if has('python3') python3 import sys, vim python3 if vim.eval('expand("<sfile>:p:h")') not in sys.path: sys.path.append(vim.eval('expand("<sfile>:p:h")')) python3 import pyvenv endif if has('python') python import sys, vim python if vim.eval('expand("<sfile>:p:h")') not in sys.path: sys.path.append(vim.eval('expand("<sfile>:p:h")')) python import pyvenv endif function! virtualenv#activate(...) let name = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : '' let silent = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : 0 let env_dir = '' if len(name) == 0 "Figure out the name based on current file if isdirectory($VIRTUAL_ENV) let name = fnamemodify($VIRTUAL_ENV, ':t') let env_dir = $VIRTUAL_ENV elseif isdirectory($PROJECT_HOME) let fn = expand('%:p') let pat = '^'.$PROJECT_HOME.'/' if fn =~ pat let name = fnamemodify(substitute(fn, pat, '', ''), ':h') if name != '.' "No project directory let env_dir = g:virtualenv_directory.'/'.name endif endif endif else let env_dir = g:virtualenv_directory.'/'.name endif "Couldn't figure it out, so DIE if !isdirectory(env_dir) if !silent echoerr "No virtualenv could be auto-detected and activated." endif return endif let bin = env_dir.(has('win32')? '/Scripts': '/bin') call virtualenv#deactivate() let s:prev_path = $PATH " Prepend bin to PATH, but only if it's not there already " (activate_this does this also, https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/14) if $PATH[:len(bin)] != bin.':' let $PATH = bin.':'.$PATH endif if has('python') python pyvenv.activate(vim.eval('l:env_dir')) endif if has('python3') python3 pyvenv.activate(vim.eval('l:env_dir')) endif let g:virtualenv_name = name let $VIRTUAL_ENV = env_dir if exists("*airline#extensions#virtualenv#update") call airline#extensions#virtualenv#update() endif endfunction function! virtualenv#deactivate() if has('python') python pyvenv.deactivate() endif if has('python3') python3 pyvenv.deactivate() endif unlet! g:virtualenv_name let $VIRTUAL_ENV = '' " can't delete parent variables if exists('s:prev_path') let $PATH = s:prev_path endif if exists("*airline#extensions#virtualenv#update") call airline#extensions#virtualenv#update() endif endfunction function! virtualenv#list() for name in virtualenv#names('') echo name endfor endfunction function! virtualenv#statusline() if exists('g:virtualenv_name') return substitute(g:virtualenv_stl_format, '\C%n', g:virtualenv_name, 'g') else return '' endif endfunction function! virtualenv#names(prefix) let venvs = [] for dir in split(glob(g:virtualenv_directory.'/'.a:prefix.'*'), '\n') if !isdirectory(dir) continue endif let fn = dir.(has('win32')? '/Scripts': '/bin').'/activate' if !filereadable(fn) continue endif call add(venvs, fnamemodify(dir, ':t')) endfor return venvs endfunction