*vimproc.txt* Asynchronous execution plugin for Vim Version: 9.3 Author : Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> Original Author : Yukihiro Nakadaira <yukihiro.nakadaira at gmail.com> License: MIT license {{{ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. }}} CONTENTS *vimproc-contents* Introduction |vimproc-introduction| Install |vimproc-install| Interface |vimproc-interface| Commands |vimproc-commands| Functions |vimproc-functions| Variables |vimproc-variables| Objects |vimproc-objects| Tips |vimproc-tips| Examples |vimproc-examples| FAQ |vimproc-faq| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *vimproc-introduction* *vimproc* is a great asynchronous execution library for Vim. It is a fork of proc.vim by Yukihiro Nakadaira. I added some features and fixed some bugs and I'm maintaining it now. Instead of an external shell (example: 'shell'), |vimproc| uses an external DLL file. ============================================================================== INSTALL *vimproc-install* First, download vimproc by cloning the Git repository: http://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim Next, you have to compile the external DLL "vimproc_xxx.so" (or "vimproc_win32.dll" for Windows, "vimproc_cygwin.dll" for Windows/Cygwin). Because vimproc depends on the functions of the DLL, vimproc will show an error message if the compiled DLL doesn't exist. You can install the DLL using |VimProcInstall|. If you are having any trouble or want to build manually then read on. Supported platforms: * Windows 32/64bit (Compiled by MinGW or Visual Studio) * macOS (10.5 or later) * Linux * Cygwin * Solaris * BSD (but cannot check) * Android (experimental) Unsupported platforms: * Other UNIX platforms Build Steps: Note: You must use GNU make to build vimproc. Note: You must execute the command from the root of the vimproc repository Linux *vimproc-linux* > $ make < macOS *vimproc-macos* *vimproc-macosx* > $ make < Note: If you want to build for multiple architectures, you can use $ARCHS and $CC variables. Build for i386 and x86-64: *vimproc-multiarch* > $ make ARCHS='i386 x86_64' < FreeBSD *vimproc-freebsd* > $ gmake If you want to use BSD make, use the platform specific makefile: > $ make -f make_bsd.mak Solaris *vimproc-solaris* > $ gmake < Note: If you want to use Sun Compiler, you can use $SUNCC variable. > $ gmake SUNCC=cc < Windows *vimproc-windows* Note: In Windows, using MinGW is recommended. Note: If you do not have the "gcc" or "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" binary in your %PATH, you must change CC variable accordingly. Windows using MinGW (32bit Vim): > $ mingw32-make -f make_mingw32.mak < Windows using MinGW (If you want to use MinGW compiler in Cygwin): > $ mingw32-make -f make_mingw32.mak CC=mingw32-gcc < Windows using MinGW (64bit Vim): > $ mingw32-make -f make_mingw64.mak < Windows using Visual Studio (32bit/64bit Vim): > $ nmake -f make_msvc.mak < You should run this from VS command prompt. The architecture will be automatically detected, but you can also specify the architecture explicitly. E.g.: > 32bit: nmake -f make_msvc.mak CPU=i386 64bit: nmake -f make_msvc.mak CPU=AMD64 < * Cygwin: *vimproc-cygwin* > $ make < Note: The `vimproc_cygwin.dll` compiled in Cygwin won't work with Windows Vim. If you use |dein.vim| or |neobundle.vim|, you can update and build vimproc automatically. http://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim http://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim Example for dein.vim: > call dein#add('Shougo/vimproc.vim', {'build': 'make'}) < Example for neobundle.vim: > NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', { \ 'build' : { \ 'windows' : 'tools\\update-dll-mingw', \ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak', \ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak', \ 'linux' : 'make', \ 'unix' : 'gmake', \ } \ } < Windows Binaries: * Kaoriya Vim (http://www.kaoriya.net/software/vim/) comes bundled with a precompiled version for vimproc in Windows environment * https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim/releases ============================================================================== INTERFACE *vimproc-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMANDS *vimproc-commands* :VimProcBang {path} *:VimProcBang* Executes {path} command and echo result. This command replaces |:!|. Note: It is not asynchronous. :VimProcRead {path} *:VimProcRead* Executes {path} command and paste result in current buffer. This command replaces |:read|. :VimProcInstall {args} *:VimProcInstall* Tries to build the necessary DLL using `gmake`/`make`. You can supply extra arguments to `make`, for example to compile using clang `:VimProcInstall CC=clang`. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *vimproc-functions* vimproc#version() *vimproc#version()* Returns vimproc version number. Version 5.0 is 500. Version 5.1 (5.01) is 501. It has the same format as |v:version|. vimproc#dll_version() *vimproc#dll_version()* Same to |vimproc#version()|, but it returns vimproc DLL version. vimproc#open({filename}) *vimproc#open()* Opens {filename} with a system associated command. *vimproc#get_command_name()* vimproc#get_command_name({command} [, {path} [, {count}]]) Searches {command} from {path} and returns command name. If you omit {path}, uses $PATH instead. If you set {count}, returns {count}th candidate. If you set {count} to a negative number, it returns a list which contains all candidates. If {count} is omitted, then 1 is used. vimproc#system({expr} [, {input} [, {timeout}]]) *vimproc#system()* It replaces |system()|. If you call |system()| in Windows environment, DOS window will appear. But, |vimproc#system()| is not. Note: It does not execute a shell. So a shell internal command is invalid. Ex: pwd, cd, ... The {expr} is same to |vimproc#plineopen3()|. The type is String or arguments list. If {expr} is a String, it is parsed automatically. If the end of {expr} is "&", executes a command in the background. > call vimproc#system('ls &') < If you set {timeout}, vimproc will kill the process after {timeout} and throw "vimproc: vimproc#system(): Timeout." exception. The unit is millisecond. Note: |+reltime| and Vim 7.2 is required. If you set {input}, inputs the string to the command. vimproc#system2({expr} [, {input} [, {timeout}]]) *vimproc#system2()* Same as |vimproc#system()|. But it converts the encoding of inputs and outputs automatically. *vimproc#system_passwd()* vimproc#system_passwd({expr} [, {input} [, {timeout}]]) Same as |vimproc#system()|. But it supports password input. vimproc#system_bg({expr}) *vimproc#system_bg()* Same as |vimproc#system()|. But it executes a command in the background. Note: It disables user input. Note: This function does not support the following statements: ";", "&&" and "||". vimproc#system_gui({expr}) *vimproc#system_gui()* Same as |vimproc#system_bg()|. Note: It is obsolete API. vimproc#cmd#system({expr}) *vimproc#cmd#system()* Same as |vimproc#system()| on non-Windows platforms. On Windows, it is similar to |vimproc#system()| but faster. It executes a "cmd.exe" process in the background when it is called first time. After the next call, it reuses the "cmd.exe" process. The process will be automatically closed when Vim exits. vimproc#get_last_status() *vimproc#get_last_status()* Gets the last |vimproc#system()| status value. vimproc#get_last_errmsg() *vimproc#get_last_errmsg()* Gets the last |vimproc#system()| error messages. vimproc#shellescape({string}) *vimproc#shellescape()* Escapes {string} for vimproc function arguments. vimproc#fopen({path} [, {flags} [, {mode}]]) *vimproc#fopen()* Opens {path} file and returns a |vimproc-file-object|. The optional {flags} is only either one of fopen() mode string (e.g. "r", "wb+") or open() flag values as string (e.g. "O_RDONLY | O_BINARY"). If {flags} is omitted, "r" (read-only) is used. The optional {mode} number specifies the permissions in case a new file is created. If {mode} is omitted, 0644 (octal) is used. vimproc#socket_open({host}, {port}) *vimproc#socket_open()* Opens the {host}:{port} socket and returns a |vimproc-socket-object|. The {host} is a String. The {port} is a Number. vimproc#host_exists({host}) *vimproc#host_exists()* Checks to see if {host} exists. Note: Protocol name and path are ignored. vimproc#popen2({args} [, {is-pty}]) *vimproc#popen2()* Executes {args} command and returns a |vimproc-process-object|. If {args} is a String, {args} is parsed automatically. Otherwise the {args} is a list of a command and its arguments. If {is-pty} is 1, vimproc will use pty. vimproc#popen3({args} [, {is-pty}]) *vimproc#popen3()* Same as |vimproc#popen2()|, but this function splits stderr output. vimproc#plineopen2({commands} [, {is-pty}]) *vimproc#plineopen2()* Executes {commands} command and returns a |vimproc-process-object|. If {commands} is a String, {commands} is parsed automatically. Note: You can use pipes. Otherwise the {commands} is a list of dictionaries. The keys are follows: args The arguments list. fd The output filename. If it is empty, the output is sent to the next process. If {is-pty} is 1, vimproc will use pty. vimproc#plineopen3({commands} [, {is-pty}]) *vimproc#plineopen3()* Same as |vimproc#plineopen2()|, but this function splits stderr output. vimproc#pgroup_open({statements} [, {is-pty}]) *vimproc#pgroup_open()* Executes {statements} command and returns a |vimproc-process-object|. If {statements} is a String, {statements} is parsed automatically. Note: You can use pipes, ";", "&&" and "||". Otherwise the {statements} is a dictionary list split by commands. The keys are follows: statement The execute pipeline information same as |vimproc#plineopen2()|'s {commands} argument. condition The condition which executes next command. "always" : execute always. (";") "true" : execute if previous command is succeeded. ("&&") "false" : execute if previous command is failed. ("||") If {is-pty} is 1, vimproc will use pty. vimproc#ptyopen({args} [, {npipe}]) *vimproc#ptyopen()* Executes {args} command and returns a |vimproc-process-object|. If {args} is a String, {args} is parsed automatically. The {npipe} is 2 or 3. If it is 2, combines stdout and stderr. Note: You can use pipes. Otherwise the {args} is a list of a command and its arguments. vimproc#kill({pid}, {sig}) *vimproc#kill()* Sends {sig} signal to {pid} process. If an error is occurred, it returns 1 for error and sets |vimproc#get_last_errmsg()|. If {sig} is 0, it checks whether {pid} exists. vimproc#write({filename}, {string} [, {mode}]) *vimproc#write()* Writes {string} to {filename} file. The {mode} is a write mode. "w", "b" or "a" is valid. "w" : normal mode. "b" : binary mode. "a" : append mode. If you omit {mode}, use "w". But {filename} head is ">", "a" is used. vimproc#readdir({dirname}) *vimproc#readdir()* Returns files in {dirname}. If {dirname} is not found, returns an empty list. Note: Filename encoding is converted to 'termencoding'. vimproc#delete_trash({filename}) *vimproc#delete_trash()* Moves a file {filename} to a trashbox directory. Note: Windows environment only. Note: Filename encoding is converted to 'termencoding'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES *vimproc-variables* *g:vimproc#dll_path* g:vimproc#dll_path (default Win32: "$VIMRUNTIME/lib/vimproc_win32.dll" Win64: "$VIMRUNTIME/lib/vimproc_win64.dll" Cygwin: "$VIMRUNTIME/lib/vimproc_cygwin.dll" Mac: "$VIMRUNTIME/lib/vimproc_mac.so" Linux32: "$VIMRUNTIME/lib/vimproc_linux32.so" Linux64: "$VIMRUNTIME/lib/vimproc_linux64.so" Others: "$VIMRUNTIME/lib/vimproc_unix.so") This variable stores a DLL name used by vimproc. You must compile this DLL file. If this DLL does not exist, vimproc will echo error. *g:vimproc_dll_path* Note: |g:vimproc_dll_path| is obsolete name. *g:vimproc#disable* g:vimproc#disable (default : not defined) If it is defined, you cannot call vimproc functions. You can use it to disable vimproc before loading it. *g:vimproc#download_windows_dll* g:vimproc#download_windows_dll (default : 0) If this is non-zero, vimproc tries downloading MS Windows DLL file from GitHub Releases page(*). Vimproc also tries updating DLL file if it is outdated. Vimproc does nothing if you don't use MS Windows. (*) https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim/releases *g:vimproc#popen2_commands* g:vimproc#popen2_commands (default : refer to autoload/vimproc.vim) This variable is that vimproc use popen2 commands instead of popen3 as dictionary. The key is command name and the value is 1 or 0. If the command does not work in popen3, you can set this variable. *g:vimproc_popen2_commands* Note: |g:vimproc_popen2_commands| is obsolete name. *g:vimproc#password_pattern* g:vimproc#password_pattern (default : refer to autoload/vimproc.vim) The default password pattern. Note: This variable is used for vimshell. *g:vimproc_password_pattern* Note: |g:vimproc_password_pattern| is obsolete name. *g:stdinencoding* g:stdinencoding (default : "char") The default vimproc stdin encoding. *g:stdoutencoding* g:stdoutencoding (default : "char") The default vimproc stdout encoding. *g:stderrencoding* g:stderrencoding (default : "char") The default vimproc stderr encoding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OBJECTS *vimproc-objects* *vimproc-file-object* File object The file object provides some operations for file io. It has functions and attributes follows: eof If reaches end of file, it is 1. Otherwise, 0. is_valid Todo read([{number}[, {timeout}[, {oneline}]]]) Read this file content up to the {number} characters. read_line([{number}[, {timeout}[, {oneline}]]]) Read next line from this file up to the {number} characters. read_lines([{number}[, {timeout}[, {oneline}]]]) Read all lines from this file up to the {number} characters. write({str}[, {timeout}]) Write given {str} to this file. close() Close this file. *vimproc-socket-object* Socket object The socket object provides some operations for socket io. It functions and attributes same to |vimproc-file-object|. *vimproc-process-object* Process object The process object provides some operations for piped io. It has functions and attributes follows: pid The pid of a child process was started. pid_list Todo stderr The |vimproc-file-object|. stdout The |vimproc-file-object|. stdin The |vimproc-file-object|. is_pty Todo is_valid Todo checkpid() Todo kill({signal}) It is similar to kill command. It can send {signal} to a child process. waitpid() Wait for a child process to stop or terminate. get_winsize() Todo set_winsize({width}, {height}) Todo ============================================================================== TIPS *vimproc-tips* Pseudo devices *vimproc-tips-pseudo-devices* vimproc supports pseudo devices: /dev/null Remove all output. /dev/clip Print to clipboard. /dev/quickfix Print to |quickfix|. ============================================================================== EXAMPLES *vimproc-examples* > " File open test. let file = vimproc#fopen("./test1.vim", "O_RDONLY", 0) let res = file.read() call file.close() new call append(0, split(res, '\r\n\|\r\|\n')) " Pipe open test. let sub = vimproc#popen2('ls') let res = '' while !sub.stdout.eof let res .= sub.stdout.read() endwhile let [cond, status] = sub.waitpid() new call append(0, split(res, '\r\n\|\r\|\n') + [string([cond, status])]) " Socket open test. let sock = vimproc#socket_open('www.yahoo.com', 80) call sock.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") let res = '' while !sock.eof let res .= sock.read() endwhile call sock.close() new call append(0, split(res, '\r\n\|\r\|\n')) < ============================================================================== FAQ *vimproc-faq* Q: I want to check a process is a zombie process. A: You can use vimproc#kill({pid}, 0) or {process}.kill(0). ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen: