" Initialization {{{1 if exists('g:loaded_grepper') finish endif let g:loaded_grepper = 1 " Escaping test line: " ..ad\\f40+$':-# @=,!;%^&&*()_{}/ /4304\'""?`9$343%$ ^adfadf[ad)[( highlight default link GrepperPrompt Question " " Default values that get used for missing values in g:grepper. " let s:defaults = { \ 'quickfix': 1, \ 'open': 1, \ 'switch': 1, \ 'jump': 0, \ 'cword': 0, \ 'prompt': 1, \ 'prompt_text': '$c> ', \ 'prompt_quote': 0, \ 'highlight': 0, \ 'buffer': 0, \ 'buffers': 0, \ 'append': 0, \ 'searchreg': 0, \ 'side': 0, \ 'side_cmd': 'vnew', \ 'stop': 5000, \ 'dir': 'cwd', \ 'prompt_mapping_tool': '<tab>', \ 'prompt_mapping_dir': '<c-d>', \ 'prompt_mapping_side': '<c-s>', \ 'repo': ['.git', '.hg', '.svn'], \ 'tools': ['git', 'ag', 'ack', 'ack-grep', 'grep', 'findstr', 'rg', 'pt', 'sift'], \ 'git': { 'grepprg': 'git grep -nGI', \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%c:%m,%f:%l:%m,%f', \ 'escape': '\^$.*[]' }, \ 'ag': { 'grepprg': 'ag --vimgrep', \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%c:%m,%f:%l:%m,%f', \ 'escape': '\^$.*+?()[]{}|' }, \ 'rg': { 'grepprg': 'rg -H --no-heading --vimgrep' . (has('win32') ? ' $* .' : ''), \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%c:%m,%f', \ 'escape': '\^$.*+?()[]{}|' }, \ 'pt': { 'grepprg': 'pt --nogroup', \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%m,%f' }, \ 'sift': { 'grepprg': 'sift -n --column --binary-skip $* .', \ 'grepprgbuf': 'sift -n --column --binary-skip --filename -- $* $.', \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%c:%m,%f', \ 'escape': '\+*?^$%#()[]' }, \ 'ack': { 'grepprg': 'ack --noheading --column', \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%c:%m,%f', \ 'escape': '\^$.*+?()[]{}|' }, \ 'ack-grep': { 'grepprg': 'ack-grep --noheading --column', \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%c:%m,%f', \ 'escape': '\^$.*+?()[]{}|' }, \ 'grep': { 'grepprg': 'grep -RIn $* .', \ 'grepprgbuf': 'grep -HIn -- $* $.', \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%m,%f', \ 'escape': '\^$.*[]' }, \ 'findstr': { 'grepprg': 'findstr -rspnc:$* *', \ 'grepprgbuf': 'findstr -rpnc:$* $.', \ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%m,%f', \ 'wordanchors': ['\<', '\>'] } \ } " Make it possible to configure the global and operator behaviours separately. let s:defaults.operator = deepcopy(s:defaults) let s:defaults.operator.prompt = 0 let s:has_doau_modeline = v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch442') function! s:merge_configs(config, defaults) abort let new = deepcopy(a:config) " Add all missing default options. call extend(new, a:defaults, 'keep') " Global options. for k in keys(a:config) if k == 'operator' continue endif " If only part of an option dict was set, add the missing default keys. if type(new[k]) == type({}) && has_key(a:defaults, k) && new[k] != a:defaults[k] call extend(new[k], a:defaults[k], 'keep') endif " Inherit operator option from global option unless it already exists or " has a default value where the global option has not. if !has_key(new.operator, k) || (has_key(a:defaults, k) \ && new[k] != a:defaults[k] \ && new.operator[k] == s:defaults.operator[k]) let new.operator[k] = deepcopy(new[k]) endif endfor " Operator options. if has_key(a:config, 'operator') for opt in keys(a:config.operator) " If only part of an operator option dict was set, inherit the missing " keys from the global option. if type(new.operator[opt]) == type({}) && new.operator[opt] != new[opt] call extend(new.operator[opt], new[opt], 'keep') endif endfor endif return new endfunction let g:grepper = exists('g:grepper') \ ? s:merge_configs(g:grepper, s:defaults) \ : deepcopy(s:defaults) for s:tool in g:grepper.tools if !has_key(g:grepper, s:tool) \ || !has_key(g:grepper[s:tool], 'grepprg') \ || !executable(expand(matchstr(g:grepper[s:tool].grepprg, '^[^ ]*'))) call remove(g:grepper.tools, index(g:grepper.tools, s:tool)) endif endfor " " Special case: ack (different distros use different names for ack) " Prefer ack-grep since its presence likely means ack is a different tool. " let s:ack = index(g:grepper.tools, 'ack') let s:ackgrep = index(g:grepper.tools, 'ack-grep') if (s:ack >= 0) && (s:ackgrep >= 0) call remove(g:grepper.tools, s:ack) endif let s:cmdline = '' let s:slash = exists('+shellslash') && !&shellslash ? '\' : '/' let s:git_column_flag_checked = 0 " Job handlers {{{1 " s:on_stdout_nvim() {{{2 function! s:on_stdout_nvim(_job_id, data, _event) dict abort if !exists('s:id') return endif let orig_dir = s:chdir_push(self.work_dir) let lcandidates = [] try if len(a:data) > 1 || empty(a:data[-1]) " Second-last item is the last complete line in a:data. let acc_line = self.stdoutbuf . a:data[0] let lcandidates = (empty(acc_line) ? [] : [acc_line]) + a:data[1:-2] let self.stdoutbuf = '' endif " Last item in a:data is an incomplete line (or empty), append to buffer let self.stdoutbuf .= a:data[-1] if self.flags.stop > 0 && (self.num_matches + len(lcandidates) >= self.flags.stop) " Add the remaining data let n_rem_lines = self.flags.stop - self.num_matches if n_rem_lines > 0 noautocmd execute self.addexpr 'lcandidates[:n_rem_lines-1]' let self.num_matches = self.flags.stop endif silent! call jobstop(s:id) unlet! s:id return else noautocmd execute self.addexpr 'lcandidates' let self.num_matches += len(lcandidates) endif finally call s:chdir_pop(orig_dir) endtry endfunction " s:on_stdout_vim() {{{2 function! s:on_stdout_vim(_job_id, data) dict abort if !exists('s:id') return endif let orig_dir = s:chdir_push(self.work_dir) try noautocmd execute self.addexpr 'a:data' let self.num_matches += 1 if self.flags.stop > 0 && self.num_matches >= self.flags.stop silent! call job_stop(s:id) unlet! s:id endif finally call s:chdir_pop(orig_dir) endtry endfunction " s:on_exit() {{{2 function! s:on_exit(...) dict abort execute 'tabnext' self.tabpage execute self.window .'wincmd w' unlet! s:id return s:finish_up(self.flags) endfunction " Completion {{{1 " grepper#complete() {{{2 function! grepper#complete(lead, line, _pos) abort if a:lead =~ '^-' let flags = ['-append', '-buffer', '-buffers', '-cd', '-cword', '-dir', \ '-grepprg', '-highlight', '-jump', '-open', '-prompt', '-query', \ '-quickfix', '-side', '-stop', '-switch', '-tool', '-noappend', \ '-nohighlight', '-nojump', '-noopen', '-noprompt', '-noquickfix', \ '-noside', '-noswitch'] return filter(map(flags, 'v:val." "'), 'v:val[:strlen(a:lead)-1] ==# a:lead') elseif a:line =~# '-dir \w*$' return filter(map(['cwd', 'file', 'filecwd', 'repo'], 'v:val." "'), \ 'empty(a:lead) || v:val[:strlen(a:lead)-1] ==# a:lead') elseif a:line =~# '-stop $' return ['5000'] elseif a:line =~# '-tool \w*$' return filter(map(sort(copy(g:grepper.tools)), 'v:val." "'), \ 'empty(a:lead) || v:val[:strlen(a:lead)-1] ==# a:lead') else return grepper#complete_files(a:lead, 0, 0) endif endfunction " grepper#complete_files() {{{2 function! grepper#complete_files(lead, _line, _pos) let [head, path] = s:extract_path(a:lead) " handle relative paths if empty(path) || (path =~ '\s$') return map(split(globpath('.'.s:slash, path.'*'), '\n'), 'head . "." . v:val[1:] . (isdirectory(v:val) ? s:slash : "")') " handle sub paths elseif path =~ '^.\/' return map(split(globpath('.'.s:slash, path[2:].'*'), '\n'), 'head . "." . v:val[1:] . (isdirectory(v:val) ? s:slash : "")') " handle absolute paths elseif path[0] == '/' return map(split(globpath(s:slash, path.'*'), '\n'), 'head . v:val[1:] . (isdirectory(v:val) ? s:slash : "")') endif endfunction " s:extract_path() {{{2 function! s:extract_path(string) abort let item = split(a:string, '.*\s\zs', 1) let len = len(item) if len == 0 | let [head, path] = ['', ''] elseif len == 1 | let [head, path] = ['', item[0]] elseif len == 2 | let [head, path] = item else | throw 'The unexpected happened!' endif return [head, path] endfunction " Statusline {{{1 " #statusline() {{{2 function! grepper#statusline() abort return s:cmdline endfunction " Helpers {{{1 " s:error() {{{2 function! s:error(msg) redraw echohl ErrorMsg echomsg a:msg echohl NONE endfunction " s:lstrip() {{{2 function! s:lstrip(string) abort return substitute(a:string, '^\s\+', '', '') endfunction " s:split_one() {{{2 function! s:split_one(string) abort let stripped = s:lstrip(a:string) let first_word = substitute(stripped, '\v^(\S+).*', '\1', '') let rest = substitute(stripped, '\v^\S+\s*(.*)', '\1', '') return [first_word, rest] endfunction " s:next_tool() {{{2 function! s:next_tool(flags) let a:flags.tools = a:flags.tools[1:-1] + [a:flags.tools[0]] endfunction " s:get_current_tool() {{{2 function! s:get_current_tool(flags) abort return a:flags[a:flags.tools[0]] endfunction " s:get_current_tool_name() {{{2 function! s:get_current_tool_name(flags) abort return a:flags.tools[0] endfunction " s:get_grepprg() {{{2 function! s:get_grepprg(flags) abort let tool = s:get_current_tool(a:flags) if a:flags.buffers return has_key(tool, 'grepprgbuf') \ ? substitute(tool.grepprgbuf, '\V$.', '$+', '') \ : tool.grepprg .' -- $* $+' elseif a:flags.buffer return has_key(tool, 'grepprgbuf') \ ? tool.grepprgbuf \ : tool.grepprg .' -- $* $.' endif return tool.grepprg endfunction " s:store_errorformat() {{{2 function! s:store_errorformat(flags) abort let prog = s:get_current_tool(a:flags) let s:errorformat = &errorformat let &errorformat = has_key(prog, 'grepformat') ? prog.grepformat : &errorformat endfunction " s:restore_errorformat() {{{2 function! s:restore_errorformat() abort let &errorformat = s:errorformat endfunction " s:restore_mapping() {{{2 function! s:restore_mapping(mapping) if !empty(a:mapping) execute printf('%s %s%s%s%s %s %s', \ (a:mapping.noremap ? 'cnoremap' : 'cmap'), \ (a:mapping.silent ? '<silent>' : '' ), \ (a:mapping.buffer ? '<buffer>' : '' ), \ (a:mapping.nowait ? '<nowait>' : '' ), \ (a:mapping.expr ? '<expr>' : '' ), \ a:mapping.lhs, \ substitute(a:mapping.rhs, '\c<sid>', '<SNR>'.a:mapping.sid.'_', 'g')) endif endfunction " s:escape_query() {{{2 function! s:escape_query(flags, query) let tool = s:get_current_tool(a:flags) let a:flags.query_escaped = 1 return shellescape(has_key(tool, 'escape') \ ? escape(a:query, tool.escape) \ : a:query) endfunction " s:unescape_query() {{{2 function! s:unescape_query(flags, query) let tool = s:get_current_tool(a:flags) let q = a:query if has_key(tool, 'escape') for c in reverse(split(tool.escape, '\zs')) let q = substitute(q, '\V\\'.c, c, 'g') endfor endif return q endfunction " s:requote_query() {{{2 function! s:requote_query(flags) abort if a:flags.cword let a:flags.query = s:escape_cword(a:flags, a:flags.query_orig) else let is_findstr = s:get_current_tool_name(a:flags) == 'findstr' if has_key(a:flags, 'query_orig') let a:flags.query = (is_findstr ? '' : '-- '). s:escape_query(a:flags, a:flags.query_orig) else if a:flags.prompt_quote >= 2 let a:flags.query = a:flags.query[1:-2] else let a:flags.query = a:flags.query[:-1] endif endif endif endfunction " s:escape_cword() {{{2 function! s:escape_cword(flags, cword) let tool = s:get_current_tool(a:flags) let escaped_cword = has_key(tool, 'escape') \ ? escape(a:cword, tool.escape) \ : a:cword let wordanchors = has_key(tool, 'wordanchors') \ ? tool.wordanchors \ : ['\b', '\b'] if a:cword =~# '^\k' let escaped_cword = wordanchors[0] . escaped_cword endif if a:cword =~# '\k$' let escaped_cword = escaped_cword . wordanchors[1] endif let a:flags.query_orig = a:cword let a:flags.query_escaped = 1 return shellescape(escaped_cword) endfunction " s:compute_working_directory() {{{2 function! s:compute_working_directory(flags) abort if has_key(a:flags, 'cd') return a:flags.cd endif for dir in split(a:flags.dir, ',') if dir == 'repo' if s:get_current_tool_name(a:flags) == 'git' let dir = systemlist(printf('git -C %s rev-parse --show-toplevel', \ shellescape(expand('%:p:h')))) if !v:shell_error return dir[0] endif endif for repo in g:grepper.repo let repopath = finddir(repo, expand('%:p:h').';') if empty(repopath) let repopath = findfile(repo, expand('%:p:h').';') endif if !empty(repopath) let repopath = fnamemodify(repopath, ':h') return fnameescape(repopath) endif endfor elseif dir == 'filecwd' let cwd = getcwd() let bufdir = expand('%:p:h') if stridx(bufdir, cwd) != 0 return fnameescape(bufdir) endif elseif dir == 'file' let bufdir = expand('%:p:h') return fnameescape(bufdir) elseif dir == 'cwd' return getcwd() else call s:error("Invalid -dir flag '" . a:flags.dir . "'") endif endfor return '' endfunction " s:chdir_push() {{{2 function! s:chdir_push(work_dir) if !empty(a:work_dir) let cwd = getcwd() execute 'lcd' a:work_dir return cwd endif return '' endfunction " s:chdir_pop() {{{2 function! s:chdir_pop(buf_dir) if !empty(a:buf_dir) execute 'lcd' fnameescape(a:buf_dir) endif endfunction " s:get_config() {{{2 function! s:get_config() abort let g:grepper = exists('g:grepper') \ ? s:merge_configs(g:grepper, s:defaults) \ : deepcopy(s:defaults) let flags = deepcopy(g:grepper) if exists('b:grepper') let flags = s:merge_configs(b:grepper, g:grepper) endif return flags endfunction " s:set_prompt_text() {{{2 function! s:set_prompt_text(flags) abort let text = get(a:flags, 'simple_prompt') ? '$t> ' : a:flags.prompt_text let text = substitute(text, '\V$t', s:get_current_tool_name(a:flags), '') let text = substitute(text, '\V$c', s:get_grepprg(a:flags), '') return text endfunction " s:set_prompt_op() {{{2 function! s:set_prompt_op(op) abort let s:prompt_op = a:op return getcmdline() endfunction " s:git_add_column_flag() {{{2 function! s:git_add_column_flag(flags) abort if !empty(filter(copy(a:flags.tools), 'v:val == "git"')) \ && a:flags.git.grepprg == 'git grep -nI' let m = matchlist(system('git --version'), '\v \zs(\d+)\.(\d+)') if !empty(m) && (m[1] > 2 || (m[1] == 2 && m[2] >= 19)) let a:flags.git.grepprg = 'git grep -nI --column' " for current invocation let g:grepper.git.grepprg = 'git grep -nI --column' " for subsequent invocations endif endif let s:git_column_flag_checked = 1 endfunction " s:query2vimregexp() {{{2 function! s:query2vimregexp(flags) abort if has_key(a:flags, 'query_orig') let query = a:flags.query_orig else " Remove any flags at the beginning, e.g. when using '-uu' with rg, but " keep plain '-'. let query = substitute(a:flags.query, '\v^\s+', '', '') let query = substitute(query, '\v\s+$', '', '') let pos = 0 while 1 let [mtext, mstart, mend] = matchstrpos(query, '\v^-\S+\s*', pos) if mstart < 0 break endif let pos = mend if mtext =~ '\v^--\s*$' break endif endwhile let query = strpart(query, pos) endif " Change Vim's '\'' to ' so it can be understood by /. let vim_query = substitute(query, "'\\\\''", "'", 'g') " Remove surrounding quotes that denote a string. let start = vim_query[0] let end = vim_query[-1:-1] if start == end && start =~ "\['\"]" let vim_query = vim_query[1:-2] endif if a:flags.query_escaped let vim_query = s:unescape_query(a:flags, vim_query) let vim_query = escape(vim_query, '\') if a:flags.cword if a:flags.query_orig =~# '^\k' let vim_query = '\<' . vim_query endif if a:flags.query_orig =~# '\k$' let vim_query = vim_query . '\>' endif endif let vim_query = '\V'. vim_query else " \bfoo\b -> \<foo\> Assume only one pair. let vim_query = substitute(vim_query, '\v\\b(.{-})\\b', '\\<\1\\>', '') " *? -> \{-} let vim_query = substitute(vim_query, '*\\\=?', '\\{-}', 'g') " +? -> \{-1,} let vim_query = substitute(vim_query, '\\\=+\\\=?', '\\{-1,}', 'g') let vim_query = escape(vim_query, '+') endif return vim_query endfunction " }}}1 " s:parse_flags() {{{1 function! s:parse_flags(args) abort let flags = s:get_config() let flags.query = '' let flags.query_escaped = 0 let [flag, args] = s:split_one(a:args) while !empty(flag) if flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?(quickfix|qf)$' | let flags.quickfix = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?open$' | let flags.open = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?switch$' | let flags.switch = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?jump$' | let flags.jump = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?prompt$' | let flags.prompt = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?highlight$' | let flags.highlight = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?buffer$' | let flags.buffer = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?buffers$' | let flags.buffers = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?append$' | let flags.append = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '\v^-%(no)?side$' | let flags.side = flag !~? '^-no' elseif flag =~? '^-cword$' | let flags.cword = 1 elseif flag =~? '^-stop$' if empty(args) || args[0] =~ '^-' let flags.stop = -1 else let [numstring, args] = s:split_one(args) let flags.stop = str2nr(numstring) endif elseif flag =~? '^-dir$' let [dir, args] = s:split_one(args) if empty(dir) call s:error('Missing argument for: -dir') else let flags.dir = dir endif elseif flag =~? '^-grepprg$' if empty(args) call s:error('Missing argument for: -grepprg') else if !exists('tool') let tool = g:grepper.tools[0] endif let flags.tools = [tool] let flags[tool] = copy(g:grepper[tool]) let flags[tool].grepprg = args endif break elseif flag =~? '^-query$' if empty(args) " No warning message here. This allows for.. " nnoremap ... :Grepper! -tool ag -query<space> " ..thus you get nicer file completion. else let flags.query = args endif break elseif flag =~? '^-tool$' let [tool, args] = s:split_one(args) if tool == '' call s:error('Missing argument for: -tool') break endif if index(g:grepper.tools, tool) >= 0 let flags.tools = \ [tool] + filter(copy(g:grepper.tools), 'v:val != tool') else call s:error('No such tool: '. tool) endif elseif flag ==# '-cd' if empty(args) call s:error('Missing argument for: -cd') break endif let dir = fnamemodify(args, ':p') if !isdirectory(dir) call s:error('Invalid directory: '. dir) break endif let flags.cd = dir break else call s:error('Ignore unknown flag: '. flag) endif let [flag, args] = s:split_one(args) endwhile return s:start(flags) endfunction " s:process_flags() {{{1 function! s:process_flags(flags) if a:flags.stop == -1 if exists('s:id') if has('nvim') silent! call jobstop(s:id) else silent! call job_stop(s:id) endif unlet! s:id endif return 1 endif let s:tmp_work_dir = s:compute_working_directory(a:flags) if s:get_current_tool_name(a:flags) ==# 'git' \ && empty(finddir('.git', s:tmp_work_dir.';')) \ && empty(findfile('.git', s:tmp_work_dir.';')) call remove(a:flags.tools, 0) if empty(a:flags.tools) call s:error('Using git outside of repo and no other tool to switch to. Try ":Grepper -dir repo,file" instead.') return 1 endif endif if a:flags.buffer let a:flags.buflist = [fnamemodify(bufname(''), ':p')] if !filereadable(a:flags.buflist[0]) call s:error('This buffer is not backed by a file!') return 1 endif endif if a:flags.buffers let a:flags.buflist = filter(map(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), \ 'bufloaded(v:val)'), 'fnamemodify(bufname(v:val), ":p")'), 'filereadable(v:val)') if empty(a:flags.buflist) call s:error('No buffer is backed by a file!') return 1 endif endif if a:flags.cword let a:flags.query = s:escape_cword(a:flags, expand('<cword>')) endif if a:flags.prompt call s:prompt(a:flags) if s:prompt_op == 'cancelled' return 1 endif if a:flags.query =~ '^\s*$' let a:flags.query = s:escape_cword(a:flags, expand('<cword>')) " input() got empty input, so no query was added to the history. call histadd('input', a:flags.query) elseif a:flags.prompt_quote == 1 let a:flags.query = shellescape(a:flags.query) endif else " input() was skipped, so add query to the history manually. call histadd('input', a:flags.query) endif if a:flags.side let a:flags.highlight = 1 let a:flags.open = 0 endif if a:flags.searchreg || a:flags.highlight let @/ = s:query2vimregexp(a:flags) call histadd('search', @/) if a:flags.highlight call feedkeys(":set hls\<bar>echo\<cr>", 'n') endif endif return 0 endfunction " s:start() {{{1 function! s:start(flags) abort let s:prompt_op = '' if empty(g:grepper.tools) call s:error('No grep tool found!') return endif if !s:git_column_flag_checked call s:git_add_column_flag(a:flags) endif if s:process_flags(a:flags) return endif return s:run(a:flags) endfunction " s:prompt() {{{1 function! s:prompt(flags) let prompt_text = s:set_prompt_text(a:flags) if s:prompt_op == 'flag_dir' let changed_mode = '[-dir '. a:flags.dir .'] ' let prompt_text = changed_mode . prompt_text elseif s:prompt_op == 'flag_side' let changed_mode = '['. (a:flags.side ? '-side' : '-noside') .'] ' let prompt_text = changed_mode . prompt_text endif " Store original mappings let mapping_cr = maparg('<cr>', 'c', '', 1) let mapping_tool = maparg(get(g:grepper, 'next_tool', g:grepper.prompt_mapping_tool), 'c', '', 1) let mapping_dir = maparg(g:grepper.prompt_mapping_dir, 'c', '', 1) let mapping_side = maparg(g:grepper.prompt_mapping_side, 'c', '', 1) " Set plugin-specific mappings cnoremap <silent> <cr> <c-\>e<sid>set_prompt_op('cr')<cr><cr> execute 'cnoremap <silent>' g:grepper.prompt_mapping_tool "\<c-\>e\<sid>set_prompt_op('flag_tool')<cr><cr>" execute 'cnoremap <silent>' g:grepper.prompt_mapping_dir "\<c-\>e\<sid>set_prompt_op('flag_dir')<cr><cr>" execute 'cnoremap <silent>' g:grepper.prompt_mapping_side "\<c-\>e\<sid>set_prompt_op('flag_side')<cr><cr>" " Set low timeout for key codes, so <esc> would cancel prompt faster let ttimeoutsave = &ttimeout let ttimeoutlensave = &ttimeoutlen let &ttimeout = 1 let &ttimeoutlen = 100 if a:flags.prompt_quote == 2 && !has_key(a:flags, 'query_orig') let a:flags.query = "'". a:flags.query ."'\<left>" elseif a:flags.prompt_quote == 3 && !has_key(a:flags, 'query_orig') let a:flags.query = '"'. a:flags.query ."\"\<left>" else let a:flags.query = a:flags.query endif " s:prompt_op indicates which key ended the prompt's input() and is needed to " distinguish different actions. " 'cancelled': don't start searching " 'flag_tool': don't start searching; toggle -tool flag " 'flag_dir': don't start searching; toggle -dir flag " 'flag_side': don't start searching; toggle -side flag " 'cr': start searching let s:prompt_op = 'cancelled' echohl GrepperPrompt call inputsave() try if has('nvim-0.3.4') let a:flags.query = input({ \ 'prompt': prompt_text, \ 'default': a:flags.query, \ 'completion': 'customlist,grepper#complete_files', \ 'highlight': { cmdline -> [[0, len(cmdline), 'String']] }, \ }) else let a:flags.query = input(prompt_text, a:flags.query, \ 'customlist,grepper#complete_files') endif catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/ " Ctrl-c was pressed let s:prompt_op = 'cancelled' finally redraw! " Restore mappings cunmap <cr> execute 'cunmap' g:grepper.prompt_mapping_tool execute 'cunmap' g:grepper.prompt_mapping_dir execute 'cunmap' g:grepper.prompt_mapping_side call s:restore_mapping(mapping_cr) call s:restore_mapping(mapping_tool) call s:restore_mapping(mapping_dir) call s:restore_mapping(mapping_side) " Restore original timeout settings for key codes let &ttimeout = ttimeoutsave let &ttimeoutlen = ttimeoutlensave echohl NONE call inputrestore() endtry if s:prompt_op != 'cr' && s:prompt_op != 'cancelled' if s:prompt_op == 'flag_tool' call s:next_tool(a:flags) elseif s:prompt_op == 'flag_dir' let states = ['cwd', 'file', 'filecwd', 'repo'] let pattern = printf('v:val =~# "^%s.*"', a:flags.dir) let current_index = index(map(copy(states), pattern), 1) let a:flags.dir = states[(current_index + 1) % len(states)] let s:tmp_work_dir = s:compute_working_directory(a:flags) elseif s:prompt_op == 'flag_side' let a:flags.side = !a:flags.side endif call s:requote_query(a:flags) return s:prompt(a:flags) endif endfunction " s:build_cmdline() {{{1 function! s:build_cmdline(flags) abort let grepprg = s:get_grepprg(a:flags) if has_key(a:flags, 'buflist') if has('win32') " cmd.exe does not use single quotes for quoting. Using 'noshellslash' " forces path separators to be backslashes and makes shellescape() using " double quotes. Beforehand escape all backslashes, otherwise \t in " 'dir\test' would be considered a tab etc. let [shellslash, &shellslash] = [&shellslash, 0] call map(a:flags.buflist, 'shellescape(escape(fnamemodify(v:val, ":."), "\\"))') let &shellslash = shellslash else call map(a:flags.buflist, 'shellescape(fnamemodify(v:val, ":."))') endif endif if stridx(grepprg, '$.') >= 0 let grepprg = substitute(grepprg, '\V$.', a:flags.buflist[0], '') endif if stridx(grepprg, '$+') >= 0 let grepprg = substitute(grepprg, '\V$+', join(a:flags.buflist), '') endif if stridx(grepprg, '$*') >= 0 let grepprg = substitute(grepprg, '\V$*', escape(a:flags.query, '\&'), 'g') else let grepprg .= ' ' . a:flags.query endif return grepprg endfunction " s:run() {{{1 function! s:run(flags) if !a:flags.append if a:flags.quickfix call setqflist([]) else call setloclist(0, []) endif endif let orig_dir = s:chdir_push(s:tmp_work_dir) let s:cmdline = s:build_cmdline(a:flags) " 'cmd' and 'options' are only used for async execution. if has('win32') let cmd = 'cmd.exe /c '. s:cmdline else let cmd = ['sh', '-c', s:cmdline] endif let options = { \ 'cmd': s:cmdline, \ 'work_dir': s:tmp_work_dir, \ 'flags': a:flags, \ 'addexpr': a:flags.quickfix ? 'caddexpr' : 'laddexpr', \ 'window': winnr(), \ 'tabpage': tabpagenr(), \ 'stdoutbuf': '', \ 'num_matches': 0, \ } call s:store_errorformat(a:flags) if &verbose echomsg 'grepper: running' string(cmd) endif let msg = printf('Running: %s', s:cmdline) if exists('v:echospace') && strwidth(msg) > v:echospace let msg = printf('%.*S...', v:echospace - 3, msg) endif echo msg if has('nvim') if exists('s:id') silent! call jobstop(s:id) endif try let s:id = jobstart(cmd, extend(options, { \ 'on_stdout': function('s:on_stdout_nvim'), \ 'on_stderr': function('s:on_stdout_nvim'), \ 'stdout_buffered': 1, \ 'stderr_buffered': 1, \ 'on_exit': function('s:on_exit'), \ })) finally call s:chdir_pop(orig_dir) endtry elseif !get(w:, 'testing') && has('patch-7.4.1967') if exists('s:id') silent! call job_stop(s:id) endif try let s:id = job_start(cmd, { \ 'in_io': 'null', \ 'err_io': 'out', \ 'out_cb': function('s:on_stdout_vim', options), \ 'close_cb': function('s:on_exit', options), \ }) finally call s:chdir_pop(orig_dir) endtry else try execute 'silent' (a:flags.quickfix ? 'cgetexpr' : 'lgetexpr') 'system(s:cmdline)' finally call s:chdir_pop(orig_dir) endtry call s:finish_up(a:flags) endif endfunction " s:finish_up() {{{1 function! s:finish_up(flags) let qf = a:flags.quickfix let list = qf ? getqflist() : getloclist(0) let size = len(list) let cmdline = s:cmdline let s:cmdline = '' call s:restore_errorformat() try " TODO: Remove condition if nvim 0.2.0+ enters Debian stable. let attrs = has('nvim') && !has('nvim-0.2.0') \ ? cmdline \ : {'title': cmdline, 'context': {'query': @/}} if qf call setqflist(list, a:flags.append ? 'a' : 'r', attrs) else call setloclist(0, list, a:flags.append ? 'a' : 'r', attrs) endif catch /E118/ endtry if size == 0 execute (qf ? 'cclose' : 'lclose') redraw echo 'No matches found.' return endif if a:flags.jump execute (qf ? 'cfirst' : 'lfirst') endif let has_errors = !empty(filter(list, 'v:val.valid == 0')) " Also open if the side mode is off and the list contains any invalid entry. if a:flags.open || (has_errors && !a:flags.side) execute (qf ? 'botright copen' : 'lopen') (size > 10 ? 10 : size) let w:quickfix_title = cmdline setlocal nowrap if !a:flags.switch call feedkeys("\<c-w>p", 'n') endif endif redraw echo printf('Found %d matches.', size) if a:flags.side call s:side(a:flags) endif if exists('#User#Grepper') execute 'doautocmd' (s:has_doau_modeline ? '<nomodeline>' : '') 'User Grepper' endif endfunction " }}}1 " -side {{{1 let s:filename_regexp = '\v^%(\>\>\>|\]\]\]) ([[:alnum:][:blank:]\/\-_.~]+):(\d+)' let s:error_marker = '!^@ERR ' " s:side() {{{2 function! s:side(flags) abort call s:side_create_window(a:flags) call s:side_buffer_settings() endfunction " s:side_create_window() {{{2 function! s:side_create_window(flags) abort " Contexts are lists of a fixed format: " " [0] = line number of the match " [1] = start of context " [2] = end of context let regions = {} let errors = [] let list = a:flags.quickfix ? getqflist() : getloclist(0) " process quickfix entries for entry in list let bufname = bufname(entry.bufnr) if !entry.valid " collect lines with error messages call add(errors, entry.text) continue endif if has_key(regions, bufname) if (regions[bufname][-1][2] + 2) > entry.lnum " merge entries that are close to each other into the same context let regions[bufname][-1][2] = entry.lnum + 2 else " new context in same file let start = (entry.lnum < 4) ? 0 : (entry.lnum - 4) let regions[bufname] += [[entry.lnum, start, entry.lnum + 2]] endif else " new context in new file let start = (entry.lnum < 4) ? 0 : (entry.lnum - 4) let regions[bufname] = [[entry.lnum, start, entry.lnum + 2]] end endfor execute a:flags.side_cmd " write error messages first if !empty(errors) call append('$', map(errors + [''], 's:error_marker . v:val')) endif " write contexts to buffer for filename in sort(keys(regions)) let contexts = regions[filename] let file = readfile(expand(filename)) let context = contexts[0] call append('$', '>>> '. filename .':'. context[0]) call append('$', file[context[1]:context[2]]) for context in contexts[1:] call append('$', ']]] '. filename .':'. context[0]) call append('$', file[context[1]:context[2]]) endfor call append('$', '') endfor silent 1delete _ let nummatches = len(getqflist()) let numfiles = len(uniq(map(getqflist(), 'bufname(v:val.bufnr)'))) let &l:statusline = printf(' Found %d matches in %d files.', nummatches, numfiles) endfunction " s:side_buffer_settings() {{{2 function! s:side_buffer_settings() abort nnoremap <silent><buffer> q :bdelete<cr> nnoremap <silent><plug>(grepper-side-context-jump) :<c-u>call <sid>context_jump(1) nnoremap <silent><plug>(grepper-side-context-open) :<c-u>call <sid>context_jump(0) nnoremap <silent><plug>(grepper-side-context-next) :<c-u>call <sid>context_next() nnoremap <silent><plug>(grepper-side-context-prev) :<c-u>call <sid>context_previous() nmap <buffer> <cr> <plug>(grepper-side-context-jump)<cr> nmap <buffer> o <plug>(grepper-side-context-open)<cr> nmap <buffer> } <plug>(grepper-side-context-next)<cr> nmap <buffer> { <plug>(grepper-side-context-prev)<cr> setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nonumber norelativenumber foldcolumn=0 set nowrap normal! zR silent! normal! n set conceallevel=2 set concealcursor=nvic let b:grepper_side = s:filename_regexp setfiletype GrepperSide syntax match GrepperSideSquareBracket /]/ contained containedin=GrepperSideSquareBrackets conceal cchar=. execute 'syntax match GrepperSideSquareBrackets /^]]] \v'.s:filename_regexp[20:].'/ conceal contains=GrepperSideSquareBracket' syntax match GrepperSideAngleBracket /> \?/ contained containedin=GrepperSideFile conceal execute 'syntax match GrepperSideFile /^>>> \v'.s:filename_regexp[20:].'/ contains=GrepperSideAngleBracket' execute 'syntax match GrepperSideErrorMarker /^'.s:error_marker.'/ contained containedin=GrepperSideError conceal' execute 'syntax match GrepperSideError /^'.s:error_marker.'.*/ contains=GrepperSideCaret' highlight default link GrepperSideFile Directory highlight default link GrepperSideSquareBrackets Conceal highlight default link GrepperSideError ErrorMsg endfunction " s:side_context_next() {{{2 function! s:context_next() abort call search(s:filename_regexp) call s:side_context_scroll_into_viewport() endfunction " s:side_context_previous() {{{2 function! s:context_previous() abort call search(s:filename_regexp, 'bc') if line('.') == 1 $ call s:side_context_scroll_into_viewport() else - endif call search(s:filename_regexp, 'b') endfunction " s:side_context_scroll_into_viewport() {{{2 function! s:side_context_scroll_into_viewport() abort redraw " needed for line('w$') let next_context_line = search(s:filename_regexp, 'nW') let current_line = line('.') let last_line = line('$') let last_visible_line = line('w$') if next_context_line > 0 let context_length = (next_context_line - 1) - current_line else let context_length = last_line - current_line endif let scroll_length = context_length - (last_visible_line - current_line) if scroll_length > 0 execute 'normal!' scroll_length."\<c-e>" endif endfunction " s:side_context_jump() {{{2 function! s:context_jump(close_window) abort let fileline = search(s:filename_regexp, 'bcn') if empty(fileline) return endif let [filename, line] = matchlist(getline(fileline), s:filename_regexp)[1:2] if a:close_window silent! close execute 'edit +'.line fnameescape(filename) else wincmd p execute 'edit +'.line fnameescape(filename) wincmd p endif endfunction " }}}1 " Operator {{{1 function! GrepperOperator(type) abort let regsave = @@ let selsave = &selection let &selection = 'inclusive' if a:type =~? 'v' silent execute "normal! gvy" elseif a:type == 'line' silent execute "normal! '[V']y" else silent execute "normal! `[v`]y" endif let &selection = selsave let flags = s:get_config().operator let flags.query_orig = @@ let flags.query_escaped = 0 let flags.query = s:escape_query(flags, @@) if s:get_current_tool_name(flags) != 'findstr' \ && !flags.buffer && !flags.buffers let flags.query = '-- '. flags.query endif let @@ = regsave return s:start(flags) endfunction " Mappings {{{1 nnoremap <silent> <plug>(GrepperOperator) :set opfunc=GrepperOperator<cr>g@ xnoremap <silent> <plug>(GrepperOperator) :<c-u>call GrepperOperator(visualmode())<cr> if hasmapto('<plug>(GrepperOperator)') silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(GrepperOperator)", v:count) endif " Commands {{{1 command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,grepper#complete Grepper call <sid>parse_flags(<q-args>) for s:tool in g:grepper.tools let s:utool = substitute(toupper(s:tool[0]) . s:tool[1:], '-\(.\)', \ '\=toupper(submatch(1))', 'g') execute 'command! -nargs=+ -complete=file Grepper'. s:utool \ 'Grepper -noprompt -tool' s:tool '-query <args>' endfor " vim: tw=80 et sts=2 sw=2 fdm=marker