local util = require 'lspconfig.util'

local bin_name = 'intelephense'
local cmd = { bin_name, '--stdio' }

if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 then
  cmd = { 'cmd.exe', '/C', bin_name, '--stdio' }

return {
  default_config = {
    cmd = cmd,
    filetypes = { 'php' },
    root_dir = function(pattern)
      local cwd = vim.loop.cwd()
      local root = util.root_pattern('composer.json', '.git')(pattern)

      -- prefer cwd if root is a descendant
      return util.path.is_descendant(cwd, root) and cwd or root
  docs = {
    description = [[

`intelephense` can be installed via `npm`:
npm install -g intelephense
    default_config = {
      root_dir = [[root_pattern("composer.json", ".git")]],
      init_options = [[{
        storagePath = Optional absolute path to storage dir. Defaults to os.tmpdir().
        globalStoragePath = Optional absolute path to a global storage dir. Defaults to os.homedir().
        licenceKey = Optional licence key or absolute path to a text file containing the licence key.
        clearCache = Optional flag to clear server state. State can also be cleared by deleting {storagePath}/intelephense
        -- See https://github.com/bmewburn/intelephense-docs/blob/master/installation.md#initialisation-options
      settings = [[{
        intelephense = {
          files = {
            maxSize = 1000000;
        -- See https://github.com/bmewburn/intelephense-docs