# ============================================================================ # FILE: child.py # AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> # License: MIT license # ============================================================================ import copy import os.path import re import sys import time import msgpack import typing from collections import defaultdict from deoplete import logger from deoplete.exceptions import SourceInitError from deoplete.util import (bytepos2charpos, charpos2bytepos, error, error_tb, import_plugin, get_custom, get_syn_names, convert2candidates, uniq_list_dict, Nvim) UserContext = typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] Candidates = typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] Result = typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] class Child(logger.LoggingMixin): def __init__(self, vim: Nvim) -> None: self.name = 'child' self._vim = vim self._filters: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} self._sources: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} self._profile_flag = None self._profile_start_time = 0 self._loaded_sources: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} self._loaded_filters: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} self._source_errors: typing.Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) self._prev_results: typing.Dict[str, Result] = {} if msgpack.version < (1, 0, 0): self._packer = msgpack.Packer( encoding='utf-8', unicode_errors='surrogateescape') self._unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker( encoding='utf-8', unicode_errors='surrogateescape') else: self._unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker( unicode_errors='surrogateescape') self._packer = msgpack.Packer( unicode_errors='surrogateescape') self._ignore_sources: typing.List[typing.Any] = [] def main_loop(self, stdout: typing.Any) -> None: while True: feed = sys.stdin.buffer.raw.read(102400) # type: ignore if feed is None: continue if feed == b'': # EOF return self._unpacker.feed(feed) for child_in in self._unpacker: name = child_in['name'] args = child_in['args'] queue_id = child_in['queue_id'] ret = self.main(name, args, queue_id) if ret: self._write(stdout, ret) self._vim.call('deoplete#auto_complete', 'Update') def main(self, name: str, args: typing.List[typing.Any], queue_id: typing.Optional[int]) -> typing.Optional[Candidates]: ret = None if name == 'enable_logging': self._enable_logging() elif name == 'add_source': self._add_source(args[0]) elif name == 'add_filter': self._add_filter(args[0]) elif name == 'set_source_attributes': self._set_source_attributes(args[0]) elif name == 'on_event': self._on_event(args[0]) elif name == 'merge_results': results = self._merge_results(args[0], queue_id) if results['is_async'] or results['merged_results']: ret = results return ret def _write(self, stdout: typing.Any, expr: typing.Any) -> None: stdout.buffer.write(self._packer.pack(expr)) stdout.flush() def _enable_logging(self) -> None: logging = self._vim.vars['deoplete#_logging'] logger.setup(self._vim, logging['level'], logging['logfile']) self.is_debug_enabled = True def _add_source(self, path: str) -> None: source = None try: Source = import_plugin(path, 'source', 'Source') if not Source: return source = Source(self._vim) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] source.name = getattr(source, 'name', name) source.path = path if source.name in self._loaded_sources: # Duplicated name error_tb(self._vim, 'Duplicated source: %s' % source.name) error_tb(self._vim, 'path: "%s" "%s"' % (path, self._loaded_sources[source.name])) source = None except Exception: error_tb(self._vim, 'Could not load source: %s' % path) finally: if source: self._loaded_sources[source.name] = path self._sources[source.name] = source self.debug( # type: ignore f'Loaded Source: {source.name} ({path})') def _add_filter(self, path: str) -> None: f = None try: Filter = import_plugin(path, 'filter', 'Filter') if not Filter: return f = Filter(self._vim) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] f.name = getattr(f, 'name', name) f.path = path if f.name in self._loaded_filters: # Duplicated name error_tb(self._vim, 'Duplicated filter: %s' % f.name) error_tb(self._vim, 'path: "%s" "%s"' % (path, self._loaded_filters[f.name])) f = None except Exception: # Exception occurred when loading a filter. Log stack trace. error_tb(self._vim, 'Could not load filter: %s' % path) finally: if f: self._loaded_filters[f.name] = path self._filters[f.name] = f self.debug( # type: ignore f'Loaded Filter: {f.name} ({path})') def _merge_results(self, context: UserContext, queue_id: typing.Optional[int]) -> typing.Dict[ str, typing.Any]: results = self._gather_results(context) merged_results = [] for result in [x for x in results if not self._is_skip(x['context'], x['source'])]: candidates = self._get_candidates( result, context['input'], context['next_input']) if candidates: rank = get_custom(context['custom'], result['source'].name, 'rank', result['source'].rank) merged_results.append({ 'complete_position': result['complete_position'], 'candidates': candidates, 'rank': rank, }) is_async = len([x for x in results if x['is_async']]) > 0 return { 'queue_id': queue_id, 'is_async': is_async, 'merged_results': merged_results, } def _gather_results(self, context: UserContext) -> typing.List[Result]: # Note: self._vim.current.buffer may not work when Vim quit if context['changedtick'] != self._vim.eval('b:changedtick'): return [] results = [] for source in [x[1] for x in self._itersource(context)]: try: result = self._get_result(context, source) if not result: continue self._prev_results[source.name] = result results.append(result) except Exception as exc: self._handle_source_exception(source, exc) return results def _get_result(self, context: UserContext, source: typing.Any) -> Result: if source.disabled_syntaxes and 'syntax_names' not in context: context['syntax_names'] = get_syn_names(self._vim) ctx = copy.deepcopy(context) charpos = source.get_complete_position(ctx) if charpos >= 0 and source.is_bytepos: charpos = bytepos2charpos( ctx['encoding'], ctx['input'], charpos) ctx['char_position'] = charpos ctx['complete_position'] = charpos2bytepos( ctx['encoding'], ctx['input'], charpos) ctx['complete_str'] = ctx['input'][ctx['char_position']:] if charpos < 0 or self._is_skip(ctx, source): if source.name in self._prev_results: self._prev_results.pop(source.name) # Skip return {} if (source.name in self._prev_results and self._use_previous_result( context, self._prev_results[source.name], source.is_volatile, source.is_async)): return self._prev_results[source.name] ctx['is_async'] = False ctx['is_refresh'] = True ctx['max_abbr_width'] = min(source.max_abbr_width, ctx['max_abbr_width']) ctx['max_kind_width'] = min(source.max_kind_width, ctx['max_kind_width']) ctx['max_info_width'] = source.max_info_width ctx['max_menu_width'] = min(source.max_menu_width, ctx['max_menu_width']) if ctx['max_abbr_width'] > 0: ctx['max_abbr_width'] = max(20, ctx['max_abbr_width']) if ctx['max_kind_width'] > 0: ctx['max_kind_width'] = max(10, ctx['max_kind_width']) if ctx['max_info_width'] > 0: ctx['max_info_width'] = max(10, ctx['max_info_width']) if ctx['max_menu_width'] > 0: ctx['max_menu_width'] = max(10, ctx['max_menu_width']) # Gathering self._profile_start(ctx, source.name) ctx['vars'] = self._vim.vars ctx['candidates'] = source.gather_candidates(ctx) if ctx['is_async']: source.is_async = True ctx['vars'] = None self._profile_end(source.name) if ctx['candidates'] is None: return {} ctx['candidates'] = convert2candidates(ctx['candidates']) return { 'name': source.name, 'source': source, 'context': ctx, 'is_async': ctx['is_async'], 'prev_linenr': ctx['position'][1], 'prev_input': ctx['input'], 'input': ctx['input'], 'complete_position': ctx['complete_position'], 'candidates': ctx['candidates'], } def _gather_async_results(self, result: Result, source: typing.Any) -> None: try: context = result['context'] context['is_refresh'] = False context['vars'] = self._vim.vars async_candidates = source.gather_candidates(context) context['vars'] = None result['is_async'] = context['is_async'] if async_candidates is None: return context['candidates'] += convert2candidates(async_candidates) except Exception as exc: self._handle_source_exception(source, exc) def _handle_source_exception(self, source: typing.Any, exc: Exception) -> None: if isinstance(exc, SourceInitError): error(self._vim, f'Error when loading source {source.name}: {exc}. ' 'Ignoring.') self._ignore_sources.append(source.name) return self._source_errors[source.name] += 1 if source.is_silent: return if self._source_errors[source.name] > 2: error(self._vim, f'Too many errors from "{source.name}". ' 'This source is disabled until Neovim is restarted.') self._ignore_sources.append(source.name) else: error_tb(self._vim, f'Error from {source.name}: {exc}') def _process_filter(self, f: typing.Any, context: UserContext, max_candidates: int) -> None: try: self._profile_start(context, f.name) if (isinstance(context['candidates'], dict) and 'sorted_candidates' in context['candidates']): filtered: typing.List[typing.Any] = [] context['is_sorted'] = True for candidates in context['candidates']['sorted_candidates']: context['candidates'] = candidates filtered += f.filter(context) else: filtered = f.filter(context) if max_candidates > 0: filtered = filtered[: max_candidates] context['candidates'] = filtered self._profile_end(f.name) except Exception: error_tb(self._vim, 'Errors from: %s' % f) def _get_candidates(self, result: Result, context_input: str, next_input: str ) -> typing.Optional[Candidates]: source = result['source'] # Gather async results if result['is_async']: self._gather_async_results(result, source) if not result['candidates']: return None # Source context ctx = copy.copy(result['context']) ctx['input'] = context_input ctx['next_input'] = next_input ctx['complete_str'] = context_input[ctx['char_position']:] ctx['is_sorted'] = False # Set ignorecase case = ctx['smartcase'] or ctx['camelcase'] if case: if re.search(r'[A-Z]', ctx['complete_str']): ctx['ignorecase'] = False else: ctx['ignorecase'] = True ignorecase = ctx['ignorecase'] # Match matchers = [self._filters[x] for x in source.matchers if x in self._filters] if source.matcher_key != '': original_candidates = ctx['candidates'] # Convert word key to matcher_key for candidate in original_candidates: candidate['__save_word'] = candidate['word'] candidate['word'] = candidate[source.matcher_key] for f in matchers: self._process_filter(f, ctx, source.max_candidates) if source.matcher_key != '': # Restore word key for candidate in original_candidates: candidate['word'] = candidate['__save_word'] del candidate['__save_word'] # Sort sorters = [self._filters[x] for x in source.sorters if x in self._filters] for f in sorters: self._process_filter(f, ctx, source.max_candidates) # Note: converter may break candidates ctx['candidates'] = copy.deepcopy(ctx['candidates']) # Convert converters = [self._filters[x] for x in source.converters if x in self._filters] for f in converters: self._process_filter(f, ctx, source.max_candidates) if (isinstance(ctx['candidates'], dict) and 'sorted_candidates' in ctx['candidates']): sorted_candidates = ctx['candidates']['sorted_candidates'] ctx['candidates'] = [] for candidates in sorted_candidates: ctx['candidates'] += candidates ctx['ignorecase'] = ignorecase # On post filter if hasattr(source, 'on_post_filter'): ctx['candidates'] = source.on_post_filter(ctx) mark = source.mark + ' ' refresh = False refresh_always = self._vim.call( 'deoplete#custom#_get_option', 'refresh_always') auto_complete = self._vim.call( 'deoplete#custom#_get_option', 'auto_complete') eskk_check = self._vim.call( 'deoplete#util#check_eskk_phase_henkan') if refresh_always and auto_complete and not eskk_check: refresh = True for candidate in ctx['candidates']: candidate['icase'] = 1 candidate['equal'] = refresh # Set default menu if (mark != ' ' and candidate.get('menu', '').find(mark) != 0): candidate['menu'] = mark + candidate.get('menu', '') if source.dup: candidate['dup'] = 1 # Note: cannot use set() for dict if source.dup: # Remove duplicates ctx['candidates'] = uniq_list_dict(ctx['candidates']) return ctx['candidates'] # type: ignore def _itersource(self, context: UserContext ) -> typing.Generator[typing.Any, None, None]: filetypes = context['filetypes'] ignore_sources = set(self._ignore_sources) for ft in filetypes: ignore_sources.update( self._vim.call('deoplete#custom#_get_filetype_option', 'ignore_sources', ft, [])) for source_name, source in self._get_sources().items(): if source.filetypes is None or source_name in ignore_sources: continue if context['sources'] and source_name not in context['sources']: continue if source.filetypes and not any(x in filetypes for x in source.filetypes): continue if not source.is_initialized and hasattr(source, 'on_init'): self.debug('on_init Source: ' + source.name) # type: ignore try: context['vars'] = self._vim.vars source.on_init(context) context['vars'] = None except Exception as exc: if isinstance(exc, SourceInitError): error(self._vim, 'Error when loading source ' f'{source_name}: {exc}. Ignoring.') else: error_tb(self._vim, 'Error when loading source ' f'{source_name}: {exc}. Ignoring.') self._ignore_sources.append(source_name) continue else: source.is_initialized = True yield source_name, source def _profile_start(self, context: UserContext, name: str) -> None: if self._profile_flag == 0 or not self.is_debug_enabled: return if not self._profile_flag: self._profile_flag = self._vim.call( 'deoplete#custom#_get_option', 'profile') if self._profile_flag: return self._profile_start(context, name) elif self._profile_flag: self.debug(f'Profile Start: {name}') self._profile_start_time = time.monotonic() def _profile_end(self, name: str) -> None: if not self._profile_start_time: return self.debug( # type: ignore 'Profile End : {0:<25} time={1:2.10f}'.format( name, time.monotonic() - self._profile_start_time)) def _use_previous_result(self, context: UserContext, result: Result, is_volatile: bool, is_async: bool) -> bool: if context['position'][1] != result['prev_linenr']: return False elif is_async: # Note: If it is async, the cache must be used to call # gather_async_results(). return bool(context['input'] == result['prev_input']) elif is_volatile: # Note: If it is volatile, the cache must be disabled to refresh # candidates. return False else: return bool(re.sub(r'\w*$', '', context['input']) == re.sub(r'\w*$', '', result['prev_input']) and context['input'].find(result['prev_input']) == 0) def _is_skip(self, context: UserContext, source: typing.Any) -> bool: if 'syntax_names' in context and source.disabled_syntaxes: p = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(source.disabled_syntaxes) + ')$') if next(filter(p.search, context['syntax_names']), None): return True iminsert = self._vim.call('getbufvar', '%', '&iminsert') if iminsert == 1 and source.is_skip_langmap: return True for ft in context['filetypes']: input_pattern = source.get_input_pattern(ft) if (input_pattern != '' and re.search('(' + input_pattern + ')$', context['input'])): return False auto_complete_popup = self._vim.call( 'deoplete#custom#_get_option', 'auto_complete_popup') if context['event'] == 'Manual' or auto_complete_popup == 'manual': return False return not (source.min_pattern_length <= len(context['complete_str']) <= source.max_pattern_length) def _set_source_attributes(self, context: UserContext) -> None: """Set source attributes from the context. Each item in `attrs` is the attribute name. """ attrs = ( 'converters', 'disabled_syntaxes', 'dup', 'filetypes', 'input_pattern', 'is_debug_enabled', 'is_silent', 'is_volatile', 'mark', 'matchers', 'max_abbr_width', 'max_candidates', 'max_info_width', 'max_kind_width', 'max_menu_width', 'max_pattern_length', 'min_pattern_length', 'sorters', ) for name, source in self._get_sources().items(): self.debug('Set Source attributes: %s', name) # type: ignore source.dup = bool(source.filetypes) for attr in attrs: source_attr = getattr(source, attr, None) custom = get_custom(context['custom'], name, attr, source_attr) if type(getattr(source, attr)) != type(custom): # Type check error(self._vim, f'source {source.name}: ' f'custom attr "{attr}" is wrong type.') elif custom and isinstance(source_attr, dict): # Update values if it is dict source_attr.update(custom) else: setattr(source, attr, custom) self.debug('Attribute: %s (%s)', # type: ignore attr, getattr(source, attr)) # Default min_pattern_length if source.min_pattern_length < 0: source.min_pattern_length = self._vim.call( 'deoplete#custom#_get_option', 'min_pattern_length') def _on_event(self, context: UserContext) -> None: event = context['event'] context['vars'] = self._vim.vars for source_name, source in self._itersource(context): if not source.events or event in source.events: try: source.on_event(context) except Exception as exc: error_tb(self._vim, f'Exception during {source.name}.on_event ' 'for event {!r}: {}'.format(event, exc)) for f in self._filters.values(): f.on_event(context) context['vars'] = None def _get_sources(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: # Note: for the size change of "self._sources" error return copy.copy(self._sources)