" vim:foldmethod=marker:fen: scriptencoding utf-8 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! s:_vital_depends() abort return [ \ 'Web.URI', \ 'Vim.Message', \ 'Data.Optional', \ 'Data.String', \ 'Web.HTTP', \ 'Vim.Buffer', \ \ 'OpenBrowser.Opener', \] endfunction function! s:_vital_loaded(V) abort let s:URI = a:V.import('Web.URI') let s:Msg = a:V.import('Vim.Message') let s:O = a:V.import('Data.Optional') let s:_truncate_skipping = a:V.import('Data.String').truncate_skipping let s:_encodeURIComponent = a:V.import('Web.HTTP').encodeURIComponent let s:_get_last_selected = a:V.import('Vim.Buffer').get_last_selected let s:is_cygwin = has('win32unix') let s:is_mswin = has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64') let s:use_wslpath = has('unix') && filereadable('/proc/version_signature') \ && get(readfile('/proc/version_signature', 'b', 1), 0, '') =~# '^Microsoft' \ && executable('wslpath') let s:Opener = a:V.import('OpenBrowser.Opener') let s:URIExtractor = a:V.import('OpenBrowser.URIExtractor') let s:vimproc_is_installed = globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/vimproc.vim') isnot# '' endfunction let s:NONE = [] lockvar s:NONE function! s:new(config) abort return { \ 'config': a:config, \ \ 'open': function('s:_OpenBrowser_open'), \ 'search': function('s:_OpenBrowser_search'), \ 'smart_search': function('s:_OpenBrowser_smart_search'), \ 'cmd_open': function('s:_OpenBrowser_cmd_open'), \ 'cmd_search': function('s:_OpenBrowser_cmd_search'), \ 'cmd_smart_search': function('s:_OpenBrowser_cmd_smart_search'), \ 'cmd_search_complete': function('s:_OpenBrowser_cmd_search_complete'), \ 'keymap_open': function('s:_OpenBrowser_keymap_open'), \ 'keymap_search': function('s:_OpenBrowser_keymap_search'), \ 'keymap_smart_search': function('s:_OpenBrowser_keymap_smart_search'), \} endfunction " @param uri URI object or String function! s:_OpenBrowser_open(uri, ...) abort dict let uri = a:uri let options = a:0 && type(a:1) ==# type([]) ? a:1 : [] if type(uri) isnot# type('') call s:_throw('s:OpenBrowser.open() received non-String argument: uri = ' . string(uri)) endif " TODO: After deprecating Vim 7.x, refactoring by: " * Using s:O.map(), ... " https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim/issues/576 " * Using partial, lambda, ... let builder = s:_get_opener_builder(a:uri, self.config) let failed = 0 if s:O.empty(builder) let failed = 1 else " Open URI in a browser / Open a file in Vim let b = s:O.get(builder) " Show message if b.type is# 'shellcmd' redraw! let format_message = self.config.get('format_message') if self.config.get('message_verbosity') >= 2 && format_message.msg isnot# '' let msg = s:_expand_format_message(format_message, \ { \ 'uri' : uri, \ 'done' : 0, \ 'command' : '', \ }) echo msg endif endif if type(b.cmd.args) == v:t_string "String (Windows) let b.cmd.args = join([b.cmd.args] + map(copy(options), 'shellescape(v:val)'), ' ') else "Array (Other platforms) let b.cmd.args += options endif let opener = b.build() let failed = !opener.open() if !failed && b.type is# 'shellcmd' " Show message if self.config.get('message_verbosity') >= 2 && format_message.msg isnot# '' redraw let msg = s:_expand_format_message(format_message, \ { \ 'uri' : uri, \ 'done' : 1, \ 'command' : b.cmd.name, \ }) echo msg endif " XXX: Vim looses a focus after opening URI... " Is this same as non-Windows platform? if g:openbrowser_force_foreground_after_open && s:is_mswin augroup openbrowser-focuslost autocmd! autocmd FocusLost * call foreground() | autocmd! openbrowser FocusLost augroup END endif endif endif if failed if self.config.get('message_verbosity') >= 1 call s:Msg.warn("open-browser doesn't know how to open '" . uri . "'.") endif endif endfunction " Returns s:O.some(builder) or s:O.none(). " Builder is either Ex command opener or shell command opener. " Ex command opener builds an opener which opens a given file in Vim. " Shell command builder builds an opener which opens a given URI in a browser. function! s:_get_opener_builder(uristr, config) abort let [uristr, config] = [a:uristr, a:config] let uriobj = s:URI.new_from_uri_like_string(uristr, s:NONE) if s:_seems_path(uristr) " Existed file path or 'file://' " Convert to full path. if stridx(uristr, 'file://') is# 0 " file:// let fullpath = substitute(uristr, '^file://', '', '') elseif uristr[0] is# '/' " full path let fullpath = uristr else " relative path let fullpath = s:_convert_to_fullpath(uristr) endif if config.get('open_filepath_in_vim') let fullpath = tr(fullpath, '\', '/') let command = config.get('open_vim_command') let builder = s:_new_excmd_opener_builder(join([command, fullpath])) return s:O.some(builder) else let fullpath = tr(fullpath, '\', '/') " Windows Subsystem for Linux: Convert Unix path to Windows UNC path if s:use_wslpath let fullpath = substitute( \ system('wslpath -am ' . shellescape(fullpath)), '\n', '', '') endif " Convert to file:// string. " NOTE: cygwin cannot treat file:// URI, " pass a string as fullpath. if !s:is_cygwin let fullpath = 'file://' . fullpath endif return s:_get_shellcmd_opener_builder(fullpath, config) endif elseif s:_valid_uri(uriobj) " other URI " Fix scheme, host, path. " e.g.: "ttp" => "http" for where in ['scheme', 'host', 'path'] let fix = config.get('fix_'.where.'s') let value = uriobj[where]() if has_key(fix, value) call call(uriobj[where], [fix[value]], uriobj) endif endfor let uristr = uriobj.to_string() return s:_get_shellcmd_opener_builder(uristr, config) endif return s:O.none() endfunction " Returns builder which builds Ex command opener. " `builder.build().open()` will open a file in Vim. function! s:_new_excmd_opener_builder(excmd) abort let builder = { \ 'type': 'excmd', \ 'excmd': a:excmd, \} function! builder.build() abort return s:Opener.new_from_excmd(self.excmd) endfunction return builder endfunction " Returns builder which builds shell command opener. " `builder.build().open()` will open the URI in a browser. function! s:_new_shellcmd_opener_builder(cmd, execmd, uri, use_vimproc) abort let builder = { \ 'type': 'shellcmd', \ 'cmd': a:cmd, \ 'execmd': a:execmd, \ 'uri': a:uri, \ 'use_vimproc': a:use_vimproc, \} function! builder.build() abort " If args is not List, need to escape by open-browser let args = deepcopy(self.cmd.args) let need_escape = type(args) isnot type([]) let quote = need_escape ? "'" : '' let expand_param = { \ 'browser' : quote . self.execmd . quote, \ 'browser_noesc': self.execmd, \ 'uri' : quote . self.uri . quote, \ 'uri_noesc' : self.uri, \ 'use_vimproc' : self.use_vimproc, \} if type(args) is# type([]) let system_args = map( \ copy(args), 's:_expand_keywords(v:val, expand_param)' \) else let system_args = s:_expand_keywords(args, expand_param) endif return s:Opener.new_from_shellcmd( \ system_args, get(self.cmd, 'background'), self.use_vimproc \) endfunction return builder endfunction " If applicable browser is found, this returns s:O.some(builder) which " builds shell command opener from given URI. Otherwise this returns " s:O.none(). function! s:_get_shellcmd_opener_builder(uri, config) abort let [uri, config] = [a:uri, a:config] let use_vimproc = config.get('use_vimproc') && s:vimproc_is_installed for cmd in config.get('browser_commands') let execmd = get(cmd, 'cmd', cmd.name) if executable(execmd) let builder = s:_new_shellcmd_opener_builder(cmd, execmd, uri, use_vimproc) return s:O.some(builder) endif endfor return s:O.none() endfunction " :OpenBrowserSearch function! s:_OpenBrowser_search(query, ...) abort dict if a:query =~# '^\s*$' return endif let default_search = self.config.get('default_search') let engine = get(a:000, 0, default_search) let engine = engine is# '' ? default_search : engine let search_engines = self.config.get('search_engines') if !has_key(search_engines, engine) call s:Msg.error("Unknown search engine '" . engine . "'.") return endif let query = s:_encodeURIComponent(a:query) let uri = s:_expand_keywords(search_engines[engine], {'query': query}) call self.open(uri) endfunction " :OpenBrowserSmartSearch function! s:_OpenBrowser_smart_search(query, ...) abort dict let default_search = self.config.get('default_search') let engine = get(a:000, 0, default_search) let engine = engine is# '' ? default_search : engine if s:_seems_path(a:query) || s:_valid_uri(s:URI.new(a:query, {})) return self.open(a:query) else return self.search(a:query, engine) endif endfunction function! s:_parse_spaces(cmdline) abort return substitute(a:cmdline, '^\s\+', '', '') endfunction " Parse engine if specified function! s:_parse_engine(cmdline) abort let c = s:_parse_spaces(a:cmdline) let engine = s:O.none() let m = matchlist(c, '^-\(\S\+\)\s\+\(.*\)') if !empty(m) let engine = s:O.some(m[1]) let c = m[2] endif return [engine, c] endfunction " :OpenBrowser function! s:_OpenBrowser_cmd_open(cmdline) abort dict let uri = s:_parse_spaces(a:cmdline) if uri is# '' call s:Msg.error(':OpenBrowser {uri}') return endif call self.open(uri) endfunction " :OpenBrowserSearch function! s:_OpenBrowser_cmd_search(cmdline) abort dict let [engine, c] = s:_parse_search_args(a:cmdline) let c = s:_parse_spaces(c) if c is# '' call s:Msg.error(':OpenBrowserSearch [-{search-engine}] {query}') return endif return self.search(c, s:O.get_or(engine, { -> '' })) endfunction " Parse command-line arguments of: " * :OpenBrowserSearch " * :OpenBrowserSmartSearch function! s:_parse_search_args(cmdline) abort let c = s:_parse_spaces(a:cmdline) let engine = s:O.none() while 1 if c =~# '^-' let [engine, c] = s:_parse_engine(c) if s:O.empty(engine) break endif else break endif endwhile return [engine, c] endfunction " @vimlint(EVL103, 1, a:arglead) " @vimlint(EVL103, 1, a:cursorpos) function! s:_OpenBrowser_cmd_search_complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort dict let excmd = '^\s*OpenBrowser\w\+\s\+' if a:cmdline !~# excmd return endif let cmdline = substitute(a:cmdline, excmd, '', '') let engine_opts = map( \ sort(keys(self.config.get('search_engines'))), \ '''-'' . v:val' \) let reg_opts = ['++clip', '++reg='] let all_opts = engine_opts + reg_opts if cmdline is# '' return all_opts endif return filter(all_opts, 'stridx(v:val, cmdline) is# 0') endfunction " @vimlint(EVL103, 0, a:arglead) " @vimlint(EVL103, 0, a:cursorpos) " :OpenBrowserSmartSearch function! s:_OpenBrowser_cmd_smart_search(cmdline) abort dict let [engine, c] = s:_parse_search_args(a:cmdline) let c = s:_parse_spaces(c) if c is# '' call s:Msg.error(':OpenBrowserSmartSearch [-{search-engine}] {query}') return endif return self.smart_search(c, s:O.get_or(engine, { -> '' })) endfunction " <Plug>(openbrowser-open) function! s:_OpenBrowser_keymap_open(mode, ...) abort dict let silent = get(a:000, 0, self.config.get('message_verbosity') is# 0) let options = get(a:000, 1, []) if a:mode is# 'n' " URL let url = s:_get_url_on_cursor(self.config) if !empty(url) call self.open(url, options) return 1 endif " FilePath let filepath = s:_get_filepath_on_cursor() if !empty(filepath) call self.open(filepath) return 1 endif " Fail! if !silent call s:Msg.error('URL or file path is not found under cursor!') endif return 0 else let text = s:_get_selected_text() let extracted = s:_extract_urls(text, self.config) for e in extracted call self.open(e.url.to_string()) endfor return !empty(extracted) endif endfunction " <Plug>(openbrowser-search) function! s:_OpenBrowser_keymap_search(mode) abort dict if a:mode is# 'n' return self.search(expand('<cword>')) else return self.search(s:_get_selected_text()) endif endfunction " <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search) function! s:_OpenBrowser_keymap_smart_search(mode) abort dict if self.keymap_open(a:mode, 1) " Suceeded to open! return endif " If neither URL nor FilePath is found... if a:mode is# 'n' " Search <cword>. call self.search( \ expand('<cword>'), \ self.config.get('default_search')) else " Search selected text. call self.search( \ s:_get_selected_text(), \ self.config.get('default_search')) endif endfunction function! s:_get_selected_text() abort let selected_text = s:_get_last_selected() let text = substitute(selected_text, '[\n\r]\+', ' ', 'g') return substitute(text, '^\s*\|\s*$', '', 'g') endfunction " Define more tolerant URI parsing. " TODO: Make this configurable. let s:LoosePatternSet = {} function! s:_get_loose_pattern_set() abort if !empty(s:LoosePatternSet) return s:LoosePatternSet endif let s:LoosePatternSet = s:URI.new_default_pattern_set() " Remove "'", "(", ")" from default sub_delims(). function! s:LoosePatternSet.sub_delims() abort return '[!$&*+,;=]' endfunction return s:LoosePatternSet endfunction function! s:_extract_urls(text, config) abort let pattern_set = s:_get_loose_pattern_set() let schemes = keys(a:config.get('fix_schemes')) let head_pattern = s:_get_url_head_pattern(schemes, pattern_set) return s:URIExtractor.extract_from_text(a:text, { \ 'uri_pattern_set': pattern_set, \ 'head_pattern': head_pattern, \}) endfunction " This pattern matches: " * "https", "http", "file", and the keys of Dictionary returned by " config.get('fix_schemes') " * Above 3 schemes are used because most frequently used, and URI scheme " regex is too tolerant " * URI hostname (for no scheme URI) function! s:_get_url_head_pattern(schemes, pattern_set) abort let schemes = ['https', 'http', 'file'] + a:schemes let scheme_pattern = join(sort(copy(a:schemes), 's:_by_length'), '\|') let head_pattern = scheme_pattern . '\|' . a:pattern_set.host() return head_pattern endfunction function! s:_by_length(s1, s2) abort let [l1, l2] = [strlen(a:s1), strlen(a:s2)] return l1 ># l2 ? -1 : l1 <# l2 ? 1 : 0 endfunction function! s:_seems_path(uri) abort " - Has no invalid filename character (seeing &isfname) " and, either " - file:// prefixed string and existed file path " - Existed file path if stridx(a:uri, 'file://') is# 0 let path = substitute(a:uri, '^file://', '', '') else let path = a:uri endif return getftype(path) isnot# '' endfunction function! s:_valid_uri(uriobj) abort return !empty(a:uriobj) \ && a:uriobj.scheme() isnot# '' endfunction " @vimlint(EVL104, 1, l:save_shellslash) function! s:_convert_to_fullpath(path) abort if exists('+shellslash') let save_shellslash = &l:shellslash let &l:shellslash = 1 endif try return fnamemodify(a:path, ':p') finally if exists('+shellslash') let &l:shellslash = save_shellslash endif endtry endfunction " @vimlint(EVL104, 0, l:save_shellslash) function! s:_expand_format_message(format_message, keywords) abort let maxlen = s:Msg.get_hit_enter_max_length() let expanded_msg = s:_expand_keywords(a:format_message.msg, a:keywords) if a:format_message.truncate && strlen(expanded_msg) > maxlen " Avoid |hit-enter-prompt|. let non_uri_len = strlen(expanded_msg) - strlen(a:keywords.uri) " First Try: Remove "https" or "http" scheme in URI. let scheme = '\C^https\?://' let matched_len = strlen(matchstr(a:keywords.uri, scheme)) if matched_len > 0 let a:keywords.uri = a:keywords.uri[matched_len :] endif if non_uri_len + strlen(a:keywords.uri) <= maxlen let expanded_msg = s:_expand_keywords(a:format_message.msg, a:keywords) else " Second Try: Even if expanded_msg is longer than command-line " after "First Try", truncate URI as possible. let min_uri_len = a:format_message.min_uri_len if non_uri_len + min_uri_len <= maxlen " Truncate only URI. let a:keywords.uri = s:_truncate_skipping( \ a:keywords.uri, maxlen - 4 - non_uri_len, 0, '...') let expanded_msg = s:_expand_keywords(a:format_message.msg, a:keywords) else " Third, Fallback: Even if expanded_msg is longer than command-line " after "Second Try", truncate whole string. let a:keywords.uri = s:_truncate_skipping( \ a:keywords.uri, min_uri_len, 0, '...') let expanded_msg = s:_expand_keywords(a:format_message.msg, a:keywords) let expanded_msg = s:_truncate_skipping( \ expanded_msg, maxlen - 4, 0, '...') endif endif endif return expanded_msg endfunction " @return Dictionary: the URL on cursor, or the first URL after cursor " Empty Dictionary means no URLs found. " :help openbrowser-url-detection function! s:_get_url_on_cursor(config) abort let url = s:_get_thing_on_cursor('s:_detect_url_cb', [a:config]) return s:O.get_or(url, { -> '' }) endfunction function! s:_detect_url_cb(config) abort let extracted = s:_extract_urls(expand('<cWORD>'), a:config) if !empty(extracted) return s:O.some(extracted[0].url.to_string()) endif return s:O.none() endfunction " @return the filepath on cursor, or the first filepath after cursor " :help openbrowser-filepath-detection function! s:_get_filepath_on_cursor() abort let filepath = s:_get_thing_on_cursor('s:_detect_filepath_cb', []) return s:O.get_or(filepath, { -> '' }) endfunction function! s:_detect_filepath_cb() abort let path = expand('<cWORD>') return s:_seems_path(path) ? s:O.some(path) : s:O.none() endfunction function! s:_get_thing_on_cursor(func, args) abort let line = s:_getconcealedline('.') let col = s:_getconcealedcol('.') if line[col-1] =~# '\s' let pos = getpos('.') try " Search left WORD. if search('\S', 'bnW')[0] ># 0 normal! B let r = call(a:func, a:args) if s:O.exists(r) return r endif endif " Search right WORD. if search('\S', 'nW')[0] ># 0 normal! W let r = call(a:func, a:args) if s:O.exists(r) return r endif endif " Not found. return s:O.none() finally call setpos('.', pos) endtry endif return call(a:func, a:args) endfunction " This function is from quickrun.vim (http://github.com/thinca/vim-quickrun) " Original function is `s:Runner.expand()`. " " NOTE: Original version recognize more keywords. " This function is speciallized for open-browser.vim " - @register @{register} " - &option &{option} " - $ENV_NAME ${ENV_NAME} " " Expand the keywords. " - {expr} " " Escape by \ if you does not want to expand. " - "\{keyword}" => "{keyword}", not expression `keyword`. " it does not expand vim variable `keyword`. function! s:_expand_keywords(str, options) abort if type(a:str) isnot# type('') || type(a:options) isnot# type({}) call s:_throw('s:_expand_keywords(): invalid arguments. (a:str = '.string(a:str).', a:options = '.string(a:options).')') endif let rest = a:str let result = '' " Assign these variables for eval(). for [name, val] in items(a:options) " unlockvar l: " let l:[name] = val execute 'let' name '=' string(val) endfor while 1 let f = match(rest, '\\\?[{]') " No more special characters. end parsing. if f < 0 let result .= rest break endif " Skip ordinary string. if f isnot# 0 let result .= rest[: f - 1] let rest = rest[f :] endif " Process special string. if rest[0] is# '\' let result .= rest[1] let rest = rest[2 :] elseif rest[0] is# '{' " NOTE: braindex + 1 is# 1, it skips first bracket (rest[0]) let braindex = 0 let braindex_stack = [braindex] while !empty(braindex_stack) let braindex = match(rest, '\\\@<![{}]', braindex + 1) if braindex is# -1 call s:_throw('expression is invalid: curly bracket is not closed.') elseif rest[braindex] is# '{' call add(braindex_stack, braindex) else " '}' let brastart = remove(braindex_stack, -1) " expr does not contain brackets. " Assert: rest[brastart is# '{' && rest[braindex] is# '}' let left = brastart is# 0 ? '' : rest[: brastart-1] let expr = rest[brastart+1 : braindex-1] let right = rest[braindex+1 :] " Remove(unescape) backslashes. let expr = substitute(expr, '\\\([{}]\)', '\1', 'g') let value = eval(expr) . '' let rest = left . value . right let braindex -= len(expr) - len(value) endif endwhile let result .= rest[: braindex] let rest = rest[braindex+1 :] else call s:_throw('parse error: rest = ' . rest . ', result = ' . result) endif endwhile return result endfunction function! s:_throw(msg) abort throw 'openbrowser: ' . a:msg endfunction " From https://github.com/chikatoike/concealedyank.vim function! s:_getconcealedline(lnum, ...) abort if !has('conceal') return getline(a:lnum) endif let line = getline(a:lnum) let index = get(a:000, 0, 0) let endidx = get(a:000, 1, -1) let endidx = endidx >= 0 ? min([endidx, strlen(line)]) : strlen(line) let region = -1 let ret = '' while index <= endidx let concealed = synconcealed(a:lnum, index + 1) if concealed[0] isnot# 0 if region isnot# concealed[2] let region = concealed[2] let ret .= concealed[1] endif else let ret .= line[index] endif " get next char index. let index += 1 endwhile return ret endfunction function! s:_getconcealedcol(expr) abort if !has('conceal') return col(a:expr) endif let index = 0 let endidx = col(a:expr) let ret = 0 let isconceal = 0 while index < endidx let concealed = synconcealed('.', index + 1) if concealed[0] is# 0 let ret += 1 endif let isconceal = concealed[0] " get next char index. let index += 1 endwhile if ret is# 0 let ret = 1 elseif isconceal let ret += 1 endif return ret endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo