--- title: "Roadmap" description: "The roadmap and milestones define the project direction and priorities." --- # [Home](../) >> Roadmap The roadmap defines the project direction and priorities. If you have any suggestions , please checkout feedback section on [community](../community/) page. ## Milestones - `v2.4.0`: Due by 2024-12-01 - [ ] rewrite statusline plugin with lua - [ ] rewrite tabline plugin with lua - [ ] merge website context into `:h SpaceVim` - `v2.3.0`: Due by 2024-05-01 - [x] new `job` api based on neovim luv. - [x] implement flygrep with lua. - [x] use new `job` api - [ ] rewrite git.vim with lua. - [x] `:Git add` - [x] `:Git blame` - [x] `:Git branch` - [x] rewrite branch manager with lua - [x] `:Git checkout` - [x] `:Git cherry-pick` - [x] `:Git clean` - [x] `:Git commit` - [x] `:Git config` - [x] `:Git diff` - [x] `:Git fetch` - [x] `:Git log` - [x] quit git log win when it is last win - [x] `:Git merge` - [x] `:Git mv` - [x] `:Git pull` - [x] `:Git push` - [x] `:Git rebase` - [x] `:Git reflog` - [x] `:Git remote` - [x] `:Git reset` - [x] `:Git rm` - [x] `:Git shortlog` (lua) - [ ] `:Git shortlog` (viml) - [x] `:Git tag` (lua) - [ ] `:Git tag` (viml) - [x] `:Git stash` - [x] `:Git status` - [x] plugin log manager derived from SPC runtime logger - [x] rewrite code runner with lua - [x] rewrite task manager with lua - [x] rewrite repl plugin with lua - [x] rewrite scrollbar with lua - [x] fix scrollbar unsaved error - [x] rewrite leader guide with lua - [x] implement pastebin plugin with lua - [x] make `:A` command support toml configuration file - [x] add git remote manager - [x] make `` show git log - [x] update remote context when switch project - [x] use desc for project manager callback function - [ ] cache remote and branch info - [ ] cache info based on project root - [x] display root path - [x] implement `ctags#update` in lua - [x] register project function with description - [x] update todo list when switch project - [x] make `one` coloscheme support treesitter - [x] add `:h SpaceVim-dev-merge-request` - [x] add `:h spacevim-dev-license` - [x] fix statusline highlight of plugin buffer - [ ] fix 404 page on `spacevim.org` ## Completed All completed releases can be viewed in [changelog](../development/#changelog)