#setOutput()* Set the log output file of SpaceVim. Default is empty. SpaceVim#plugins#iedit#start() *SpaceVim#plugins#iedit#start()* public API for iedit mode > KEY: expr match expression word match word stack cursor pos stack < if only argv 1 is given, use selected word as pattern ============================================================================== LAYERS *SpaceVim-layers* SpaceVim support such layers: languages: https://www.scriptol.com/programming/list-programming-languages.php#query-lang uage ============================================================================== AUTOCOMPLETE *SpaceVim-autocomplete* CODE COMPLETION SpaceVim uses neocomplete as the default completion engine if vim has lua support. If there is no lua support, neocomplcache will be used for the completion engine. SpaceVim uses deoplete as the default completion engine for neovim. Deoplete requires neovim to be compiled with python support. For more information on python support, please read neovim's |provider-python|. SpaceVim includes YouCompleteMe, but it is disabled by default. To enable ycm, see |g:spacevim_enable_ycm|. SNIPPET SpaceVim use neosnippet as the default snippet engine. The default snippets are provided by `Shougo/neosnippet-snippets`. For more information, please read |neosnippet|. Neosnippet support custom snippets, and the default snippets directory is `~/.SpaceVim/snippets/`. If `g:spacevim_force_global_config = 1`, SpaceVim will not append `./.SpaceVim/snippets` as default snippets directory. ============================================================================== CHECKERS *SpaceVim-layer-checkers* SpaceVim uses neomake as default syntax checker. ============================================================================== COLORSCHEME *SpaceVim-colorscheme* The ldefault colorscheme for SpaceVim is gruvbox. The colorscheme can be changed with the `g:spacevim_colorscheme` option by adding the following line to your `~/.SpaceVim/init.vim`. > let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'solarized' < The following colorschemes are include in SpaceVim. If the colorscheme you want is not included in the list below, a PR is welcome. Also, there's one thing which everyone should know and pay attention to. NOT all of below colorschemes support spell check very well. For example, a colorscheme called atom doesn't support spell check very well. SpaceVim is not gonna fix them since these should be in charge of each author. ============================================================================== CORE#STATUSLINE *SpaceVim-layer-core-statusline* This layer provides default statusline for SpaceVim If you want to use airline's statusline, just disable this layer > [[layers]] name = "core#statusline" enable = false < ============================================================================== CORE#TABLINE *SpaceVim-layer-core-tabline* This layer provides default tabline for SpaceVim If you want to use airline's tabline, just disable this layer > [[layers]] name = "core#tabline" enable = false < ============================================================================== EXPRFOLD *SpaceVim-layer-exprfold* Fold code quickly according to expr. Mappings: > Key Mode Function ---------------------------------------------------- ZB normal Open fold block template ZF normal Fold block ZC normal Fold block comment < ============================================================================== FORMAT *SpaceVim-layer-format* SpaceVim uses neoformat as the default code format tools. Neoformat uses a variety of formatters for many filetypes. for more info see |neoformat| if you want to run a formatter on save, just put this config into bootstrap function. > augroup fmt autocmd! autocmd BufWritePre * undojoin | Neoformat augroup END < ============================================================================== GITHUB *SpaceVim-layer-github* This layer provides GitHub integration for SpaceVim MAPPINGS > Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC g h i show issues normal SPC g h a show activities normal SPC g h d show dashboard normal SPC g h f show current file in browser normal SPC g h I show issues in browser normal SPC g h p show PRs in browser < ============================================================================== INCSEARCH *SpaceVim-layer-incsearch* This layer improved incremental searching for neovim/vim mappings > key mode description / n/v incsearch forward ? n/v incsearch backward g/ n/v incsearch stay n n nohlsearch n N n nohlsearch N * n nohlsearch * g* n nohlsearch g* # n nohlsearch # g# n nohlsearch g# z/ n incsearch fuzzy / z? n incsearch fuzzy ? zg? n incsearch fuzzy g? / n incsearch easymotion < ============================================================================== INDENTMOVE *SpaceVim-layer-indentmove* Move cursor quickly according to indent. MAPPINGS > Key mode function ----------------------------------------------------------------- EH normal/visual move up to nearest line with smaller indent level EL normal/visual move down to nearest line with larger indent level EJ normal/visual move down to nearest line with smaller or same indent level EK normal/visual move down to nearest line with larger or same indent level EI normal/visual move down to nearest child indent < ============================================================================== LANG#C *SpaceVim-layer-lang-c* This layer provides C family language code completion and syntax checking. Requires clang. Configuration for `tweekmonster/deoplete-clang2`: 1. Set the compile flags: `let g:deoplete#sources#clang#flags = ['-Iwhatever', ...]` 2. Set the path to the clang executable: `let g:deoplete#sources#clang#executable = '/usr/bin/clang' 3. `g:deoplete#sources#clang#autofill_neomake` is a boolean that tells this plugin to fill in the `g:neomake__clang_maker` variable with the clang executable path and flags. You will still need to enable it with `g:neomake__enabled_make=['clang']`. 4. Set the standards for each language: `g:deoplete#sources#clang#std` is a dict containing the standards you want to use. It's not used if you already have `-std=whatever` in your flags. The defaults are: > { 'c': 'c11', 'cpp': 'c++1z', 'objc': 'c11', 'objcpp': 'c++1z', } < 5. `g:deoplete#sources#clang#preproc_max_lines` sets the maximum number of lines to search for an #ifdef or #endif line. #ifdef lines are discarded to get completions within conditional preprocessor blocks. The default is 50, setting it to 0 disables this feature. ============================================================================== LANG#CRYSTAL *SpaceVim-layer-lang-crystal* INTRO The lang#crystal layer provides crystal filetype detection and syntax highlight, crystal tool and crystal spec integration. ============================================================================== LANG#CSHARP *SpaceVim-layer-lang-csharp* This layer includes utilities and language-specific mappings for csharp development. KEY MAPPINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l b compile the project normal SPC l f format current file normal SPC l d show doc normal SPC l e rename symbol under cursor normal SPC l g g go to definition normal SPC l g i find implementations normal SPC l g t find type normal SPC l g s find symbols normal SPC l g u find usages of symbol under cursor normal SPC l g m find members in the current buffer normal SPC l s r reload the solution normal SPC l s s start the OmniSharp server normal SPC l s S stop the OmniSharp server < ============================================================================== LANG#D *SpaceVim-layer-lang-d* This layer is for d development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#d' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for d, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#DART *SpaceVim-layer-lang-dart* INTRO The lang#dart layer provides code completion, documentation lookup, jump to definition, dart_repl integration for dart. It uses neomake as default syntax checker which is loaded in |SpaceVim-layer-checkers| ============================================================================== LANG#ELIXIR *SpaceVim-layer-lang-elixir* INTRO The lang#elixir layer provides code completion, documentation lookup, jump to definition, mix integration, and iex integration for Elixir. SpaceVim uses neomake as default syntax checker which is loaded in |SpaceVim-layer-checkers| ============================================================================== LANG#ELM *SpaceVim-layer-lang-elm* INTRO The lang#elm layer provides code completion, documentation lookup, jump to definition, mix integration, and iex integration for elm. SpaceVim uses neomake as default syntax checker which is loaded in |SpaceVim-layer-checkers| ============================================================================== LANG#ERLANG *SpaceVim-layer-lang-erlang* This layer is for erlang development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#erlang' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for erlang, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#GO *SpaceVim-layer-lang-go* This layer includes code completion and syntax checking for Go development. MAPPINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l a go alternate normal SPC l b go build normal SPC l c go coverage normal SPC l d go doc normal SPC l D go doc vertical normal SPC l e go rename normal SPC l g go definition normal SPC l G go generate normal SPC l h go info normal SPC l i go implements normal SPC l I implement stubs normal SPC l k add tags normal SPC l K remove tags normal SPC l l list declarations in file normal SPC l L list declarations in dir normal SPC l m format improts normal SPC l M add import normal SPC l x go referrers normal SPC l s fill struct normal SPC l t go test normal SPC l v freevars normal SPC l r go run < ============================================================================== LANG#GROOVY *SpaceVim-layer-lang-groovy* This layer is for groovy development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#groovy' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for groovy, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#HACK *SpaceVim-layer-lang-hack* This layer is for hack development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#hack' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for hack, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#HASKELL *SpaceVim-layer-lang-haskell* This layer is for haskell development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#haskell' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for haskell, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#HY *SpaceVim-layer-lang-hy* This layer is for hy development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#hy' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for hy, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#JAVA *SpaceVim-layer-lang-java* This layer is for Java development. MAPPINGS > Import key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal import class under cursor insert import class under cursor normal SPC l I import missing classes normal SPC l R remove unused imports normal SPC l i smart import class under cursor insert I import missing imports insert R remove unused imports insert i smart import class under cursor Generate key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l g A generate accessors normal SPC l g s generate setter accessor normal SPC l g g generate getter accessor normal SPC l g a generate setter and getter accessor normal SPC l g t generate toString function normal SPC l g e generate equals and hashcode function normal SPC l g c generate constructor normal SPC l g C generate default constructor insert s generate setter accessor insert g generate getter accessor insert a generate getter and setter accessor visual SPC l g s generate setter accessor visual SPC l g g generate getter accessor visual SPC l g a generate setter and getter accessor Maven key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l m i run maven clean install normal SPC l m I run maven install normal SPC l m p run one already goal from list normal SPC l m r run maven goals normal SPC l m R run one maven goal normal SPC l m t run maven test Gradle key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l g b run gradle clean build normal SPC l g B run gradle build normal SPC l g t run gradle test Jump key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l j a jump to alternate file REPL key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l s i start a jshell inferior REPL process normal SPC l s b send buffer and keep code buffer focused normal SPC l s l send line and keep code buffer focused normal SPC l s s send selection text and keep code buffer focused < CODE FORMATTING To make neoformat support java file, you should install uncrustify. or download google's formater jar from: https://github.com/google/google-java-format and set 'g:spacevim_layer_lang_java_formatter' to the path of the jar. ============================================================================== LANG#JULIA *SpaceVim-layer-lang-julia* The layer provides synatax highlight julia. The completeion only works in nvim with deoplete. However, the julia-vim could not be load on-demanding due to its LaTeXToUnicode feature. ============================================================================== LANG#KOTLIN *SpaceVim-layer-lang-kotlin* This layer is for kotlin development. ============================================================================== LANG#LIVESCRIPT *SpaceVim-layer-lang-livescript* This layer is for livescript development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#livescript' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for livescript, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#LUA *SpaceVim-layer-lang-lua* This layer includes utilities and language-specific mappings for lua development. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#lua' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current script normal SPC l b compile current file < This layer also provides REPL support for lua, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#NIM *SpaceVim-layer-lang-nim* This layer is for nim development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#nim' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file normal SPC l d show symbol info normal SPC l e rename symbol in file normal SPC l E rename symbol in project normal g d go to definition < This layer also provides REPL support for nim, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#NIX *SpaceVim-layer-lang-nix* INTRO The lang#nix layer provides syntax highlighting for the Nix expression language. ============================================================================== LANG#OCAML *SpaceVim-layer-lang-ocaml* OCaml autocompletion provided by merlin. Requirements: > opam merlin < ============================================================================== LANG#PACT *SpaceVim-layer-lang-pact* This layer is for pact development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#pact' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for pact, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#PHP *SpaceVim-layer-lang-php* This layer is for PHP development. It proides code completion, syntax checking, and jump to definition. ============================================================================== LANG#PONY *SpaceVim-layer-lang-pony* This layer is for pony development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#pony' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < ============================================================================== LANG#PROCESSING *SpaceVim-layer-lang-processing* This layer is for Processing development: https://processing.org This is based on the work from https://github.com/sophacles/vim-processing Requirements: 1. You will need a copy of processing-java. The best way to do this is to get a copy of the Processing IDE from https://processing.org/download/ Once you have it, run it, and then select Tools -> install "processing-java" MAPPINGS > Mode Key Function ----------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r execute current sketch < ============================================================================== LANG#PROLOG *SpaceVim-layer-lang-prolog* This layer is for prolog development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#prolog' < ============================================================================== LANG#PUPPET *SpaceVim-layer-lang-puppet* This layer is for Puppet development. It provides syntax highlighting and syntax checking. Requirements: > Puppet Puppet Lint < ============================================================================== LANG#PYTHON *SpaceVim-layer-lang-python* To make this layer work well, you should install jedi. MAPPINGS > mode key function < ============================================================================== LANG#RACKET *SpaceVim-layer-lang-racket* This layer is for racket development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#racket' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for racket, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#RUST *SpaceVim-layer-lang-rust* This layer is for Rust development. Requirements: 1. Racer needs a copy of the rust source. The easiest way to do this is with rustup. Once rustup is installed, download the source with: > rustup component add rust-src < 2. Install Rust nightly build > rustup install nightly < 3. Install racer: > cargo +nightly install racer < 4. Set the RUST_SRC_PATH variable in your .bashrc: > RUST_SRC_PATH=~/.multirust/toolchains//lib/rustlib/src/rust/src export RUST_SRC_PATH < 5. Add racer to your path, or set the path with: > let g:racer_cmd = "/path/to/racer/bin" < MAPPINGS > Mode Key Function ----------------------------------------------- normal gd rust-definition normal SPC l d rust-doc normal SPC l r execute current file normal SPC l s rust-def-split normal SPC l x rust-def-vertical < ============================================================================== LANG#SCALA *SpaceVim-layer-lang-scala* This layer is for Scala development. MAPPINGS > Import key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal show candidates for importing of cursor symbol insert show candidates for importing of cursor symbol normal SPC l i c show candidates for importing of cursor symbol normal SPC l i q prompt for a qualified import normal SPC l i o organize imports of current file normal SPC l i s sort imports of current file insert i prompt for a qualified import insert o organize imports of current file insert s sort imports of current file Debug key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l d t show debug stack trace of current frame normal SPC l d c continue the execution normal SPC l d b set a breakpoint for the current line normal SPC l d B clear all breakpoints normal SPC l d l launching debugger normal SPC l d i step into next statement normal SPC l d o step over next statement normal SPC l d O step out of current function Sbt key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l b c sbt clean compile normal SPC l b r sbt run normal SPC l b t sbt test normal SPC l b p sbt package normal SPC l b d sbt show project dependencies tree normal SPC l b l sbt reload project build definition normal SPC l b u sbt update external dependencies normal SPC l b e run sbt to generate .ensime config file Execute key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run main class REPL key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l s i start a scala inferior REPL process normal SPC l s b send buffer and keep code buffer focused normal SPC l s l send line and keep code buffer focused normal SPC l s s send selection text and keep code buffer focused Other key bindings: Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC l Q bootstrap server when first-time-use normal SPC l h show Documentation of cursor symbol normal SPC l n inline local refactoring of cursor symbol normal SPC l e rename cursor symbol normal SPC l g find Definition of cursor symbol normal SPC l t show Type of expression of cursor symbol normal SPC l p show Hierarchical view of a package normal SPC l u find Usages of cursor symbol < SpaceVim uses [`ensime-vim`](http://ensime.github.io/editors/vim/install/) to provide code completion, format, sort imports etc, if has python support. Also you can enable lsp layer to has a better experience. LANGUAGE SERVER `METALS-VIM` Right now `metals-vim` works with `coc.nvim` to offer a richer user experience than other servers(LanguageClient-neovim or vim-lsp). Please make sure that `metals-vim` executable is in your `system $PATH`. Installation guide is here: [`metals-vim`](https://scalameta.org/metals/docs/editors/vim.html) ENSIME-VIM SETUP STEPS The following is quick install steps, if you want to see complete details, please see: [`ensime-vim`](http://ensime.github.io/editors/vim/install/) 1. Install vim`s plugin and its dependencies as following. `pip install websocket-client sexpdata`, `pip install pynvim` (neovim only). 2. Integration ENSIME with your build tools, here we use sbt. add (sbt-ensime) as global plugin for sbt: Put code `addSbtPlugin("org.ensime" % "sbt-ensime" % "2.6.1")` in file '~/.sbt/plugins/plugins.sbt' (create if not exists). Armed with your build tool plugin, generate the `.ensime` config file from your project directory in command line, e.g. for sbt use `sbt ensimeConfig`, or `./gradlew ensime` for Gradle. the first time will take several minutes. 3. The first time you use ensime-vim (per Scala version), it will `bootstrap` the ENSIME server installation when opening a Scala file you will be prompted to run |:EnInstall|. Do that and give it a minute or two to run. After this, you should see reports in Vim's message area that ENSIME is coming up, and the indexer and analyzer are ready. Going forward, ensime-vim will automatically start the ENSIME server when you edit Scala files in a project with an `.ensime` config present. CODE FORMATTING 1. To make neoformat support scala file, you should install scalariform. [`scalariform`](https://github.com/scala-ide/scalariform) and set 'g:spacevim_layer_lang_scala_formatter' to the path of the jar. 2. If lsp [`metals-vim`](https://scalameta.org/metals/docs/editors/overview.html) is enabled, it will automatically use [`scalafmt`](https://scalameta.org/scalafmt/docs/configuration.html) to format code. ============================================================================== LANG#TCL *SpaceVim-layer-lang-tcl* This layer is for tcl development, disabled by default, to enable this layer, add following snippet to your SpaceVim configuration file. > [[layers]] name = 'lang#tcl' < KEY BINDINGS > Mode Key Function --------------------------------------------- normal SPC l r run current file < This layer also provides REPL support for tcl, the key bindings are: > Key Function --------------------------------------------- SPC l s i Start a inferior REPL process SPC l s b send whole buffer SPC l s l send current line SPC l s s send selection text < ============================================================================== LANG#XML *SpaceVim-layer-lang-xml* When editing an xml file, the omni func is xmlcomplete#CompleteTags. You can read the documentation in autoload/xmlcomplete.vim in the vim or neovim runtime directory. ============================================================================== OPERATOR *SpaceVim-layer-operator* With this layer, you can confirm that text is yanked correctly and see yanked text by highlighting. ============================================================================== SHELL *SpaceVim-layer-shell* SpaceVim uses deol.nvim for shell support in neovim and uses vimshell for vim. For more info, read |deol| and |vimshell|. VARIABLE default_shell: config the default shell to be used by shell layer. KEY BINDINGS > SPC ' Open or switch to terminal windows q Hide terminal windows in normal mode < ============================================================================== TEST *SpaceVim-layer-test* This layer allows to run tests on SpaceVim MAPPINGS > Mode Key Function ------------------------------------------------------------- normal SPC k n run nearest test normal SPC k f run test file normal SPC k s run test suite normal SPC k l run the latest test normal SPC k v visits the last run test file < ============================================================================== TMUX *SpaceVim-layer-tmux* Adds integration between tmux and vim panes. Switch between panes seamlessly.syntax highlighting, commenting, man page navigation and ability to execute lines as tmux commands. This layer is not added by default. To include it, add `SpaceVim#layers#load('tmux')` to your `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim`. If you are having issues with in a neovim buffer, see `https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/2048#issuecomment-78045837` MAPPINGS > Key Mode Function ------------------------------ normal Switch to vim/tmux pane in left direction normal Switch to vim/tmux pane in down direction normal Switch to vim/tmux pane in up direction normal Switch to vim/tmux pane in right direction < ============================================================================== TOOLS#DASH *SpaceVim-layer-tools-dash* This layer provides Dash integration for SpaceVim ============================================================================== TOOLS#ZEAL *SpaceVim-layer-tools-zeal* This layer provides Zeal integration for SpaceVim ============================================================================== API *SpaceVim-api* SpaceVim contains a variety of public apis. To using the api, you need to make sure SpaceVim has been added to your &rtp. after that, you can use |SpaceVim#api#import| to import the API you need. USAGE This is just an example, and it works well in old version vim. > let s:json = SpaceVim#api#import('data#json') let rst = s:json.json_encode(onject) let rst = s:json.json_decode(string) < here is list of resources where SpaceVim comes from: vital: https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim ============================================================================== CMDLINEMENU *SpaceVim-api-cmdlinemenu* menu({items}) Create a cmdline selection menu from a list of {items}, each item should be a list of two value in it, first one is the description, and the next one should be a funcrc. ============================================================================== DATA#DICT *SpaceVim-api-data-dict* provides some functions to manipulate a dict. make({keys}, {values}[, {fill}]) make a dictionary from two list, the {keys} and {values}. swap({dict}) swap the keys and values in a dictionary. make_index make a dictionary from a list, use ============================================================================== DATA#LIST *SpaceVim-api-data-list* provides some functions to manipulate a list. pop({list}) Removes the last element from {list} and returns the element, as if the {list} is a stack. push({list}) Appends {val} to the end of {list} and returns the list itself, as if the {list} is a stack. listpart({list}, {start}[, {len}]) The result is a List, which is part of {list}, starting from index {start}, with the length {len} replace(list, begin, end, re_list) replace {list} from {begin} to {end} with {re_list} shift({list}) remove first item in a {list}, and return the item unshift({list}) insert an item to the begin of the {list} ============================================================================== DATA#STRING *SpaceVim-api-data-string* FUNCTIONS split(str [, sep [, keepempty[, max]]]) run vim command, and return the output of such command. trim(str) remove space at the begin and end of a string, same as |trim()| fill(str, length[, char]) fill string to length with {char}, if {char} is omnit, a space is used. ============================================================================== JOB *SpaceVim-api-job* provides some functions to manager job start({cmd}[, {opt}]) spawns {cmd} as a job. {opts} is a dictionary with these keys: on_stdout: stdout event handler (function name or Funcref) on_stderr: stderr event handler (function name or Funcref) on_exit: exit event handler (function name or Funcref) cwd: working directory of the job; defaults to current directory ============================================================================== LOGGER *SpaceVim-api-logger* provides some functions to manager logger set_silent({silent}) {silent} is a Boolean. by default it is false, and log will be print to screen. ============================================================================== PASSWORD *SpaceVim-api-password* provides some functions to generate password generate_simple({len}) generate simple password generate_strong({len}) generate strong password generate_paranoid({len}) generate paranoid password generate_numeric({len}) generate numeric password generate_phonetic({len}) generate phonetic password ============================================================================== PROMPT *SpaceVim-api-prompt* open() Create a cmdline prompt, use while loop to get the input from user. The default mapping for prompt is: > remove last character remove the Word before the cursor remove the Line before the cursor remove the Line after the cursor / Go to the beginning of the line / Go to the end of the line < ============================================================================== SID *SpaceVim-api-vim-sid* " Capture command ============================================================================== SYSTEM *SpaceVim-api-system* name() Return the name of current os, availibel value is: linux, cygwin, windows and mac. ============================================================================== VIM#BUFFER *SpaceVim-api-vim-buffer* FUNCTIONS is_cmdwin() Check if current windows is command line windows. open(opt) Open a new buffer with specifice options, return the buffer number, the {opt} is a dict with following keys: bufname : the buffer name of the new buffer mode: how to open the new buffer, default is vertical topleft split initfunc: the function which will be call after creating buffer cmd: the ex command which will be run after the new buffer is created ============================================================================== VIM#COMMAND *SpaceVim-api-vim-command* This api is for create complete function for custom vim command. This is example for create complete function for command TEST > let s:CMD = SpaceVim#api#import('vim#command') let s:CMD.options = { \ '-f' : { \ 'description' : '', \ 'complete' : ['text'], \ }, \ '-d' : { \ 'description' : 'Root directory for sources', \ 'complete' : 'file', \ }, \ } function! CompleteTest(a, b, c) return s:CMD.complete(a:a, a:b, a:c) endfunction function! Test(...) endfunction command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,CompleteTest TEST :call Test() < ============================================================================== VIM#COMPATIBLE *SpaceVim-api-vim-compatible* FUNCTIONS execute(cmd) run vim command, and return the output of such command. system(cmd) like |system()| but can accept list as argv. systemlist(cmd) like |systemlist()| but can accept list as argv. has(feature) check if {feature} is supported in current version. getjumplist() return a list of jump position, like result of |:jump| ============================================================================== VIM#MESSAGE *SpaceVim-api-vim-message* ============================================================================== FAQ *SpaceVim-faq* 1. How do I enable YouCompleteMe? > I do not recommend using YouCompleteMe. It is too big as a vim plugin. Also, I do not like using submodules in a vim plugin. It is hard to manage with a plugin manager. Step 1: Add `let g:spacevim_enable_ycm = 1` to custom_config. By default it should be `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim`. Step 2: Get into the directory of YouCompleteMe's author. By default it should be `~/.cache/vimfiles/repos/github.com/Valloric/`. If you find the directory `YouCompleteMe` in it, go into it. Otherwise clone YouCompleteMe repo by `git clone https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe.git`. After cloning, get into it and run `git submodule update --init --recursive`. Step 3: Compile YouCompleteMe with the features you want. If you just want C family support, run `./install.py --clang-completer`. < 2. How to add custom snippet? > SpaceVim uses neosnippet as the default snippet engine. If you want to add a snippet for a vim filetype, open a vim file and run `:NeoSnippetEdit` command. A buffer will be opened and you can add your custom snippet. By default this buffer will be save in `~/.SpaceVim/snippets`. If you want to use another directory: let g:neosnippet#snippets_directory = '~/path/to/snip_dir' For more info about how to write snippet, please read |neosnippet-snippet-syntax|. < 3. Where is `` in cmdline-mode? > `` is the default value of |cedit| option, but in SpaceVim we use that binding as ``, so maybe you can change the `cedit` option or use `+`. < 4. How to use `` as ``? > Add `let mapleader = "\"` to `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` < ============================================================================== CHANGELOG *SpaceVim-changelog* Following HEAD: changes in master branch since last release v1.1.0 https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/wiki/Following-HEAD 2019-04-08: v1.1.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v1.1.0/ 2018-12-25: v1.0.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v1.0.0/ 2018-09-26: v0.9.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.9.0/ 2018-06-18: v0.8.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.8.0/ 2018-03-18: v0.7.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.7.0/ 2017-12-30: v0.6.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.6.0/ 2017-11-06: v0.5.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.5.0/ 2017-08-05: v0.4.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.4.0/ 2017-06-27: v0.3.1 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.3.1/ 2017-05-31: v0.3.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.3.0/ 2017-03-30: v0.2.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.2.0/ 2017-01-26: v0.1.0 https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v0.1.0/ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: