local mapping = require('cmp.config.mapping') local cache = require('cmp.utils.cache') local keymap = require('cmp.utils.keymap') local misc = require('cmp.utils.misc') local api = require('cmp.utils.api') ---@class cmp.Config ---@field public g cmp.ConfigSchema local config = {} ---@type cmp.Cache config.cache = cache.new() ---@type cmp.ConfigSchema config.global = require('cmp.config.default')() ---@type table<integer, cmp.ConfigSchema> config.buffers = {} ---@type table<string, cmp.ConfigSchema> config.filetypes = {} ---@type table<string, cmp.ConfigSchema> config.cmdline = {} ---@type cmp.ConfigSchema config.onetime = {} ---Set configuration for global. ---@param c cmp.ConfigSchema config.set_global = function(c) config.global = config.normalize(misc.merge(c, config.global)) config.global.revision = config.global.revision or 1 config.global.revision = config.global.revision + 1 end ---Set configuration for buffer ---@param c cmp.ConfigSchema ---@param bufnr integer config.set_buffer = function(c, bufnr) local revision = (config.buffers[bufnr] or {}).revision or 1 config.buffers[bufnr] = c or {} config.buffers[bufnr].revision = revision + 1 end ---Set configuration for filetype ---@param c cmp.ConfigSchema ---@param filetypes string[]|string config.set_filetype = function(c, filetypes) for _, filetype in ipairs(type(filetypes) == 'table' and filetypes or { filetypes }) do local revision = (config.filetypes[filetype] or {}).revision or 1 config.filetypes[filetype] = c or {} config.filetypes[filetype].revision = revision + 1 end end ---Set configuration for cmdline ---@param c cmp.ConfigSchema ---@param cmdtypes string|string[] config.set_cmdline = function(c, cmdtypes) for _, cmdtype in ipairs(type(cmdtypes) == 'table' and cmdtypes or { cmdtypes }) do local revision = (config.cmdline[cmdtype] or {}).revision or 1 config.cmdline[cmdtype] = c or {} config.cmdline[cmdtype].revision = revision + 1 end end ---Set configuration as oneshot completion. ---@param c cmp.ConfigSchema config.set_onetime = function(c) local revision = (config.onetime or {}).revision or 1 config.onetime = c or {} config.onetime.revision = revision + 1 end ---@return cmp.ConfigSchema config.get = function() local global_config = config.global -- The config object already has `revision` key. if #vim.tbl_keys(config.onetime) > 1 then local onetime_config = config.onetime return config.cache:ensure({ 'get', 'onetime', global_config.revision or 0, onetime_config.revision or 0, }, function() local c = {} c = misc.merge(c, config.normalize(onetime_config)) c = misc.merge(c, config.normalize(global_config)) return c end) elseif api.is_cmdline_mode() then local cmdtype = vim.fn.getcmdtype() local cmdline_config = config.cmdline[cmdtype] or { revision = 1, sources = {} } return config.cache:ensure({ 'get', 'cmdline', global_config.revision or 0, cmdtype, cmdline_config.revision or 0, }, function() local c = {} c = misc.merge(c, config.normalize(cmdline_config)) c = misc.merge(c, config.normalize(global_config)) return c end) else local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local filetype = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'filetype') local buffer_config = config.buffers[bufnr] or { revision = 1 } local filetype_config = config.filetypes[filetype] or { revision = 1 } return config.cache:ensure({ 'get', 'default', global_config.revision or 0, filetype, filetype_config.revision or 0, bufnr, buffer_config.revision or 0, }, function() local c = {} c = misc.merge(config.normalize(c), config.normalize(buffer_config)) c = misc.merge(config.normalize(c), config.normalize(filetype_config)) c = misc.merge(config.normalize(c), config.normalize(global_config)) return c end) end end ---Return cmp is enabled or not. config.enabled = function() local enabled = config.get().enabled if type(enabled) == 'function' then enabled = enabled() end return enabled and api.is_suitable_mode() end ---Return source config ---@param name string ---@return cmp.SourceConfig config.get_source_config = function(name) local c = config.get() for _, s in ipairs(c.sources) do if s.name == name then return s end end return nil end ---Return the current menu is native or not. config.is_native_menu = function() local c = config.get() if c.view and c.view.entries then return c.view.entries == 'native' or c.view.entries.name == 'native' end return false end ---Normalize mapping key ---@param c any ---@return cmp.ConfigSchema config.normalize = function(c) -- make sure c is not 'nil' ---@type any c = c == nil and {} or c -- Normalize mapping. if c.mapping then local normalized = {} for k, v in pairs(c.mapping) do normalized[keymap.normalize(k)] = mapping(v, { 'i' }) end c.mapping = normalized end -- Notice experimental.native_menu. if c.experimental and c.experimental.native_menu then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '[nvim-cmp] ', 'Normal' }, { 'experimental.native_menu', 'WarningMsg' }, { ' is deprecated.\n', 'Normal' }, { '[nvim-cmp] Please use ', 'Normal' }, { 'view.entries = "native"', 'WarningMsg' }, { ' instead.', 'Normal' }, }, true, {}) c.view = c.view or {} c.view.entries = c.view.entries or 'native' end -- Notice documentation. if c.documentation ~= nil then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '[nvim-cmp] ', 'Normal' }, { 'documentation', 'WarningMsg' }, { ' is deprecated.\n', 'Normal' }, { '[nvim-cmp] Please use ', 'Normal' }, { 'window.documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered()', 'WarningMsg' }, { ' instead.', 'Normal' }, }, true, {}) c.window = c.window or {} c.window.documentation = c.documentation end -- Notice sources.[n].opts if c.sources then for _, s in ipairs(c.sources) do if s.opts and not s.option then s.option = s.opts s.opts = nil vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '[nvim-cmp] ', 'Normal' }, { 'sources[number].opts', 'WarningMsg' }, { ' is deprecated.\n', 'Normal' }, { '[nvim-cmp] Please use ', 'Normal' }, { 'sources[number].option', 'WarningMsg' }, { ' instead.', 'Normal' }, }, true, {}) end s.option = s.option or {} end end return c end return config