import os import sys import subprocess import pytest from . import helpers from . import run from . import refactor from jedi import InterpreterEnvironment, get_system_environment from jedi.inference.compiled.value import create_from_access_path from jedi.api.interpreter import MixedModuleContext # For interpreter tests sometimes the path of this directory is in the sys # path, which we definitely don't want. So just remove it globally. try: sys.path.remove(helpers.test_dir) except ValueError: pass def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--integration-case-dir", default=os.path.join(helpers.test_dir, 'completion'), help="Directory in which integration test case files locate.") parser.addoption( "--refactor-case-dir", default=os.path.join(helpers.test_dir, 'refactor'), help="Directory in which refactoring test case files locate.") parser.addoption( "--test-files", "-T", default=[], action='append', help=( "Specify test files using FILE_NAME[:LINE[,LINE[,...]]]. " "For example: -T,13,19. " "Note that you can use -m to specify the test case by id.")) parser.addoption( "--thirdparty", action='store_true', help="Include integration tests that requires third party modules.") def parse_test_files_option(opt): """ Parse option passed to --test-files into a key-value pair. >>> parse_test_files_option(',13,19') ('', [10, 13, 19]) """ opt = str(opt) if ':' in opt: (f_name, rest) = opt.split(':', 1) return f_name, list(map(int, rest.split(','))) else: return opt, [] def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): """ :type metafunc: _pytest.python.Metafunc """ test_files = dict(map(parse_test_files_option, metafunc.config.option.test_files)) if 'case' in metafunc.fixturenames: base_dir = metafunc.config.option.integration_case_dir thirdparty = metafunc.config.option.thirdparty cases = list(run.collect_dir_tests(base_dir, test_files)) if thirdparty: cases.extend(run.collect_dir_tests( os.path.join(base_dir, 'thirdparty'), test_files, True)) ids = ["%s:%s" % (c.module_name, c.line_nr_test) for c in cases] metafunc.parametrize('case', cases, ids=ids) if 'refactor_case' in metafunc.fixturenames: base_dir = metafunc.config.option.refactor_case_dir cases = list(refactor.collect_dir_tests(base_dir, test_files)) metafunc.parametrize( 'refactor_case', cases, ids=[c.refactor_type + '-' + for c in cases] ) if 'static_analysis_case' in metafunc.fixturenames: base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static_analysis') cases = list(collect_static_analysis_tests(base_dir, test_files)) metafunc.parametrize( 'static_analysis_case', cases, ids=[ for c in cases] ) def collect_static_analysis_tests(base_dir, test_files): for f_name in os.listdir(base_dir): files_to_execute = [a for a in test_files.items() if a[0] in f_name] if f_name.endswith(".py") and (not test_files or files_to_execute): path = os.path.join(base_dir, f_name) yield run.StaticAnalysisCase(path) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def venv_path(tmpdir_factory, environment): if isinstance(environment, InterpreterEnvironment): # The environment can be a tox virtualenv environment which we don't # want, so use the system environment. environment = get_system_environment( '.'.join(str(x) for x in environment.version_info[:2]) ) tmpdir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('venv_path') dirname = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, 'venv') # We cannot use the Python from tox because tox creates virtualenvs and # they have different files that work differently than the default # ones. Instead, we find the real Python executable by printing the value # of sys.base_prefix or sys.real_prefix if we are in a virtualenv. output = subprocess.check_output([ environment.executable, "-c", "import sys; " "print(sys.real_prefix if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix') else sys.base_prefix)" ]) prefix = output.rstrip().decode('utf8') if == 'nt': executable_path = os.path.join(prefix, 'python') else: executable_name = os.path.basename(environment.executable) executable_path = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin', executable_name) return_code =[executable_path, '-m', 'venv', dirname]) assert return_code == 0, return_code return dirname @pytest.fixture() def cwd_tmpdir(monkeypatch, tmpdir): with helpers.set_cwd(tmpdir.strpath): yield tmpdir @pytest.fixture def inference_state(Script): return Script('')._inference_state @pytest.fixture def same_process_inference_state(Script): return Script('', environment=InterpreterEnvironment())._inference_state @pytest.fixture def disable_typeshed(monkeypatch): from jedi.inference.gradual import typeshed monkeypatch.setattr(typeshed, '_load_from_typeshed', lambda *args, **kwargs: None) @pytest.fixture def create_compiled_object(inference_state): return lambda obj: create_from_access_path( inference_state, inference_state.compiled_subprocess.create_simple_object(obj) ) @pytest.fixture(params=[False, True]) def class_findable(monkeypatch, request): if not request.param: monkeypatch.setattr( MixedModuleContext, '_get_mixed_object', lambda self, compiled_object: compiled_object.as_context() ) return request.param