let s:skip = sj#SkipSyntax(['pythonString', 'pythonComment', 'pythonStrInterpRegion']) function! sj#python#SplitStatement() if sj#SearchSkip('^[^:]*\zs:\s*\S', s:skip, 'c', line('.')) call sj#Keeppatterns('s/\%#:\s*/:\r/') normal! == return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction function! sj#python#JoinStatement() if sj#SearchSkip(':\s*$', s:skip, 'c', line('.')) > 0 join return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction function! sj#python#SplitDict() let [from, to] = sj#LocateBracesAroundCursor('{', '}', ['pythonString']) if from < 0 && to < 0 return 0 else let pairs = sj#ParseJsonObjectBody(from + 1, to - 1) let body = "{\n".join(pairs, ",\n")."\n}" if sj#settings#Read('trailing_comma') let body = substitute(body, ',\?\n}', ',\n}', '') endif call sj#ReplaceMotion('Va{', body) let body_start = line('.') + 1 let body_end = body_start + len(pairs) let base_indent = indent('.') for line in range(body_start, body_end) if base_indent == indent(line) " then indentation didn't work quite right, let's just indent it " ourselves exe line.'normal! >>>>' endif endfor exe body_start.','.body_end.'normal! ==' return 1 endif endfunction function! sj#python#JoinDict() let line = getline('.') if line =~ '{\s*$' call search('{', 'c', line('.')) let body = sj#GetMotion('Vi{') let lines = sj#TrimList(split(body, "\n")) if sj#settings#Read('normalize_whitespace') let lines = map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, ":\\s\\+", ": ", "")') endif let body = join(lines, ' ') if sj#settings#Read('trailing_comma') let body = substitute(body, ',\?$', '', '') endif call sj#ReplaceMotion('Va{', '{'.body.'}') return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction function! sj#python#SplitArray() return s:SplitList('\[.*]', '[', ']') endfunction function! sj#python#JoinArray() return s:JoinList('\[[^]]*\s*$', '[', ']') endfunction function! sj#python#SplitTuple() return s:SplitList('(.\{-})', '(', ')') endfunction function! sj#python#JoinTuple() return s:JoinList('([^)]*\s*$', '(', ')') endfunction function! sj#python#SplitImport() let import_pattern = '^from \%(.*\) import \zs.*$' normal! 0 if search(import_pattern, 'Wc', line('.')) <= 0 return 0 endif let import_list = sj#GetMotion('vg_') if stridx(import_list, ',') < 0 return 0 endif let imports = split(import_list, ',\s*') call sj#ReplaceMotion('vg_', join(imports, ",\\\n")) return 1 endfunction function! sj#python#JoinImport() let import_pattern = '^from \%(.*\) import .*\\\s*$' if getline('.') !~ import_pattern return 0 endif let start_lineno = line('.') let current_lineno = nextnonblank(start_lineno + 1) while getline(current_lineno) =~ '\\\s*$' && current_lineno < line('$') let current_lineno = nextnonblank(current_lineno + 1) endwhile let end_lineno = current_lineno exe start_lineno.','.end_lineno.'s/,\\\n\s*/, /e' return 1 endfunction function! sj#python#SplitAssignment() if sj#SearchUnderCursor('^\s*\%(\%(\k\|\.\)\+,\s*\)\+\%(\k\|\.\)\+\s*=\s*\S') <= 0 return 0 endif let variables = split(sj#Trim(sj#GetMotion('vt=')), ',\s*') normal! f= call search('\S', 'W', line('.')) let values = sj#ParseJsonObjectBody(col('.'), col('$')) let indent = substitute(getline('.'), '^\(\s*\).*', '\1', '') let lines = [] if len(variables) == len(values) let index = 0 for variable in variables call add(lines, indent.variable.' = '.values[index]) let index += 1 endfor elseif len(values) == 1 " consider it an array, and index it let index = 0 let array = values[0] for variable in variables call add(lines, indent.variable.' = '.array.'['.index.']') let index += 1 endfor else " the sides don't match, let's give up return 0 endif call sj#ReplaceMotion('V', join(lines, "\n")) if sj#settings#Read('align') call sj#Align(line('.'), line('.') + len(lines) - 1, 'equals') endif endfunction function! sj#python#JoinAssignment() let assignment_pattern = '^\s*\%(\k\|\.\)\+\zs\s*=\s*\ze\S' if search(assignment_pattern, 'W', line('.')) <= 0 return 0 endif let start_line = line('.') let [first_variable, first_value] = split(getline('.'), assignment_pattern) let variables = [ first_variable ] let values = [ first_value ] let end_line = start_line let next_line = line('.') + 1 while next_line > 0 && next_line <= line('$') exe next_line if search(assignment_pattern, 'W', line('.')) <= 0 break else let [variable, value] = split(getline(next_line), assignment_pattern) call add(variables, sj#Trim(variable)) call add(values, sj#Trim(value)) let end_line = next_line let next_line += 1 endif if v:count > 0 && v:count == (end_line - start_line + 1) " stop at the user-provided count break endif endwhile if len(variables) <= 1 return 0 endif if len(values) > 1 && values[0] =~ '\[0\]$' " it might be an array, so we could simplify it let is_array = 1 let index = 1 let array_name = substitute(values[0], '\[0\]$', '', '') for value in values[1:] if value !~ '^'.array_name.'\s*\['.index.'\]' let is_array = 0 break endif let index += 1 endfor if is_array " the entire right-hand side can be just one item let values = [ array_name ] endif endif let body = join(variables, ', ').' = '.join(values, ', ') call sj#ReplaceLines(start_line, end_line, body) return 1 endfunction function! sj#python#SplitTernaryAssignment() if getline('.') !~ '^\s*\%(\k\|\.\)\+\s*=\s*\S' return 0 endif normal! 0 let include_syntax = sj#IncludeSyntax(['pythonConditional']) if sj#SearchSkip('\<if\>', include_syntax, 'W', line('.')) <= 0 return 0 endif let if_col = col('.') if sj#SearchSkip('\<else\>', include_syntax, 'W', line('.')) <= 0 return 0 endif let else_col = col('.') let line = getline('.') let assignment_if_true = trim(strpart(line, 0, if_col - 1)) let if_clause = trim(strpart(line, if_col - 1, else_col - if_col)) let body_if_false = trim(strpart(line, else_col + len('else'))) let assignment_prefix = matchstr(assignment_if_true, '\%(\k\|\.\)\+\s*=') let assignment_if_false = assignment_prefix . ' ' . body_if_false let indent = repeat(' ', shiftwidth()) let base_indent = repeat(' ', indent(line('.'))) let body = join([ \ base_indent . if_clause . ':', \ base_indent . indent . assignment_if_true, \ base_indent . 'else:', \ base_indent . indent . assignment_if_false, \ ], "\n") call sj#ReplaceMotion('V', body) return 1 endfunction function! sj#python#JoinTernaryAssignment() let include_syntax = sj#IncludeSyntax(['pythonConditional']) let start_lineno = line('.') normal! 0 if sj#SearchSkip('^\s*\zsif\>', include_syntax, 'Wc', line('.')) <= 0 return 0 endif let if_line = trim(getline('.')) if if_line !~ ':$' return 0 endif let if_clause = strpart(if_line, 0, len(if_line) - 1) if search('^\s*\zs\%(\k\|\.\)\+\s*=\s*\S', 'Wc', line('.') + 1) <= 0 return 0 endif let assignment_if_true = trim(getline('.')) let lhs_if_true = matchstr(assignment_if_true, '^\s*\zs\%(\k\|\.\)\+\s*=') let body_if_true = trim(strpart(assignment_if_true, len(lhs_if_true))) if sj#SearchSkip('^\s*\zselse:', include_syntax, 'Wc', line('.') + 2) <= 0 return 0 endif let else_line = trim(getline('.')) if else_line !~ ':$' return 0 endif if search('^\s*\zs\%(\k\|\.\)\+\s*=\s*\S', 'Wc', line('.') + 3) <= 0 return 0 endif let assignment_if_false = trim(getline('.')) let lhs_if_false = matchstr(assignment_if_false, '^\s*\zs\%(\k\|\.\)\+\s*=') let body_if_false = trim(strpart(assignment_if_false, len(lhs_if_false))) if lhs_if_true != lhs_if_false return 0 endif let body = lhs_if_true . ' ' . body_if_true . ' ' . if_clause . ' else ' . body_if_false call sj#ReplaceLines(start_lineno, start_lineno + 3, body) return 1 endfunction function! s:SplitList(regex, opening_char, closing_char) let [from, to] = sj#LocateBracesAroundCursor(a:opening_char, a:closing_char, ['pythonString']) if from < 0 && to < 0 return 0 endif call sj#PushCursor() let items = sj#ParseJsonObjectBody(from + 1, to - 1) if len(items) <= 1 call sj#PopCursor() return 0 endif if sj#settings#Read('python_brackets_on_separate_lines') if sj#settings#Read('trailing_comma') let body = a:opening_char."\n".join(items, ",\n").",\n".a:closing_char else let body = a:opening_char."\n".join(items, ",\n")."\n".a:closing_char endif else let body = a:opening_char.join(items, ",\n").a:closing_char endif call sj#PopCursor() call sj#ReplaceMotion('va'.a:opening_char, body) return 1 endfunction function! s:JoinList(regex, opening_char, closing_char) if sj#SearchUnderCursor(a:regex) <= 0 return 0 endif let body = sj#GetMotion('va'.a:opening_char) let body = substitute(body, '\_s\+', ' ', 'g') let body = substitute(body, '^'.a:opening_char.'\s\+', a:opening_char, '') if sj#settings#Read('trailing_comma') let body = substitute(body, ',\?\s\+'.a:closing_char.'$', a:closing_char, '') else let body = substitute(body, '\s\+'.a:closing_char.'$', a:closing_char, '') endif call sj#ReplaceMotion('va'.a:opening_char, body) return 1 endfunction function! sj#python#SplitListComprehension() for [opening_char, closing_char] in [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'], ['{', '}']] let [from, to] = sj#LocateBracesAroundCursor(opening_char, closing_char, ['pythonString']) if from > 0 && to > 0 break endif endfor if from < 0 && to < 0 return 0 endif if to - from < 2 " empty list return 0 endif " Start after the opening bracket let pos = getpos('.') let pos[2] = from + 1 call setpos('.', pos) let break_columns = [] let include_syntax = sj#IncludeSyntax(['pythonRepeat', 'pythonConditional']) while sj#SearchSkip('\<\%(for\|if\)\>', include_syntax, 'W', line('.')) > 0 call add(break_columns, col('.') - from) endwhile if len(break_columns) <= 0 return 0 endif let body = sj#GetMotion('vi' .. opening_char) let parts = [] let last_break = 0 for break_column in break_columns let part = strpart(body, last_break, break_column - last_break - 1) call add(parts, sj#Trim(part)) let last_break = break_column - 1 endfor let part = strpart(body, last_break, to - last_break - 1) call add(parts, sj#Trim(part)) if sj#settings#Read('python_brackets_on_separate_lines') let body = opening_char .. "\n" .. join(parts, "\n") .. "\n" .. closing_char else let body = opening_char .. join(parts, "\n") .. closing_char endif call sj#ReplaceMotion('va' .. opening_char, body) return 1 endfunction