--- title: "SpaceVim lang#c layer" description: "c/c++/object-c language support for SpaceVim, include code completion, jump to definition, quick runner." --- # [Available Layers](../../) >> lang#c <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [Description](#description) - [Install](#install) - [Features](#features) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Key bindings](#key-bindings) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## Description `lang#c` layer provides c/c++/object-c language support for SpaceVim. ## Install To use this configuration layer, update custom configuration file with: ```toml [[layers]] name = "lang#c" ``` ## Features - code completion - syntax checking - formatting ## Configuration - `clang_executable` (string) Set the path to the clang executable - `libclang_path` (string) The libclang shared object (dynamic library) file path. by default it is empty. - `clang_std` (dict) A dict containing the standards you want to use. The default is: ```json { "c": "c11", "cpp": "c++1z", "objc": "c11", "objcpp": "c++1z", } ``` - `clang_flag` Create a `.clang` file at your project root. You should be able to just paste most of your compile flags in there. You can also use a list ['-Iwhatever', ...] when loadding this layer. here is an example how to use above options: ```toml [[layers]] name = "lang#c" clang_executable = "/usr/bin/clang" [layer.clang_std] c = "c11" cpp = "c++1z" objc = "c11" objcpp = "c++1z" ``` ## Key bindings | key binding | description | | ----------- | ---------------------------- | | `SPC l r` | compile and run current file |