Include: include/setup.vader

Execute (rst: rstlint: errorformat):
  Save &errorformat
  let &errorformat = neomake#makers#ft#rst#rstlint().errorformat
  file file.rst
  let output = [
  \ 'ERROR file.rst:40 Error in "code-block" directive:',
  \ 'unknown option: "linenos".',
  \ ]
  lgetexpr output
  AssertEqualQf getloclist(0), [
  \ {'lnum': 40, 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), 'col': 0, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0,
  \  'nr': -1, 'type': 'E', 'pattern': '',
  \  'text': 'Error in "code-block" directive:'."\n".'unknown option: "linenos".',
  \ }]

  " Newline gets trimmed when going through postprocess.
  let maker = NeomakeTestsGetMakerWithOutput(neomake#makers#ft#rst#rstlint(), output)
  CallNeomake 1, [maker]
  AssertEqualQf getloclist(0), [
  \ {'lnum': 40, 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), 'col': 0, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0,
  \  'nr': -1, 'type': 'E', 'pattern': '',
  \  'text': 'Error in "code-block" directive: unknown option: "linenos".',
  \ }]

Execute (rst: sphinx: enabled based on
  call g:NeomakeTestsSetPATH('')

  AssertEqual neomake#makers#ft#rst#EnabledMakers(), ['rstlint', 'rstcheck']

  call g:NeomakeTestsCreateExe('sphinx-build', [])
  AssertEqual neomake#makers#ft#rst#EnabledMakers(), ['rstlint', 'rstcheck']
  AssertNeomakeMessage 'sphinx: skipping setting of source_dir for empty bufname.', 3

  let bufnr = bufnr('%')
  noautocmd set filetype=rst
  CallNeomake 1, ['sphinx']
  AssertNeomakeMessage 'sphinx: skipping setting of source_dir for empty bufname.', 3
  AssertNeomakeMessage '\Vsphinx: could not find', 0
  Assert !exists('b:neomake.sphinx')

  let tempdir = tempname()
  let slash = neomake#utils#Slash()
  call mkdir(tempdir.slash.'doc', 'p')

  exe 'lcd '.fnameescape(tempdir)
  file doc/test.rst

  " Uses from project root also.
  call writefile([], '')
  " To please neomake#utils#get_project_root().
  call writefile([], 'Makefile')
  call neomake#makers#ft#rst#EnabledMakers()
  AssertNeomakeMessage printf("sphinx: setting b:neomake.sphinx.source_dir='%s'.", getcwd()), 3, {'bufnr': bufnr}

  call writefile([], 'doc'.slash.'')
  unlet b:neomake.sphinx
  let expected_srcdir = getcwd() . slash . 'doc'
  let maker = neomake#GetMaker('sphinx', 'rst')
  AssertEqual maker.args[-2], expected_srcdir
  AssertNeomakeMessage printf("sphinx: setting b:neomake.sphinx.source_dir='%s'.", expected_srcdir), 3, {'bufnr': bufnr}
  AssertEqual neomake#makers#ft#rst#EnabledMakers(), ['sphinx']

Execute (rst: sphinx: handles docutils warnings and adds first additional line):
  file build/some.rst
  let b:neomake = {'sphinx': {'source_dir': 'sphinx_source_dir'}}

  let output = [
  \ 'WARNING: /some/path/inline.rst:8: (ERROR/3) Malformed table.',
  \ 'No bottom table border found.',
  \ '',
  \ '======================= ====================================================================',
  \ '/some/path/inline.rst:9: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.',
  \ 'WARNING: /some/path/inline.rst:40: (ERROR/3) Error in "code-block" directive:',
  \ 'unknown option: "linenoss".',
  \ '',
  \ '.. code-block:: lua',
  \ '   :linenoss:',
  \ '',
  \ '   -- luacheck: globals g1 g2, ignore foo',
  \ '   local foo = g1(g2) -- No warnings emitted.',
  \ '',
  \ '   -- The following unused function is not reported.',
  \ '   local function f() -- luacheck: ignore',
  \ '      -- luacheck: globals g3',
  \ '      g3() -- No warning.',
  \ '   end',
  \ '',
  \ '   g3() -- Warning is emitted as the inline option defining g3 only affected function f.',
  \ ' WARNING: /some/path/inline.rst:2: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.',
  \ '',
  \ 'Command line interface',
  \ '=====================',
  \ '',
  \ 'build/some.rst:70: WARNING: numfig is disabled. :numref: is ignored.',
  \ 'build/some.rst:71: WARNING: numfig is disabled. :numref: is ignored.',
  \ ]

  let maker = neomake#makers#ft#rst#sphinx()
  call extend(maker, {
  \ 'exe': 'printf', 'args': ['%s\n'] + output,
  \ 'append_file': 0, 'output_stream': 'stdout'})
  CallNeomake 1, [maker]

  let unlisted_bufnr = bufnr('/some/path/inline.rst')
  let bufnr = bufnr('%')

  AssertEqualQf getloclist(0), [
  \ {'lnum': 8, 'bufnr': unlisted_bufnr, 'col': 0, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0,
  \  'nr': -1, 'type': 'E', 'pattern': '',
  \  'text': 'Malformed table. No bottom table border found.'},
  \ {'lnum': 9, 'bufnr': unlisted_bufnr, 'col': 0, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0,
  \  'nr': -1, 'type': 'W', 'pattern': '',
  \  'text': 'Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.'},
  \ {'lnum': 40, 'bufnr': unlisted_bufnr, 'col': 0, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0,
  \  'nr': -1, 'type': 'E', 'pattern': '',
  \  'text': 'Error in "code-block" directive: unknown option: "linenoss".'},
  \ {'lnum': 70, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'col': 0, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0,
  \  'nr': -1, 'type': 'W', 'pattern': '',
  \  'text': 'numfig is disabled. :numref: is ignored.'},
  \ {'lnum': 71, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'col': 0, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0,
  \  'nr': -1, 'type': 'W', 'pattern': '',
  \  'text': 'numfig is disabled. :numref: is ignored.'}
  \ ]
  exe 'bwipe' unlisted_bufnr

Execute (rst: sphinx: errorformat):
  file foo.rst
  let b:neomake = {'sphinx': {'source_dir': 'sphinx_source_dir'}}

  let maker = NeomakeTestsGetMakerWithOutput(neomake#makers#ft#rst#sphinx(), [], [
    \ 'foo.rst:20: WARNING: Problems with "include" directive path:',
    \ "InputError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '_include.rst'.",
    \ ])
  CallNeomake 1, [maker]

  AssertEqualQf getloclist(0), [
  \ {'lnum': 20, 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), 'col': 0, 'pattern': '', 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0,
  \  'nr': -1, 'type': 'W',
  \  'text': 'Problems with "include" directive path: InputError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''_include.rst''.'},
  \ ]