*neobundle.txt* Next generation Vim package manager Version: 4.0 Author: Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> Copyright (C) 2010 http://github.com/gmarik License: MIT license {{{ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. }}} CONTENTS *neobundle-contents* Introduction |neobundle-introduction| Usage |neobundle-usage| Install |neobundle-install| Interface |neobundle-interface| Functions |neobundle-functions| Commands |neobundle-commands| Variables |neobundle-variables| Options |neobundle-options| Configuration Examples |neobundle-examples| Migrating from Pathogen |neobundle-migrate-from-pathogen| Unite sources |neobundle-unite-sources| FAQ |neobundle-faq| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *neobundle-introduction* *neobundle* is the next generation Vim package manager. This plugin is based on Vundle (https://github.com/gmarik/vundle), but I renamed and added tons of features. Because, Vundle's author does not want to add huge features in Vundle. Note: Neobundle is not a stable plugin manager. If you want a stable plugin manager, you should use Vundle plugin. It works well widely and it is more tested. If you want to use extended features, you can use neobundle. Vundle features: Stable, simple, good for beginners Neobundle features: Early development (may break compatibility), very complex, good for plugin power users (for example, 50+ plugins and over 1000 lines .vimrc, ...) Neobundle features: * Uses |vimproc| if available * Uses neovim async jobs feature if available * |unite.vim| interface * Revision lock * Supports svn/Mercurial repositories besides Git * Can use a different base path * Vundle like syntax ============================================================================== USAGE *neobundle-usage* Refer to the example: |neobundle-examples| Run this command to update your bundled plugins: > :NeoBundleUpdate < Note: To use the unite.vim interface, run this command (requires |unite.vim|): > :Unite neobundle/update < Settings for this plugin are compatible with Vundle.vim :-) You can search popular plugins and add neobundle settings at Vimpusher (registration required): http://www.vimpusher.com/ Or at vim-scripts.org: http://vim-scripts.org/ Neobundle now features a plugin search for vim.org scripts (requires |unite.vim|) > :Unite neobundle/search < ============================================================================== INSTALL *neobundle-install* Requirements: * Vim 7.2.051 or above. * "git" command in $PATH (if you want to install github or vim.org plugins) First of all, git clone the repository. Note: You need to have git installed. > $ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle $ git clone https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim ~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim < And set up a path to the repository directory. > set runtimepath+={path to neobundle directory} < Example: > set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim < Now configure your bundles. (Refer to |neobundle-examples|) Run the |:NeoBundleInstall| command to install your plugins. > $ vim +NeoBundleInstall +q or > $ . ~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/bin/neoinstall < Note: To use neoinstall in Windows, Vim command must be in $PATH. > > .vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/bin/neoinstall Note: To update and build vimproc in Windows, you can use "neoinstall_novimproc" command. > > .vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/bin/neoinstall_novimproc vimproc.vim neoinstall can take arguments (install/update plugin names). > # Build vimproc before install plugins $ . ~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/bin/neoinstall vimproc.vim < ============================================================================== INTERFACE *neobundle-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *neobundle-functions* neobundle#begin([{base-path}]) *neobundle#begin()* Initializes neobundle.vim and start neobundle bundles configuration block. {base-path} is where your downloaded plugins will be placed. If {base-path} is omitted, neobundle looks for "~/.vim/bundle" or "~/.config/nvim/bundle" directory. Note: But recommend you to specify the {base-path}. Note: You must not call the function inside a "has('vim_starting')" block. Note: You can use |neobundle#begin()| / |neobundle#end()| block only once in your .vimrc. Note: It executes ":filetype off" automatically. Note: You must execute |:NeoBundle| commands in |neobundle#begin()| or |neobundle#append()| block. > if &compatible set nocompatible endif set runtimepath+={path to neobundle directory} call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle')) NeoBundle 'https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache.git' ... call neobundle#end() filetype plugin indent on < neobundle#append() *neobundle#append()* Start neobundle bundles configuration block. You can use multiple |neobundle#append()| / |neobundle#end()| blocks in your .vimrc. Note: It does not initialize neobundle. You must call |neobundle#begin()| at first. Note: It executes ":filetype off" automatically. Note: You must execute |:NeoBundle| commands in |neobundle#begin()| or |neobundle#append()| block. neobundle#end() *neobundle#end()* End neobundle bundles configuration block. neobundle#add({repository}[, {options}]) *neobundle#add()* The function version of |:NeoBundle|. Note: You must call it in |neobundle#begin()| or |neobundle#append()| block. neobundle#add_meta({repository}[, {options}]) *neobundle#add_meta()* Initialize a bundle from the metadata {name}. Note: You must call it in |neobundle#begin()| or |neobundle#append()| block. > " It installs vimshell and vimproc call neobundle#add_meta('vimshell') neobundle#source({bundle-names}) *neobundle#source()* Same as |:NeoBundleSource|. {bundle-names} is a list of bundle names. *neobundle#exists_not_installed_bundles()* neobundle#exists_not_installed_bundles() Checks if there are any bundles that are not installed. *neobundle#get_not_installed_bundle_names()* neobundle#get_not_installed_bundle_names() Returns the names of bundles that are not installed. *neobundle#is_installed()* neobundle#is_installed({bundle-name}) Checks if bundle {bundle-name} is installed. *neobundle#is_sourced()* neobundle#is_sourced({bundle-name}) Checks if bundle {bundle-name} is loaded. *neobundle#local()* neobundle#local({directory}, [{options}, [{names}]]) Adds the subdirectories in {directory} to 'runtimepath', like |pathogen| does. See |neobundle-options| for keys to set in {options}. If {names} is given, {names} directories are only loaded. {names} is |wildcards| list. Note: |:NeoBundleLocal| is a shortcut for this function. > " Load plugin from "~/.vim/bundle". call neobundle#local("~/.vim/bundle", {}) " Load plugin1 and plugin2 from "~/.vim/bundle". call neobundle#local("~/.vim/bundle", \ {}, ['plugin1', 'plugin2', 'vim-*', '*.vim']) < *neobundle#load_toml()* neobundle#load_toml({filename}, [{options}]) Load TOML plugin configurations from {filename}. See |neobundle-options| for keys to set in {options}. Note: TOML parser is slow. You should use neobundle cache feature. TOML file format specification: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml Note: Original TOML parser is created by kamichidu. https://github.com/kamichidu > " Load toml from "~/.vim/bundle.toml". call neobundle#load_toml("~/.vim/bundle.toml", {}) < TOML file sample is here: > # TOML sample [[plugins]] # repository name is required. repo = 'kana/vim-niceblock' on_map = '<Plug>' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim' depends = ['Shougo/neosnippet-snippets', 'Shougo/context_filetype.vim'] on_i = 1 on_ft = 'snippet' [[plugins.depends]] repo = 'honza/vim-snippet' name = 'honza-snippet' [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/neobundle.vim' fetch = 1 [[plugins]] repo = 'Shougo/vimproc.vim' [plugins.build] windows = 'tools\\update-dll-mingw' cygwin = 'make -f make_cygwin.mak' mac = 'make -f make_mac.mak' unix = 'make -f make_unix.mak' < neobundle#get({bundle-name}) *neobundle#get()* Get the neobundle options dictionary for {bundle-name}. Useful for setting hooks. Example: > NeoBundle 'tyru/open-browser.vim', '', 'same', { \ 'on_map' : '<Plug>', \ } nmap gs <Plug>(open-browser-wwwsearch) let bundle = neobundle#get('open-browser.vim') function! bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) nnoremap <Plug>(open-browser-wwwsearch) \ :<C-u>call <SID>www_search()<CR> function! s:www_search() let search_word = input('Please input search word: ', '', \ 'customlist,wwwsearch#cmd_Wwwsearch_complete') if search_word != '' execute 'OpenBrowserSearch' escape(search_word, '"') endif endfunction endfunction < neobundle#get_hooks({bundle-name}) *neobundle#get_hooks()* Get the neobundle "hooks" dictionary for {bundle-name}. Useful for setting hooks. neobundle#call_hook({hook-name}) *neobundle#call_hook()* Calls the hook {hook-name}. Note: If {hook-name} is "on_source", neobundle will call "on_source" hooks in sourced bundles. neobundle#bundle({repository}, [{options}]) *neobundle#bundle()* Initialize a bundle. If {repository} is list, you can initialize options in multiple bundles. Note: You can use this function instead of |:NeoBundle| command. neobundle#config({bundle-name}, {options}) *neobundle#config()* neobundle#config({options}) Change bundle options for {bundle-name}. It you omit {bundle-name}, it uses |neobundle#tapped| variable. If {bundle-name} is list, you can change options in multiple bundles. If {bundle-name} is not configured, it will print error messages. If {bundle-name} is already loaded, it will ignore. Note: To lazy-load a plugin, you can set the "lazy" flag after calling |:NeoBundle| or |:NeoBundleLocal|. Note: You must call it within |neobundle#begin()|/|neobundle#end()| block. > NeoBundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache' call neobundle#config('neocomplcache', { \ 'lazy' : 1, \ 'on_i' : 1, \ }) < neobundle#tap({bundle-name}) *neobundle#tap()* Initialize |neobundle#tapped| and |neobundle#hooks| variable as {bundle-name} bundle. It returns non-zero if {bundle-name} is exists and not disabled. > if neobundle#tap('foo') " If foo plugin is installed and enabled " neobundle#hooks is syntax sugar function! neobundle#hooks.on_source(bundle) " Settings, Init, ... " Timing of adding rtp " Like vimrc time let g:foo#bar = 1 let g:foo#path = a:bundle.path call foo#baz() endfunction function! neobundle#hooks.on_post_source(bundle) " Settings, Init, ... " Timing of after source plugin files " Like VimEnter time let g:foo#bar = 3 call foo#bazbaz() endfunction " Define plugin mappings, commands, ... map f <Plug>(foo) command! FOO call foo#foo() call neobundle#untap() endif < neobundle#untap() *neobundle#untap()* Clear current |neobundle#tapped| and |neobundle#hooks| variable. neobundle#has_cache() *neobundle#has_cache()* Checks if a cache file is available. Note: It is deprecated. You should use |neobundle#load_cache()| instead of it. neobundle#load_cache([{vimrcs}]) *neobundle#load_cache()* Load plugin configuration from the cache file, which is located in `neobundle#get_rtp_dir() . '/cache'`. {vimrcs} is a list of compared .vimrc and/or other configuration files. The default is |$MYVIMRC|. It returns 1, if the cache file is old or invalid or not found. The default cache location can be overridden through |g:neobundle#cache_file|. > if neobundle#load_cache() " My Bundles here: " ... NeoBundleSaveCache endif < If you use multiple configuration files, > if neobundle#load_cache($MYVIMRC, 'plugin.vim', 'plugin.toml') " My Bundles here or other files spcified as arguments " ... NeoBundleSaveCache endif < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMANDS *neobundle-commands* *:NeoBundle* :NeoBundle {repository} [[,{revision}] [,{options}]] :NeoBundle {repository} ,{revision}, {default} [,{options}]] Initialize a bundle. {repository} is the repository URI. {revision} is the desired revision or branch name. If omitted, the current latest revision will be used. {default} is a "default options name" (See |g:neobundle#default_options|). Note: Don't set neobundle setting in .gvimrc! Note: If you omit the protocol (ex: https) for a git repo, |g:neobundle#types#git#default_protocol| is used. Note: |neobundle-options-lazy| is set automatically. Note: If you manage bundle by neobundle, it may be error occurred when update bundles. See |neobundle-options| for what to set in {options}. :NeoBundleInstall [{name}...] *:NeoBundleInstall* Installs plugins specified by {name}. {name} is fuzzy-searched. If {name} is omitted, all configured plugins are installed. Note: {name}s are plugin names like "neobundle.vim", not "Shougo/neobundle.vim". Note: neobundle cannot use neovim async jobs feature in the command. If you want to use the feature, you should use unite interface instead. :NeoBundleInstall! [{name}...] *:NeoBundleInstall!* Same as |:NeoBundleUpdate|. :NeoBundleUpdate [{name}...] *:NeoBundleUpdate* Installs and updates plugins specified by {name}. {name} is fuzzy-searched. If {name} is omitted, all configured plugins are installed and updated, except if they are outdated or have the "frozen" option set. Note: {name}s are plugin names like "neobundle.vim", not "Shougo/neobundle.vim". Note: neobundle cannot use neovim async jobs feature in the command. If you want to use the feature, you should use unite interface instead. :NeoBundleUpdate! [{name}...] *:NeoBundleUpdate!* Same as |:NeoBundleUpdate|, except that it disregards the "frozen" option. :NeoBundleReinstall [{name}...] *:NeoBundleReinstall* Reinstalls the bundles specified by {name}. If the bundles are "none" type or local plugins, they are ignored. Note: It removes the bundles and installs them. It is the dangerous command. :NeoBundleList *:NeoBundleList* Prints a list of configured bundles. :NeoBundleLog *:NeoBundleLog* Prints all previous install logs. :NeoBundleUpdatesLog *:NeoBundleUpdatesLog* Prints previous update logs. :NeoBundleLocal {base-directory-path} *:NeoBundleLocal* Registers a bundle from the directories in {base-directory-path} like pathogen does. Note: If you want to use neobundle like pathogen.vim, you should set a different base path from the standard neobundle bundles path. > NeoBundleLocal ~/.vim/bundle < *:NeoBundleLazy* :NeoBundleLazy {repository} [[,{revision}] [,{options}]] :NeoBundleLazy {repository} ,{revision}, {default} [,{options}]] Registers a bundle, but doesn't add it to 'runtimepath'. Note: If you want to know slow loading plugins, you should use the external tool or |--startuptime|. https://github.com/hyiltiz/vim-plugins-profile > NeoBundleLazy 'The-NERD-tree', {'augroup' : 'NERDTree'} NeoBundleSource The-NERD-tree < You can use it to load plugins for specific filetypes. > NeoBundleLazy 'Rip-Rip/clang_complete' autocmd FileType c,cpp NeoBundleSource clang_complete < :NeoBundleSource [{name}...] *:NeoBundleSource* |:source| the bundles specified by {name}. If {name} is omitted, |:source| all lazy bundles. Note: This command is used to load the bundles configured with |:NeoBundleLazy|. :NeoBundleFetch {repository} [, {options}] *:NeoBundleFetch* Registers a bundle, but doesn't add it to 'runtimepath'. Unlike |:NeoBundleLazy|, you cannot load the bundle with |:NeoBundleSource|. This command is useful for managing non-Vim plugins using neobundle. > NeoBundleFetch 'davidhalter/jedi' < :NeoBundleDocs *:NeoBundleDocs* Execute |:helptags| for all bundles manually. *:NeoBundleDirectInstall* :NeoBundleDirectInstall {repository} [, {options}] Registers a bundle, and installs it directly. Note: The settings are saved in "extra_bundles.vim" in |neobundle#begin()| directory. Note: To remove direct installed bundles, you must delete plugin settings manually in "extra_bundles.vim" in |neobundle#begin()| directory. > NeoBundleDirectInstall 'Shougo/neocomplcache' < *:NeoBundleExtraEdit* :NeoBundleExtraEdit Edit extra bundles configuration easily. :NeoBundleDisable {name}... *:NeoBundleDisable* Disables bundles specified by {name}. If a bundle is disabled, its path will be removed from 'runtimepath'. Note: This command must be executed before neobundle loads the plugins(after |neobundle#end()|). :NeoBundleCheck *:NeoBundleCheck* Check plugins installation. If plugins are not installed, it will execute |:NeoBundleInstall| automatically. This command also check documentation directories and will execute |:NeoBundleDocs| automatically. :NeoBundleCheckUpdate [{name}...] *:NeoBundleCheckUpdate* Check plugins update specified by {name}. If updates are available, it will execute |:NeoBundleUpdate| automatically. Note: It is supported in git type only. *:NeoBundleCount* :NeoBundleCount Show bundles count. You can know how many bundles you have. *:NeoBundleGC* :NeoBundleGC [{bundle-names}] Execute Garbage Collect commands in bundles. If {bundle-name} is omit, all bundles will be GCed. *:NeoBundleSaveCache* :NeoBundleSaveCache Save plugin configuration in the cache file. Note: It cannot save functions for example "hooks" member. Note: It is available when loading .vimrc. *:NeoBundleLoadCache* :NeoBundleLoadCache Load plugin configuration from the cache file, which is located in `neobundle#get_rtp_dir() . '/cache'`. Note: It is deprecated. You should use |neobundle#load_cache()| instead of it. *:NeoBundleClearCache* :NeoBundleClearCache Clear the configuration cache file. *:NeoBundleRollback* :NeoBundleRollback {bundle-name} Rollback {bundle-name} plugin version to previous updated version. Note: If you rollbacked the plugin, you cannot update it by |:NeoBundleUpdate| command. If you want to update it, you must reinstall the plugin by |:NeoBundleReinstall| command. *:NeoBundleRemotePlugins* :NeoBundleRemotePlugins Load not loaded neovim |:remote-plugin| and execute |:UpdateRemotePlugins| command. It is better than |:UpdateRemotePlugins| for neobundle autoloading feature. Note: It is valid in neovim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES *neobundle-variables* g:neobundle#cache_file *g:neobundle#cache_file* The cache file to use. The default is provided through neobundle#commands#get_default_cache_file(): > neobundle#get_rtp_dir() . '/cache' < neobundle#tapped *neobundle#tapped* Current bundle variable set by |neobundle#tap()|. neobundle#hooks *neobundle#hooks* Current bundle hooks variable set by |neobundle#tap()|. g:neobundle#default_site *g:neobundle#default_site* The default repository site if "site" option is omitted. Defaults to "github". g:neobundle#log_filename *g:neobundle#log_filename* The log filename. Set it to "" to disable logging. Defaults to "". *g:neobundle#enable_name_conversion* g:neobundle#enable_name_conversion If you set to 1 and omit bundle name, |neobundle-options-normalized_name| is used as bundle name. It is useful for absorbing difference of repository name. g:neobundle#rm_command *g:neobundle#rm_command* The command used to remove files to uninstall. Defaults to "rmdir /S /Q" on Windows or "rm -rf" in others. *g:neobundle#install_max_processes* g:neobundle#install_max_processes The max number of processes used for neobundle/install source asynchronous update. Defaults to "8". *g:neobundle#install_process_timeout* g:neobundle#install_process_timeout The time of timeout seconds when updating/installing bundles. Defaults to "120". g:neobundle#default_options *g:neobundle#default_options* A dictionary of preconfigured sets of options to use when options are omitted for individual commands or functions. Keys are arbitrary names for the option sets, and values are dictionaries themselves that store option keys and values. Use the special key "_" to store a "default default options". Example: > let g:neobundle#default_options = \ { 'rev' : {'rev' : 'ver.8'} } NeoBundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache', '', 'rev' < Defaults to "{}". *g:neobundle#types#raw#calc_hash_command* g:neobundle#types#raw#calc_hash_command The hash command to use in raw repositories. Defaults to "sha1sum" or "md5sum". *g:neobundle#types#git#command_path* g:neobundle#types#git#command_path The "git" command path used for git type. Defaults to "git". *g:neobundle#types#git#default_protocol* g:neobundle#types#git#default_protocol The default protocol used for git (github). Note: It is accepted in "https" or "ssh". Defaults to "https". *g:neobundle#types#git#enable_submodule* g:neobundle#types#git#enable_submodule If it is non-zero, neobundle enables git submodule support. But it may be slow in Windows environment. Defaults to 1. *g:neobundle#types#git#clone_depth* g:neobundle#types#git#clone_depth The default history depth for "git clone". If it is 1, neobundle use shallow clone feature. See |neobundle-options-type__depth|. Defaults to 0. *g:neobundle#types#git#pull_command* g:neobundle#types#git#pull_command The git command used to pull updates. The previous default has been "pull --rebase". Defaults to "pull --ff --ff-only". *g:neobundle#types#hg#command_path* g:neobundle#types#hg#command_path The "hg" command path used for hg type. Defaults to "hg". *g:neobundle#types#hg#default_protocol* g:neobundle#types#hg#default_protocol The default protocol used for hg (bitbucket). Note: It is accepted in "https" or "ssh". Defaults to "https". *g:neobundle#types#svn#command_path* g:neobundle#types#svn#command_path The "svn" command path used for svn type. Defaults to "svn". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPTIONS *neobundle-options* The {options} in neobundle commands accept the following keys: *neobundle-options-name* name (String) Specify the name of the bundle. This is used for neobundle management and other commands (like |:NeoBundleUpdate|). If omitted, the tail of the repository name will be used. Note: Must be unique across all bundles. If a bundle name conflicts with another bundle, neobundle will overwrite the previous settings with the new one. If a repo tail is bound to conflict, you can set the "name" option manually to prevent overwriting an existing bundle setting. Example: > NeoBundle 'https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim.git', \ {'name' : 'unite'} NeoBundle 'https://github.com/foo/foo.git', \ {'name' : 'foo-foo'} NeoBundle 'https://github.com/bar/foo.git', \ {'name' : 'bar-foo'} NeoBundle 'https://git.code.sf.net/p/atp-vim/code', \ {'name': 'atp-vim'} < *neobundle-options-normalized_name* normalized_name (String) Specify the normalized name of the bundle. This is used for neobundle management to detect dependencies. If omitted, neobundle will normalize the tail of the repository name. Note: Must be unique across all bundles. Normalized name example: name : normalized name > unite.vim unite vim-quickrun quickrun < description (String) Plugin description. rev (String) Specify a revision number or branch/tag name. If it is "release" in "git" type, neobundle will use latest released tag. Note: If the type is "raw", rev is hash number. Example: > NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimshell', { 'rev' : '3787e5' } < *neobundle-options-default* default (String) Specify a default option name. (See |g:neobundle#default_options|). *neobundle-options-directory* directory (String) Specify relative directory path from the base directory (set by |neobundle#begin()| or "base" option). If omitted, the "name" option will be used. Note: If you set rev "foo" when the name key is "neobundle", the directory key is "neobundle_foo". Example: > NeoBundle 'https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim.git', \ {'directory' : 'unite'} < *neobundle-options-base* base (String) Directory base path to use. If omitted, the path specified with |neobundle#begin()| will be used. It is useful for loading scripts from a different path. *neobundle-options-type* type (String) Specify the repository type. If omitted, a guess is made based on {repository}. Available types: "none" : None repository "raw" : Raw plugin file ("script_type" attribute is needed) "git" : Git "hg" : Mercurial "svn" : Subversion "vba" : Vimball Example: > NeoBundle 'https://host/path/repo.git', {'type': 'hg'} NeoBundle 'thinca/vim-localrc', {'type' : 'svn'} < *neobundle-options-script_type* script_type (String) Specify the script type. It is useful for non-official categorized plugins. For example: "indent", "plugin", "ftplugin", ... Note: You must not specify it for categorized plugins. Example: > NeoBundle 'https://raw.github.com/m2ym/rsense/master/etc/rsense.vim', \ {'script_type' : 'plugin'} NeoBundle 'https://github.com/bronzehedwick/impactjs-colorscheme', \ {'script_type' : 'colorscheme'} < *neobundle-options-site* site (String) Specify the repository site. If you omit both the repository URL and the "site" option, |g:neobundle#default_site| will be used. Note: You can specify site by "{site-name}:{path}". For example: "github:Shougo/vimshell" Available sites: "github" or "gh" : github.com (git) "bitbucket" or "bb" : bitbucket.org (hg) "gist" : gist.github.com (git) *neobundle-options-rtp* rtp (String) Specify runtime path. Use this option when the repository has the Vim plugin in a subdirectory. For example: https://github.com/rstacruz/sparkup Example: > NeoBundle 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim'} NeoBundle 'https://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/', { \ 'rtp': "~/.vim/bundle/vimwiki/src", \ } < *neobundle-options-depends* depends (List or String) Specify a list of plugins a plugin depends on. List items are '{plugin-name}' or ['{plugin-name}', {args}]. Those specified in the list are installed automatically. If the {plugin-name} needs options, specify them with {args}. Note: Type String is syntax sugar for List of {plugin-name}. Example: > NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimfiler', {'depends' : 'Shougo/unite.vim' } NeoBundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache', {'depends' : \ [ 'Shougo/neosnippet.git', \ ['rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim'}], \ ]} < *neobundle-options-build* build (Dictionary or String) Specify the build script. You may use this option if the plugin has to be built before use. If the build script requires external commands, see |neobundle-options-build_commands|. This command is executed by |system()| or |vimproc#system()| in plugin runtimepath. Note: Type String is syntax sugar for Dictionary of {"others": "cmd"}. This dictionary accepts the following keys: windows (String) Specify Windows environment build script. mac (String) Specify Mac OS X environment build script. cygwin (String) Specify Cygwin environment build script. linux (String) Specify Linux environment build script. Note: It is detected if "gmake" command is not executable. unix (String) Specify Unix environment build script. others (String) Specify others environment build script. If you don't specify other keys, it means "all". Example: > NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', { \ 'build' : { \ 'windows' : 'tools\\update-dll-mingw', \ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak', \ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak', \ 'linux' : 'make', \ 'unix' : 'gmake', \ }, \ } < Note: The command is executed in plugin top directory. If you need cd command, you must use "sh -c". > NeoBundle 'wincent/command-t', { \ 'build': { \ 'others' : \ 'sh -c "cd ruby/command-t && ruby extconf.rb && make"' \ } \ } < *neobundle-options-augroup* augroup (String) Specify an augroup name that the plugin uses for |VimEnter| or |GUIEnter| autocmd events. Neobundle will call their |VimEnter| or |GUIEnter| autocmds automatically when |:NeoBundleSource| is executed. Note: You'll want to set this option because some plugins rely on autocmds defined for |VimEnter| or |GUIEnter|, but by using |:NeoBundleSource| after loading .vimrc, those autocmds may get skipped. Some examples are, "fugitive", "NERDTree", and "session.vim". Examples: > " NERDTree uses augroup NERDTreeHijackNetrw. NeoBundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'augroup' : 'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'} " fugitive uses augroup fugitive. NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive', { 'augroup' : 'fugitive'} < This option is also valid in |:NeoBundleLazy|. *neobundle-options-external_commands* external_commands (Dictionary or List or String) Specify a list of external commands that the plugin depends on. List items are '{command-name}' or ['{command-name}', ...] or { {dictionary} }. The commands are checked when loading the plugin. Note: Type String is syntax sugar for list of {command-name}s. The {dictionary} has following keys: windows (String) Specify Windows environment external commands. mac (String) Specify Mac OS X environment external commands. cygwin (String) Specify Cygwin environment external commands. unix (String) Specify Unix environment external commands. others (String) Specify others environment external commands. Example: > NeoBundle 'ujihisa/neco-ghc', { 'external_commands' : 'ghc-mod' } < *neobundle-options-build_commands* build_commands (Dictionary or List or String) Specify a list of external commands that are required for building the plugin. If any of these commands are not installed, the bundle will not be built. The list is the same format as |neobundle-options-external_commands|. Example: > NeoBundle 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe', { 'build_commands' : 'cmake' } < *neobundle-options-frozen* frozen (Number) If set to 1, neobundle doesn't update it automatically when |:NeoBundleUpdate| or ":Unite neobundle/update" is called with no arguments. It is useful for outdated plugins that can no longer be updated. > NeoBundle 'Shougo/neobundle', { 'frozen' : 1 } < *neobundle-options-lazy* lazy (Number) If set to 1, neobundle doesn't add the path to user runtimepath. *neobundle-options-fetch* fetch (Number) If set to 1, neobundle doesn't add the path to user runtimepath, and doesn't load the bundle. *neobundle-options-force* force (Number) If set to 1, neobundle will load plugin files in the plugin repository forcedly. Note: It is useful for using Bundle within bundle. https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/199 *neobundle-options-gui* gui (Number) If set 1, neobundle will only load the plugin in GUI Vim. Example: > NeoBundle 'tyru/restart.vim', '', 'same', { \ 'gui' : 1, \ 'on_cmd' : 'Restart' \ } < *neobundle-options-terminal* terminal (Number) If set to 1, neobundle will only load the plugin in Terminal Vim. *neobundle-options-vim_version* vim_version (String) Minimal vim version of the plugin supported. It accepts some version formats such as "7" and "7.3" and "7.3.885". *neobundle-options-disabled* disabled (Number) or (String) If set to 1, neobundle will disable the plugin. If it is string, neobundle will eval the string. Note: Disabled plugins are not ignored when install/update plugins. Example: > " neocomplete requires Vim 7.3.885 or above. NeoBundle 'Shougo/neocomplete', { \ 'depends' : 'Shougo/context_filetype.vim', \ 'disabled' : !has('lua'), \ 'vim_version' : '7.3.885' \ } < *neobundle-options-focus* focus (Number) If it is > 0, neobundle will source the plugin when focus is lost. It also is source priority. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/osyo-manga/20140212/1392216949 Example: > " Source all plugins when focus is lost. let g:neobundle#default_options._ = { 'verbose' : 1, 'focus' : 1 } < *neobundle-options-verbose* verbose (Number) If set to 1, neobundle will print message when it is sourced. *neobundle-options-install_process_timeout* install_process_timeout (Number) The time of timeout seconds when updating/installing bundles. If omit it, |g:neobundle#install_process_timeout| will be used. Note: This feature is available if you installed |vimproc|. *neobundle-options-autoload* autoload (Dictionary) Specify autoload conditions. If you set it, neobundle will execute |:NeoBundleSource| automatically when the conditions are met. Note: This dictionary is deprecated. *neobundle-options-on_ft* on_ft (List) or (String) Filetype list. If the filetype is "all", it means all filetypes. Note: Using this will usually cause Neobundle to either reset the ftplugin state, or explicitly call the FileType autocommand another time (after adding the lazy-loaded bundle), which results in the autocommand to be processed twice for all other plugins. Therefore, using "all" does not make sense usually. *neobundle-options-filetypes* It is deprecated key. *neobundle-options-on_cmd* on_cmd (List) or (String) Command list. The item can be following dictionary. name (String) or (List) Command name or the list of command names. Example: > NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimfiler.vim', { \ 'depends' : 'Shougo/unite.vim', \ 'on_cmd' : ['VimFiler', 'VimFilerEdit', \ 'VimFilerWrite','VimFilerRead', \ 'VimFilerSource'], \ 'on_map' : '<Plug>', \ 'on_path' : '.*', \ } < *neobundle-options-commands* It is deprecated key. *neobundle-options-on_func* on_func (List) or (String) Functions list. *neobundle-options-functions* It is deprecated key. *neobundle-options-on_map* on_map (List) or (String) Mappings list. The items are {mapping} or [{mode}, {mapping1}, [{mapping2}, ...]]. If {mode} is omitted, "nxo" is used. Note: You can use plugin prefix mappings. For example, you can use "<Plug>(ref-" instead of "<Plug>(ref-back)" and so on. Note: You can use "<Plug>" keyword as {mapping}. If {mapping} is "<Plug>", "<Plug>(normalized_name" is used. For example: > " It is same as "'mappings' : '<Plug>(anzu' NeoBundle 'osyo-manga/vim-anzu', { \'on_map': '<Plug>'} < Note: You cannot use lazy <Plug> mappings twice. For example: > NeoBundle 'osyo-manga/vim-anzu', { \ 'on_map': '<Plug>(anzu-'} " Not working!! nmap n <Plug>(anzu-jump-n)<Plug>(anzu-echo-search-status)zv nmap N <Plug>(anzu-jump-N)<Plug>(anzu-echo-search-status)zv < *neobundle-options-mappings* It is deprecated key. *neobundle-options-on_i* on_i (Number) If set to non-zero, neobundle will |:NeoBundleSource| on |InsertEnter| autocmd. *neobundle-options-insert* It is deprecated key. *neobundle-options-on_path* on_path (String) or (List) If set to ".*", neobundle will |:NeoBundleSource| on editing all files. Otherwise, neobundle will |:NeoBundleSource| if the buffer name is matched the string pattern. Note: It is useful for explorer behavior plugins. Ex: vimfiler, metarw, vim-gnupg ... Note: To autoload vimfiler, you must disable netrw in .vimrc. > " Disable netrw.vim let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 < For example: > NeoBundle 'kana/vim-meta', { \ 'on_path' : '\h\w*:', \ } < *neobundle-options-explorer* *neobundle-options-filename_patterns* It is deprecated key. *neobundle-options-on_source* on_source (List) or (String) Load the bundle when the list bundles are loaded. Note: If they are not autoload bundles, "on_source" hooks are called when |VimEnter| auto command. You can call them manually by |neobundle#call_hook()|. Note: The plugins must be lazy loaded plugins. For example: > if neobundle#tap('plugin-B.vim') call neobundle#config({ \ 'on_source' : [ 'plugin-A.vim' ] \ }) call neobundle#untap() endif < plugin-B is loaded before plugin-A is loaded. *neobundle-options-pre_cmd* pre_cmd (List) or (String) Autoload command prefix in commands. If the prefix is set, commands were loaded automatically. If omitted it, automatically generated prefix is used. Example: If you use "unite.vim", "Unite" command prefix is used. Note: It requires Vim 7.4.414 or above. *neobundle-options-command_prefix* It is deprecated key. Autoload examples: > NeoBundle 'Rip-Rip/clang_complete', { \ 'on_ft' : ['c', 'cpp'], \ } NeoBundle 'basyura/TweetVim', { 'depends' : \ ['basyura/twibill.vim', 'tyru/open-browser.vim'], \ 'on_cmd' : 'TweetVimHomeTimeline' } NeoBundle 'kana/vim-smartword', { \ 'on_map' : [ \ '<Plug>(smartword-''] \ } NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimshell',{ \ 'depends' : 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', \ 'on_cmd' : [{ 'name' : 'VimShell', \ 'complete' : 'customlist,vimshell#complete'}, \ 'VimShellExecute', 'VimShellInteractive', \ 'VimShellTerminal', 'VimShellPop'], \ 'on_map' : '<Plug>' \ }) NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimfiler', { \ 'depends' : 'Shougo/unite.vim', \ 'on_cmd' : [{ 'name' : 'VimFiler', \ 'complete' : 'customlist,vimfiler#complete' }, \ 'VimFilerExplorer', \ 'Edit', 'Read', 'Source', 'Write'], \ 'on_map' : '<Plug>', \ 'on_path' : '.*', \ } NeoBundle 'Shougo/junkfile.vim', { \ 'on_cmd' : 'JunkfileOpen', \ } NeoBundle 'tyru/winmove.vim', { \ 'on_map' : [ \ ['n', '<Plug>']], \ 'gui' : 1, \ 'augroup' : 'winmove', \ } NeoBundle 'sophacles/vim-processing', { \'on_path': '\.pde$' \} NeoBundle 'LeafCage/cmdlineplus.vim', { \ 'on_map': [['c', '<Plug>']]} < *neobundle-options-hooks* hooks (Dictionary) Specify hook functions or hook script path. The following hooks are defined: *neobundle-hooks-on_source* on_source Called or sourced before scripts are sourced. It is useful for plugin initialization in lazy bundles. Note: You must call the hook before |neobundle#end()|. *neobundle-hooks-on_post_source* on_post_source Called or sourced after scripts are sourced. Note: In Vim initializing, calling the hooks are delayed until |VimEnter|. Note: To re-call on_source hook when reloading .vimrc, you must call the hook in end of .vimrc. *neobundle-options-type__protocol* type__protocol (String) The protocol used for types. "https" and "ssh" are available for git type. "https" is available for hg type. If omitted, |g:neobundle#types#git#default_protocol| or |g:neobundle#types#hg#default_protocol| is used. Note: This attribute is available in git and hg types only. Examples: > NeoBundle 'ujihisa/neco-ghc', { 'type__protocol' : 'ssh' } < *neobundle-options-type__filename* type__filename (String) The downloaded filename. If omitted, URI filename will be used. It is useful for downloading vim.org scripts. Note: This attribute is available in raw type only. Examples: |:NeoBundle-examples| > NeoBundle 'git_repository_uri' NeoBundle 'script_name' NeoBundle 'https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git' NeoBundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache', {'depends' : \ [ 'Shougo/neosnippet.git', \ ['rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim'}], \ ]} NeoBundle 'github:Shougo/vimshell' " Pushable github repository. NeoBundle 'git@github.com:Shougo/neocomplcache.git' " For bitbucket hg repository. NeoBundle 'bitbucket:ns9tks/vim-fuzzyfinder' NeoBundle 'https://bitbucket.org/ns9tks/vim-fuzzyfinder' " For bitbucket git repository (.git is needed). NeoBundle 'bitbucket:kh3phr3n/vim-qt-syntax.git' NeoBundle 'https://bitbucket.org/kh3phr3n/vim-qt-syntax.git' " For raw repository. NeoBundle 'https://raw.github.com/m2ym/rsense/master/etc/rsense.vim', \ {'script_type' : 'plugin'} " For gist repository. NeoBundle 'gist:Shougo/656148', { \ 'name': 'everything.vim', \ 'script_type': 'plugin'} NeoBundle 'gist:355360', { \ 'name': 'ambicmd.vim', \ 'script_type': 'plugin'} < Neobundle supports revision (or branch) lock. Note: The revision (or branch) is checked out in install/update. Note: You can either specify the revision manually or set the to revision "master" to restore a plugin. > NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimshell', '3787e5' NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimshell', 'master' < If type is "none", neobundle does not update automatically (like pathogen.vim). See also |NeoBundleLocal|. > NeoBundle 'muttator', {'type' : 'none', 'base' : '~/.vim/bundle'} < Note: To use hg commands for git repository, please use this. > NeoBundle 'https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim.git', {'type': 'hg'} < *neobundle-options-type__depth* type__depth (Number) History depth for "git clone". If omitted, |g:neobundle#types#git#clone_depth| is used. If it is than 0, neobundle clones the repository by shallow clone. Shallow clone feature saves your repository clone time. But it have problems in some repository. See below issues: https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/81 https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/12024 Note: This attribute is available in git type only. ============================================================================== EXAMPLES *neobundle-examples* > " Note: Skip initialization for vim-tiny or vim-small. if 0 | endif if has('vim_starting') if &compatible set nocompatible " Be iMproved endif set runtimepath+={path to neobundle directory} endif call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle')) " Let neobundle manage neobundle NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim' " My Bundles here: " Refer to |:NeoBundle-examples|. " Note: You don't set neobundle setting in .gvimrc! " ... call neobundle#end() filetype plugin indent on " Required! " Installation check. NeoBundleCheck "... if !has('vim_starting') " Call on_source hook when reloading .vimrc. call neobundle#call_hook('on_source') endif < ============================================================================== MIGRATING FROM PATHOGEN *neobundle-migrate-from-pathogen* Here are a few tips if you want to migrate from a |pathogen| based installation to neobundle. You might want to use a different/non-default directory for neobundle: > set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/neobundle')) < This allows you to keep `~/.vim/bundle` in place while migrating. If you are using Git submodules currently, you can use a shell command like the following to automatically generate your NeoBundle statements: > while read p url; do \ bundle_name="${url#*://github.com/}"; \ dir="$(command git config -f .gitmodules --get ${p%.url}.path)"; \ echo "NeoBundle '$bundle_name', { 'directory': '${dir##*/}' }"; \ done < <(command git config -f .gitmodules \ --get-regexp 'submodule.vim/bundle/\S+.(url)' | sort) < This uses the "submodule.*" urls and path from your .gitmodules sections that start with `submodule.vim/bundle/`. It sets the directory option explicitly to the name you were using before (see |neobundle-options-directory|), which is useful if you want to compare your old bundles directory with the one managed by neocomplete later. The output looks like this: > NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-abolish.git', { 'directory': 'abolish' } > ============================================================================== UNITE SOURCES *neobundle-unite-sources* Here let me explain about a source for |unite| provided in neobundle. *neobundle-unite-source-neobundle* neobundle Nominates bundles as a candidate. Note: If argument is bang(!), print plugins status. https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim *neobundle-unite-source-neobundle-install* neobundle/install Install configured plugins asynchronously. It supports neovim async jobs feature. Note: Installing the |vimproc| plugin or using neovim is recommended. If argument is bang(!), it will install and update all plugins. Source arguments: bundle names (fuzzy searched). Example: > :Unite neobundle/install:! :Unite neobundle/install:neocomplcache :Unite neobundle/install:neocomplcache:unite.vim < If you use the source with "-auto-quit" option, the unite buffer will close automatically. > :Unite neobundle/install -auto-quit < *neobundle-unite-source-neobundle-log* neobundle/log Print previous neobundle install logs. And you can jump the diff URI in github. *neobundle-unite-source-neobundle-update* neobundle/update Install and update configured plugins asynchronously, except for outdated ones or those with the "frozen" option. It supports neovim async jobs feature. Note: This source is the same as "neobundle/install:!". Note: Installing the |vimproc| plugin or using neovim is recommended. If argument is bang(!), it will not be with fuzzy search. If argument is "all", it will update all plugins. If you use the source with "-auto-quit" option, the unite buffer will close automatically. > :Unite neobundle/update -log -wrap -auto-quit < *neobundle-unite-source-neobundle-search* neobundle/search Search plugin settings from sources. Note: This source requires "curl" or "wget" command. Note: If you get errors in this source, please refresh the cache file by |<Plug>(unite_redraw)|. Source arguments: source names. Following source names are available: "vim_scripts_org": Search plugins settings from "http://vim-scripts.org". "github": Search plugins settings from "https://github.org/". "metadata": Search plugins settings from converted metadata in "https://bitbucket.org/vimcommunity/vim-pi/". *neobundle-unite-source-neobundle-lazy* neobundle/lazy List lazy configured plugins (not sourced by |:NeoBundleSource|). *unite-kind-neobundle* neobundle An interface for neobundle bundles. It is used in neobundle source and neobundle/lazy sources. update Update bundles (Default action) delete Delete bundles preview view the plugin documentation reinstall Reinstall bundles narrow Narrow bundle files edit Browse bundle directory start Browse github plugin page Actions for each of the sources neobundle/search *unite-action-neobundle-search* yank Yank plugin settings (Default action). install Direct install plugins from repository. Note: The settings are saved in "extra_bundles.vim" in |neobundle#begin()| directory. start Browse github plugin page. Note: If you use the install action, you cannot customize the bundle settings. neobundle/lazy *unite-action-neobundle-lazy* source Source plugin files (Default action) ============================================================================== FAQ *neobundle-faq* Q: What's the neobundle advantage for Vundle or other plugin management system? A: neobundle solves some problems in Vundle or other plugin management system. But you must know they are huge and complex features. 1. Plugin prefixed command name (:Bundle vs :NeoBundle). https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/issues/76 2. Support vimproc (asynchronous update/install). https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/issues/259 3. Support unite.vim interface (update/install/search). 4. Support revision lock feature. https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/issues/35 5. Support other VCS (Subversion/Git). https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/pull/134 https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/pull/268 6. Support lazy initialization for optimizing startup time. https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/issues/364 https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim/pull/98 Q: I want to manage the rsense Vim plugin using neobundle. A: Use |neocomplcache-rsense|. Installation and settings can be found in the neocomplcache-rsense docs. Note: neocomplcache-rsense depends |neocomplcache| plugin. https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache-rsense Q: Vim freezes when a NeoBundle command is run with a typo in the repo name. A: It's a git feature. Git awaits user input when the repo name is wrong. You can install |vimproc| to keep your Vim from freezing: https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim Q: Duplicated error was printed when sourcing .vimrc. A: Your .vimrc was wrong. You must reset neobundle setting by |neobundle#begin()| in .vimrc. Note: You must not call |neobundle#begin()| inside a "has('vim_starting')" block. > if has('vim_starting') " This is wrong neobundle#begin(). "call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle')) endif " This is OK. call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle')) < Q: I want to compile vimproc automatically. A: > NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', { \ 'build' : { \ 'windows' : 'tools\\update-dll-mingw', \ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak', \ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak', \ 'unix' : 'make -f make_unix.mak', \ }, \ } < Q: What's the "outdated" plugin? A: Last update time is older than one week -> Automatic updates are disabled until one day from the last update. Last update time is older within one week -> Automatic updates are every time. Note: If you use update with name or use "all" argument in neobundle/update source or use "!" in |:NeoBundleUpdate| command, this feature will be disabled; it forces updates them. Q: I want to update messages in unite buffer. A: > Unite -log -wrap neobundle/update < Q: neobundle.vim is not worked in Debian/Ubuntu Linux... A: Did you use "debian.vim"? "debian.vim" changes 'runtimepath'. So it conflicts with neobundle. You should not use "debian.vim". Q: neobundle.vim fails update in submodule repository. A: neobundle.vim supports submodule repository. But I think the repository was changed recently from non-use submodule to use submodule. You must reinstall the repository. Q: I want to install github plugins with Subversion. A: > NeoBundle 'thinca/vim-localrc', {'type' : 'svn'} < Q: I want to add absolute path in 'runtimepath' with |:NeoBundle| and |:NeoBundleLazy|. https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/136 A: You can use "none" type. > NeoBundle '/absolute/path/to/plugin', { 'type' : 'none' } Q: Problem with lazy loading of matchit plugin. https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/153 A: > NeoBundle 'matchit.zip', { \ 'on_map' : ['%', 'g%'] \ } let bundle = neobundle#get('matchit.zip') function! bundle.hooks.on_post_source(bundle) silent! execute 'doautocmd Filetype' &filetype endfunction < Q: Cannot load colorscheme when reloading .vimrc. https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/157 A: You must write :NeoBundle lines before filetype plugin indent on and syntax enable. > filetype plugin indent on NeoBundle 'tomasr/molokai' ... syntax enable colorscheme molokai < Q: Timeout on github makes Vim terribly slow if the repository is not found in console Vim. https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/175 A: |vimproc| and |system()| uses input redirection. But git ignores it when you used https protocol in console Vim. So it freezes. I think it is bad feature in git. I cannot fix it. You should change |g:neobundle#types#git#default_protocol| to "git". Q: I want to use shallow clone in git. A: See |neobundle-options-type__depth|. Q: I want to use lockfile feature like "Gemfile.lock" in neobundle. https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/222 A: You can copy "NeoBundle.lock" to another machine from neobundle base path directory. It is used when install plugins. Q: neobundle#begin() breaks plugin function calls. https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/330 A: You must use the functions after |neobundle#end()|. Because, the plugins are loaded when neobundle calls |neobundle#end()|. Q: Fails submoduled repository clone like YouCompleteMe. A: I think you use the submodule repository in proxy environment. https://github.com/ekg/freebayes/issues/63 > $ git config --global url.https://github.com/.insteadOf git://github.com/ < Q: Colorscheme does not load below code. > NeoBundle 'mrkn256.vim' colorscheme mrkn256 ... neobundle#end() A: 'runtimepath' is set on |neobundle#end()|. So it is not set when the colorscheme executed. You can use |neobundle-options-force| for it or write |:colorscheme| command after |neobundle#end()|. Q: fugitive does not work using neobundle. Please help! > NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' A: You must specify |neobundle-options-augroup| like this. > " fugitive uses augroup fugitive. NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive', { 'augroup' : 'fugitive'} Q: I setup gVim-only colorscheme but neobundle doesn't load it. A: neobundle can't load colorschemes automatically. So you can't use |:NeoBundleLazy| for colorschemes. Q: I want to use "git" or "http" protocol instead of "https". A: No, you cannot. Q: Why neobundle only accepts "https" or "ssh"? A: https://glyph.twistedmatrix.com/2015/11/editor-malware.html Q: I want to autoload vim-gnupg A: vim-gnupg uses |BufReadCmd| and |FileReadCmd| autocmd. You must specify the autocmd. > autocmd BufReadCmd,FileReadCmd *.gpg,*.asc,*.pgp \ NeoBundleSource vim-gnupg | doautocmd BufReadCmd autocmd FileReadCmd *.gpg,*.asc,*.pgp \ NeoBundleSource vim-gnupg | doautocmd FileReadCmd Q: Where is :NeoBundleClean command? https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/issues/501 A: It is removed because it is dangerous. Q: Why the install script does not use "curl | bash" ? https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim/pull/515 A: https://www.idontplaydarts.com/2016/04/detecting-curl-pipe-bash-server-side/ ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen: