" File: github-issues.vim " Version: 3.1.0 " Description: Pulls github issues into Vim " Maintainer: Jonathan Warner <jaxbot@gmail.com> <http://github.com/jaxbot> " Homepage: http://jaxbot.me/ " Repository: https://github.com/jaxbot/github-issues.vim " License: Copyright (C) 2014 Jonathan Warner " Released under the MIT license " ====================================================================== " do not load twice if exists("g:github_issues_loaded") || &cp finish endif let g:github_issues_loaded = 1 " do not continue if Vim is not compiled with Python support if !has("python") && !has("python3") echo "github-issues.vim requires Python support, sorry :c" finish endif function! s:showGithubMilestones(...) call ghissues#init() if a:0 <1 Python showMilestoneList(0, "True") else Python showMilestoneList(vim.eval("a:1"), "True") endif set buftype=nofile nnoremap <buffer> q :q<cr> nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :normal! 0<cr>:call <SID>setMilestone(getline("."))<cr> endfunction function! s:showGithubIssues(...) call ghissues#init() let github_failed = 0 if a:0 < 1 Python showIssueList(0, "True") else Python showIssueList(vim.eval("a:1"), "True") endif if github_failed == "1" return endif " its not a real file set buftype=nofile " map the enter key to show issue nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>showIssue(expand("<cword>"),"")<cr> nnoremap <buffer> i :Giadd<cr> nnoremap <buffer> q :q<cr> endfunction function! s:showSearchList() call ghissues#init() Python showSearchList() " its not a real file set buftype=nofile " map the enter key to show issue nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>showIssue(expand("<cword>"),"")<cr> nnoremap <buffer> i :Giadd<cr> nnoremap <buffer> q :q<cr> endfunction function! s:showIssueLink(...) call ghissues#init() if a:0 > 2 Python showIssueLink(vim.eval("a:1"), vim.eval("a:2"), vim.eval("a:3")) elseif a:0 > 1 Python showIssueLink(vim.eval("a:1"), vim.eval("a:2")) else Python showIssueLink(vim.eval("a:1")) endif endfunction function! s:showIssue(...) call ghissues#init() if a:0 > 2 Python showIssueBuffer(vim.eval("a:1"), vim.eval("a:2"), vim.eval("a:3")) elseif a:0 > 1 Python showIssueBuffer(vim.eval("a:1"), vim.eval("a:2")) else Python showIssueBuffer(vim.eval("a:1")) endif call s:setupOmni() if a:1 == "new" normal 0llllllllll startinsert endif setlocal nomodified endfunction function! s:showThisIssue(...) call ghissues#init() Python curUri = getRepoURI() silent tabe set buftype=nofile normal ggdG if a:0 > 1 let name = "gissues/" . a:2 . "/" . a:1 execute 'edit' name Python showIssue(vim.eval("a:1"),vim.eval("a:2")) else Python <<EOF name = "gissues/" + curUri + "/" + vim.eval("a:1") vim.command("edit " + name) Python showIssue(vim.eval("a:1"), curUri) EOF endif " map the enter key to show issue or click link nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>showIssueLink("","","False")<cr> nnoremap <buffer> s :call <SID>showIssueLink("","","True")<cr> nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :q<CR> endfunction function! s:setIssueState(state) Python setIssueData({ 'state': 'open' if vim.eval("a:state") == '1' else 'closed' }) endfunction function! s:browse() if has("patch-7.4.567") call netrw#BrowseX(b:ghissue_url,0) else call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(b:ghissue_url,0) endif endfunction function! s:updateIssue() call ghissues#init() Python showIssue() silent execute 'doautocmd BufReadPost '.expand('%:p') endfunction function! s:saveIssue() call ghissues#init() Python saveGissue() silent execute 'doautocmd BufWritePost '.expand('%:p') endfunction " omnicomplete function, also used by neocomplete function! githubissues#CompleteIssues(findstart, base) if g:gissues_lazy_load if !b:did_init_omnicomplete Python populateOmniComplete() let b:did_init_omnicomplete = 1 endif endif if g:gissues_async_omni && len(b:omni_options) < 1 if !b:did_init_omnicomplete_async let b:did_init_omnicomplete_async = 1 Python doPopulateOmniComplete() endif endif if a:findstart " locate the start of the word let line = getline('.') let start = col('.') - 1 while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\w' let start -= 1 endwhile let b:compl_context = getline('.')[start - 1: col('.')] return start else let res = [] if b:compl_context == '.' return res endif for m in b:omni_options if m['menu'] == '[Issue]' if '#' . m['word'] =~ '^' . b:compl_context call add(res, m) endif elseif m['menu'] == '[User]' if '@' . m['word'] =~ '^' . b:compl_context call add(res, m) endif else if m['word'] =~ '^' . b:compl_context || ' ' . m['word'] =~ '^' . b:compl_context call add(res, m) endif endif endfor return res endif endfunction " set omnifunc for the buffer function! s:setupOmni() call ghissues#init() setlocal omnifunc=githubissues#CompleteIssues " empty array will store the menu items let b:omni_options = [] if !g:gissues_lazy_load Python populateOmniComplete() if !g:gissues_async_omni Python doPopulateOmniComplete() endif else let b:did_init_omnicomplete = 0 endif let b:did_init_omnicomplete_async = 0 endfunction function! s:setMilestone(title) let title = "" if a:title != "[None]" let title = a:title echo "Switched current milestone to " . title else echo "No longer filtering by milestone" endif let g:github_current_milestone = title endfunction function! s:commitHighlighting() hi shaHighlight term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold ctermfg=red guifg=red syn match shaHighlight "\v^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}" endfunction " define the :Gissues command command! -nargs=* Gissues call s:showGithubIssues(<f-args>) command! -nargs=* Gisearch call s:showSearchList(<f-args>) command! -nargs=* Giadd call s:showIssue("new", <f-args>) command! -nargs=* Giedit call s:showIssue(<f-args>) command! -nargs=0 Giupdate call s:updateIssue() command! -nargs=* Gmiles call s:showGithubMilestones(<f-args>) command! -nargs=* Gishow call s:showThisIssue(<f-args>) autocmd BufReadCmd gissues/*/\([0-9]*\|new\) call s:updateIssue() autocmd BufReadCmd gissues/*/\([0-9]*\|new\) nnoremap <buffer> cc :call <SID>setIssueState(0)<cr> autocmd BufReadCmd gissues/*/\([0-9]*\|new\) nnoremap <buffer> co :call <SID>setIssueState(1)<cr> autocmd BufReadCmd gissues/*/\([0-9]*\|new\) nnoremap <buffer> cb :call <SID>browse()<cr> " map the enter key to show issue or click link autocmd BufReadCmd gissues/*/\([0-9]*\|new\) nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>showIssueLink("","","False")<cr> autocmd BufReadCmd gissues/*/\([0-9]*\|new\) nnoremap <buffer> s :call <SID>showIssueLink("","","True")<cr> autocmd BufReadCmd gissues/*/\([0-9]*\|new\) nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :q<CR> autocmd BufWriteCmd gissues/*/[0-9a-z]* call s:saveIssue() if !exists("g:github_issues_no_omni") " Neocomplete support if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns') let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.gitcommit = '.' let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.gfimarkdown = '.' " Install omnifunc on gitcommit files autocmd FileType gitcommit call s:setupOmni() endif if !exists("g:github_access_token") let g:github_access_token = "" elseif filereadable(expand(g:github_access_token)) let lines = readfile(expand(g:github_access_token)) if !empty(lines) let g:github_access_token=lines[0] endif endif if !exists("g:github_upstream_issues") let g:github_upstream_issues = 0 endif if !exists("g:github_issues_urls") let g:github_issues_urls = ["github.com:", "github.com/"] endif if !exists("g:github_api_url") let g:github_api_url = "https://api.github.com/" endif if !exists("g:github_issues_max_pages") let g:github_issues_max_pages = 1 endif " force issues and what not to stay in the same window if !exists("g:github_same_window") let g:github_same_window = 0 endif " allow milestone filtering if !exists("g:github_current_milestone") let g:github_current_milestone = "" endif " lazy load issues if !exists("g:gissues_lazy_load") let g:gissues_lazy_load = 0 endif " asynchronously load autocomplete if !exists("g:gissues_async_omni") let g:gissues_async_omni = 0 endif if !exists("g:gissues_default_remote") let g:gissues_default_remote = "origin" endif if !exists("g:gissues_show_errors") let g:gissues_show_errors = 0 endif if !exists("g:gissues_offline_cache") let g:gissues_offline_cache = 0 endif if !exists("g:gissues_issue_vsplit") let g:gissues_issue_vsplit = 0 endif if !exists("g:gissues_list_vsplit") let g:gissues_list_vsplit = 0 endif if !exists("g:gissues_split_expand") let g:gissues_split_expand = 0 endif if !exists("g:gissues_split_height") let g:gissues_split_height = 0 endif if !exists("g:gissues_vsplit_width") let g:gissues_vsplit_width = 0 endif