" ___vital___ " NOTE: lines between '" ___vital___' is generated by :Vitalize. " Do not mofidify the code nor insert new lines before '" ___vital___' if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch1170') function! vital#_easymotion#HitAHint#Motion#import() abort return map({'deepextend': '', 'gather_poses': '', 'tab2spacelen': '', 'move_f': '', 'setline': '', '_vital_depends': '', 'wincall': '', 'move': '', 'move_to_winpos': '', 'pos2hint_to_line2col2hint': '', 'gather_visible_matched_poses': '', 'move_to_win': '', 'throw': '', 'has_patch': '', 'win2pos2hint_to_w2l2c2h': '', 'move_f2': '', 'new_overwin': '', 'create_win2pos2hint': '', 'pos2poskey': '', 'winnr2poses_to_list': '', 'poskey2pos': '', 'is_in_fold': '', '_vital_loaded': ''}, 'function("s:" . v:key)') endfunction else function! s:_SID() abort return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze__SID$') endfunction execute join(['function! vital#_easymotion#HitAHint#Motion#import() abort', printf("return map({'deepextend': '', 'gather_poses': '', 'tab2spacelen': '', 'move_f': '', 'setline': '', '_vital_depends': '', 'wincall': '', 'move': '', 'move_to_winpos': '', 'pos2hint_to_line2col2hint': '', 'gather_visible_matched_poses': '', 'move_to_win': '', 'throw': '', 'has_patch': '', 'win2pos2hint_to_w2l2c2h': '', 'move_f2': '', 'new_overwin': '', 'create_win2pos2hint': '', 'pos2poskey': '', 'winnr2poses_to_list': '', 'poskey2pos': '', 'is_in_fold': '', '_vital_loaded': ''}, \"function('<SNR>%s_' . v:key)\")", s:_SID()), 'endfunction'], "\n") delfunction s:_SID endif " ___vital___ function! s:_vital_loaded(V) abort let s:Hint = a:V.import('HitAHint.Hint') let s:PHighlight = a:V.import('Palette.Highlight') let s:Buffer = a:V.import('Vim.Buffer') let s:Prelude = a:V.import('Prelude') let s:Set = a:V.import('Data.Set') let s:Input = a:V.import('Over.Input') endfunction function! s:_vital_depends() abort return [ \ 'HitAHint.Hint', \ 'Palette.Highlight', \ 'Vim.Buffer', \ 'Prelude', \ 'Data.Set', \ 'Over.Input', \ ] endfunction let s:TRUE = !0 let s:FALSE = 0 let s:DIRECTION = {'forward': 0, 'backward': 1} " Check Vim version function! s:has_patch(major, minor, patch) abort let l:version = (a:major * 100 + a:minor) return has('patch-' . a:major . '.' . a:minor . '.' . a:patch) || \ (v:version > l:version) || \ (v:version == l:version && 'patch' . a:patch) endfunction " matchadd('Conceal', {pattern}, {priority}, -1, {'conceal': {char}}}) can " highlight pattern and conceal target correctly even if the target is keyword " characters. " - http://ftp.vim.org/vim/patches/7.4/7.4.792 " - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/vim_dev/matchadd$20conceal/vim_dev/8bKa98GhHdk/VOzIBhd1m8YJ let s:can_preserve_syntax = s:has_patch(7, 4, 792) " s:move() moves cursor over/across window with Hit-A-Hint feature like " vim-easymotion " @param {dict} config function! s:move(pattern, ...) abort let o = s:new_overwin(get(a:, 1, {})) return o.pattern(a:pattern) endfunction function! s:move_f(...) abort echo 'Target: ' let c = s:Input.getchar() return s:move(c, get(a:, 1, {})) endfunction function! s:move_f2() abort echo 'Target: ' let c = s:Input.getchar() redraw echo 'Target: ' . c let c2 = s:Input.getchar() return s:move(s:Prelude.escape_pattern(c . c2), get(a:, 1, {})) endfunction let s:overwin = { \ 'config': { \ 'keys': 'asdghklqwertyuiopzxcvbnmfj;', \ 'use_upper': s:FALSE, \ 'auto_land': s:TRUE, \ 'highlight': { \ 'shade': 'HitAHintShade', \ 'target': 'HitAHintTarget', \ 'cursor': 'HitAHintCursor', \ }, \ 'jump_first_target_keys': [], \ 'do_shade': s:TRUE, \ } \ } function! s:_init_hl() abort highlight default HitAHintShade ctermfg=242 guifg=#777777 highlight default HitAHintTarget ctermfg=81 guifg=#66D9EF " Cursor highlight doesn't exist for some environment with some " colorscheme ref:#275 " e.g. " - :colorscheme default " - :colorscheme hybrid if hlexists('Cursor') highlight default link HitAHintCursor Cursor else highlight default HitAHintCursor term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse endif endfunction call s:_init_hl() augroup vital-hit-a-hint-motion-default-highlight autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * call s:_init_hl() augroup END function! s:new_overwin(...) abort let o = deepcopy(s:overwin) call s:deepextend(o.config, get(a:, 1, {})) return o endfunction function! s:overwin.pattern(pattern) abort let winpos = self.select_winpos(self.gather_poses_overwin(a:pattern), self.config.keys) if winpos is# -1 else call s:move_to_winpos(winpos) endif endfunction " @param {{winnr: [lnum, cnum]}} function! s:move_to_winpos(winpos) abort let [winnr_str, pos] = a:winpos let winnr = str2nr(winnr_str) let is_win_moved = !(winnr is# winnr()) if is_win_moved if exists('#WinLeave') silent doautocmd WinLeave endif call s:move_to_win(winnr) else normal! m` endif call cursor(pos) if is_win_moved && exists('#WinEnter') silent doautocmd WinEnter endif endfunction function! s:overwin.select_winpos(winnr2poses, keys) abort let wposes = s:winnr2poses_to_list(a:winnr2poses) if self.config.auto_land && len(wposes) is# 1 return wposes[0] endif call self.set_options() try return self.choose_prompt(s:Hint.create(wposes, a:keys)) finally call self.restore_options() endtry endfunction function! s:overwin.set_options() abort " s:move_to_win() takes long time if 'foldmethod' == 'syntax' or 'expr' let self.save_foldmethod = {} for winnr in range(1, winnr('$')) let self.save_foldmethod[winnr] = getwinvar(winnr, '&foldmethod') call setwinvar(winnr, '&foldmethod', 'manual') endfor endfunction function! s:overwin.restore_options() abort for winnr in range(1, winnr('$')) call setwinvar(winnr, '&foldmethod', self.save_foldmethod[winnr]) endfor endfunction " s:wpos_to_hint() returns dict whose key is position with window and whose " value is the hints. " @param Tree{string: ((winnr, (number,number))|Tree)} hint_dict " @return {{winnr: {string: list<char>}}} poskey to hint for each window " e.g. " { " '1': { " '00168:00004': ['b', 'c', 'b'], " '00174:00001': ['b', 'c', 'a'], " '00188:00004': ['b', 'b'], " '00190:00001': ['b', 'a'], " '00191:00016': ['a', 'c'], " '00192:00004': ['a', 'b'], " '00195:00035': ['a', 'a'] " }, " '3': { " '00168:00004': ['c', 'c', 'c'], " '00174:00001': ['c', 'c', 'b'], " '00188:00004': ['c', 'c', 'a'], " '00190:00001': ['c', 'b'], " '00191:00016': ['c', 'a'], " '00192:00004': ['b', 'c', 'c'] " } " } function! s:create_win2pos2hint(hint_dict) abort return s:_create_win2pos2hint({}, a:hint_dict) endfunction function! s:_create_win2pos2hint(dict, hint_dict, ...) abort let prefix = get(a:, 1, []) for [hint, v] in items(a:hint_dict) if type(v) is# type({}) call s:_create_win2pos2hint(a:dict, v, prefix + [hint]) else let [winnr, pos] = v let a:dict[winnr] = get(a:dict, winnr, {}) let a:dict[winnr][s:pos2poskey(pos)] = prefix + [hint] endif unlet v endfor return a:dict endfunction " s:pos2poskey() convertes pos to poskey to use pos as dictionary keys and " sort pos correctly. " @param {(number,number)} pos " @return string " e.g. [1, 1] -> '00001:00001' function! s:pos2poskey(pos) abort return join(map(copy(a:pos), "printf('%05d', v:val)"), ':') endfunction " s:poskey2pos() convertes poskey to pos. " @param {string} poskey e.g. '00001:00001' " @return {(number,number)} " e.g. '00001:00001' -> [1, 1] function! s:poskey2pos(poskey) abort return map(split(a:poskey, ':'), 'str2nr(v:val)') endfunction function! s:overwin.choose_prompt(hint_dict) abort if empty(a:hint_dict) redraw echo 'No target' return -1 endif let hinter = s:Hinter.new(a:hint_dict, self.config) try call hinter.before() call hinter.show_hint() redraw echo 'Target key: ' let c = s:Input.getchar() if self.config.use_upper let c = toupper(c) endif catch echo v:throwpoint . ':' . v:exception return -1 finally call hinter.after() endtry " Jump to first target if target key is in config.jump_first_target_keys. if index(self.config.jump_first_target_keys, c) isnot# -1 let c = split(self.config.keys, '\zs')[0] endif if has_key(a:hint_dict, c) let target = a:hint_dict[c] return type(target) is# type({}) ? self.choose_prompt(target) : target else redraw echo 'Invalid target: ' . c return -1 endif endfunction " Hinter show hints accross window. " save_lines: {{winnr: {lnum: string}}} " w2l2c2h: winnr to lnum to col num to hints. col2hints is tuple because we " need sorted col to hints pair. " save_syntax: {{winnr: &syntax}} " {{winnr: {lnum: list<(cnum, list<char>)>}}} let s:Hinter = { \ 'save_lines': {}, \ 'w2l2c2h': {}, \ 'winnrs': [], \ 'save_syntax': {}, \ 'save_conceallevel': {}, \ 'save_concealcursor': {}, \ 'save_modified': {}, \ 'save_modifiable': {}, \ 'save_readonly': {}, \ 'save_undo': {}, \ 'highlight_ids': {}, \ } function! s:Hinter.new(hint_dict, config) abort let s = deepcopy(self) let s.config = a:config call s.init(a:hint_dict) return s endfunction function! s:Hinter.init(hint_dict) abort let win2pos2hint = s:create_win2pos2hint(a:hint_dict) let self.winnrs = sort(map(keys(win2pos2hint), 'str2nr(v:val)')) let self.win2pos2hint = win2pos2hint let self.w2l2c2h = s:win2pos2hint_to_w2l2c2h(win2pos2hint) let self.hl_target_ids = {} for winnr in self.winnrs let self.hl_target_ids[winnr] = [] endfor call self._save_lines() endfunction function! s:Hinter.before() abort let self.highlight_id_cursor = matchadd(self.config.highlight.cursor, '\%#', 101) call self.save_options() call self.disable_conceal_in_other_win() endfunction function! s:Hinter.after() abort call matchdelete(self.highlight_id_cursor) call self.restore_env() call self.restore_conceal_in_other_win() endfunction function! s:Hinter._save_lines() abort let nr = winnr() try for [winnr, pos2hint] in items(self.win2pos2hint) call s:move_to_win(winnr) let lnums = map(copy(keys(pos2hint)), 's:poskey2pos(v:val)[0]') let self.save_lines[winnr] = get(self.save_lines, winnr, {}) for lnum in lnums let self.save_lines[winnr][lnum] = getline(lnum) endfor endfor finally call s:move_to_win(nr) endtry endfunction function! s:Hinter.restore_lines_for_win(winnr) abort let lnum2line = self.save_lines[a:winnr] for [lnum, line] in items(lnum2line) call s:setline(lnum, line) endfor endfunction function! s:Hinter.save_options() abort for winnr in self.winnrs let self.save_syntax[winnr] = getwinvar(winnr, '&syntax') let self.save_conceallevel[winnr] = getwinvar(winnr, '&conceallevel') let self.save_concealcursor[winnr] = getwinvar(winnr, '&concealcursor') let self.save_modified[winnr] = getwinvar(winnr, '&modified') let self.save_modifiable[winnr] = getwinvar(winnr, '&modifiable') let self.save_readonly[winnr] = getwinvar(winnr, '&readonly') endfor endfunction function! s:Hinter.restore_options() abort for winnr in self.winnrs call setwinvar(winnr, '&conceallevel', self.save_conceallevel[winnr]) call setwinvar(winnr, '&concealcursor', self.save_concealcursor[winnr]) call setwinvar(winnr, '&modified', self.save_modified[winnr]) call setwinvar(winnr, '&modifiable', self.save_modifiable[winnr]) call setwinvar(winnr, '&readonly', self.save_readonly[winnr]) endfor endfunction function! s:Hinter.modify_env_for_win(winnr) abort let self.save_conceal = s:PHighlight.get('Conceal') let self.save_undo[a:winnr] = s:undo_lock.save() setlocal modifiable setlocal noreadonly if !s:can_preserve_syntax ownsyntax overwin endif setlocal conceallevel=2 setlocal concealcursor=ncv let self.highlight_ids[a:winnr] = get(self.highlight_ids, a:winnr, []) if self.config.do_shade if !s:can_preserve_syntax syntax clear endif let self.highlight_ids[a:winnr] += [matchadd(self.config.highlight.shade, '\_.*', 100)] endif " XXX: other plugins specific handling if getbufvar('%', 'indentLine_enabled', 0) silent! syntax clear IndentLine endif endfunction function! s:Hinter.restore_env() abort call s:PHighlight.set('Conceal', self.save_conceal) let nr = winnr() try for winnr in self.winnrs call s:move_to_win(winnr) call self.restore_lines_for_win(winnr) call self.remove_hints(winnr) if !s:can_preserve_syntax && self.config.do_shade let &syntax = self.save_syntax[winnr] endif call self.save_undo[winnr].restore() for id in self.highlight_ids[winnr] call matchdelete(id) endfor " XXX: other plugins specific handling if getbufvar('%', 'indentLine_enabled', 0) && exists(':IndentLinesEnable') is# 2 call setbufvar('%', 'indentLine_enabled', 0) :IndentLinesEnable endif endfor catch call s:throw(v:throwpoint . ' ' . v:exception) finally call s:move_to_win(nr) endtry call self.restore_options() endfunction let s:undo_lock = {} function! s:undo_lock.save() abort let undo = deepcopy(self) call undo._save() return undo endfunction function! s:undo_lock._save() abort if undotree().seq_last == 0 " if there are no undo history, disable undo feature by setting " 'undolevels' to -1 and restore it. let self.save_undolevels = &l:undolevels let &l:undolevels = -1 elseif !s:Buffer.is_cmdwin() " command line window doesn't support :wundo. let self.undofile = tempname() execute 'wundo!' self.undofile else let self.is_cmdwin = s:TRUE endif endfunction function! s:undo_lock.restore() abort if has_key(self, 'save_undolevels') let &l:undolevels = self.save_undolevels endif if has_key(self, 'undofile') && filereadable(self.undofile) silent execute 'rundo' self.undofile call delete(self.undofile) endif if has_key(self, 'is_cmdwin') " XXX: it breaks undo history. AFAIK, there are no way to save and restore " undo history in commandline window. call self.undobreak() endif endfunction function! s:undo_lock.undobreak() abort let old_undolevels = &l:undolevels setlocal undolevels=-1 keepjumps call setline('.', getline('.')) let &l:undolevels = old_undolevels endfunction function! s:Hinter.disable_conceal_in_other_win() abort let allwinnrs = s:Set.set(range(1, winnr('$'))) let other_winnrs = allwinnrs.sub(self.winnrs).to_list() for w in other_winnrs if 'help' !=# getwinvar(w, '&buftype') call setwinvar(w, 'overwin_save_conceallevel', getwinvar(w, '&conceallevel')) call setwinvar(w, '&conceallevel', 0) endif endfor endfunction function! s:Hinter.restore_conceal_in_other_win() abort let allwinnrs = s:Set.set(range(1, winnr('$'))) let other_winnrs = allwinnrs.sub(self.winnrs).to_list() for w in other_winnrs if 'help' !=# getwinvar(w, '&buftype') call setwinvar(w, '&conceallevel', getwinvar(w, 'overwin_save_conceallevel')) endif endfor endfunction " ._pos2hint_to_line2col2hint() converts pos2hint to line2col2hint dict whose " key is line number and whose value is list of tuple of col number to hint. " line2col2hint is for show hint with replacing line by line. " col should be sorted. " @param {{string: list<char>}} pos2hint " @return {number: [(number, list<char>)]} function! s:Hinter._pos2hint_to_line2col2hint(pos2hint) abort let line2col2hint = {} let poskeys = sort(keys(a:pos2hint)) for poskey in poskeys let [lnum, cnum] = s:poskey2pos(poskey) let line2col2hint[lnum] = get(line2col2hint, lnum, []) let line2col2hint[lnum] += [[cnum, a:pos2hint[poskey]]] endfor return line2col2hint endfunction function! s:Hinter.show_hint() abort let nr = winnr() try for winnr in self.winnrs call s:move_to_win(winnr) call self._show_hint_for_win(winnr) endfor finally call s:move_to_win(nr) endtry endfunction function! s:Hinter._show_hint_for_win(winnr) abort call self.modify_env_for_win(a:winnr) let hints = [] for [lnum, col2hint] in items(self.w2l2c2h[a:winnr]) let hints += self._show_hint_for_line(a:winnr, lnum, col2hint) endfor " Restore syntax and show hints after replacing all lines for performance. if !s:can_preserve_syntax && !self.config.do_shade let &l:syntax = self.save_syntax[a:winnr] endif execute 'highlight! link Conceal' self.config.highlight.target for [lnum, cnum, char] in hints call self.show_hint_pos(lnum, cnum, char, a:winnr) endfor endfunction function! s:Hinter._show_hint_for_line(winnr, lnum, col2hint) abort let hints = [] " [lnum, cnum, char] let line = self.save_lines[a:winnr][a:lnum] let col_offset = 0 let prev_cnum = -1 let next_offset = 0 for [cnum, hint] in a:col2hint let col_num = cnum + col_offset let is_consecutive = cnum is# prev_cnum + 1 if !is_consecutive let col_num += next_offset endif let save_next_offset = next_offset let [line, offset, next_offset] = self._replace_line_for_hint(col_num, line, hint) if is_consecutive let col_offset += save_next_offset endif let col_offset += offset let hints = [[a:lnum, col_num, hint[0]]] + hints if len(hint) > 1 let hints = [[a:lnum, col_num + 1, hint[1]]] + hints endif let prev_cnum = cnum endfor call s:setline(a:lnum, line) return hints endfunction " ._replace_line_for_hint() replaces line to show hints. " - It appends space if the line is empty " - It replaces <Tab> to space if the target character is <Tab> " - It replaces next target character if it's <Tab> and len(hint) > 1 " Replacing line changes col number, so it returns offset of col number. " As for replaceing next target character, the timing to calculate offset " depends on the col number of next hint in the same line, so it returns " `next_offset` instead of returning offset all at once. " @return {(string, number, number)} (line, offset, next_offset) function! s:Hinter._replace_line_for_hint(col_num, line, hint) abort let line = a:line let col_num = a:col_num let do_replace_target = !(self.config.do_shade || s:can_preserve_syntax) let target = matchstr(line, '\%' . col_num .'c.') " Append one space for empty line or match at end of line if target is# '' let hintwidth = strdisplaywidth(join(a:hint[:1], '')) let char = do_replace_target ? ' ' : '.' let line .= repeat(char, hintwidth) return [line, hintwidth, 0] endif let offset = 0 if target is# "\t" let [line, offset] = self._replace_tab_target(col_num, line) elseif strdisplaywidth(target) > 1 let line = self._replace_text_to_space(line, col_num, strdisplaywidth(target)) let offset = strdisplaywidth(target) - len(target) else if do_replace_target " The priority of :syn-cchar is always under the priority of keywords. " So, Hit-A-Hint replaces targets character with '.'. let space = '.' let line = substitute(line, '\%' . col_num . 'c.', space, '') let offset = len(space) - len(target) endif endif let next_offset = 0 if len(a:hint) > 1 && target isnot# "\t" " pass [' '] as hint to stop recursion. let [line, next_offset, _] = self._replace_line_for_hint(col_num + offset + 1, line, [' ']) endif return [line, offset, next_offset] endfunction " @return {(line, offset)} function! s:Hinter._replace_tab_target(col_num, line) abort let space_len = s:tab2spacelen(a:line, a:col_num) let line = self._replace_text_to_space(a:line, a:col_num, space_len) return [line, space_len - 1] endfunction function! s:Hinter._replace_text_to_space(line, col_num, len) abort let target = printf('\%%%dc.', a:col_num) let line = substitute(a:line, target, repeat(' ', a:len), '') return line endfunction function! s:Hinter.show_hint_pos(lnum, cnum, char, winnr) abort let p = '\%'. a:lnum . 'l\%'. a:cnum . 'c.' if s:can_preserve_syntax let self.hl_target_ids[a:winnr] += [matchadd('Conceal', p, 101, -1, {'conceal': a:char})] else exec "syntax match HitAHintTarget '". p . "' contains=NONE containedin=.* conceal cchar=". a:char endif endfunction function! s:Hinter.remove_hints(winnr) abort if s:can_preserve_syntax for id in self.hl_target_ids[a:winnr] call matchdelete(id) endfor else " Clear syntax defined by Hit-A-Hint motion before restoring syntax. syntax clear HitAHintTarget endif endfunction " @param {number} col_num col_num is 1 origin like col() function! s:tab2spacelen(line, col_num) abort let before_line = a:col_num > 2 ? a:line[: a:col_num - 2] \ : a:col_num is# 2 ? a:line[0] \ : '' let vcol_num = 1 for c in split(before_line, '\zs') let vcol_num += c is# "\t" ? s:_virtual_tab2spacelen(vcol_num) : len(c) endfor return s:_virtual_tab2spacelen(vcol_num) endfunction function! s:_virtual_tab2spacelen(col_num) abort return &tabstop - ((a:col_num - 1) % &tabstop) endfunction function! s:win2pos2hint_to_w2l2c2h(win2pos2hint) abort let w2l2c2h = {} for [winnr, pos2hint] in items(a:win2pos2hint) let w2l2c2h[winnr] = s:pos2hint_to_line2col2hint(pos2hint) endfor return w2l2c2h endfunction " s:pos2hint_to_line2col2hint() converts pos2hint to line2col2hint dict whose " key is line number and whose value is list of tuple of col number to hint. " line2col2hint is for show hint with replacing line by line. " col should be sorted. " @param {{string: list<char>}} pos2hint " @return {number: [(number, list<char>)]} function! s:pos2hint_to_line2col2hint(pos2hint) abort let line2col2hint = {} let poskeys = sort(keys(a:pos2hint)) for poskey in poskeys let [lnum, cnum] = s:poskey2pos(poskey) let line2col2hint[lnum] = get(line2col2hint, lnum, []) let line2col2hint[lnum] += [[cnum, a:pos2hint[poskey]]] endfor return line2col2hint endfunction " @param {number} winnr function! s:move_to_win(winnr) abort if a:winnr !=# winnr() execute 'noautocmd' a:winnr . 'wincmd w' endif endfunction " @param {regex} pattern " @return {{winnr: list<list<(number,number))>}} function! s:overwin.gather_poses_overwin(pattern) abort return s:wincall(function('s:gather_poses'), [a:pattern]) endfunction " s:gather_poses() aggregates patterm matched positions in visible current " window for both direction excluding poses in fold. " @return {{list<list<(number,number))>}} function! s:gather_poses(pattern) abort let f = s:gather_visible_matched_poses(a:pattern, s:DIRECTION.forward, s:TRUE) let b = s:gather_visible_matched_poses(a:pattern, s:DIRECTION.backward, s:FALSE) return filter(f + b, '!s:is_in_fold(v:val[0])') endfunction " s:gather_visible_matched_poses() aggregates pattern matched positions in visible current " window. " @param {regex} pattern " @param {enum<DIRECTION>} direction see s:DIRECTION " @param {bool} allow_cursor_pos_match " @return {list<list<(number,number)>>} positions function! s:gather_visible_matched_poses(pattern, direction, allow_cursor_pos_match) abort let stop_line = line(a:direction is# s:DIRECTION.forward ? 'w$' : 'w0') let search_flag = (a:direction is# s:DIRECTION.forward ? '' : 'b') let c_flag = a:allow_cursor_pos_match ? 'c' : '' let view = winsaveview() let poses = [] keepjumps let pos = searchpos(a:pattern, c_flag . search_flag, stop_line) while pos != [0, 0] let poses += [pos] keepjumps let pos = searchpos(a:pattern, search_flag, stop_line) endwhile call winrestview(view) return poses endfunction " @param {{winnr: list<list<(number,number))>}} winnr2poses " @param {number?} first_winnr the top winnr poses in returned list " @return {list<{list<(winnr, (number,number))}>} function! s:winnr2poses_to_list(winnr2poses, ...) abort let first_winnr = get(a:, 1, winnr()) let first_winnr_poses = [] let other_poses = [] for [winnr_str, poses] in items(a:winnr2poses) let winnr = str2nr(winnr_str) if winnr is# first_winnr let first_winnr_poses = map(copy(poses), '[winnr, v:val]') else let other_poses += map(copy(poses), '[winnr, v:val]') endif endfor return first_winnr_poses + other_poses endfunction " @param {number} lnum line number function! s:is_in_fold(lnum) abort return foldclosed(a:lnum) != -1 endfunction " @param {funcref} func " @param {arglist} list<S> " @param {dict?} dict for :h call() " @return {{winnr: <T>}} function! s:wincall(func, arglist, ...) abort let dict = get(a:, 1, {}) let r = {} let start_winnr = winnr() let r[start_winnr] = call(a:func, a:arglist, dict) if s:Buffer.is_cmdwin() return r endif noautocmd wincmd w while winnr() isnot# start_winnr let r[winnr()] = call(a:func, a:arglist, dict) noautocmd wincmd w endwhile return r endfunction " deepextend (nest: 1) function! s:deepextend(expr1, expr2) abort let expr2 = copy(a:expr2) for [k, V] in items(a:expr1) if (type(V) is type({}) || type(V) is type([])) && has_key(expr2, k) let a:expr1[k] = extend(a:expr1[k], expr2[k]) unlet expr2[k] endif unlet V endfor return extend(a:expr1, expr2) endfunction function! s:setline(lnum, text) abort if getline(a:lnum) isnot# a:text call setline(a:lnum, a:text) endif endfunction function! s:throw(message) abort throw 'vital: HitAHint.Motion: ' . a:message endfunction