" Section: script init stuff if exists('loaded_nerd_comments') finish endif if v:version < 700 echoerr "NERDCommenter: this plugin requires vim >= 7. DOWNLOAD IT! You'll thank me later!" finish endif let loaded_nerd_comments = 1 " Function: s:InitVariable() function " This function is used to initialise a given variable to a given value. The " variable is only initialised if it does not exist prior " " Args: " -var: the name of the var to be initialised " -value: the value to initialise var to " " Returns: " 1 if the var is set, 0 otherwise function s:InitVariable(var, value) if !exists(a:var) execute 'let ' . a:var . ' = ' . "'" . a:value . "'" return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " Section: space string init " When putting spaces after the left delimiter and before the right we use " s:spaceStr for the space char. This way we can make it add anything after " the left and before the right by modifying this variable let s:spaceStr = ' ' let s:lenSpaceStr = strlen(s:spaceStr) " Section: variable initialization call s:InitVariable('g:NERDAllowAnyVisualDelims', 1) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDBlockComIgnoreEmpty', 0) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode', 0) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDCommentEmptyLines', 0) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDCompactSexyComs', 0) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings', 1) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDDefaultNesting', 1) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDMenuMode', 3) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDLPlace', '[>') call s:InitVariable('g:NERDUsePlaceHolders', 1) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDRemoveAltComs', 1) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDRemoveExtraSpaces', 0) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDRPlace', '<]') call s:InitVariable('g:NERDSpaceDelims', 0) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDDefaultAlign', 'none') call s:InitVariable('g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace', 0) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDToggleCheckAllLines', 0) call s:InitVariable('g:NERDDisableTabsInBlockComm', 0) let s:NERDFileNameEscape="[]#*$%'\" ?`!&();<>\\" let s:delimiterMap = { \ 'aap': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'abc': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'acedb': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'actionscript': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'ada': { 'left': '--', 'leftAlt': '-- ' }, \ 'ahdl': { 'left': '--' }, \ 'ahk': { 'left': ';', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'amiga': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'aml': { 'left': '/*' }, \ 'ampl': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'ansible': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'apache': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'apachestyle': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'apdl': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'applescript': { 'left': '--', 'leftAlt': '(*', 'rightAlt': '*)' }, \ 'armasm': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'asciidoc': { 'left': '//' }, \ 'asm': { 'left': ';', 'leftAlt': '#' }, \ 'asm68k': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'asn': { 'left': '--' }, \ 'asp': { 'left': '%', 'leftAlt': '%*', 'rightAlt': '*%' }, \ 'aspvbs': { 'left': '''', 'leftAlt': '<!--', 'rightAlt': '-->' }, \ 'asterisk': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'asy': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'atlas': { 'left': 'C', 'right': '$' }, \ 'augeas': { 'left': '(*', 'right': '*)' }, \ 'autohotkey': { 'left': ';', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'autoit': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'ave': { 'left': "'" }, \ 'awk': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'basic': { 'left': "'", 'leftAlt': 'REM ' }, \ 'bbx': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'bc': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'bib': { 'left': '//' }, \ 'bindzone': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'blade': { 'left': '{{--', 'right': '--}}' }, \ 'bst': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'btm': { 'left': '::' }, \ 'c': { 'left': '/*', 'right': '*/', 'leftAlt': '//' }, \ 'cabal': { 'left': '--' }, \ 'calibre': { 'left': '//' }, \ 'caos': { 'left': '*' }, \ 'catalog': { 'left': '--', 'right': '--' }, \ 'cf': { 'left': '<!---', 'right': '--->' }, \ 'cfg': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'cg': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'ch': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'cl': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'clean': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'clipper': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'clojure': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'cmake': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'cocci': { 'left': '//' }, \ 'coffee': { 'left': '#', 'leftAlt': '###', 'rightAlt': '###' }, \ 'conkyrc': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'context': { 'left': '%', 'leftAlt': '--' }, \ 'coq': { 'left': '(*', 'right': '*)' }, \ 'cpp': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'crontab': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'cs': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'csp': { 'left': '--' }, \ 'cterm': { 'left': '*' }, \ 'cucumber': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'cuda': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'cvs': { 'left': 'CVS:' }, \ 'cython': { 'left': '# ', 'leftAlt': '#' }, \ 'd': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'dakota': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'dcl': { 'left': '$!' }, \ 'debcontrol': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'debsources': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'def': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'desktop': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'dhcpd': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'diff': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'django': { 'left': '{% comment %}', 'right': '{% endcomment %}', 'leftAlt': '{#', 'rightAlt': '#}' }, \ 'dns': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'docbk': { 'left': '<!--', 'right': '-->' }, \ 'dockerfile': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'dosbatch': { 'left': 'REM ', 'leftAlt': '::' }, \ 'dosini': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'dot': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'dracula': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'dsl': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'dtml': { 'left': '<dtml-comment>', 'right': '</dtml-comment>' }, \ 'dylan': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'ebuild': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'ecd': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'eclass': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'eiffel': { 'left': '--' }, \ 'elf': { 'left': "'" }, \ 'elixir': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'elm': { 'left': '--', 'leftAlt': '{--', 'rightAlt': '--}' }, \ 'elmfilt': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'ember-script': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'emblem': { 'left': '/' }, \ 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', 'leftAlt': '!# ' }, \ 'fancy': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'faust': { 'left': '//' }, \ 'fgl': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'fluent': { 'left': '#', 'leftAlt': '##' }, \ 'focexec': { 'left': '-*' }, \ 'form': { 'left': '*' }, \ 'fortran': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'foxpro': { 'left': '*' }, \ 'fsharp': { 'left': '(*', 'right': '*)', 'leftAlt': '//' }, \ 'fstab': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'fvwm': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'fx': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'gams': { 'left': '*' }, \ 'gdb': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gdmo': { 'left': '--' }, \ 'gdscript3': { 'left': '# ', 'leftAlt': '#' }, \ 'geek': { 'left': 'GEEK_COMMENT:' }, \ 'genshi': { 'left': '<!--', 'right': '-->', 'leftAlt': '{#', 'rightAlt': '#}' }, \ 'gentoo-conf-d': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gentoo-env-d': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gentoo-init-d': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gentoo-make-conf': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gentoo-package-keywords': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gentoo-package-mask': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gentoo-package-use': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gitcommit': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gitconfig': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'gitignore': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'gitrebase': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'glsl': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'gnuplot': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'go': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'groff': { 'left': '\#' }, \ 'groovy': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'gsp': { 'left': '<%--', 'right': '--%>', 'leftAlt': '<!--', 'rightAlt': '-->' }, \ 'gtkrc': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'h': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'haml': { 'left': '-#', 'leftAlt': '/' }, \ 'handlebars': { 'left': '{{!-- ', 'right': ' --}}' }, \ 'haskell': { 'left': '--', 'nested': 0, 'leftAlt': '{-', 'rightAlt': '-}', 'nestedAlt': 1 }, \ 'haxe': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'hb': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'hbs': { 'left': '{{!-- ', 'right': ' --}}' }, \ 'hercules': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'hive': { 'left': '-- ' }, \ 'hog': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'hostsaccess': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'htmlcheetah': { 'left': '##' }, \ 'htmldjango': { 'left': '{% comment %}', 'right': '{% endcomment %}', 'leftAlt': '{#', 'rightAlt': '#}' }, \ 'htmlos': { 'left': '#', 'right': '/#' }, \ 'hxml': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'hyphy': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'ia64': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'icon': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'idl': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'idlang': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'idris': { 'leftAlt': '--', 'left': '{-', 'right': '-}' }, \ 'incar': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'inform': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'inittab': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'ishd': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'iss': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'ist': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'jade': { 'left': '//-', 'leftAlt': '//' }, \ 'java': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'javacc': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'javascript': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'javascriptreact': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '{/*', 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{'left': '#' }, \ 'mkd': { 'left': '<!---', 'right': '-->' }, \ 'mma': { 'left': '(*', 'right': '*)' }, \ 'model': { 'left': '$', 'right': '$' }, \ 'modula2': { 'left': '(*', 'right': '*)' }, \ 'modula3': { 'left': '(*', 'right': '*)' }, \ 'molpro': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'monk': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'mush': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'mustache': { 'left': '{{!', 'right': '}}' }, \ 'nagios': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'named': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'nasm': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'nastran': { 'left': '$' }, \ 'natural': { 'left': '/*' }, \ 'ncf': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'newlisp': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'nginx': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'nimrod': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'nroff': { 'left': '\"' }, \ 'nsis': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'ntp': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'objc': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'objcpp': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'objj': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'ocaml': { 'left': '(*', 'right': '*)', 'nested': 1 }, \ 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'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'plsql': { 'left': '-- ', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'po': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'poscar': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'postscr': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'pov': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'povini': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'ppd': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'ppwiz': { 'left': ';;' }, \ 'praat': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'privoxy': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'processing': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'prolog': { 'left': '%', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'proto': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'ps1': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'psf': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'ptcap': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'pug': { 'left': '//-', 'leftAlt': '//' }, \ 'puppet': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'pyrex': { 'left': '# ', 'leftAlt': '#' }, \ 'python': { 'left': '# ', 'leftAlt': '#' }, \ 'r': { 'left': '#', 'leftAlt': '#''' }, \ 'racket': { 'left': ';', 'nested': 1, 'leftAlt': '#|', 'rightAlt': '|#', 'nestedAlt': 1 }, \ 'radiance': { 'left': '#' }, \ 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'scss': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'sdc': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'sed': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'sentinel': { 'left': '#', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'sgmldecl': { 'left': '--', 'right': '--' }, \ 'sgmllnx': { 'left': '<!--', 'right': '-->' }, \ 'sh': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'shader_test': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'sicad': { 'left': '*' }, \ 'sile': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'simula': { 'left': '%', 'leftAlt': '--' }, \ 'sinda': { 'left': '$' }, \ 'skill': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'slang': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'slice': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'slim': { 'left': '/', 'leftAlt': '/!' }, \ 'slrnrc': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'sls': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'sm': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'smarty': { 'left': '{*', 'right': '*}' }, \ 'smil': { 'left': '<!', 'right': '>' }, \ 'smith': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'sml': { 'left': '(*', 'right': '*)', 'nested': 1 }, \ 'snakemake': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'snippets': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'snnsnet': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'snnspat': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'snnsres': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'snobol4': { 'left': '*' }, \ 'spec': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'specman': { 'left': '//' }, \ 'spectre': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '*' }, \ 'spice': { 'left': '$' }, \ 'spin': { 'left': '''', 'leftAlt': '{', 'rightAlt': '}' }, \ 'sql': { 'left': '-- ', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'sqlforms': { 'left': '-- ' }, \ 'sqlj': { 'left': '-- ' }, \ 'sqr': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'squid': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'ss': { 'left': ';', 'leftAlt': '#|', 'rightAlt': '|#' }, \ 'sshconfig': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'sshdconfig': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'st': { 'left': '"' }, \ 'stan': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'stp': { 'left': '/*', 'right': '*/', 'leftAlt': '//' }, \ 'supercollider': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'swift': { 'left': '/*', 'right': '*/', 'leftAlt': '//' }, \ 'systemverilog': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'tads': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'tags': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'tak': { 'left': '$' }, \ 'tasm': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'tcl': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'teak': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'terraform': { 'left': '#', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'tex': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'texinfo': { 'left': '@c ' }, \ 'texmf': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'tf': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'tidy': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'tli': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'tmux': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'toml': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'trasys': { 'left': '$' }, \ 'troff': { 'left': '.\\"' }, \ 'tsalt': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'tsscl': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'tssgm': { 'left': "comment = '", 'right': "'" }, \ 'ttl': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'tup': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'twig': { 'left': '{#', 'right': '#}' }, \ 'txt2tags': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'typescript': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'typescriptreact': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '{/*', 'rightAlt': '*/}' }, \ 'uc': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'uil': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'upstart': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'vala': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'vasp': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'vb': { 'left': "'" }, \ 'velocity': { 'left': '##', 'right': '', 'leftAlt': '#*', 'rightAlt': '*#' }, \ 'vera': { 'left': '/*', 'right': '*/', 'leftAlt': '//' }, \ 'verilog': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'verilog_systemverilog': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' }, \ 'vgrindefs': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'vhdl': { 'left': '--' }, \ 'vimperator': { 'left': '"' }, \ 'virata': { 'left': '%' }, \ 'vrml': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'vsejcl': { 'left': '/*' }, \ 'webmacro': { 'left': '##' }, \ 'wget': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'wikipedia': { 'left': '<!--', 'right': '-->' }, \ 'winbatch': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'wml': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'wvdial': { 'left': ';' }, \ 'xdefaults': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'xkb': { 'left': '//' }, \ 'xmath': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'xpm2': { 'left': '!' }, \ 'xquery': { 'left': '(:', 'right': ':)' }, \ 'yaml': { 'left': '#' }, \ 'z8a': { 'left': ';' } \ } let g:NERDDelimiterMap = s:delimiterMap if exists('g:NERDCustomDelimiters') call extend(s:delimiterMap, g:NERDCustomDelimiters) endif " Section: Comment mapping functions, autocommands and commands " ============================================================================ " Section: Comment enabler autocommands " ============================================================================ augroup NERDCommenter "if the user enters a buffer or reads a buffer then we gotta set up "the comment delimiters for that new filetype autocmd BufEnter,BufRead * :call s:SetUpForNewFiletype(&filetype, 0) "if the filetype of a buffer changes, force the script to reset the "delimiters for the buffer autocmd Filetype * :call s:SetUpForNewFiletype(&filetype, 1) augroup END " Function: s:SetUpForNewFiletype(filetype) function " This function is responsible for setting up buffer scoped variables for the " given filetype. " " Args: " -filetype: the filetype to set delimiters for " -forceReset: 1 if the delimiters should be reset if they have already be " set for this buffer. " function s:SetUpForNewFiletype(filetype, forceReset) let filetype = a:filetype "for compound filetypes, if we don't know how to handle the full filetype "then break it down and use the first part that we know how to handle if filetype =~# '\.' && !has_key(s:delimiterMap, filetype) let filetypes = split(a:filetype, '\.') for i in filetypes if has_key(s:delimiterMap, i) let filetype = i break endif endfor endif let b:NERDSexyComMarker = '' if has_key(s:delimiterMap, filetype) let b:NERDCommenterDelims = s:delimiterMap[filetype] for i in ['left', 'leftAlt', 'right', 'rightAlt'] if !has_key(b:NERDCommenterDelims, i) let b:NERDCommenterDelims[i] = '' endif endfor for i in ['nested', 'nestedAlt'] if !has_key(b:NERDCommenterDelims, i) let b:NERDCommenterDelims[i] = 0 endif endfor " if g:NERD_<filetype>_alt_style is defined, use the alternate style let b:NERDCommenterFirstInit = getbufvar(1,'NERDCommenterFirstInit') if exists('g:NERDAltDelims_'.filetype) && eval('g:NERDAltDelims_'.filetype) && !b:NERDCommenterFirstInit call s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(0) let b:NERDCommenterFirstInit = 1 endif else let b:NERDCommenterDelims = s:CreateDelimMapFromCms() endif endfunction function s:CreateDelimMapFromCms() if &filetype ==# '' && exists('g:NERDDefaultDelims') let delims = g:NERDDefaultDelims for i in ['left', 'leftAlt', 'right', 'rightAlt'] if !has_key(delims, i) let delims[i] = '' endif endfor return delims endif return { \ 'left': substitute(&commentstring, '\([^ \t]*\)\s*%s.*', '\1', ''), \ 'right': substitute(&commentstring, '.*%s\s*\(.*\)', '\1', 'g'), \ 'nested': 0, \ 'leftAlt': '', \ 'rightAlt': '', \ 'nestedAlt': 0} endfunction " Function: s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(printMsgs) function " This function is used to swap the delimiters that are being used to the " alternative delimiters for that filetype. For example, if a c++ file is " being edited and // comments are being used, after this function is called " /**/ comments will be used. " " Args: " -printMsgs: if this is 1 then a message is echoed to the user telling them " if this function changed the delimiters or not function s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(printMsgs) if exists('*NERDCommenter_before') exe 'call NERDCommenter_before()' endif "if both of the alternative delimiters are empty then there is no "alternative comment style so bail out if b:NERDCommenterDelims['leftAlt'] ==# '' && b:NERDCommenterDelims['rightAlt'] ==# '' if a:printMsgs call s:NerdEcho('Cannot use alternative delimiters, none are specified', 0) endif return 0 endif "save the current delimiters let tempLeft = s:Left() let tempRight = s:Right() let tempNested = s:Nested() "swap current delimiters for alternative let b:NERDCommenterDelims['left'] = b:NERDCommenterDelims['leftAlt'] let b:NERDCommenterDelims['right'] = b:NERDCommenterDelims['rightAlt'] "set information on whether these are nested let b:NERDCommenterDelims['nested'] = b:NERDCommenterDelims['nestedAlt'] "set the previously current delimiters to be the new alternative ones let b:NERDCommenterDelims['leftAlt'] = tempLeft let b:NERDCommenterDelims['rightAlt'] = tempRight let b:NERDCommenterDelims['nestedAlt'] = tempNested "tell the user what comment delimiters they are now using if a:printMsgs call s:NerdEcho('Now using ' . s:Left() . ' ' . s:Right() . ' to delimit comments', 1) endif if exists('*NERDCommenter_after') exe 'call NERDCommenter_after()' endif return 1 endfunction " Section: Comment delimiter add/removal functions " ============================================================================ " Function: s:AppendCommentToLine() " This function appends comment delimiters at the EOL and places the cursor in " position to start typing the comment function s:AppendCommentToLine() let left = s:Left({'space': 1}) let right = s:Right({'space': 1}) " get the length of the right delimiter let lenRight = strlen(right) let isLineEmpty = strlen(getline('.')) ==# 0 let insOrApp = (isLineEmpty==#1 ? 'i' : 'A') "stick the delimiters down at the end of the line. We have to format the "comment with spaces as appropriate execute ':normal! ' . insOrApp . (isLineEmpty ? '' : ' ') . left . right " if there is a right delimiter then we gotta move the cursor left " by the length of the right delimiter so we insert between the delimiters if lenRight > 0 let leftMoveAmount = lenRight - 1 execute ':normal! ' . leftMoveAmount . 'h' startinsert else startinsert! endif endfunction " Function: s:CommentBlock(top, bottom, lSide, rSide, forceNested ) " This function is used to comment out a region of code. This region is " specified as a bounding box by arguments to the function. " " Args: " -top: the line number for the top line of code in the region " -bottom: the line number for the bottom line of code in the region " -lSide: the column number for the left most column in the region " -rSide: the column number for the right most column in the region " -forceNested: a flag indicating whether comments should be nested function s:CommentBlock(top, bottom, lSide, rSide, forceNested ) " we need to create local copies of these arguments so we can modify them let top = a:top let bottom = a:bottom let lSide = a:lSide let rSide = a:rSide "if the top or bottom line starts with tabs we have to adjust the left and "right boundaries so that they are set as though the tabs were spaces let topline = getline(top) let bottomline = getline(bottom) if s:HasLeadingTabs(topline, bottomline) "find out how many tabs are in the top line and adjust the left "boundary accordingly let numTabs = s:NumberOfLeadingTabs(topline) if lSide < numTabs let lSide = &tabstop * lSide else let lSide = (lSide - numTabs) + (&tabstop * numTabs) endif "find out how many tabs are in the bottom line and adjust the right "boundary accordingly let numTabs = s:NumberOfLeadingTabs(bottomline) let rSide = (rSide - numTabs) + (&tabstop * numTabs) endif "we must check that bottom IS actually below top, if it is not then we "swap top and bottom. Similarly for left and right. if bottom < top let temp = top let top = bottom let bottom = top endif if rSide < lSide let temp = lSide let lSide = rSide let rSide = temp endif "if the current delimiters aren't multipart then we will switch to the "alternative delimiters (if THEY are) as the comment will be better and more "accurate with multipart delimiters let switchedDelims = 0 if !s:Multipart() && g:NERDAllowAnyVisualDelims && s:AltMultipart() let switchedDelims = 1 call s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(0) endif "start the commenting from the top and keep commenting till we reach the "bottom let currentLine=top while currentLine <= bottom "check if we are allowed to comment this line if s:CanCommentLine(a:forceNested, currentLine) "convert the leading tabs into spaces let theLine = getline(currentLine) let lineHasLeadTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) if lineHasLeadTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) endif "don't comment lines that begin after the right boundary of the "block unless the user has specified to do so if theLine !~# '^ \{' . rSide . '\}' || !g:NERDBlockComIgnoreEmpty "attempt to place the cursor in on the left of the boundary box, "then check if we were successful, if not then we cant comment this "line call setline(currentLine, theLine) if s:CanPlaceCursor(currentLine, lSide) let leftSpaced = s:Left({'space': 1}) let rightSpaced = s:Right({'space': 1}) "stick the left delimiter down let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, lSide-1) . leftSpaced . strpart(theLine, lSide-1) if s:Multipart() "stick the right delimiter down let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, rSide+strlen(leftSpaced)) . rightSpaced . strpart(theLine, rSide+strlen(leftSpaced)) let firstLeftDelim = s:FindDelimiterIndex(s:Left(), theLine) let lastRightDelim = s:LastIndexOfDelim(s:Right(), theLine) if firstLeftDelim !=# -1 && lastRightDelim !=# -1 let searchStr = strpart(theLine, 0, lastRightDelim) let searchStr = strpart(searchStr, firstLeftDelim+strlen(s:Left())) "replace the outer most delimiters in searchStr with "place-holders let theLineWithPlaceHolders = s:ReplaceDelims(s:Left(), s:Right(), g:NERDLPlace, g:NERDRPlace, searchStr) "add the right delimiter onto the line let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, firstLeftDelim+strlen(s:Left())) . theLineWithPlaceHolders . strpart(theLine, lastRightDelim) endif endif endif endif "restore tabs if needed if lineHasLeadTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif if g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace ==# 1 let theLine = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(theLine) endif call setline(currentLine, theLine) endif let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile "if we switched delimiterss then we gotta go back to what they were before if switchedDelims ==# 1 call s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(0) endif endfunction " Function: s:CommentLines(forceNested, alignLeft, alignRight, firstLine, lastLine) " This function comments a range of lines. " " Args: " -forceNested: a flag indicating whether the called is requesting the comment " to be nested if need be " -align: should be "left", "start", "both" or "none" " -firstLine/lastLine: the top and bottom lines to comment function s:CommentLines(forceNested, align, firstLine, lastLine) " we need to get the left and right indexes of the leftmost char in the " block of of lines and the right most char so that we can do alignment of " the delimiters if the user has specified let leftAlignIndx = a:align ==# 'start' ? 0 : s:LeftMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine) let rightAlignIndx = s:RightMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine) " gotta add the length of the left delimiter onto the rightAlignIndx cos " we'll be adding a left delimiter to the line let rightAlignIndx = rightAlignIndx + strlen(s:Left({'space': 1})) " now we actually comment the lines. Do it line by line let currentLine = a:firstLine while currentLine <= a:lastLine " get the next line, check commentability and convert spaces to tabs let theLine = getline(currentLine) let lineHasLeadingTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) if s:CanCommentLine(a:forceNested, currentLine) "if the user has specified forceNesting then we check to see if we "need to switch delimiters for place-holders if a:forceNested && g:NERDUsePlaceHolders && !s:Nested() let theLine = s:SwapOuterMultiPartDelimsForPlaceHolders(theLine) endif " find out if the line is commented using normal delimiters and/or " alternate ones let isCommented = s:IsCommented(s:Left(), s:Right(), theLine) || s:IsCommented(s:Left({'alt': 1}), s:Right({'alt': 1}), theLine) " check if we can comment this line if !isCommented || g:NERDUsePlaceHolders || s:Multipart() if a:align ==# 'left' || a:align ==# 'start' || a:align ==# 'both' let theLine = s:AddLeftDelimAligned(s:Left({'space': 1}), theLine, leftAlignIndx) else let theLine = s:AddLeftDelim(s:Left({'space': 1}), theLine) endif if a:align ==# 'both' let theLine = s:AddRightDelimAligned(s:Right({'space': 1}), theLine, rightAlignIndx) else let theLine = s:AddRightDelim(s:Right({'space': 1}), theLine) endif endif endif " restore leading tabs if appropriate if lineHasLeadingTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif if g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace ==# 1 let theLine = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(theLine) endif " we are done with this line call setline(currentLine, theLine) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile endfunction " Function: s:CommentLinesMinimal(firstLine, lastLine) " This function comments a range of lines in a minimal style. I " " Args: " -firstLine/lastLine: the top and bottom lines to comment function s:CommentLinesMinimal(firstLine, lastLine) "check that minimal comments can be done on this filetype if !s:HasMultipartDelims() throw 'NERDCommenter.Delimiters exception: Minimal comments can only be used for filetypes that have multipart delimiters' endif let sexyNested = s:SexyNested() "if we need to use place holders for the comment, make sure they are "enabled for this filetype, or the delimiterss allow nesting if !g:NERDUsePlaceHolders && !sexyNested && s:DoesBlockHaveMultipartDelim(a:firstLine, a:lastLine) throw 'NERDCommenter.Settings exception: Place holders are required but disabled.' endif "get the left and right delimiters to smack on let left = s:GetSexyComLeft(g:NERDSpaceDelims,0) let right = s:GetSexyComRight(g:NERDSpaceDelims,0) "make sure all multipart delimiters on the lines are replaced with "placeholders to prevent illegal syntax if !sexyNested let currentLine = a:firstLine while(currentLine <= a:lastLine) let theLine = getline(currentLine) let theLine = s:ReplaceDelims(left, right, g:NERDLPlace, g:NERDRPlace, theLine) call setline(currentLine, theLine) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile endif "add the delimiter to the top line let theLine = getline(a:firstLine) let lineHasLeadingTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) let theLine = s:AddLeftDelim(left, theLine) if lineHasLeadingTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif call setline(a:firstLine, theLine) "add the delimiter to the bottom line let theLine = getline(a:lastLine) let lineHasLeadingTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) let theLine = s:AddRightDelim(right, theLine) if lineHasLeadingTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif if g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace ==# 1 let theLine = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(theLine) endif call setline(a:lastLine, theLine) endfunction " Function: s:CommentLinesSexy(topline, bottomline) function " This function is used to comment lines in the 'Sexy' style. E.g., in c: " /* " * This is a sexy comment " */ " Args: " -topline: the line number of the top line in the sexy comment " -bottomline: the line number of the bottom line in the sexy comment function s:CommentLinesSexy(topline, bottomline) let left = s:GetSexyComLeft(0, 0) let right = s:GetSexyComRight(0, 0) "check if we can do a sexy comment with the available delimiters if left ==# -1 || right ==# -1 throw 'NERDCommenter.Delimiters exception: cannot perform sexy comments with available delimiters.' endif "make sure the lines aren't already commented sexually or we can nest if !s:CanSexyCommentLines(a:topline, a:bottomline) throw 'NERDCommenter.Nesting exception: cannot nest sexy comments' endif let sexyComMarker = s:GetSexyComMarker(0,0) let sexyComMarkerSpaced = s:GetSexyComMarker(1,0) " we jam the comment as far to the right as possible let leftAlignIndx = s:LeftMostIndx(1, 1, a:topline, a:bottomline) "check if we should use the compact style i.e that the left/right "delimiters should appear on the first and last lines of the code and not "on separate lines above/below the first/last lines of code if g:NERDCompactSexyComs let spaceString = (g:NERDSpaceDelims ? s:spaceStr : '') "comment the top line let theLine = getline(a:topline) let lineHasTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) if lineHasTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) endif if !s:SexyNested() let theLine = s:SwapOuterMultiPartDelimsForPlaceHolders(theLine) endif let theLine = s:AddLeftDelimAligned(left . spaceString, theLine, leftAlignIndx) if lineHasTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif call setline(a:topline, theLine) "comment the bottom line if a:bottomline !=# a:topline let theLine = getline(a:bottomline) let lineHasTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) if lineHasTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) endif if !s:SexyNested() let theLine = s:SwapOuterMultiPartDelimsForPlaceHolders(theLine) endif endif let theLine = s:AddRightDelim(spaceString . right, theLine) if lineHasTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif call setline(a:bottomline, theLine) else " add the left delimiter one line above the lines that are to be commented call cursor(a:topline, 1) execute 'normal! O' let theLine = repeat(' ', leftAlignIndx) . left " Make sure tabs are respected if !&expandtab let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif call setline(a:topline, theLine) " add the right delimiter after bottom line (we have to add 1 cos we moved " the lines down when we added the left delimiter call cursor(a:bottomline+1, 1) execute 'normal! o' if g:NERDDisableTabsInBlockComm let theLine = repeat(' ', leftAlignIndx) . right else let theLine = repeat(' ', leftAlignIndx) . repeat(' ', strlen(left)-strlen(sexyComMarker)) . right endif " Make sure tabs are respected if !&expandtab let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif call setline(a:bottomline+2, theLine) endif " go thru each line adding the sexyComMarker marker to the start of each " line in the appropriate place to align them with the comment delimiters let currentLine = a:topline+1 while currentLine <= a:bottomline + !g:NERDCompactSexyComs " get the line and convert the tabs to spaces let theLine = getline(currentLine) let lineHasTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) if lineHasTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) endif if !s:SexyNested() let theLine = s:SwapOuterMultiPartDelimsForPlaceHolders(theLine) endif " add the sexyComMarker if g:NERDDisableTabsInBlockComm let theLine = repeat(' ', leftAlignIndx) . sexyComMarkerSpaced . strpart(theLine, leftAlignIndx) else let theLine = repeat(' ', leftAlignIndx) . repeat(' ', strlen(left)-strlen(sexyComMarker)) . sexyComMarkerSpaced . strpart(theLine, leftAlignIndx) endif if lineHasTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif if g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace ==# 1 let theLine = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(theLine) endif " set the line and move onto the next one call setline(currentLine, theLine) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile endfunction " Function: s:CommentLinesToggle(forceNested, firstLine, lastLine) " Applies "toggle" commenting to the given range of lines " " Args: " -forceNested: a flag indicating whether the called is requesting the comment " to be nested if need be " -firstLine/lastLine: the top and bottom lines to comment function s:CommentLinesToggle(forceNested, firstLine, lastLine) let currentLine = a:firstLine let align = g:NERDDefaultAlign let leftAlignIndx = align ==# 'start' ? 0 : s:LeftMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine) let rightAlignIndx = s:RightMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine) let rightAlignIndx = rightAlignIndx + strlen(s:Left({'space': 1})) while currentLine <= a:lastLine " get the next line, check commentability and convert spaces to tabs let theLine = getline(currentLine) let lineHasLeadingTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) if s:CanToggleCommentLine(a:forceNested, currentLine) "if the user has specified forceNesting then we check to see if we "need to switch delimiters for place-holders if g:NERDUsePlaceHolders && !s:Nested() let theLine = s:SwapOuterMultiPartDelimsForPlaceHolders(theLine) endif if align ==# 'left' || align ==# 'start' || align ==# 'both' let theLine = s:AddLeftDelimAligned(s:Left({'space': 1}), theLine, leftAlignIndx) else let theLine = s:AddLeftDelim(s:Left({'space': 1}), theLine) endif if align ==# 'both' let theLine = s:AddRightDelimAligned(s:Right({'space': 1}), theLine, rightAlignIndx) else let theLine = s:AddRightDelim(s:Right({'space': 1}), theLine) endif endif " restore leading tabs if appropriate if lineHasLeadingTabs let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(theLine) endif if g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace ==# 1 let theLine = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(theLine) endif " we are done with this line call setline(currentLine, theLine) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile endfunction " Function: s:CommentRegion(topline, topCol, bottomLine, bottomCol) function " This function comments chunks of text selected in visual mode. " It will comment exactly the text that they have selected. " Args: " -topLine: the line number of the top line in the sexy comment " -topCol: top left column for this comment " -bottomline: the line number of the bottom line in the sexy comment " -bottomCol: the bottom right column for this comment " -forceNested: whether the caller wants comments to be nested if the " line(s) are already commented function s:CommentRegion(topLine, topCol, bottomLine, bottomCol, forceNested) "switch delimiters (if we can) if the current set isn't multipart let switchedDelims = 0 if !s:Multipart() && s:AltMultipart() && !g:NERDAllowAnyVisualDelims let switchedDelims = 1 call s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(0) endif "if there is only one line in the comment then just do it if a:topLine ==# a:bottomLine call s:CommentBlock(a:topLine, a:bottomLine, a:topCol, a:bottomCol, a:forceNested) "there are multiple lines in the comment else "comment the top line call s:CommentBlock(a:topLine, a:topLine, a:topCol, strlen(getline(a:topLine)), a:forceNested) "comment out all the lines in the middle of the comment let topOfRange = a:topLine+1 let bottomOfRange = a:bottomLine-1 if topOfRange <= bottomOfRange call s:CommentLines(a:forceNested, g:NERDDefaultAlign, topOfRange, bottomOfRange) endif "comment the bottom line let bottom = getline(a:bottomLine) let numLeadingSpacesTabs = strlen(substitute(bottom, '^\([ \t]*\).*$', '\1', '')) call s:CommentBlock(a:bottomLine, a:bottomLine, numLeadingSpacesTabs+1, a:bottomCol, a:forceNested) endif "stick the cursor back on the char it was on before the comment call cursor(a:topLine, a:topCol + strlen(s:Left()) + g:NERDSpaceDelims) "if we switched delimiters then we gotta go back to what they were before if switchedDelims ==# 1 call s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(0) endif endfunction " Function: s:InvertComment(firstLine, lastLine) function " Inverts the comments on the lines between and including the given line " numbers i.e all commented lines are uncommented and vice versa " Args: " -firstLine: the top of the range of lines to be inverted " -lastLine: the bottom of the range of lines to be inverted function s:InvertComment(firstLine, lastLine) " go thru all lines in the given range let currentLine = a:firstLine while currentLine <= a:lastLine let theLine = getline(currentLine) let sexyComBounds = s:FindBoundingLinesOfSexyCom(currentLine) " if the line is commented normally, uncomment it if s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left(), theLine) || s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left({'alt': 1}), theLine) call s:UncommentLines(currentLine, currentLine) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 " check if the line is commented sexually elseif !empty(sexyComBounds) let numLinesBeforeSexyComRemoved = s:NumLinesInBuf() call s:UncommentLinesSexy(sexyComBounds[0], sexyComBounds[1]) "move to the line after last line of the sexy comment let numLinesAfterSexyComRemoved = s:NumLinesInBuf() let currentLine = sexyComBounds[1] - (numLinesBeforeSexyComRemoved - numLinesAfterSexyComRemoved) + 1 " the line isn't commented else call s:CommentLinesToggle(1, currentLine, currentLine) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endif endwhile endfunction " Function: NERDCommentIsLineCommented(lineNo) " Check if the line is a comment " Note this function checks if the line is **completely** a comment " Args: " -lineNo: the line number of the line to check " Return: Number, 1 if the line is a comment, 0 else function! NERDCommentIsLineCommented(lineNo) let theLine = getline(a:lineNo) return s:IsInSexyComment(a:lineNo) || s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left(), theLine) || s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left({'alt': 1}), theLine) endfunction " Function: NERDComment(mode, type) function " This function is a Wrapper for the main commenting functions " " Args: " -mode: a character indicating the mode in which the comment is requested: " 'n' for Normal mode, 'x' for Visual mode " -type: the type of commenting requested. Can be 'Sexy', 'Invert', " 'Minimal', 'Toggle', 'AlignLeft', 'AlignBoth', 'Comment', " 'Nested', 'ToEOL', 'Append', 'Insert', 'Uncomment', 'Yank' function! NERDComment(mode, type) range if exists('*NERDCommenter_before') exe 'call NERDCommenter_before()' endif let isVisual = a:mode =~# '[vsx]' if !exists('g:did_load_ftplugin') || g:did_load_ftplugin !=# 1 call s:NerdEcho('filetype plugins should be enabled. See :help NERDComInstallation and :help :filetype-plugin-on', 0) endif if isVisual let firstLine = line("'<") let lastLine = line("'>") let firstCol = col("'<") let lastCol = col("'>") - (&selection ==# 'exclusive' ? 1 : 0) else let firstLine = a:firstline let lastLine = a:lastline endif " " Save options we need to change so we can recover them later let state = s:SetupStateBeforeLineComment(firstLine, lastLine) let countWasGiven = (!isVisual && firstLine !=# lastLine) let forceNested = (a:type ==? 'Nested' || g:NERDDefaultNesting) if a:type ==? 'Comment' || a:type ==? 'Nested' if isVisual && visualmode() ==# "\<C-V>" call s:CommentBlock(firstLine, lastLine, firstCol, lastCol, forceNested) elseif isVisual && visualmode() ==# 'v' && (g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode==#0 || (g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode==#2 && s:HasMultipartDelims())) call s:CommentRegion(firstLine, firstCol, lastLine, lastCol, forceNested) else call s:CommentLines(forceNested, g:NERDDefaultAlign, firstLine, lastLine) endif elseif a:type ==? 'AlignLeft' || a:type ==? 'AlignBoth' let align = 'none' if a:type ==? 'AlignLeft' let align = 'left' elseif a:type ==? 'AlignBoth' let align = 'both' endif call s:CommentLines(forceNested, align, firstLine, lastLine) elseif a:type ==? 'Invert' call s:InvertComment(firstLine, lastLine) elseif a:type ==? 'Sexy' try call s:CommentLinesSexy(firstLine, lastLine) catch /NERDCommenter.Delimiters/ call s:CommentLines(forceNested, g:NERDDefaultAlign, firstLine, lastLine) catch /NERDCommenter.Nesting/ call s:NerdEcho('Sexy comment aborted. Nested sexy cannot be nested', 0) endtry elseif a:type ==? 'Toggle' if g:NERDToggleCheckAllLines ==# 0 let theLine = getline(firstLine) if s:IsInSexyComment(firstLine) || s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left(), theLine) || s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left({'alt': 1}), theLine) call s:UncommentLines(firstLine, lastLine) else call s:CommentLinesToggle(forceNested, firstLine, lastLine) endif else let l:commentAllLines = 0 for i in range(firstLine, lastLine) let theLine = getline(i) " if have one line no comment(not include blank/whitespace-only lines), then comment all lines if theLine =~# '[^ \t]\+' && !s:IsInSexyComment(firstLine) && !s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left(), theLine) && !s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left({'alt': 1}), theLine) let l:commentAllLines = 1 break else endif endfor if l:commentAllLines ==# 1 call s:CommentLinesToggle(forceNested, firstLine, lastLine) else call s:UncommentLines(firstLine, lastLine) endif endif elseif a:type ==? 'Minimal' try call s:CommentLinesMinimal(firstLine, lastLine) catch /NERDCommenter.Delimiters/ call s:NerdEcho('Minimal comments can only be used for filetypes that have multipart delimiters.', 0) catch /NERDCommenter.Settings/ call s:NerdEcho('Place holders are required but disabled.', 0) endtry elseif a:type ==? 'ToEOL' call s:SaveScreenState() call s:CommentBlock(firstLine, firstLine, col('.'), col('$')-1, 1) call s:RestoreScreenState() elseif a:type ==? 'Append' call s:AppendCommentToLine() elseif a:type ==? 'Insert' call s:PlaceDelimitersAndInsBetween() elseif a:type ==? 'Uncomment' call s:UncommentLines(firstLine, lastLine) elseif a:type ==? 'Yank' if isVisual normal! gvy elseif countWasGiven execute firstLine .','. lastLine .'yank' else normal! yy endif execute firstLine .','. lastLine .'call NERDComment("'. a:mode .'", "Comment")' endif call s:RecoverStateAfterLineComment(state) if isVisual let nlines = lastLine - firstLine silent! call repeat#set('V' . nlines . 'jo' . "\<Plug>NERDCommenter". a:type) else silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>NERDCommenter". a:type) endif if exists('*NERDCommenter_after') exe 'call NERDCommenter_after()' endif endfunction " Function: NERDCommentIsCharCommented(line, col) abort " Check if the character at [line, col] is inside a comment " Note the Comment delimeter it self is considered as part of the comment " " Args: " -line the line number of the character " -col the column number of the character " Return: Number, 1 if the character is inside a comment, 0 if is not function! NERDCommentIsCharCommented(line, col) abort " Function: s:searchfor(str, line, col, direction, [maxline]) " search str in the buffer, including the character at [line, col] " Args: " -str: the string for search " -line: the line number where search begins " -col: the column number where search begins " -direction: 0 if forward, and 1 if backward " -maxline: the max lines the search would look up " 1 if search only one line " if not given, search until reaches the begining or end of file " Return: List, in the format of [line, col], where line and col is the " position of first found result; If str cannot be found, returns " [0, 0] function! s:searchfor(str, line, col, direction, ...) abort let l:curlinenr = a:line let l:maxline = (a:0 > 0) ? a:1 : (a:direction ? a:line : line('$') - a:line + 1) while abs(curlinenr - a:line) < maxline let linestr = getline(curlinenr) if curlinenr == a:line if !a:direction let l:partstr = strpart(linestr, a:col - strlen(a:str)) else let l:partstr = strpart(linestr, 0, a:col + strlen(a:str) - 1) endif else let l:partstr = linestr endif if !a:direction " forward let idx = stridx(partstr, a:str) if idx != -1 if curlinenr == a:line let idx += a:col - strlen(a:str) else endif return [curlinenr, idx + 1] endif else " backward let idx = strridx(partstr, a:str) if idx != -1 return [curlinenr, idx + 1] endif endif let curlinenr += a:direction ? -1 : 1 endwhile return [0, 0] endfunction " Function: s:checkwith(left, right, line, col) abort " check if the char at [line, col] is commented using [left, right] pair " Args: " -left: the string begins a comment " -right: the string ends a comment " -line: the line position of the character " -col: the column position of the character " Return: Number, 1 if is in a comment, 0 else function! s:checkwith(left, right, line, col) abort let linecommented = 0 let blockcommented = 0 if a:right ==# '' let leftpos = s:searchfor(a:left, a:line, a:col, 1, 1) if leftpos == [0, 0] if !linecommented | let linecommented = 0 | endif else if !linecommented | let linecommented = 1 | endif endif else let leftpos = s:searchfor(a:left, a:line, a:col, 1) if leftpos == [0, 0] if !blockcommented | let blockcommented = 0 | endif else " call s:searchfor(a:right, a:line, a:col, 0) let rightpos = s:searchfor(a:right, leftpos[0], leftpos[1] + strlen(a:right) + 1, 0) if rightpos != [0, 0] if rightpos[0] < a:line if !blockcommented | let blockcommented = 0 | endif elseif rightpos[0] == a:line if !blockcommented let blockcommented = (rightpos[1] + strlen(a:right) > a:col) ? 1 : 0 endif else " rightpos > a:line if !blockcommented | let blockcommented = 1 | endif endif else if !blockcommented | let blockcommented = 1 | endif endif endif endif return linecommented || blockcommented endfunction return s:checkwith( \ b:NERDCommenterDelims['left'], \ b:NERDCommenterDelims['right'], \ a:line, \ a:col) || \ s:checkwith( \ b:NERDCommenterDelims['leftAlt'], \ b:NERDCommenterDelims['rightAlt'], \ a:line, \ a:col) endfunction " Function: s:PlaceDelimitersAndInsBetween() function " This is function is called to place comment delimiters down and place the " cursor between them function s:PlaceDelimitersAndInsBetween() " get the left and right delimiters without any escape chars in them let left = s:Left({'space': 1}) let right = s:Right({'space': 1}) let theLine = getline('.') let lineHasLeadTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) || (theLine =~# '^ *$' && !&expandtab) "convert tabs to spaces and adjust the cursors column to take this into "account let untabbedCol = s:UntabbedCol(theLine, col('.')) call setline(line('.'), s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine)) call cursor(line('.'), untabbedCol) " get the length of the right delimiter let lenRight = strlen(right) let isDelimOnEOL = col('.') >= strlen(getline('.')) " if the cursor is in the first col then we gotta insert rather than " append the comment delimiters here let insOrApp = (col('.')==1 ? 'i' : 'a') " place the delimiters down. We do it differently depending on whether " there is a left AND right delimiter if lenRight > 0 execute ':normal! ' . insOrApp . left . right execute ':normal! ' . lenRight . 'h' else execute ':normal! ' . insOrApp . left endif "if needed convert spaces back to tabs and adjust the cursors col "accordingly if lineHasLeadTabs let tabbedCol = s:TabbedCol(getline('.'), col('.')) call setline(line('.'), s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(getline('.'))) call cursor(line('.'), tabbedCol) endif if isDelimOnEOL && lenRight ==# 0 startinsert! else call feedkeys('a', 'ni') endif endfunction " Function: s:RemoveDelimiters(left, right, line) " this function is called to remove the first left comment delimiter and the " last right delimiter of the given line. " " The arguments left and right must be strings. If there is no right delimiter (as " is the case for e.g vim file comments) them the argument right should be '' " " Args: " -left: the left comment delimiter " -right: the right comment delimiter " -line: the line to remove the delimiters from function s:RemoveDelimiters(left, right, line) let l:left = a:left let l:right = a:right let lenLeft = strlen(left) let lenRight = strlen(right) let delimsSpaced = (g:NERDSpaceDelims || g:NERDRemoveExtraSpaces) let line = a:line "look for the left delimiter, if we find it, remove it. let leftIndx = s:FindDelimiterIndex(a:left, line) if leftIndx !=# -1 let line = strpart(line, 0, leftIndx) . strpart(line, leftIndx+lenLeft) "if the user has specified that there is a space after the left delimiter "then check for the space and remove it if it is there if delimsSpaced && strpart(line, leftIndx, s:lenSpaceStr) ==# s:spaceStr let line = strpart(line, 0, leftIndx) . strpart(line, leftIndx+s:lenSpaceStr) endif endif "look for the right delimiter, if we find it, remove it let rightIndx = s:LastIndexOfDelim(a:right, line) if rightIndx !=# -1 let line = strpart(line, 0, rightIndx) . strpart(line, rightIndx+lenRight) "if the user has specified that there is a space before the right delimiter "then check for the space and remove it if it is there if delimsSpaced && strpart(line, rightIndx-s:lenSpaceStr, s:lenSpaceStr) ==# s:spaceStr && (s:Multipart() || s:AltMultipart()) let line = strpart(line, 0, rightIndx-s:lenSpaceStr) . strpart(line, rightIndx) endif endif return line endfunction " Function: s:SetupStateBeforeLineComment(topLine, bottomLine) " Changes ignorecase and foldmethod options before commenting lines and saves " their original values in a dict, which is returned as a result " " Args: " topLine: the top line of the visual selection to uncomment " bottomLine: the bottom line of the visual selection to uncomment " " Return: a dict with the state prior to configuration changes " function s:SetupStateBeforeLineComment(topLine, bottomLine) let state = {'foldmethod' : &foldmethod, \'ignorecase' : &ignorecase} " Vim's foldmethods are evaluated every time we use 'setline', which can " make commenting wide ranges of lines VERY slow. We'll change it to " manual, do the commenting stuff and recover it later. To avoid slowing " down commenting few lines, we avoid doing this for ranges smaller than " 10 lines if a:bottomLine - a:topLine >= 10 && &foldmethod !=# 'manual' set foldmethod=manual endif " we want case sensitivity when commenting set noignorecase return state endfunction " Function: s:RecoverStateAfterLineComment(state) " Receives the state returned by s:SetupStateBeforeLineComment and restores " the state accordingly " " Args: " state: the top line of the visual selection to uncomment " bottomLine: the bottom line of the visual selection to uncomment function s:RecoverStateAfterLineComment(state) if a:state['foldmethod'] !=# &foldmethod let &foldmethod = a:state['foldmethod'] endif if a:state['ignorecase'] !=# &ignorecase let &ignorecase = a:state['ignorecase'] endif endfunction " Function: s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(line) " This function removes all the trailing whitespace " Args: " -line: the target line function s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(line) let toReturn = substitute(a:line, '\s\+$', '', 'g') return toReturn endfunction " Function: s:UncommentLines(topLine, bottomLine) " This function uncomments the given lines " " Args: " topLine: the top line of the visual selection to uncomment " bottomLine: the bottom line of the visual selection to uncomment function s:UncommentLines(topLine, bottomLine) "make local copies of a:firstline and a:lastline and, if need be, swap "them around if the top line is below the bottom let l:firstline = a:topLine let l:lastline = a:bottomLine if firstline > lastline let firstline = lastline let lastline = a:topLine endif "go thru each line uncommenting each line removing sexy comments let currentLine = firstline while currentLine <= lastline "check the current line to see if it is part of a sexy comment let sexyComBounds = s:FindBoundingLinesOfSexyCom(currentLine) if !empty(sexyComBounds) "we need to store the number of lines in the buffer before the comment is "removed so we know how many lines were removed when the sexy comment "was removed let numLinesBeforeSexyComRemoved = s:NumLinesInBuf() call s:UncommentLinesSexy(sexyComBounds[0], sexyComBounds[1]) "move to the line after last line of the sexy comment let numLinesAfterSexyComRemoved = s:NumLinesInBuf() let numLinesRemoved = numLinesBeforeSexyComRemoved - numLinesAfterSexyComRemoved let currentLine = sexyComBounds[1] - numLinesRemoved + 1 let lastline = lastline - numLinesRemoved "no sexy com was detected so uncomment the line as normal else call s:UncommentLinesNormal(currentLine, currentLine) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endif endwhile endfunction " Function: s:UncommentLinesSexy(topline, bottomline) " This function removes all the comment characters associated with the sexy " comment spanning the given lines " Args: " -topline/bottomline: the top/bottom lines of the sexy comment function s:UncommentLinesSexy(topline, bottomline) let left = s:GetSexyComLeft(0,1) let right = s:GetSexyComRight(0,1) "check if it is even possible for sexy comments to exist with the "available delimiters if left ==# -1 || right ==# -1 throw 'NERDCommenter.Delimiters exception: cannot uncomment sexy comments with available delimiters.' endif let leftUnEsc = s:GetSexyComLeft(0,0) let rightUnEsc = s:GetSexyComRight(0,0) let sexyComMarker = s:GetSexyComMarker(0, 1) let sexyComMarkerUnEsc = s:GetSexyComMarker(0, 0) "the markerOffset is how far right we need to move the sexyComMarker to "line it up with the end of the left delimiter let markerOffset = strlen(leftUnEsc)-strlen(sexyComMarkerUnEsc) " go thru the intermediate lines of the sexy comment and remove the " sexy comment markers (e.g., the '*'s on the start of line in a c sexy " comment) let currentLine = a:topline+1 while currentLine < a:bottomline let theLine = getline(currentLine) " remove the sexy comment marker from the line. We also remove the " space after it if there is one and if appropriate options are set let sexyComMarkerIndx = stridx(theLine, sexyComMarkerUnEsc) if strpart(theLine, sexyComMarkerIndx+strlen(sexyComMarkerUnEsc), s:lenSpaceStr) ==# s:spaceStr && g:NERDSpaceDelims let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, sexyComMarkerIndx - markerOffset) . strpart(theLine, sexyComMarkerIndx+strlen(sexyComMarkerUnEsc)+s:lenSpaceStr) else let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, sexyComMarkerIndx - markerOffset) . strpart(theLine, sexyComMarkerIndx+strlen(sexyComMarkerUnEsc)) endif let theLine = s:SwapOuterPlaceHoldersForMultiPartDelims(theLine) let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingWhiteSpace(theLine) if g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace ==# 1 let theLine = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(theLine) endif " move onto the next line call setline(currentLine, theLine) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile " gotta make a copy of a:bottomline cos we modify the position of the " last line it if we remove the topline let bottomline = a:bottomline " get the first line so we can remove the left delimiter from it let theLine = getline(a:topline) " if the first line contains only the left delimiter then just delete it if theLine =~# '^[ \t]*' . left . '[ \t]*$' && !g:NERDCompactSexyComs call cursor(a:topline, 1) normal! dd let bottomline = bottomline - 1 " topline contains more than just the left delimiter else " remove the delimiter. If there is a space after it " then remove this too if appropriate let delimIndx = stridx(theLine, leftUnEsc) if strpart(theLine, delimIndx+strlen(leftUnEsc), s:lenSpaceStr) ==# s:spaceStr && g:NERDSpaceDelims let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, delimIndx) . strpart(theLine, delimIndx+strlen(leftUnEsc)+s:lenSpaceStr) else let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, delimIndx) . strpart(theLine, delimIndx+strlen(leftUnEsc)) endif let theLine = s:SwapOuterPlaceHoldersForMultiPartDelims(theLine) call setline(a:topline, theLine) endif " get the last line so we can remove the right delimiter let theLine = getline(bottomline) " if the bottomline contains only the right delimiter then just delete it if theLine =~# '^[ \t]*' . right . '[ \t]*$' call cursor(bottomline, 1) normal! dd " the last line contains more than the right delimiter else " remove the right delimiter. If there is a space after it and " if the appropriate options are set then remove this too. let delimIndx = s:LastIndexOfDelim(rightUnEsc, theLine) if strpart(theLine, delimIndx+strlen(leftUnEsc), s:lenSpaceStr) ==# s:spaceStr && g:NERDSpaceDelims let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, delimIndx) . strpart(theLine, delimIndx+strlen(rightUnEsc)+s:lenSpaceStr) else let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, delimIndx) . strpart(theLine, delimIndx+strlen(rightUnEsc)) endif " if the last line also starts with a sexy comment marker then we " remove this as well if theLine =~# '^[ \t]*' . sexyComMarker " remove the sexyComMarker. If there is a space after it then " remove that too let sexyComMarkerIndx = stridx(theLine, sexyComMarkerUnEsc) if strpart(theLine, sexyComMarkerIndx+strlen(sexyComMarkerUnEsc), s:lenSpaceStr) ==# s:spaceStr && g:NERDSpaceDelims let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, sexyComMarkerIndx - markerOffset ) . strpart(theLine, sexyComMarkerIndx+strlen(sexyComMarkerUnEsc)+s:lenSpaceStr) else let theLine = strpart(theLine, 0, sexyComMarkerIndx - markerOffset ) . strpart(theLine, sexyComMarkerIndx+strlen(sexyComMarkerUnEsc)) endif endif let theLine = s:SwapOuterPlaceHoldersForMultiPartDelims(theLine) call setline(bottomline, theLine) endif " remove trailing whitespaces for first and last line if g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace ==# 1 let theLine = getline(a:bottomline) let theLine = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(theLine) call setline(a:bottomline, theLine) let theLine = getline(a:topline) let theLine = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(theLine) call setline(a:topline, theLine) endif endfunction " Function: s:UncommentLineNormal(line) " uncomments the given line and returns the result " Args: " -line: the line to uncomment function s:UncommentLineNormal(line) let line = a:line "get the positions of all delimiter types on the line let indxLeft = s:FindDelimiterIndex(s:Left(), line) let indxLeftAlt = s:FindDelimiterIndex(s:Left({'alt': 1}), line) let indxRight = s:LastIndexOfDelim(s:Right(), line) let indxRightAlt = s:LastIndexOfDelim(s:Right({'alt': 1}), line) "get the comment status on the line so we know how it is commented let lineCommentStatus = s:IsCommentedOutermost(s:Left(), s:Right(), s:Left({'alt': 1}), s:Right({'alt': 1}), line) "it is commented with s:Left() and s:Right() so remove these delimiters if lineCommentStatus ==# 1 let line = s:RemoveDelimiters(s:Left(), s:Right(), line) "it is commented with s:Left({'alt': 1}) and s:Right({'alt': 1}) so remove these delimiters elseif lineCommentStatus ==# 2 && g:NERDRemoveAltComs let line = s:RemoveDelimiters(s:Left({'alt': 1}), s:Right({'alt': 1}), line) "it is not properly commented with any delimiters so we check if it has "any random left or right delimiters on it and remove the outermost ones else "remove the outer most left comment delimiter if indxLeft !=# -1 && (indxLeft < indxLeftAlt || indxLeftAlt ==# -1) let line = s:RemoveDelimiters(s:Left(), '', line) elseif indxLeftAlt !=# -1 && g:NERDRemoveAltComs let line = s:RemoveDelimiters(s:Left({'alt': 1}), '', line) endif "remove the outer most right comment delimiter if indxRight !=# -1 && (indxRight < indxRightAlt || indxRightAlt ==# -1) let line = s:RemoveDelimiters('', s:Right(), line) elseif indxRightAlt !=# -1 && g:NERDRemoveAltComs let line = s:RemoveDelimiters('', s:Right({'alt': 1}), line) endif endif let indxLeftPlace = s:FindDelimiterIndex(g:NERDLPlace, line) let indxRightPlace = s:FindDelimiterIndex(g:NERDRPlace, line) let right = s:Right() let left = s:Left() if !s:Multipart() let right = s:Right({'alt': 1}) let left = s:Left({'alt': 1}) endif "if there are place-holders on the line then we check to see if they are "the outermost delimiters on the line. If so then we replace them with "real delimiters if indxLeftPlace !=# -1 if (indxLeftPlace < indxLeft || indxLeft==-1) && (indxLeftPlace < indxLeftAlt || indxLeftAlt==-1) let line = s:ReplaceDelims(g:NERDLPlace, g:NERDRPlace, left, right, line) endif elseif indxRightPlace !=# -1 if (indxRightPlace < indxLeft || indxLeft==-1) && (indxLeftPlace < indxLeftAlt || indxLeftAlt==-1) let line = s:ReplaceDelims(g:NERDLPlace, g:NERDRPlace, left, right, line) endif endif let line = s:ConvertLeadingWhiteSpace(line) if g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace ==# 1 let line = s:TrimTrailingWhitespace(line) endif return line endfunction " Function: s:UncommentLinesNormal(topline, bottomline) " This function is called to uncomment lines that aren't a sexy comment " Args: " -topline/bottomline: the top/bottom line numbers of the comment function s:UncommentLinesNormal(topline, bottomline) let currentLine = a:topline while currentLine <= a:bottomline let line = getline(currentLine) call setline(currentLine, s:UncommentLineNormal(line)) let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile endfunction " Section: Other helper functions " ============================================================================ " Function: s:AddLeftDelim(delim, theLine) " Args: function s:AddLeftDelim(delim, theLine) return substitute(a:theLine, '^\([ \t]*\)', '\1' . a:delim, '') endfunction " Function: s:AddLeftDelimAligned(delim, theLine) " Args: function s:AddLeftDelimAligned(delim, theLine, alignIndx) "if the line is not long enough then bung some extra spaces on the front "so we can align the delimiter properly let theLine = a:theLine if strlen(theLine) < a:alignIndx let theLine = repeat(' ', a:alignIndx - strlen(theLine)) endif return strpart(theLine, 0, a:alignIndx) . a:delim . strpart(theLine, a:alignIndx) endfunction " Function: s:AddRightDelim(delim, theLine) " Args: function s:AddRightDelim(delim, theLine) if a:delim ==# '' return a:theLine else return substitute(a:theLine, '$', a:delim, '') endif endfunction " Function: s:AddRightDelimAligned(delim, theLine, alignIndx) " Args: function s:AddRightDelimAligned(delim, theLine, alignIndx) if a:delim ==# '' return a:theLine else " when we align the right delimiter we are just adding spaces " so we get a string containing the needed spaces (it " could be empty) let extraSpaces = '' let extraSpaces = repeat(' ', a:alignIndx-strlen(a:theLine)) " add the right delimiter return substitute(a:theLine, '$', extraSpaces . a:delim, '') endif endfunction " Function: s:AltMultipart() " returns 1 if the alternative delimiters are multipart function s:AltMultipart() return b:NERDCommenterDelims['rightAlt'] !=# '' endfunction " Function: s:AltNested() " returns 1 if the alternate multipart (if any) delimiters allow nesting function s:AltNested() return b:NERDCommenterDelims['nestedAlt'] endfunction " Function: s:CanCommentLine(forceNested, line) "This function is used to determine whether the given line can be commented. "It returns 1 if it can be and 0 otherwise " " Args: " -forceNested: a flag indicating whether the caller wants comments to be nested " if the current line is already commented " -lineNum: the line number of the line to check for commentability function s:CanCommentLine(forceNested, lineNum) let theLine = getline(a:lineNum) " make sure we don't comment lines that are just spaces or tabs or empty, " unless configured otherwise if g:NERDCommentEmptyLines ==# 0 && theLine =~# "^[ \t]*$" return 0 endif "if the line is part of a sexy comment then just flag it... if s:IsInSexyComment(a:lineNum) return 0 endif let isCommented = s:IsCommentedNormOrSexy(a:lineNum) "if the line isn't commented return true if !isCommented return 1 endif "if the line is commented but nesting is allowed then return true if s:Nested() || (a:forceNested && (!s:Multipart() || g:NERDUsePlaceHolders)) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " Function: s:CanPlaceCursor(line, col) " returns 1 if the cursor can be placed exactly in the given position function s:CanPlaceCursor(line, col) let c = col('.') let l = line('.') call cursor(a:line, a:col) let success = (line('.') ==# a:line && col('.') ==# a:col) call cursor(l,c) return success endfunction " Function: s:CanSexyCommentLines(topline, bottomline) " Return: 1 if the given lines can be commented sexually, 0 otherwise function s:CanSexyCommentLines(topline, bottomline) " see if the selected regions have any sexy comments " however, if the language allows nested comments, " we allow nested sexy comments if s:SexyNested() return 1 endif let currentLine = a:topline while(currentLine <= a:bottomline) if s:IsInSexyComment(currentLine) return 0 endif let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile return 1 endfunction " Function: s:CanToggleCommentLine(forceNested, line) "This function is used to determine whether the given line can be toggle commented. "It returns 1 if it can be and 0 otherwise " " Args: " -lineNum: the line number of the line to check for commentability function s:CanToggleCommentLine(forceNested, lineNum) let theLine = getline(a:lineNum) if (s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left(), theLine) || s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(s:Left({'alt': 1}), theLine)) && !a:forceNested return 0 endif " make sure we don't comment lines that are just spaces or tabs or empty, " unless configured otherwise if g:NERDCommentEmptyLines ==# 0 && theLine =~# "^[ \t]*$" return 0 endif "if the line is part of a sexy comment then just flag it... if s:IsInSexyComment(a:lineNum) return 0 endif return 1 endfunction " Function: s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(line) " This function takes a line and converts all leading tabs on that line into " spaces " " Args: " -line: the line whose leading tabs will be converted function s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(line) let toReturn = a:line while toReturn =~# '^\t*' . s:TabSpace() . '\(.*\)$' let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^\(\t*\)' . s:TabSpace() . '\(.*\)$' , '\1\t\2' , '') endwhile return toReturn endfunction " Function: s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(line) " This function takes a line and converts all leading spaces on that line into " tabs " " Args: " -line: the line whose leading spaces will be converted function s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(line) let toReturn = a:line while toReturn =~# '^\( *\)\t' let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^\( *\)\t', '\1' . s:TabSpace() , '') endwhile return toReturn endfunction " Function: s:ConvertLeadingWhiteSpace(line) " Converts the leading white space to tabs/spaces depending on &tabstop " " Args: " -line: the line to convert function s:ConvertLeadingWhiteSpace(line) let toReturn = a:line while toReturn =~# '^ *\t' let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^ *\zs\t\ze', s:TabSpace(), 'g') endwhile if !&expandtab let toReturn = s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(toReturn) endif return toReturn endfunction " Function: s:CountNonESCedOccurances(str, searchstr, escChar) " This function counts the number of substrings contained in another string. " These substrings are only counted if they are not escaped with escChar " Args: " -str: the string to look for searchstr in " -searchstr: the substring to search for in str " -escChar: the escape character which, when preceding an instance of " searchstr, will cause it not to be counted function s:CountNonESCedOccurances(str, searchstr, escChar) "get the index of the first occurrence of searchstr let indx = stridx(a:str, a:searchstr) "if there is an instance of searchstr in str process it if indx !=# -1 "get the remainder of str after this instance of searchstr is removed let lensearchstr = strlen(a:searchstr) let strLeft = strpart(a:str, indx+lensearchstr) "if this instance of searchstr is not escaped, add one to the count "and recurse. If it is escaped, just recurse if !s:IsEscaped(a:str, indx, a:escChar) return 1 + s:CountNonESCedOccurances(strLeft, a:searchstr, a:escChar) else return s:CountNonESCedOccurances(strLeft, a:searchstr, a:escChar) endif endif endfunction " Function: s:DoesBlockHaveDelim(delim, top, bottom) " Returns 1 if the given block of lines has a delimiter (a:delim) in it " Args: " -delim: the comment delimiter to check the block for " -top: the top line number of the block " -bottom: the bottom line number of the block function s:DoesBlockHaveDelim(delim, top, bottom) let currentLine = a:top while currentLine < a:bottom let theline = getline(currentLine) if s:FindDelimiterIndex(a:delim, theline) !=# -1 return 1 endif let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile return 0 endfunction " Function: s:DoesBlockHaveMultipartDelim(top, bottom) " Returns 1 if the given block has a >= 1 multipart delimiter in it " Args: " -top: the top line number of the block " -bottom: the bottom line number of the block function s:DoesBlockHaveMultipartDelim(top, bottom) if s:HasMultipartDelims() if s:Multipart() return s:DoesBlockHaveDelim(s:Left(), a:top, a:bottom) || s:DoesBlockHaveDelim(s:Right(), a:top, a:bottom) else return s:DoesBlockHaveDelim(s:Left({'alt': 1}), a:top, a:bottom) || s:DoesBlockHaveDelim(s:Right({'alt': 1}), a:top, a:bottom) endif endif return 0 endfunction " Function: s:Esc(str) " Escapes all the tricky chars in the given string function s:Esc(str) let charsToEsc = '*/\."&$+' return escape(a:str, charsToEsc) endfunction " Function: s:FindDelimiterIndex(delimiter, line) " This function is used to get the string index of the input comment delimiter " on the input line. If no valid comment delimiter is found in the line then " -1 is returned " Args: " -delimiter: the delimiter we are looking to find the index of " -line: the line we are looking for delimiter on function s:FindDelimiterIndex(delimiter, line) "make sure the delimiter isn't empty otherwise we go into an infinite loop. if a:delimiter ==# '' return -1 endif let l:delimiter = a:delimiter let lenDel = strlen(l:delimiter) "get the index of the first occurrence of the delimiter let delIndx = stridx(a:line, l:delimiter) "keep looping thru the line till we either find a real comment delimiter "or run off the EOL while delIndx !=# -1 "if we are not off the EOL get the str before the possible delimiter "in question and check if it really is a delimiter. If it is, return "its position if delIndx !=# -1 if s:IsDelimValid(l:delimiter, delIndx, a:line) return delIndx endif endif "we have not yet found a real comment delimiter so move past the "current one we are looking at let restOfLine = strpart(a:line, delIndx + lenDel) let distToNextDelim = stridx(restOfLine , l:delimiter) "if distToNextDelim is -1 then there is no more potential delimiters "on the line so set delIndx to -1. Otherwise, move along the line by "distToNextDelim if distToNextDelim ==# -1 let delIndx = -1 else let delIndx = delIndx + lenDel + distToNextDelim endif endwhile "there is no comment delimiter on this line return -1 endfunction " Function: s:FindBoundingLinesOfSexyCom(lineNum) " This function takes in a line number and tests whether this line number is " the top/bottom/middle line of a sexy comment. If it is then the top/bottom " lines of the sexy comment are returned " Args: " -lineNum: the line number that is to be tested whether it is the " top/bottom/middle line of a sexy com " Returns: " A string that has the top/bottom lines of the sexy comment encoded in it. " The format is 'topline,bottomline'. If a:lineNum turns out not to be the " top/bottom/middle of a sexy comment then -1 is returned function s:FindBoundingLinesOfSexyCom(lineNum) "find which delimiters to look for as the start/end delimiters of the comment let left = '' let right = '' if s:Multipart() let left = s:Left({'esc': 1}) let right = s:Right({'esc': 1}) elseif s:AltMultipart() let left = s:Left({'alt': 1, 'esc': 1}) let right = s:Right({'alt': 1, 'esc': 1}) else return [] endif let sexyComMarker = s:GetSexyComMarker(0, 1) "initialise the top/bottom line numbers of the sexy comment to -1 let top = -1 let bottom = -1 let currentLine = a:lineNum while top ==# -1 || bottom ==# -1 let theLine = getline(currentLine) "check if the current line is the top of the sexy comment if currentLine <= a:lineNum && theLine =~# '^[ \t]*' . left && theLine !~# '.*' . right && currentLine < s:NumLinesInBuf() let top = currentLine let currentLine = a:lineNum "check if the current line is the bottom of the sexy comment elseif theLine =~# '^[ \t]*' . right && theLine !~# '.*' . left && currentLine > 1 let bottom = currentLine "the right delimiter is on the same line as the last sexyComMarker elseif theLine =~# '^[ \t]*' . sexyComMarker . '.*' . right let bottom = currentLine "we have not found the top or bottom line so we assume currentLine is an "intermediate line and look to prove otherwise else "if the line doesn't start with a sexyComMarker then it is not a sexy "comment if theLine !~# '^[ \t]*' . sexyComMarker return [] endif endif "if top is -1 then we haven't found the top yet so keep looking up if top ==# -1 let currentLine = currentLine - 1 "if we have found the top line then go down looking for the bottom else let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endif endwhile return [top, bottom] endfunction " Function: s:GetSexyComMarker() " Returns the sexy comment marker for the current filetype. " " C style sexy comments are assumed if possible. If not then the sexy comment " marker is the last char of the delimiter pair that has both left and right " delimiters and has the longest left delimiter " " Args: " -space: specifies whether the marker is to have a space string after it " (the space string will only be added if NERDSpaceDelims is set) " -esc: specifies whether the tricky chars in the marker are to be ESCed function s:GetSexyComMarker(space, esc) let sexyComMarker = b:NERDSexyComMarker "if there is no hardcoded marker then we find one if sexyComMarker ==# '' "if the filetype has c style comments then use standard c sexy "comments if s:HasCStyleComments() let sexyComMarker = '*' else "find a comment marker by getting the longest available left delimiter "(that has a corresponding right delimiter) and taking the last char let lenLeft = strlen(s:Left()) let lenLeftAlt = strlen(s:Left({'alt': 1})) let left = '' let right = '' if s:Multipart() && lenLeft >= lenLeftAlt let left = s:Left() elseif s:AltMultipart() let left = s:Left({'alt': 1}) else return -1 endif "get the last char of left let sexyComMarker = strpart(left, strlen(left)-1) endif endif if a:space && g:NERDSpaceDelims let sexyComMarker = sexyComMarker . s:spaceStr endif if a:esc let sexyComMarker = s:Esc(sexyComMarker) endif return sexyComMarker endfunction " Function: s:SexyNested() " Returns 1 if the sexy delimeters allow nesting " TODO this is ugly copy&paste from the GetSexyComLeft/Right functions, " these could all be cleaned up function s:SexyNested() let lenLeft = strlen(s:Left()) let lenLeftAlt = strlen(s:Left({'alt': 1})) "assume c style sexy comments if possible if s:HasCStyleComments() return (s:Left() ==# '/*' && s:Nested()) || (s:Left({'alt': 1}) ==# '/*' && s:AltNested()) else "grab the longest left delim that has a right if s:Multipart() && lenLeft >= lenLeftAlt return s:Nested() elseif s:AltMultipart() return s:AltNested() else return 0 endif endif endfunction " Function: s:GetSexyComLeft(space, esc) " Returns the left delimiter for sexy comments for this filetype or -1 if " there is none. C style sexy comments are used if possible " Args: " -space: specifies if the delimiter has a space string on the end " (the space string will only be added if NERDSpaceDelims is set) " -esc: specifies whether the tricky chars in the string are ESCed function s:GetSexyComLeft(space, esc) let lenLeft = strlen(s:Left()) let lenLeftAlt = strlen(s:Left({'alt': 1})) let left = '' "assume c style sexy comments if possible if s:HasCStyleComments() let left = '/*' else "grab the longest left delimiter that has a right if s:Multipart() && lenLeft >= lenLeftAlt let left = s:Left() elseif s:AltMultipart() let left = s:Left({'alt': 1}) else return -1 endif endif if a:space && g:NERDSpaceDelims let left = left . s:spaceStr endif if a:esc let left = s:Esc(left) endif return left endfunction " Function: s:GetSexyComRight(space, esc) " Returns the right delimiter for sexy comments for this filetype or -1 if " there is none. C style sexy comments are used if possible. " Args: " -space: specifies if the delimiter has a space string on the start " (the space string will only be added if NERDSpaceDelims " is specified for the current filetype) " -esc: specifies whether the tricky chars in the string are ESCed function s:GetSexyComRight(space, esc) let lenLeft = strlen(s:Left()) let lenLeftAlt = strlen(s:Left({'alt': 1})) let right = '' "assume c style sexy comments if possible if s:HasCStyleComments() let right = '*/' else "grab the right delimiter that pairs with the longest left delimiter if s:Multipart() && lenLeft >= lenLeftAlt let right = s:Right() elseif s:AltMultipart() let right = s:Right({'alt': 1}) else return -1 endif endif if a:space && g:NERDSpaceDelims let right = s:spaceStr . right endif if a:esc let right = s:Esc(right) endif return right endfunction " Function: s:HasMultipartDelims() " Returns 1 if the current filetype has at least one set of multipart delimiters function s:HasMultipartDelims() return s:Multipart() || s:AltMultipart() endfunction " Function: s:HasLeadingTabs(...) " Returns 1 if any of the given strings have leading tabs function s:HasLeadingTabs(...) for s in a:000 if s =~# '^\t.*' return 1 end endfor return 0 endfunction " Function: s:HasCStyleComments() " Returns 1 if the current filetype has c style comment delimiters function s:HasCStyleComments() return (s:Left() ==# '/*' && s:Right() ==# '*/') || (s:Left({'alt': 1}) ==# '/*' && s:Right({'alt': 1}) ==# '*/') endfunction " Function: s:IsCommentedNormOrSexy(lineNum) "This function is used to determine whether the given line is commented with "either set of delimiters or if it is part of a sexy comment " " Args: " -lineNum: the line number of the line to check function s:IsCommentedNormOrSexy(lineNum) let theLine = getline(a:lineNum) "if the line is commented normally return 1 if s:IsCommented(s:Left(), s:Right(), theLine) || s:IsCommented(s:Left({'alt': 1}), s:Right({'alt': 1}), theLine) return 1 endif "if the line is part of a sexy comment return 1 if s:IsInSexyComment(a:lineNum) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " Function: s:IsCommented(left, right, line) "This function is used to determine whether the given line is commented with "the given delimiters " " Args: " -line: the line that to check if commented " -left/right: the left and right delimiters to check for function s:IsCommented(left, right, line) "if the line isn't commented return true if s:FindDelimiterIndex(a:left, a:line) !=# -1 && (s:LastIndexOfDelim(a:right, a:line) !=# -1 || !s:Multipart()) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " Function: s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(left, line) "This function is used to determine whether the given line is commented with "the given delimiters at the start of the line i.e the left delimiter is the "first thing on the line (apart from spaces\tabs) " " Args: " -line: the line that to check if commented " -left: the left delimiter to check for function s:IsCommentedFromStartOfLine(left, line) let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(a:line) let numSpaces = strlen(substitute(theLine, '^\( *\).*$', '\1', '')) let delimIndx = s:FindDelimiterIndex(a:left, theLine) return delimIndx ==# numSpaces endfunction " Function: s:IsCommentedOutermost(left, right, leftAlt, rightAlt, line) " Finds the type of the outermost delimiters on the line " " Args: " -line: the line that to check if the outermost comments on it are " left/right " -left/right: the left and right delimiters to check for " -leftAlt/rightAlt: the left and right alternative delimiters to check for " " Returns: " 0 if the line is not commented with either set of delimiters " 1 if the line is commented with the left/right delimiter set " 2 if the line is commented with the leftAlt/rightAlt delim set function s:IsCommentedOutermost(left, right, leftAlt, rightAlt, line) "get the first positions of the left delimiters and the last positions of the "right delimiters let indxLeft = s:FindDelimiterIndex(a:left, a:line) let indxLeftAlt = s:FindDelimiterIndex(a:leftAlt, a:line) let indxRight = s:LastIndexOfDelim(a:right, a:line) let indxRightAlt = s:LastIndexOfDelim(a:rightAlt, a:line) "check if the line has a left delimiter before a leftAlt delimiter if (indxLeft <= indxLeftAlt || indxLeftAlt ==# -1) && indxLeft !=# -1 "check if the line has a right delimiter after any rightAlt delimiter if (indxRight > indxRightAlt && indxRight > indxLeft) || !s:Multipart() return 1 endif "check if the line has a leftAlt delimiter before a left delimiter elseif (indxLeftAlt <= indxLeft || indxLeft ==# -1) && indxLeftAlt !=# -1 "check if the line has a rightAlt delimiter after any right delimiter if (indxRightAlt > indxRight && indxRightAlt > indxLeftAlt) || !s:AltMultipart() return 2 endif else return 0 endif return 0 endfunction " Function: s:IsDelimValid(delimiter, delIndx, line) " This function is responsible for determining whether a given instance of a " comment delimiter is a real delimiter or not. For example, in java the " // string is a comment delimiter but in the line: " System.out.println("//"); " it does not count as a comment delimiter. This function is responsible for " distinguishing between such cases. It does so by applying a set of " heuristics that are not fool proof but should work most of the time. " " Args: " -delimiter: the delimiter we are validating " -delIndx: the position of delimiter in line " -line: the line that delimiter occurs in " " Returns: " 0 if the given delimiter is not a real delimiter (as far as we can tell) , " 1 otherwise function s:IsDelimValid(delimiter, delIndx, line) "get the delimiter without the escchars let l:delimiter = a:delimiter "get the strings before and after the delimiter let preComStr = strpart(a:line, 0, a:delIndx) let postComStr = strpart(a:line, a:delIndx+strlen(delimiter)) "to check if the delimiter is real, make sure it isn't preceded by "an odd number of quotes and followed by the same (which would indicate "that it is part of a string and therefore is not a comment) if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '"', "\\")) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, '"', '\\')) return 0 endif if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, "'", '\\')) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, "'", '\\')) return 0 endif if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '`', '\\')) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, '`', '\\')) return 0 endif "if the comment delimiter is escaped, assume it isn't a real delimiter if s:IsEscaped(a:line, a:delIndx, "\\") return 0 endif "vim comments are so fucking stupid!! Why the hell do they have comment "delimiters that are used elsewhere in the syntax?!?! We need to check "some conditions especially for vim if &filetype ==# 'vim' if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '"', "\\")) return 0 endif "if the delimiter is on the very first char of the line or is the "first non-tab/space char on the line then it is a valid comment delimiter if a:delIndx ==# 0 || a:line =~# "^[ \t]\\{" . a:delIndx . "\\}\".*$" return 1 endif let numLeftParen =s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '(', '\\') let numRightParen =s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, ')', '\\') "if the quote is inside brackets then assume it isn't a comment if numLeftParen > numRightParen return 0 endif "if the line has an even num of unescaped "'s then we can assume that "any given " is not a comment delimiter if s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(a:line, '"', '\\')) return 0 endif endif return 1 endfunction " Function: s:IsNumEven(num) " A small function the returns 1 if the input number is even and 0 otherwise " Args: " -num: the number to check function s:IsNumEven(num) return (a:num % 2) ==# 0 endfunction " Function: s:IsEscaped(str, indx, escChar) " This function takes a string, an index into that string and an esc char and " returns 1 if the char at the index is escaped (i.e if it is preceded by an " odd number of esc chars) " Args: " -str: the string to check " -indx: the index into str that we want to check " -escChar: the escape char the char at indx may be ESCed with function s:IsEscaped(str, indx, escChar) "initialise numEscChars to 0 and look at the char before indx let numEscChars = 0 let curIndx = a:indx-1 "keep going back thru str until we either reach the start of the str or "run out of esc chars while curIndx >= 0 && strpart(a:str, curIndx, 1) ==# a:escChar "we have found another esc char so add one to the count and move left "one char let numEscChars = numEscChars + 1 let curIndx = curIndx - 1 endwhile "if there is an odd num of esc chars directly before the char at indx then "the char at indx is escaped return !s:IsNumEven(numEscChars) endfunction " Function: s:IsInSexyComment(line) " returns 1 if the given line number is part of a sexy comment function s:IsInSexyComment(line) return !empty(s:FindBoundingLinesOfSexyCom(a:line)) endfunction " Function: s:IsSexyComment(topline, bottomline) " This function takes in 2 line numbers and returns 1 if the lines between and " including the given line numbers are a sexy comment. It returns 0 otherwise. " Args: " -topline: the line that the possible sexy comment starts on " -bottomline: the line that the possible sexy comment stops on function s:IsSexyComment(topline, bottomline) "get the delimiter set that would be used for a sexy comment let left = '' let right = '' if s:Multipart() let left = s:Left() let right = s:Right() elseif s:AltMultipart() let left = s:Left({'alt': 1}) let right = s:Right({'alt': 1}) else return 0 endif "swap the top and bottom line numbers around if need be let topline = a:topline let bottomline = a:bottomline if bottomline < topline let topline = bottomline let bottomline = a:topline endif "if there is < 2 lines in the comment it cannot be sexy if (bottomline - topline) <= 0 return 0 endif "if the top line doesn't begin with a left delimiter then the comment isn't sexy if getline(a:topline) !~# '^[ \t]*' . left return 0 endif "if there is a right delimiter on the top line then this isn't a sexy comment if s:LastIndexOfDelim(right, getline(a:topline)) !=# -1 return 0 endif "if there is a left delimiter on the bottom line then this isn't a sexy comment if s:FindDelimiterIndex(left, getline(a:bottomline)) !=# -1 return 0 endif "if the bottom line doesn't begin with a right delimiter then the comment isn't "sexy if getline(a:bottomline) !~# '^.*' . right . '$' return 0 endif let sexyComMarker = s:GetSexyComMarker(0, 1) "check each of the intermediate lines to make sure they start with a "sexyComMarker let currentLine = a:topline+1 while currentLine < a:bottomline let theLine = getline(currentLine) if theLine !~# '^[ \t]*' . sexyComMarker return 0 endif "if there is a right delimiter in an intermediate line then the block isn't "a sexy comment if s:LastIndexOfDelim(right, theLine) !=# -1 return 0 endif let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile "we have not found anything to suggest that this isn't a sexy comment so return 1 endfunction " Function: s:LastIndexOfDelim(delim, str) " This function takes a string and a delimiter and returns the last index of " that delimiter in string " Args: " -delim: the delimiter to look for " -str: the string to look for delimiter in function s:LastIndexOfDelim(delim, str) let delim = a:delim let lenDelim = strlen(delim) "set index to the first occurrence of delimiter. If there is no occurrence then "bail let indx = s:FindDelimiterIndex(delim, a:str) if indx ==# -1 return -1 endif "keep moving to the next instance of delimiter in str till there is none left while 1 "search for the next delimiter after the previous one let searchStr = strpart(a:str, indx+lenDelim) let indx2 = s:FindDelimiterIndex(delim, searchStr) "if we find a delimiter update indx to record the position of it, if we "don't find another delimiter then indx is the last one so break out of "this loop if indx2 !=# -1 let indx = indx + indx2 + lenDelim else break endif endwhile return indx endfunction " Function: s:Left(...) " returns left delimiter data function s:Left(...) let params = a:0 ? a:1 : {} let delim = has_key(params, 'alt') ? b:NERDCommenterDelims['leftAlt'] : b:NERDCommenterDelims['left'] if delim ==# '' return '' endif if has_key(params, 'space') && g:NERDSpaceDelims let delim = delim . s:spaceStr endif if has_key(params, 'esc') let delim = s:Esc(delim) endif return delim endfunction " Function: s:LeftMostIndx(countCommentedLines, countEmptyLines, topline, bottomline) " This function takes in 2 line numbers and returns the index of the left most " char (that is not a space or a tab) on all of these lines. " Args: " -countCommentedLines: 1 if lines that are commented are to be checked as " well. 0 otherwise " -countEmptyLines: 1 if empty lines are to be counted in the search " -topline: the top line to be checked " -bottomline: the bottom line to be checked function s:LeftMostIndx(countCommentedLines, countEmptyLines, topline, bottomline) " declare the left most index as an extreme value let leftMostIndx = 1000 " go thru the block line by line updating leftMostIndx let currentLine = a:topline while currentLine <= a:bottomline " get the next line and if it is allowed to be commented, or is not " commented, check it let theLine = getline(currentLine) if a:countEmptyLines || theLine !~# '^[ \t]*$' if a:countCommentedLines || (!s:IsCommented(s:Left(), s:Right(), theLine) && !s:IsCommented(s:Left({'alt': 1}), s:Right({'alt': 1}), theLine)) " convert spaces to tabs and get the number of leading spaces for " this line and update leftMostIndx if need be let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) let leadSpaceOfLine = strlen( substitute(theLine, '\(^[ \t]*\).*$','\1','') ) if leadSpaceOfLine < leftMostIndx let leftMostIndx = leadSpaceOfLine endif endif endif " move on to the next line let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile if leftMostIndx ==# 1000 return 0 else return leftMostIndx endif endfunction " Function: s:Multipart() " returns 1 if the current delimiters are multipart function s:Multipart() return s:Right() !=# '' endfunction " Function: s:NerdEcho(msg, typeOfMsg) " Args: " -msg: the message to echo " -typeOfMsg: 0 = warning message " 1 = normal message function s:NerdEcho(msg, typeOfMsg) if a:typeOfMsg ==# 0 echohl WarningMsg echom 'NERDCommenter:' . a:msg echohl None elseif a:typeOfMsg ==# 1 echom 'NERDCommenter:' . a:msg endif endfunction " Function: s:Nested() " returns 1 if the current multipart (if any) delimiters allow nesting function s:Nested() return b:NERDCommenterDelims['nested'] endfunction " Function: s:NumberOfLeadingTabs(s) " returns the number of leading tabs in the given string function s:NumberOfLeadingTabs(s) return strlen(substitute(a:s, '^\(\t*\).*$', '\1', '')) endfunction " Function: s:NumLinesInBuf() " Returns the number of lines in the current buffer function s:NumLinesInBuf() return line('$') endfunction " Function: s:ReplaceDelims(toReplace1, toReplace2, replacor1, replacor2, str) " This function takes in a string, 2 delimiters in that string and 2 strings " to replace these delimiters with. " " Args: " -toReplace1: the first delimiter to replace " -toReplace2: the second delimiter to replace " -replacor1: the string to replace toReplace1 with " -replacor2: the string to replace toReplace2 with " -str: the string that the delimiters to be replaced are in function s:ReplaceDelims(toReplace1, toReplace2, replacor1, replacor2, str) let line = s:ReplaceLeftMostDelim(a:toReplace1, a:replacor1, a:str) let line = s:ReplaceRightMostDelim(a:toReplace2, a:replacor2, line) return line endfunction " Function: s:ReplaceLeftMostDelim(toReplace, replacor, str) " This function takes a string and a delimiter and replaces the left most " occurrence of this delimiter in the string with a given string " " Args: " -toReplace: the delimiter in str that is to be replaced " -replacor: the string to replace toReplace with " -str: the string that contains toReplace function s:ReplaceLeftMostDelim(toReplace, replacor, str) let toReplace = a:toReplace let replacor = a:replacor "get the left most occurrence of toReplace let indxToReplace = s:FindDelimiterIndex(toReplace, a:str) "if there IS an occurrence of toReplace in str then replace it and return "the resulting string if indxToReplace !=# -1 let line = strpart(a:str, 0, indxToReplace) . replacor . strpart(a:str, indxToReplace+strlen(toReplace)) return line endif return a:str endfunction " Function: s:ReplaceRightMostDelim(toReplace, replacor, str) " This function takes a string and a delimiter and replaces the right most " occurrence of this delimiter in the string with a given string " " Args: " -toReplace: the delimiter in str that is to be replaced " -replacor: the string to replace toReplace with " -str: the string that contains toReplace " function s:ReplaceRightMostDelim(toReplace, replacor, str) let toReplace = a:toReplace let replacor = a:replacor let lenToReplace = strlen(toReplace) "get the index of the last delimiter in str let indxToReplace = s:LastIndexOfDelim(toReplace, a:str) "if there IS a delimiter in str, replace it and return the result let line = a:str if indxToReplace !=# -1 let line = strpart(a:str, 0, indxToReplace) . replacor . strpart(a:str, indxToReplace+strlen(toReplace)) endif return line endfunction "FUNCTION: s:RestoreScreenState() " "Sets the screen state back to what it was when s:SaveScreenState was last "called. " function s:RestoreScreenState() if !exists('t:NERDComOldTopLine') || !exists('t:NERDComOldPos') throw 'NERDCommenter exception: cannot restore screen' endif call cursor(t:NERDComOldTopLine, 0) normal! zt call setpos('.', t:NERDComOldPos) endfunction " Function: s:Right(...) " returns right delimiter data function s:Right(...) let params = a:0 ? a:1 : {} let delim = has_key(params, 'alt') ? b:NERDCommenterDelims['rightAlt'] : b:NERDCommenterDelims['right'] if delim ==# '' return '' endif if has_key(params, 'space') && g:NERDSpaceDelims let delim = s:spaceStr . delim endif if has_key(params, 'esc') let delim = s:Esc(delim) endif return delim endfunction " Function: s:RightMostIndx(countCommentedLines, countEmptyLines, topline, bottomline) " This function takes in 2 line numbers and returns the index of the right most " char on all of these lines. " Args: " -countCommentedLines: 1 if lines that are commented are to be checked as " well. 0 otherwise " -countEmptyLines: 1 if empty lines are to be counted in the search " -topline: the top line to be checked " -bottomline: the bottom line to be checked function s:RightMostIndx(countCommentedLines, countEmptyLines, topline, bottomline) let rightMostIndx = -1 " go thru the block line by line updating rightMostIndx let currentLine = a:topline while currentLine <= a:bottomline " get the next line and see if it is commentable, otherwise it doesn't " count let theLine = getline(currentLine) if a:countEmptyLines || theLine !~# '^[ \t]*$' if a:countCommentedLines || (!s:IsCommented(s:Left(), s:Right(), theLine) && !s:IsCommented(s:Left({'alt': 1}), s:Right({'alt': 1}), theLine)) " update rightMostIndx if need be let theLine = s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine) let lineLen = strlen(theLine) if lineLen > rightMostIndx let rightMostIndx = lineLen endif endif endif " move on to the next line let currentLine = currentLine + 1 endwhile return rightMostIndx endfunction "FUNCTION: s:SaveScreenState() "Saves the current cursor position in the current buffer and the window "scroll position function s:SaveScreenState() let t:NERDComOldPos = getpos('.') let t:NERDComOldTopLine = line('w0') endfunction " Function: s:SwapOuterMultiPartDelimsForPlaceHolders(line) " This function takes a line and swaps the outer most multi-part delimiters for " place holders " Args: " -line: the line to swap the delimiters in " function s:SwapOuterMultiPartDelimsForPlaceHolders(line) " find out if the line is commented using normal delimiters and/or " alternate ones let isCommented = s:IsCommented(s:Left(), s:Right(), a:line) let isCommentedAlt = s:IsCommented(s:Left({'alt': 1}), s:Right({'alt': 1}), a:line) let line2 = a:line "if the line is commented and there is a right delimiter, replace "the delimiters with place-holders if isCommented && s:Multipart() let line2 = s:ReplaceDelims(s:Left(), s:Right(), g:NERDLPlace, g:NERDRPlace, a:line) "similarly if the line is commented with the alternative "delimiters elseif isCommentedAlt && s:AltMultipart() let line2 = s:ReplaceDelims(s:Left({'alt': 1}), s:Right({'alt': 1}), g:NERDLPlace, g:NERDRPlace, a:line) endif return line2 endfunction " Function: s:SwapOuterPlaceHoldersForMultiPartDelims(line) " This function takes a line and swaps the outermost place holders for " multi-part delimiters " Args: " -line: the line to swap the delimiters in " function s:SwapOuterPlaceHoldersForMultiPartDelims(line) let left = '' let right = '' if s:Multipart() let left = s:Left() let right = s:Right() elseif s:AltMultipart() let left = s:Left({'alt': 1}) let right = s:Right({'alt': 1}) endif let line = s:ReplaceDelims(g:NERDLPlace, g:NERDRPlace, left, right, a:line) return line endfunction " Function: s:TabbedCol(line, col) " Gets the col number for given line and existing col number. The new col " number is the col number when all leading spaces are converted to tabs " Args: " -line:the line to get the rel col for " -col: the abs col function s:TabbedCol(line, col) let lineTruncated = strpart(a:line, 0, a:col) let lineSpacesToTabs = substitute(lineTruncated, s:TabSpace(), '\t', 'g') return strlen(lineSpacesToTabs) endfunction "FUNCTION: s:TabSpace() "returns a string of spaces equal in length to &tabstop function s:TabSpace() let tabSpace = '' let spacesPerTab = &tabstop while spacesPerTab > 0 let tabSpace = tabSpace . ' ' let spacesPerTab = spacesPerTab - 1 endwhile return tabSpace endfunction " Function: s:UnEsc(str, escChar) " This function removes all the escape chars from a string " Args: " -str: the string to remove esc chars from " -escChar: the escape char to be removed function s:UnEsc(str, escChar) return substitute(a:str, a:escChar, '', 'g') endfunction " Function: s:UntabbedCol(line, col) " Takes a line and a col and returns the absolute column of col taking into " account that a tab is worth 3 or 4 (or whatever) spaces. " Args: " -line:the line to get the abs col for " -col: the col that doesn't take into account tabs function s:UntabbedCol(line, col) let lineTruncated = strpart(a:line, 0, a:col) let lineTabsToSpaces = substitute(lineTruncated, '\t', s:TabSpace(), 'g') return strlen(lineTabsToSpaces) endfunction " Section: Comment mapping and menu item setup " =========================================================================== " Create menu items for the specified modes. If a:combo is not empty, then " also define mappings and show a:combo in the menu items. function! s:CreateMaps(modes, target, desc, combo) " Build up a map command like " 'noremap <silent> <plug>NERDCommenterComment :call NERDComment("n", "Comment")' let plug = '<plug>NERDCommenter' . a:target let plug_start = 'noremap <silent> ' . plug . ' :call NERDComment("' let plug_end = '", "' . a:target . '")<cr>' " Build up a menu command like " 'menu <silent> comment.Comment<Tab>\\cc <plug>NERDCommenterComment' let menuRoot = get(['', 'comment', '&comment', '&Plugin.&comment'], \ g:NERDMenuMode, '') let menu_command = 'menu <silent> ' . menuRoot . '.' . escape(a:desc, ' ') if strlen(a:combo) let leader = exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : '\' let menu_command .= '<Tab>' . escape(leader, '\') . a:combo endif let menu_command .= ' ' . (strlen(a:combo) ? plug : a:target) " Execute the commands built above for each requested mode. for mode in (a:modes ==# '') ? [''] : split(a:modes, '\zs') if strlen(a:combo) execute mode . plug_start . mode . plug_end if g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings && !hasmapto(plug, mode) execute mode . 'map <leader>' . a:combo . ' ' . plug endif endif " Check if the user wants the menu to be displayed. if g:NERDMenuMode !=# 0 execute mode . menu_command endif endfor endfunction call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'Comment', 'Comment', 'cc') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'Toggle', 'Toggle', 'c<space>') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'Minimal', 'Minimal', 'cm') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'Nested', 'Nested', 'cn') call s:CreateMaps('n', 'ToEOL', 'To EOL', 'c$') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'Invert', 'Invert', 'ci') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'Sexy', 'Sexy', 'cs') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'Yank', 'Yank then comment', 'cy') call s:CreateMaps('n', 'Append', 'Append', 'cA') call s:CreateMaps('', ':', '-Sep-', '') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'AlignLeft', 'Left aligned', 'cl') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'AlignBoth', 'Left and right aligned', 'cb') call s:CreateMaps('', ':', '-Sep2-', '') call s:CreateMaps('nx', 'Uncomment', 'Uncomment', 'cu') call s:CreateMaps('n', 'AltDelims', 'Switch Delimiters', 'ca') call s:CreateMaps('i', 'Insert', 'Insert Comment Here', '') call s:CreateMaps('', ':', '-Sep3-', '') call s:CreateMaps('', ':help NERDCommenterContents<CR>', 'Help', '') inoremap <silent> <plug>NERDCommenterInsert <SPACE><BS><ESC>:call NERDComment('i', 'insert')<CR> " switch to/from alternative delimiters (does not use wrapper function) nnoremap <plug>NERDCommenterAltDelims :call <SID>SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(1)<cr> " This is a workaround to enable lazy-loading from supported plugin managers: " See https://github.com/preservim/nerdcommenter/issues/176 call s:SetUpForNewFiletype(&filetype, 1)