local types = require('cmp.types') local misc = require('cmp.utils.misc') local keymap = require('cmp.utils.keymap') local function merge_keymaps(base, override) local normalized_base = {} for k, v in pairs(base) do normalized_base[keymap.normalize(k)] = v end local normalized_override = {} for k, v in pairs(override) do normalized_override[keymap.normalize(k)] = v end return misc.merge(normalized_base, normalized_override) end local mapping = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, invoke, modes) if type(invoke) == 'function' then local map = {} for _, mode in ipairs(modes or { 'i' }) do map[mode] = invoke end return map end return invoke end, }) ---Mapping preset configuration. mapping.preset = {} ---Mapping preset insert-mode configuration. mapping.preset.insert = function(override) return merge_keymaps(override or {}, { ['<Down>'] = { i = mapping.select_next_item({ behavior = types.cmp.SelectBehavior.Select }), }, ['<Up>'] = { i = mapping.select_prev_item({ behavior = types.cmp.SelectBehavior.Select }), }, ['<C-n>'] = { i = function() local cmp = require('cmp') if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_next_item({ behavior = types.cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert }) else cmp.complete() end end, }, ['<C-p>'] = { i = function() local cmp = require('cmp') if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_prev_item({ behavior = types.cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert }) else cmp.complete() end end, }, ['<C-y>'] = { i = mapping.confirm({ select = false }), }, ['<C-e>'] = { i = mapping.abort(), }, }) end ---Mapping preset cmdline-mode configuration. mapping.preset.cmdline = function(override) return merge_keymaps(override or {}, { ['<C-z>'] = { c = function() local cmp = require('cmp') if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_next_item() else cmp.complete() end end, }, ['<Tab>'] = { c = function() local cmp = require('cmp') if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_next_item() else cmp.complete() end end, }, ['<S-Tab>'] = { c = function() local cmp = require('cmp') if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_prev_item() else cmp.complete() end end, }, ['<C-n>'] = { c = function(fallback) local cmp = require('cmp') if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_next_item() else fallback() end end, }, ['<C-p>'] = { c = function(fallback) local cmp = require('cmp') if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_prev_item() else fallback() end end, }, ['<C-e>'] = { c = mapping.abort(), }, ['<C-y>'] = { c = mapping.confirm({ select = false }), }, }) end ---Invoke completion ---@param option? cmp.CompleteParams mapping.complete = function(option) return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').complete(option) then fallback() end end end ---Complete common string. mapping.complete_common_string = function() return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').complete_common_string() then fallback() end end end ---Close current completion menu if it displayed. mapping.close = function() return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').close() then fallback() end end end ---Abort current completion menu if it displayed. mapping.abort = function() return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').abort() then fallback() end end end ---Scroll documentation window. mapping.scroll_docs = function(delta) return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').scroll_docs(delta) then fallback() end end end --- Opens the documentation window. mapping.open_docs = function() return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').open_docs() then fallback() end end end --- Close the documentation window. mapping.close_docs = function() return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').close_docs() then fallback() end end end ---Select next completion item. mapping.select_next_item = function(option) return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').select_next_item(option) then local release = require('cmp').core:suspend() fallback() vim.schedule(release) end end end ---Select prev completion item. mapping.select_prev_item = function(option) return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').select_prev_item(option) then local release = require('cmp').core:suspend() fallback() vim.schedule(release) end end end ---Confirm selection mapping.confirm = function(option) return function(fallback) if not require('cmp').confirm(option) then fallback() end end end return mapping