"============================================================================= " gitter.vim --- a gitter client " Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Wang Shidong & Contributors " Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > " URL: https://spacevim.org " License: GPLv3 "============================================================================= if exists('s:room_jobs') finish endif let s:JOB = SpaceVim#api#import('job') let s:JSON = SpaceVim#api#import('data#json') let s:LOG = SpaceVim#logger#derive('gitter') let g:chat_gitter_token = get(g:, 'chat_gitter_token', '') let s:room_jobs = {} function! chat#gitter#enter_room(room) abort if !has_key(s:room_jobs, a:room) let roomid = s:room_to_roomid(a:room) if empty(roomid) return 0 endif call s:fetch(roomid) let cmd = printf('curl -s --show-error --fail -N -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer %s" "https://stream.gitter.im/v1/rooms/%s/chatMessages"',g:chat_gitter_token , roomid) let s:room_jobs[a:room] = s:JOB.start(cmd, { \ 'on_stdout' : function('s:gitter_stream_stdout'), \ 'on_stderr' : function('s:gitter_stream_stderr'), \ 'on_exit' : function('s:gitter_stream_exit'), \ }) call chat#windows#push({ \ 'user' : '--->', \ 'username' : '--->', \ 'room' : a:room, \ 'msg' : 'connected to channel!', \ 'time': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), \ }) endif return 1 endfunction function! s:room_to_roomid(room) abort let room = filter(deepcopy(s:channels), 'has_key(v:val, "uri") && v:val.uri ==# a:room') if !empty(room) return room[0].id else return '' endif endfunction function! s:roomid_to_room(roomid) abort let room = filter(deepcopy(s:channels), 'has_key(v:val, "id") && has_key(v:val, "uri") && v:val.id ==# a:roomid') if !empty(room) return room[0].uri else return '' endif endfunction function! s:gitter_stream_stdout(id, data, event) abort for line in a:data if line !~# '^\s*$' call s:LOG.debug('gitter_stream_stdout :' . line) endif endfor for room in keys(s:room_jobs) if s:room_jobs[room] ==# a:id let message = join(a:data, '') if message =~# '^\s*$' " skip empty string or space return endif let msg = s:JSON.json_decode(message) call chat#windows#push({ \ 'user' : msg.fromUser.displayName, \ 'username' : msg.fromUser.username, \ 'room' : room, \ 'msg' : msg.text, \ 'time': s:format_time(msg.sent), \ }) if !chat#windows#is_opened() \ && s:enable_notify(room) call chat#notify#noti(msg.fromUser.displayName . ': ' . msg.text) endif return endif endfor endfunction function! s:enable_notify(room) abort let room = filter(deepcopy(s:channels), 'has_key(v:val, "uri") && v:val.uri ==# a:room && has_key(v:val, "lurk")') if !empty(room) return room[0].lurk else return 0 endif endfunction function! s:format_time(t) abort return matchstr(a:t, '\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d') . ' ' . matchstr(a:t, '\d\d:\d\d') endfunction function! s:gitter_stream_stderr(id, data, event) abort for line in a:data call s:LOG.debug('gitter_stream_stderr :' . line) endfor endfunction function! s:gitter_stream_exit(id, data, event) abort call s:LOG.debug('gitter_stream_exit :' . a:data) for room in keys(s:room_jobs) if s:room_jobs[room] ==# a:id call chat#windows#push({ \ 'user' : '--->', \ 'username' : '--->', \ 'room' : room, \ 'msg' : 'The channel is disconnected.', \ 'time': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), \ }) if !chat#windows#is_opened() \ && s:enable_notify(room) call chat#notify#noti('The ' . room . ' channel is disconnected.') endif unlet s:room_jobs[room] return endif endfor endfunction let s:fetch_response = {} function! s:fetch(roomid) abort let room = s:roomid_to_room(a:roomid) if !has_key(s:fetch_response, room) let cmd = printf( 'curl -s --show-error --fail -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer %s" "https://api.gitter.im/v1/rooms/%s/chatMessages?limit=50"', g:chat_gitter_token, a:roomid) let s:fetch_response[room] = { \ 'response' : [], \ 'jobid' : s:JOB.start(cmd, \ { \ 'on_stdout' : function('s:gitter_fetch_stdout'), \ 'on_stderr' : function('s:gitter_fetch_stderr'), \ 'on_exit' : function('s:gitter_fetch_exit'), \ }) \ } call chat#windows#push({ \ 'user' : '--->', \ 'username' : '--->', \ 'room' : room, \ 'msg' : 'fetching channel messages', \ 'time': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), \ }) endif endfunction function! s:gitter_fetch_stdout(id, data, event) abort for line in a:data call s:LOG.debug('fetch_stdout :' . line) endfor call s:LOG.debug('s:fetch_response keys :' . string(keys(s:fetch_response))) for room in keys(s:fetch_response) if s:fetch_response[room].jobid ==# a:id let s:fetch_response[room].response += a:data break endif endfor endfunction function! s:gitter_fetch_stderr(id, data, event) abort for line in a:data call s:LOG.debug('fetch_stderr :' . line) endfor endfunction function! s:gitter_fetch_exit(id, data, event) abort call s:LOG.debug('fetch job exit code' . a:data) for room in keys(s:fetch_response) if s:fetch_response[room].jobid ==# a:id let messages = s:JSON.json_decode(join(s:fetch_response[room].response, '')) let msgs = [] for msg in messages call add(msgs, { \ 'user' : msg.fromUser.displayName, \ 'username' : msg.fromUser.username, \ 'room' : room, \ 'msg' : msg.text, \ 'replyCounts' : get(msg, 'threadMessageCount', 0), \ 'time': s:format_time(msg.sent), \ }) endfor call chat#windows#push(msgs) if a:data ==# 0 call chat#windows#push({ \ 'user' : '--->', \ 'username' : '--->', \ 'room' : room, \ 'msg' : 'fetch channel message done!', \ 'time': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), \ }) endif break endif endfor endfunction let s:channels = [] function! chat#gitter#get_channels() abort if empty(s:channels) call s:get_all_channels() return [] else let rooms = filter(deepcopy(s:channels), 'has_key(v:val, "uri")') return map(rooms, 'v:val.uri') endif endfunction let s:list_all_channels_jobid = -1 let s:list_all_channels_stdout = [] let s:list_all_channels_stderr = [] function! s:get_all_channels() abort if s:list_all_channels_jobid <= 0 call chat#windows#push({ \ 'user' : '--->', \ 'username' : '--->', \ 'room' : '', \ 'protocol' : 'gitter', \ 'msg' : 'listing gitter channels', \ 'time': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), \ }) let cmd = printf('curl -s --show-error --fail -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer %s" "https://api.gitter.im/v1/rooms"', g:chat_gitter_token) let s:list_all_channels_jobid = s:JOB.start(cmd, { \ 'on_stdout' : function('s:get_all_channels_stdout'), \ 'on_stderr' : function('s:get_all_channels_stderr'), \ 'on_exit' : function('s:get_all_channels_exit'), \ }) endif endfunction function! s:get_all_channels_stdout(id, data, event) abort for line in a:data call s:LOG.debug('get_all_channels_stdout: ' . line) endfor let s:list_all_channels_stdout = s:list_all_channels_stdout + a:data endfunction function! s:get_all_channels_stderr(id, data, event) abort for line in a:data call s:LOG.debug('get_all_channels_stderr: ' . line) endfor let s:list_all_channels_stderr = s:list_all_channels_stderr + a:data endfunction " I am not sure if this is a bug. sometimes the exit data is 0, but there no " stdout, all responses are sent to stderr. function! s:get_all_channels_exit(id, data, event) abort call s:LOG.debug('get_all_channels_exit code: ' . a:data) if a:data ==# 0 && !empty(s:list_all_channels_stdout) let s:channels = s:JSON.json_decode(join(s:list_all_channels_stdout, '')) call chat#windows#push({ \ 'user' : '--->', \ 'username' : '--->', \ 'room' : '', \ 'protocol' : 'gitter', \ 'msg' : 'list channels done!', \ 'time': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), \ }) if !chat#windows#is_opened() call chat#notify#noti('gitter protocol channels updated!') endif else call chat#windows#push({ \ 'user' : '--->', \ 'username' : '--->', \ 'room' : '', \ 'protocol' : 'gitter', \ 'msg' : 'failed to list channels of gitter protocol!', \ 'time': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), \ }) if !chat#windows#is_opened() call chat#notify#noti('failed to list channels of gitter protocol!') endif endif endfunction function! Test(str) abort exe a:str endfunction function! chat#gitter#send(room, msg) abort let roomid = s:room_to_roomid(a:room) " the win 11 curl in system32/ directory do not support unicode, use " neovim's curl if has('nvim') && exists('v:progpath') && (has('win64') || has('win32')) let curl = fnamemodify(v:progpath, ':h') . '\curl.exe' else let curl = 'curl' endif let cmd = [curl, '-X', 'POST', '-H', 'Content-Type: application/json', '-H', 'Accept: application/json', \ '-H', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . g:chat_gitter_token, \ printf('https://api.gitter.im/v1/rooms/%s/chatMessages', roomid), \ '-d', \ s:JSON.json_encode({'text' : a:msg}) \ ] call s:JOB.start(cmd) endfunction function! chat#gitter#get_user_count(room) abort let room = filter(deepcopy(s:channels), 'has_key(v:val, "uri") && v:val.uri ==# a:room') if !empty(room) return room[0].userCount . ' PEOPLE' else return '' endif endfunction