" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim func! Test_indent_raw_string() abort " The goRawString discovery requires that syntax be enabled. syntax on try let l:dir= gotest#write_file('indent/indent.go', [ \ 'package main', \ '', \ 'import "fmt"', \ '', \ 'func main() {', \ "\t\x1fconst msg = `", \ '`', \ '\tfmt.Println(msg)', \ '}']) silent execute "normal o" . "not indented\<Esc>" let l:indent = indent(line('.')) call assert_equal(0, l:indent) finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry try let l:dir= gotest#write_file('indent/indent.go', [ \ 'package main', \ '', \ 'import "fmt"', \ '', \ 'func main() {', \ "\t\x1fmsg := `", \ '`', \ '\tfmt.Println(msg)', \ '}']) silent execute "normal o" . "not indented\<Esc>" let l:indent = indent(line('.')) call assert_equal(0, l:indent) finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry try let l:dir= gotest#write_file('indent/indent.go', [ \ 'package main', \ '', \ 'import "fmt"', \ '', \ 'func main() {', \ "\tconst msg = `", \ "\t\x1findented", \ '`', \ '\tfmt.Println(msg)', \ '}']) silent execute "normal o" . "indented\<Esc>" let l:indent = indent(line('.')) call assert_equal(shiftwidth(), l:indent) finally call delete(l:dir, 'rf') endtry endfunc " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et