snippet vital_new_without_let abbr vital#...#new() vital#${1:#:plugin_name}#new() snippet vital_new abbr let s:V = vital#...#new() options head let ${1:s:V} = vital#${2:#:plugin_name}#new() snippet vital_import_without_let abbr s:V.import('...') ${1:s:V}.import('${2:#:module_name}') snippet vital_import abbr let s:M = s:V.import('...') options head let ${1:s:M} = ${2:s:V}.import('${3:#:module_name}') snippet vital_load_without_call abbr s:V.load('...') ${1:s:V}.load('${2:#:module_name}') snippet vital_load abbr call s:V.load('...') options head call ${1:s:V}.load('${2:#:module_name}') # FAQ # Q. Why does this snip file has verbose prefix "vital_" for everything? # A. Because it's vital.vim specific but this snip is available in any vim # filetype buffers. # # Q. Why didn't provide X/X_with_Y instead of X_without_Y/X? # A. To show what is encouraged. Programmers usually assume that they should # always use shorter name of functions, so this snip followed the convention.