Include: include/setup.vader Execute (pulp parses success message): new file src/Main.purs let output = [ \ '* Building project in /home/test/purescript/', \ '{"warnings":[],"errors":[]}', \ '* Build successful.', \ ] let result = neomake#makers#ft#purescript#pulp().process_output({'output': output}) AssertEqual [], result bwipe Execute (pulp parses error message): new file src/Main.purs let output = [ \ '* Building project in /home/test/purescript/', \ '{"warnings":[],"errors":[{"position":{"startLine":4,"startColumn":1,"endLine":4,"endColumn":14},"message":" Type variable a is undefined.\n\nwhile checking the kind of a -> a\nin value declaration foo\n","errorCode":"UndefinedTypeVariable","errorLink":"","filename":"src/Other.purs","moduleName":"Other","suggestion":null}]}', \ 'Compiling Other', \ '* ERROR: Subcommand terminated with exit code 1', \ ] let result = neomake#makers#ft#purescript#pulp().process_output({'output': output}) AssertEqual [{ \ 'lnum': 4, \ 'filename': 'src/Other.purs', \ 'col': 1, \ 'length': 13, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': "UndefinedTypeVariable : Type variable a is undefined.\n\nwhile checking the kind of a -> a\nin value declaration foo\n", \ }], result bwipe Execute (pulp parses warning message): new file src/Main.purs let output = [ \ '* Building project in /home/test/purescript', \ '{"warnings":[{"position":{"startLine":3,"startColumn":1,"endLine":3,"endColumn":40},"message":" The import of module Prelude contains the following unused references:\n\n unit\n pure\n bind\n\n It could be replaced with:\n\n import Prelude (Unit)\n","errorCode":"UnusedExplicitImport","errorLink":"","filename":"src/Main.purs","moduleName":"Main","suggestion":{"replacement":"import Prelude (Unit)\n","replaceRange":{"startLine":3,"startColumn":1,"endLine":3,"endColumn":40}}}],"errors":[]}', \ 'Compiling Main', \ '* Build successful', \ ] let result = neomake#makers#ft#purescript#pulp().process_output({'output': output}) AssertEqual [{ \ 'lnum': 3, \ 'filename': 'src/Main.purs', \ 'col': 1, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'length': 39, \ 'text': "UnusedExplicitImport : The import of module Prelude contains the following unused references:\n\n unit\n pure\n bind\n\n It could be replaced with:\n\n import Prelude (Unit)\n", \ }], result bwipe