# ============================================================================ # FILE: view.py # AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> # License: MIT license # ============================================================================ import copy import time import typing from pynvim.api import Buffer from pathlib import Path from defx.clipboard import Clipboard from defx.context import Context from defx.defx import Defx from defx.session import Session from defx.util import error, import_plugin, safe_call, len_bytes from defx.util import Nvim, Candidate Highlights = typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, int, int]] class View(object): def __init__(self, vim: Nvim, index: int) -> None: self._vim: Nvim = vim self._defxs: typing.List[Defx] = [] self._candidates: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = [] self._clipboard = Clipboard() self._bufnr = -1 self._prev_bufnr = -1 self._winid = -1 self._index = index self._bufname = '[defx]' self._buffer: Buffer = None self._prev_action = '' self._prev_syntaxes: typing.List[str] = [] self._prev_highlight_commands: typing.List[str] = [] self._winrestcmd = '' self._has_preview_window = False self._session_version = '1.0' self._sessions: typing.Dict[str, Session] = {} self._previewed_target: typing.Optional[Candidate] = None self._previewed_job: typing.Optional[int] = None self._ns: int = -1 self._has_textprop = False self._proptypes: typing.Set[str] = set() def init(self, context: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None: self._context = self._init_context(context) self._bufname = f'[defx] {self._context.buffer_name}-{self._index}' self._winrestcmd = self._vim.call('winrestcmd') self._prev_wininfo = self._get_wininfo() self._prev_bufnr = self._context.prev_bufnr self._has_preview_window = len( [x for x in range(1, self._vim.call('winnr', '$')) if self._vim.call('getwinvar', x, '&previewwindow')]) > 0 if self._vim.call('defx#util#has_textprop'): self._has_textprop = True else: self._ns = self._vim.call('nvim_create_namespace', 'defx') def init_paths(self, paths: typing.List[typing.List[str]], context: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], clipboard: Clipboard ) -> bool: self.init(context) initialized = self._init_defx(clipboard) # Window check if self._vim.call('win_getid') != self._winid: # Not defx window return False if not paths: if not initialized: # Don't initialize path return False paths = [['file', self._vim.call('getcwd')]] self._buffer.vars['defx']['paths'] = paths self._update_defx_paths(paths) self._init_columns(self._context.columns.split(':')) self.redraw(True) if self._context.session_file: self.do_action('load_session', [], self._vim.call('defx#init#_context', {})) for [index, [source_name, path]] in enumerate(paths): self._check_session(index, path) for defx in self._defxs: self._init_cursor(defx) return True def do_action(self, action_name: str, action_args: typing.List[str], new_context: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None: """ Do "action" action. """ cursor = new_context['cursor'] visual_start = new_context['visual_start'] visual_end = new_context['visual_end'] defx_targets = { x._index: self.get_selected_candidates(cursor, x._index) for x in self._defxs} all_targets: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = [] for targets in defx_targets.values(): all_targets += targets import defx.action as action for defx in [x for x in self._defxs if not all_targets or defx_targets[x._index]]: context = self._context._replace( args=action_args, cursor=cursor, targets=defx_targets[defx._index], visual_start=visual_start, visual_end=visual_end, ) ret = action.do_action(self, defx, action_name, context) if ret: error(self._vim, 'Invalid action_name:' + action_name) return def debug(self, expr: typing.Any) -> None: error(self._vim, expr) def print_msg(self, expr: typing.Any) -> None: self._vim.call('defx#util#print_message', expr) def close_preview(self) -> None: if not self._has_preview_window: self._vim.command('pclose!') # Clear previewed buffers for bufnr in self._vim.vars['defx#_previewed_buffers'].keys(): if not self._vim.call('win_findbuf', bufnr): self._vim.command('silent bdelete ' + str(bufnr)) self._vim.vars['defx#_previewed_buffers'] = {} def quit(self) -> None: # Close preview window self.close_preview() winnr = self._vim.call('bufwinnr', self._bufnr) if winnr < 0: return if winnr != self._vim.call('winnr'): # Use current window self._context = self._context._replace( prev_winid=self._vim.call('win_getid')) self._vim.command(f'{winnr}wincmd w') if (self._context.split not in ['no', 'tab'] and self._vim.call('winnr', '$') != 1): self._vim.command('close') self._vim.call('win_gotoid', self._context.prev_winid) elif self._check_bufnr(self._prev_bufnr): self._vim.command('buffer ' + str(self._prev_bufnr)) elif self._check_bufnr(self._context.prev_last_bufnr): self._vim.command('buffer ' + str(self._context.prev_last_bufnr)) else: self._vim.command('enew') if self._get_wininfo() and self._get_wininfo() == self._prev_wininfo: self._vim.command(self._winrestcmd) self.restore_previous_buffer() def redraw(self, is_force: bool = False) -> None: """ Redraw defx buffer. """ start = time.time() [info] = self._vim.call('getbufinfo', self._bufnr) prev_linenr = info['lnum'] prev = self.get_cursor_candidate(prev_linenr) if is_force: self._init_candidates() self._init_column_length() for column in self._columns: column.on_redraw(self, self._context) lines = [] columns_highlights = [] for (i, candidate) in enumerate(self._candidates): (text, highlights) = self._get_columns_text( self._context, candidate) lines.append(text) columns_highlights += ([(x[0], i, x[1], x[1] + x[2]) for x in highlights]) self._buffer.options['modifiable'] = True # NOTE: Different len of buffer line replacement cause cursor jump if len(lines) >= len(self._buffer): self._buffer[:] = lines[:len(self._buffer)] self._buffer.append(lines[len(self._buffer):]) else: self._buffer[len(lines):] = [] self._buffer[:] = lines self._buffer.options['modifiable'] = False self._buffer.options['modified'] = False # TODO: How to set cursor position for other buffer when # stay in current buffer if self._buffer == self._vim.current.buffer: self._vim.call('cursor', [prev_linenr, 0]) if prev: self.search_file(prev['action__path'], prev['_defx_index']) if is_force: self._init_column_syntax() # Update highlights # Note: update_highlights() must be called after init_column_syntax() if columns_highlights: self._update_highlights(columns_highlights) if self._context.profile: error(self._vim, f'redraw time = {time.time() - start}') def get_cursor_candidate( self, cursor: int) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: if len(self._candidates) < cursor: return {} else: return self._candidates[cursor - 1] def get_selected_candidates( self, cursor: int, index: int ) -> typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]: if not self._candidates: return [] candidates = [x for x in self._candidates if x['is_selected']] if not candidates: candidates = [self.get_cursor_candidate(cursor)] return [x for x in candidates if x.get('_defx_index', -1) == index] def get_candidate_pos(self, path: Path, index: int) -> int: for [pos, candidate] in enumerate(self._candidates): if (candidate['_defx_index'] == index and candidate['action__path'] == path): return pos return -1 def cd(self, defx: Defx, source_name: str, path: str, cursor: int) -> None: history = defx._cursor_history # Save previous cursor position candidate = self.get_cursor_candidate(cursor) if candidate: history[defx._cwd] = candidate['action__path'] global_histories = self._vim.vars['defx#_histories'] global_histories.append([defx._source.name, defx._cwd]) self._vim.vars['defx#_histories'] = global_histories if source_name != defx._source.name: # Replace with new defx self._defxs[defx._index] = Defx(self._vim, self._context, source_name, path, defx._index) defx = self._defxs[defx._index] defx.cd(path) self.redraw(True) self._check_session(defx._index, path) self._init_cursor(defx) if path in history: self.search_file(history[path], defx._index) self._update_paths(defx._index, path) def search_file(self, path: Path, index: int) -> bool: target = str(path) if target and target[-1] == '/': target = target[:-1] pos = self.get_candidate_pos(Path(target), index) if pos < 0: return False self._vim.call('cursor', [pos + 1, 1]) return True def search_recursive(self, path: Path, index: int) -> None: parents: typing.List[Path] = [] tmppath: Path = path while (self.get_candidate_pos(tmppath, index) < 0 and tmppath.parent != path and tmppath.parent != tmppath): tmppath = tmppath.parent parents.append(tmppath) for parent in reversed(parents): self.open_tree(parent, index, False, 0) self.update_candidates() self.redraw() self.search_file(path, index) def update_candidates(self) -> None: # Update opened/selected state for defx in self._defxs: defx._opened_candidates = set() defx._selected_candidates = set() for [i, candidate] in [x for x in enumerate(self._candidates) if x[1]['is_opened_tree']]: defx = self._defxs[candidate['_defx_index']] defx._opened_candidates.add(str(candidate['action__path'])) for [i, candidate] in [x for x in enumerate(self._candidates) if x[1]['is_selected']]: defx = self._defxs[candidate['_defx_index']] defx._selected_candidates.add(str(candidate['action__path'])) def open_tree(self, path: Path, index: int, enable_nested: bool, max_level: int = 0) -> None: # Search insert position pos = self.get_candidate_pos(path, index) if pos < 0: return target = self._candidates[pos] if (not target['is_directory'] or target['is_opened_tree'] or target['is_root']): return target['is_opened_tree'] = True base_level = target['level'] + 1 defx = self._defxs[index] children = defx.gather_candidates_recursive( str(path), base_level, base_level + max_level) if not children: return if (enable_nested and len(children) == 1 and children[0]['is_directory']): # Merge child. defx._nested_candidates.add(str(target['action__path'])) target['action__path'] = children[0]['action__path'] target['word'] += children[0]['word'] target['is_opened_tree'] = False return self.open_tree(target['action__path'], index, enable_nested, max_level) for candidate in children: candidate['_defx_index'] = index self._candidates = (self._candidates[: pos + 1] + children + self._candidates[pos + 1:]) def close_tree(self, path: Path, index: int) -> None: # Search insert position pos = self.get_candidate_pos(path, index) if pos < 0: return target = self._candidates[pos] if not target['is_opened_tree'] or target['is_root']: return target['is_opened_tree'] = False defx = self._defxs[index] self._remove_nested_path(defx, target['action__path']) start = pos + 1 base_level = target['level'] end = start for candidate in self._candidates[start:]: if candidate['level'] <= base_level: break self._remove_nested_path(defx, candidate['action__path']) end += 1 self._candidates = (self._candidates[: start] + self._candidates[end:]) def restore_previous_buffer(self) -> None: if not self._vim.call('buflisted', self._prev_bufnr): return prev_bufname = self._vim.call('bufname', self._context.prev_last_bufnr) if not prev_bufname: # ignore noname buffer return self._vim.call('setreg', '#', self._vim.call('fnameescape', prev_bufname)) def _remove_nested_path(self, defx: Defx, path: Path) -> None: if str(path) in defx._nested_candidates: defx._nested_candidates.remove(str(path)) def _init_context( self, context: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> Context: # Convert to int for attr in [x[0] for x in Context()._asdict().items() if isinstance(x[1], int) and x[0] in context]: context[attr] = int(context[attr]) return Context(**context) def _init_window(self) -> None: self._winid = self._vim.call('win_getid') window_options = self._vim.current.window.options if (self._context.split == 'vertical' and self._context.winwidth > 0): window_options['winfixwidth'] = True self._vim.command(f'vertical resize {self._context.winwidth}') elif (self._context.split == 'horizontal' and self._context.winheight > 0): window_options['winfixheight'] = True self._vim.command(f'resize {self._context.winheight}') def _check_session(self, index: int, path: str) -> None: if path not in self._sessions: return # restore opened_candidates session = self._sessions[path] for opened_path in session.opened_candidates: self.open_tree(Path(opened_path), index, False) self.update_candidates() self.redraw() def _init_defx(self, clipboard: Clipboard) -> bool: if not self._switch_buffer(): return False self._buffer = self._vim.current.buffer self._bufnr = self._buffer.number self._buffer.vars['defx'] = { 'context': self._context._asdict(), 'paths': [], } # Note: Have to use setlocal instead of "current.window.options" # "current.window.options" changes global value instead of local in # neovim. self._vim.command('setlocal colorcolumn=') self._vim.command('setlocal nocursorcolumn') self._vim.command('setlocal nofoldenable') self._vim.command('setlocal foldcolumn=0') self._vim.command('setlocal nolist') self._vim.command('setlocal nonumber') self._vim.command('setlocal norelativenumber') self._vim.command('setlocal nospell') self._vim.command('setlocal nowrap') self._vim.command('setlocal signcolumn=no') if self._context.split == 'floating': self._vim.command('setlocal nocursorline') self._init_window() buffer_options = self._buffer.options if not self._context.listed: buffer_options['buflisted'] = False buffer_options['buftype'] = 'nofile' buffer_options['bufhidden'] = 'hide' buffer_options['swapfile'] = False buffer_options['modeline'] = False buffer_options['modifiable'] = False buffer_options['modified'] = False buffer_options['filetype'] = 'defx' if not self._vim.call('has', 'nvim'): # In Vim8, FileType autocmd is not fired after set filetype option. self._vim.command('silent doautocmd FileType defx') self._vim.command('autocmd! defx * <buffer>') self._vim.command('autocmd defx ' 'CursorHold,FocusGained <buffer> ' 'call defx#call_async_action("check_redraw")') self._vim.command('autocmd defx FileType <buffer> ' 'call defx#call_action("redraw")') self._prev_highlight_commands = [] # Initialize defx state self._candidates = [] self._clipboard = clipboard self._defxs = [] self._init_all_columns() self._init_columns(self._context.columns.split(':')) self._vim.vars['defx#_drives'] = self._context.drives return True def _switch_buffer(self) -> bool: if self._context.split == 'tab': self._vim.command('tabnew') if self._context.close: self.quit() return False winnr = self._vim.call('bufwinnr', self._bufnr) if winnr > 0: self._vim.command(f'{winnr}wincmd w') if self._context.toggle: self.quit() else: self._winid = self._vim.call('win_getid') self._init_window() return False if (self._vim.current.buffer.options['modified'] and not self._vim.options['hidden'] and self._context.split == 'no'): self._context = self._context._replace(split='vertical') if (self._context.split == 'floating' and self._vim.call('exists', '*nvim_open_win')): # Use floating window self._vim.call( 'nvim_open_win', self._vim.call('bufnr', '%'), True, { 'relative': self._context.winrelative, 'row': self._context.winrow, 'col': self._context.wincol, 'width': self._context.winwidth, 'height': self._context.winheight, }) # Create new buffer vertical = 'vertical' if self._context.split == 'vertical' else '' no_split = self._context.split in ['no', 'tab', 'floating'] if self._vim.call('bufloaded', self._bufnr): command = ('buffer' if no_split else 'sbuffer') self._vim.command( 'silent keepalt %s %s %s %s' % ( self._context.direction, vertical, command, self._bufnr, ) ) if self._context.resume: self._init_window() return False elif self._vim.call('exists', 'bufadd'): bufnr = self._vim.call('bufadd', self._bufname) command = ('buffer' if no_split else 'sbuffer') self._vim.command( 'silent keepalt %s %s %s %s' % ( self._context.direction, vertical, command, bufnr, ) ) else: command = ('edit' if no_split else 'new') self._vim.call( 'defx#util#execute_path', 'silent keepalt %s %s %s ' % ( self._context.direction, vertical, command, ), self._bufname) return True def _init_all_columns(self) -> None: from defx.base.column import Base as Column self._all_columns: typing.Dict[str, Column] = {} for path_column in self._load_custom_columns(): column = import_plugin(path_column, 'column', 'Column') if not column: continue column = column(self._vim) if column.name not in self._all_columns: self._all_columns[column.name] = column def _init_columns(self, columns: typing.List[str]) -> None: from defx.base.column import Base as Column custom = self._vim.call('defx#custom#_get')['column'] self._columns: typing.List[Column] = [ copy.copy(self._all_columns[x]) for x in columns if x in self._all_columns ] for column in self._columns: if column.name in custom: column.vars.update(custom[column.name]) column.on_init(self, self._context) def _init_column_length(self) -> None: from defx.base.column import Base as Column within_variable = False within_variable_columns: typing.List[Column] = [] start = 1 for [index, column] in enumerate(self._columns): column.syntax_name = f'Defx_{column.name}_{index}' column.highlight_name = f'Defx_{column.name}' if within_variable and not column.is_stop_variable: within_variable_columns.append(column) continue # Calculate variable_length variable_length = 0 if column.is_stop_variable: for variable_column in within_variable_columns: variable_length += variable_column.length( self._context._replace(targets=self._candidates)) # Note: for "' '.join(variable_texts)" length if within_variable_columns: variable_length += len(within_variable_columns) - 1 length = column.length( self._context._replace(targets=self._candidates, variable_length=variable_length)) column.start = start column.end = start + length if column.is_start_variable: within_variable = True within_variable_columns.append(column) else: column.is_within_variable = False start += length + 1 if column.is_stop_variable: for variable_column in within_variable_columns: # Overwrite syntax_name variable_column.syntax_name = column.syntax_name variable_column.is_within_variable = True within_variable = False def _init_column_syntax(self) -> None: commands: typing.List[str] = [] for syntax in self._prev_syntaxes: commands.append( 'silent! syntax clear ' + syntax) if self._proptypes: self._clear_prop_types() self._prev_syntaxes = [] for column in self._columns: source_highlights = column.highlight_commands() if not source_highlights: continue commands += source_highlights self._prev_syntaxes += column.syntaxes() syntax_list = commands + [ self._vim.call('execute', 'syntax list'), self._vim.call('execute', 'highlight'), ] if syntax_list == self._prev_highlight_commands: # Skip highlights return self._execute_commands(commands) self._prev_highlight_commands = commands + [ self._vim.call('execute', 'syntax list'), self._vim.call('execute', 'highlight'), ] def _execute_commands(self, commands: typing.List[str]) -> None: # Note: If commands are too huge, vim.command() will fail. threshold = 15 cnt = 0 while cnt < len(commands): self._vim.command(' | '.join(commands[cnt: cnt + threshold])) cnt += threshold def _init_candidates(self) -> None: self._candidates = [] for defx in self._defxs: root = defx.get_root_candidate() defx._mtime = root['action__path'].stat().st_mtime candidates = [root] candidates += defx.tree_candidates( defx._cwd, 0, self._context.auto_recursive_level) for candidate in candidates: candidate['_defx_index'] = defx._index self._candidates += candidates def _get_columns_text(self, context: Context, candidate: Candidate ) -> typing.Tuple[str, Highlights]: texts: typing.List[str] = [] variable_texts: typing.List[str] = [] ret_highlights: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, int, int]] = [] start = 0 for column in self._columns: column.start = start if column.is_stop_variable: if variable_texts: variable_texts.append('') (text, highlights) = column.get_with_variable_text( context, ' '.join(variable_texts), candidate) texts.append(text) ret_highlights += highlights variable_texts = [] else: if column.has_get_with_highlights: (text, highlights) = column.get_with_highlights( context, candidate) ret_highlights += highlights else: # Note: For old columns compatibility text = column.get(context, candidate) if column.is_start_variable or column.is_within_variable: if text: variable_texts.append(text) else: texts.append(text) start = len_bytes(' '.join(texts)) if texts: start += 1 if variable_texts: start += len_bytes(' '.join(variable_texts)) + 1 return (' '.join(texts), ret_highlights) def _update_paths(self, index: int, path: str) -> None: var_defx = self._buffer.vars['defx'] if len(var_defx['paths']) <= index: var_defx['paths'].append(path) else: var_defx['paths'][index] = path self._buffer.vars['defx'] = var_defx def _init_cursor(self, defx: Defx) -> None: self.search_file(Path(defx._cwd), defx._index) # Move to next self._vim.call('cursor', [self._vim.call('line', '.') + 1, 1]) def _get_wininfo(self) -> typing.List[str]: return [ self._vim.options['columns'], self._vim.options['lines'], self._vim.call('win_getid'), self._vim.call('tabpagebuflist') ] def _load_custom_columns(self) -> typing.List[Path]: rtp_list = self._vim.options['runtimepath'].split(',') result: typing.List[Path] = [] for path in rtp_list: column_path = Path(path).joinpath( 'rplugin', 'python3', 'defx', 'column') if safe_call(column_path.is_dir): result += column_path.glob('*.py') return result def _update_defx_paths(self, paths: typing.List[typing.List[str]]) -> None: self._defxs = self._defxs[:len(paths)] for [index, [source_name, path]] in enumerate(paths): if index >= len(self._defxs): self._defxs.append( Defx(self._vim, self._context, source_name, path, index)) else: defx = self._defxs[index] self.cd(defx, defx._source.name, path, self._context.cursor) self._update_paths(index, path) def _check_bufnr(self, bufnr: int) -> bool: return (bool(self._vim.call('bufexists', bufnr)) and bufnr != self._vim.call('bufnr', '%') and self._vim.call('getbufvar', bufnr, '&filetype') != 'defx') def _clear_prop_types(self) -> None: self._vim.call('defx#util#call_atomic', [ ['prop_type_delete', [x]] for x in self._proptypes ]) self._proptypes = set() def _update_highlights(self, columns_highlights: typing.List[ typing.Tuple[str, int, int, int]]) -> None: commands = [] if self._has_textprop: for proptype in self._proptypes: commands.append(['prop_remove', [{'type': proptype}]]) for highlight in columns_highlights: if highlight[0] not in self._proptypes: commands.append( ['prop_type_add', [highlight[0], {'highlight': highlight[0]}]] ) self._proptypes.add(highlight[0]) commands.append( ['prop_add', [highlight[1] + 1, highlight[2] + 1, {'end_col': highlight[3] + 1, 'type': highlight[0]}]] ) else: commands.append(['nvim_buf_clear_namespace', [self._bufnr, self._ns, 0, -1]]) commands += [['nvim_buf_add_highlight', [self._bufnr, self._ns, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]]] for x in columns_highlights] self._vim.call('defx#util#call_atomic', commands) if self._has_textprop: # Note: redraw is needed for text props self._vim.command('redraw')