--This file should have all functions that are in the public api and either set --or read the state of this source. local vim = vim local utils = require("neo-tree.utils") local fs_scan = require("neo-tree.sources.filesystem.lib.fs_scan") local renderer = require("neo-tree.ui.renderer") local inputs = require("neo-tree.ui.inputs") local events = require("neo-tree.events") local log = require("neo-tree.log") local fs_watch = require("neo-tree.sources.filesystem.lib.fs_watch") local M = {} local source_data = {} local all_states = {} local default_configs = {} local get_source_data = function(source_name) if source_name == nil then error("get_source_data: source_name cannot be nil") end local sd = source_data[source_name] if sd then return sd end sd = { name = source_name, state_by_tab = {}, state_by_win = {}, subscriptions = {}, } source_data[source_name] = sd return sd end local function create_state(tabid, sd, winid) local default_config = default_configs[sd.name] local state = vim.deepcopy(default_config, { noref = 1 }) state.tabid = tabid state.id = winid or tabid state.dirty = true state.position = { is = { restorable = false }, } state.git_base = "HEAD" table.insert(all_states, state) return state end M._get_all_states = function() return all_states end M._for_each_state = function(source_name, action) for _, state in ipairs(all_states) do if source_name == nil or state.name == source_name then action(state) end end end ---For use in tests only, completely resets the state of all sources. ---This closes all windows as well since they would be broken by this action. M._clear_state = function() fs_watch.unwatch_all() renderer.close_all_floating_windows() for _, data in pairs(source_data) do for _, state in pairs(data.state_by_tab) do renderer.close(state) end for _, state in pairs(data.state_by_win) do renderer.close(state) end end source_data = {} end M.set_default_config = function(source_name, config) if source_name == nil then error("set_default_config: source_name cannot be nil") end default_configs[source_name] = config local sd = get_source_data(source_name) for tabid, tab_config in pairs(sd.state_by_tab) do sd.state_by_tab[tabid] = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", tab_config, config) end end --TODO: we need to track state per window when working with netwrw style "current" --position. How do we know which one to return when this is called? M.get_state = function(source_name, tabid, winid) if source_name == nil then error("get_state: source_name cannot be nil") end tabid = tabid or vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local sd = get_source_data(source_name) if type(winid) == "number" then local win_state = sd.state_by_win[winid] if not win_state then win_state = create_state(tabid, sd, winid) sd.state_by_win[winid] = win_state end return win_state else local tab_state = sd.state_by_tab[tabid] if tab_state and tab_state.winid then -- just in case tab and window get tangled up, tab state replaces window sd.state_by_win[tab_state.winid] = nil end if not tab_state then tab_state = create_state(tabid, sd) sd.state_by_tab[tabid] = tab_state end return tab_state end end ---Returns the state for the current buffer, assuming it is a neo-tree buffer. ---@param winid number|nil The window id to use, if nil, the current window is used. ---@return table|nil The state for the current buffer, or nil if it is not a ---neo-tree buffer. M.get_state_for_window = function(winid) local winid = winid or vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winid) local source_status, source_name = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var, bufnr, "neo_tree_source") local position_status, position = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var, bufnr, "neo_tree_position") if not source_status or not position_status then return nil end local tabid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() if position == "current" then return M.get_state(source_name, tabid, winid) else return M.get_state(source_name, tabid, nil) end end M.get_path_to_reveal = function(include_terminals) local win_id = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local cfg = vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(win_id) if cfg.relative > "" or cfg.external then -- floating window, ignore return nil end if vim.bo.filetype == "neo-tree" then return nil end local path = vim.fn.expand("%:p") if not utils.truthy(path) then return nil end if not include_terminals and path:match("term://") then return nil end return path end M.subscribe = function(source_name, event) if source_name == nil then error("subscribe: source_name cannot be nil") end local sd = get_source_data(source_name) if not sd.subscriptions then sd.subscriptions = {} end if not utils.truthy(event.id) then event.id = sd.name .. "." .. event.event end log.trace("subscribing to event: " .. event.id) sd.subscriptions[event] = true events.subscribe(event) end M.unsubscribe = function(source_name, event) if source_name == nil then error("unsubscribe: source_name cannot be nil") end local sd = get_source_data(source_name) log.trace("unsubscribing to event: " .. event.id or event.event) if sd.subscriptions then for sub, _ in pairs(sd.subscriptions) do if sub.event == event.event and sub.id == event.id then sd.subscriptions[sub] = false events.unsubscribe(sub) end end end events.unsubscribe(event) end M.unsubscribe_all = function(source_name) if source_name == nil then error("unsubscribe_all: source_name cannot be nil") end local sd = get_source_data(source_name) if sd.subscriptions then for event, subscribed in pairs(sd.subscriptions) do if subscribed then events.unsubscribe(event) end end end sd.subscriptions = {} end M.close = function(source_name, at_position) local state = M.get_state(source_name) if at_position then if state.current_position == at_position then return renderer.close(state) else return false end else return renderer.close(state) end end M.close_all = function(at_position) local tabid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() for source_name, _ in pairs(source_data) do M._for_each_state(source_name, function(state) if state.tabid == tabid then if at_position then if state.current_position == at_position then log.trace("Closing " .. source_name .. " at position " .. at_position) pcall(renderer.close, state) end else log.trace("Closing " .. source_name) pcall(renderer.close, state) end end end) end end M.close_all_except = function(except_source_name) local tabid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() for source_name, _ in pairs(source_data) do M._for_each_state(source_name, function(state) if state.tabid == tabid and source_name ~= except_source_name then log.trace("Closing " .. source_name) pcall(renderer.close, state) end end) end end ---Redraws the tree with updated diagnostics without scanning the filesystem again. M.diagnostics_changed = function(source_name, args) if not type(args) == "table" then error("diagnostics_changed: args must be a table") end M._for_each_state(source_name, function(state) state.diagnostics_lookup = args.diagnostics_lookup renderer.redraw(state) end) end ---Called by autocmds when the cwd dir is changed. This will change the root. M.dir_changed = function(source_name) M._for_each_state(source_name, function(state) local cwd = M.get_cwd(state) if state.path and cwd == state.path then return end if renderer.window_exists(state) then M.navigate(state, cwd) else state.path = nil state.dirty = true end end) end -- ---Redraws the tree with updated git_status without scanning the filesystem again. M.git_status_changed = function(source_name, args) if not type(args) == "table" then error("git_status_changed: args must be a table") end M._for_each_state(source_name, function(state) if utils.is_subpath(args.git_root, state.path) then state.git_status_lookup = args.git_status renderer.redraw(state) end end) end -- Vimscript functions like vim.fn.getcwd take tabpage number (tab position counting from left) -- but API functions operate on tabpage id (as returned by nvim_tabpage_get_number). These values -- get out of sync when tabs are being moved and we want to track state according to tabpage id. local to_tabnr = function(tabid) return tabid > 0 and vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabid) or tabid end local get_params_for_cwd = function(state) local tabid = state.tabid -- the id is either the tabid for sidebars or the winid for splits local winid = state.id == tabid and -1 or state.id if state.cwd_target then local target = state.cwd_target.sidebar if state.current_position == "current" then target = state.cwd_target.current end if target == "window" then return winid, to_tabnr(tabid) elseif target == "global" then return -1, -1 elseif target == "none" then return nil, nil else -- default to tab return -1, to_tabnr(tabid) end else return winid, to_tabnr(tabid) end end M.get_cwd = function(state) local winid, tabnr = get_params_for_cwd(state) local success, cwd = false, "" if winid or tabnr then success, cwd = pcall(vim.fn.getcwd, winid, tabnr) end if success then return cwd else success, cwd = pcall(vim.fn.getcwd) if success then return cwd else return state.path end end end M.set_cwd = function(state) if not state.path then return end local winid, tabnr = get_params_for_cwd(state) if winid == nil and tabnr == nil then return end local _, cwd = pcall(vim.fn.getcwd, winid, tabnr) if state.path ~= cwd then if winid > 0 then vim.cmd("lcd " .. state.path) elseif tabnr > 0 then vim.cmd("tcd " .. state.path) else vim.cmd("cd " .. state.path) end end end local dispose_state = function(state) pcall(fs_scan.stop_watchers, state) pcall(renderer.close, state) source_data[state.name].state_by_tab[state.id] = nil source_data[state.name].state_by_win[state.id] = nil state.disposed = true end M.dispose = function(source_name, tabid) for i, state in ipairs(all_states) do if source_name == nil or state.name == source_name then if not tabid or tabid == state.tabid then log.trace(state.name, " disposing of tab: ", tabid) dispose_state(state) table.remove(all_states, i) end end end end M.dispose_tab = function(tabid) if not tabid then error("dispose_tab: tabid cannot be nil") end for i, state in ipairs(all_states) do if tabid == state.tabid then log.trace(state.name, " disposing of tab: ", tabid, state.name) dispose_state(state) table.remove(all_states, i) end end end M.dispose_invalid_tabs = function() -- Iterate in reverse because we are removing items during loop for i = #all_states, 1, -1 do local state = all_states[i] -- if not valid_tabs[state.tabid] then if not vim.api.nvim_tabpage_is_valid(state.tabid) then log.trace(state.name, " disposing of tab: ", state.tabid, state.name) dispose_state(state) table.remove(all_states, i) end end end M.dispose_window = function(winid) if not winid then error("dispose_window: winid cannot be nil") end for i, state in ipairs(all_states) do if state.id == winid then log.trace(state.name, " disposing of window: ", winid, state.name) dispose_state(state) table.remove(all_states, i) end end end M.float = function(source_name) local state = M.get_state(source_name) state.current_position = "float" local path_to_reveal = M.get_path_to_reveal() M.navigate(source_name, state.path, path_to_reveal) end ---Focus the window, opening it if it is not already open. ---@param source_name string Source name. ---@param path_to_reveal string|nil Node to focus after the items are loaded. ---@param callback function|nil Callback to call after the items are loaded. M.focus = function(source_name, path_to_reveal, callback) local state = M.get_state(source_name) state.current_position = nil if path_to_reveal then M.navigate(source_name, state.path, path_to_reveal, callback) else if not state.dirty and renderer.window_exists(state) then vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(state.winid) else M.navigate(source_name, state.path, nil, callback) end end end ---Redraws the tree with updated modified markers without scanning the filesystem again. M.opened_buffers_changed = function(source_name, args) if not type(args) == "table" then error("opened_buffers_changed: args must be a table") end if type(args.opened_buffers) == "table" then M._for_each_state(source_name, function(state) if utils.tbl_equals(args.opened_buffers, state.opened_buffers) then -- no changes, no need to redraw return end state.opened_buffers = args.opened_buffers renderer.redraw(state) end) end end ---Navigate to the given path. ---@param state_or_source_name string|table The state or source name to navigate. ---@param path string? Path to navigate to. If empty, will navigate to the cwd. ---@param path_to_reveal string? Node to focus after the items are loaded. ---@param callback function? Callback to call after the items are loaded. ---@param async boolean? Whether to load the items asynchronously, may not be respected by all sources. M.navigate = function(state_or_source_name, path, path_to_reveal, callback, async) require("neo-tree").ensure_config() local state, source_name if type(state_or_source_name) == "string" then state = M.get_state(state_or_source_name) source_name = state_or_source_name elseif type(state_or_source_name) == "table" then state = state_or_source_name source_name = state.name else log.error("navigate: state_or_source_name must be a string or a table") end log.trace("navigate", source_name, path, path_to_reveal) local mod = get_source_data(source_name).module if not mod then mod = require("neo-tree.sources." .. source_name) end mod.navigate(state, path, path_to_reveal, callback, async) end ---Redraws the tree without scanning the filesystem again. Use this after -- making changes to the nodes that would affect how their components are -- rendered. M.redraw = function(source_name) M._for_each_state(source_name, function(state) renderer.redraw(state) end) end ---Refreshes the tree by scanning the filesystem again. M.refresh = function(source_name, callback) if type(callback) ~= "function" then callback = nil end local current_tabid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() log.trace(source_name, "refresh") for i = 1, #all_states, 1 do local state = all_states[i] if state.tabid == current_tabid and state.path and renderer.window_exists(state) then local success, err = pcall(M.navigate, state, state.path, nil, callback) if not success then log.error(err) end else state.dirty = true end end end M.reveal_current_file = function(source_name, callback, force_cwd) log.trace("Revealing current file") local state = M.get_state(source_name) state.current_position = nil -- When events trigger that try to restore the position of the cursor in the tree window, -- we want them to ignore this "iteration" as the user is trying to explicitly focus a -- (potentially) different position/node state.position.is.restorable = false require("neo-tree").close_all_except(source_name) local path = M.get_path_to_reveal() if not path then M.focus(source_name) return end local cwd = state.path if cwd == nil then cwd = M.get_cwd(state) end if force_cwd then if not utils.is_subpath(cwd, path) then state.path, _ = utils.split_path(path) end elseif not utils.is_subpath(cwd, path) then cwd, _ = utils.split_path(path) inputs.confirm("File not in cwd. Change cwd to " .. cwd .. "?", function(response) if response == true then state.path = cwd M.focus(source_name, path, callback) else M.focus(source_name, nil, callback) end end) return end if path then if not renderer.focus_node(state, path) then M.focus(source_name, path, callback) end end end M.reveal_in_split = function(source_name, callback) local state = M.get_state(source_name, nil, vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()) state.current_position = "current" local path_to_reveal = M.get_path_to_reveal() if not path_to_reveal then M.navigate(state, nil, nil, callback) return end local cwd = state.path if cwd == nil then cwd = M.get_cwd(state) end if cwd and not utils.is_subpath(cwd, path_to_reveal) then state.path, _ = utils.split_path(path_to_reveal) end M.navigate(state, state.path, path_to_reveal, callback) end ---Opens the tree and displays the current path or cwd, without focusing it. M.show = function(source_name) local state = M.get_state(source_name) state.current_position = nil if not renderer.window_exists(state) then local current_win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() M.navigate(source_name, state.path, nil, function() vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(current_win) end) end end M.show_in_split = function(source_name, callback) local state = M.get_state(source_name, nil, vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()) state.current_position = "current" M.navigate(state, state.path, nil, callback) end M.validate_source = function(source_name, module) if source_name == nil then error("register_source: source_name cannot be nil") end if module == nil then error("register_source: module cannot be nil") end if type(module) ~= "table" then error("register_source: module must be a table") end local required_functions = { "navigate", "setup", } for _, name in ipairs(required_functions) do if type(module[name]) ~= "function" then error("Source " .. source_name .. " must have a " .. name .. " function") end end end ---Configures the plugin, should be called before the plugin is used. ---@param source_name string Name of the source. ---@param config table Configuration table containing merged configuration for the source. ---@param global_config table Global configuration table, shared between all sources. ---@param module table Module containing the source's code. M.setup = function(source_name, config, global_config, module) log.debug(source_name, " setup ", config) M.unsubscribe_all(source_name) M.set_default_config(source_name, config) if module == nil then module = require("neo-tree.sources." .. source_name) end local success, err = pcall(M.validate_source, source_name, module) if success then success, err = pcall(module.setup, config, global_config) if success then get_source_data(source_name).module = module else log.error("Source " .. source_name .. " setup failed: " .. err) end else log.error("Source " .. source_name .. " is invalid: " .. err) end end return M