"set verbose=1 let s:suite = themis#suite('install') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') let s:path = fnamemodify('.cache', ':p') if s:path !~ '/$' let s:path .= '/' endif let s:runtimepath_save = &runtimepath let s:filetype_save = &l:filetype let s:this_script = fnamemodify(expand('<sfile>'), ':p') function! s:dein_install() abort return dein#install#_update([], 'install', 0) endfunction function! s:dein_update() abort return dein#install#_update([], 'update', 0) endfunction function! s:suite.before_each() abort call dein#min#_init() let &runtimepath = s:runtimepath_save let &l:filetype = s:filetype_save let g:temp = tempname() let g:dein#install_progress_type = 'echo' let g:dein#enable_notification = v:false endfunction " Note: It must be checked in the first function! s:suite.install() abort let g:dein#install_progress_type = 'title' let g:dein#enable_notification = v:true call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim') call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim') call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim') call dein#add('Shougo/neopairs.vim') call dein#add('Shougo/defx.nvim') call dein#add('Shougo/denite.nvim') call dein#end() call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.true(isdirectory(plugin.rtp)) call s:assert.equals(dein#each('git gc'), 0) endfunction function! s:suite.tap() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call s:assert.equals(dein#tap('deoplete.nvim'), 0) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim') call dein#add('Shougo/denite.nvim', {'if': 0}) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call s:assert.equals(dein#tap('deoplete.nvim'), 1) call s:assert.equals(dein#tap('denite.nvim'), 0) call dein#end() endfunction function! s:suite.reinstall() abort let g:dein#install_progress_type = 'none' call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() call s:assert.equals(dein#reinstall('deoplete.nvim'), 0) endfunction function! s:suite.direct_install() abort let g:dein#install_progress_type = 'none' call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#end() call s:assert.equals(dein#direct_install('Shougo/deoplete.nvim'), 0) call s:assert.equals(dein#get('deoplete.nvim').sourced, 1) endfunction function! s:suite.update() abort let g:dein#install_progress_type = 'echo' call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/neopairs.vim', {'frozen': 1}) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_update(), 0) let plugin = dein#get('neopairs.vim') let plugin2 = dein#get('neobundle.vim') call s:assert.equals(plugin.rtp, \ s:path.'repos/github.com/Shougo/neopairs.vim') call s:assert.true(isdirectory(plugin.rtp)) call dein#end() endfunction function! s:suite.check_install() abort let g:dein#install_progress_type = 'tabline' call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call s:assert.false(dein#check_install()) call s:assert.equals(dein#check_install(['hoge']), -1) call dein#end() endfunction function! s:suite.fetch() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'rtp': '' }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.equals(plugin.rtp, '') call dein#end() call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 0) endfunction function! s:suite.reload() abort " 1st load call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() " 2nd load call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim') call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') endfunction function! s:suite.if() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', {'if': 0, 'on_cmd': 'FooBar'}) call s:assert.equals(dein#get('deoplete.nvim').if, 0) call dein#end() endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_manual() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'lazy': 1 }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) call s:assert.equals(len(dein#source(['deoplete.nvim'])), 1) call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_on_ft() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'on_ft': 'cpp' }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) set filetype=c call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) set filetype=cpp call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_on_path() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim', { 'on_path': '.*' }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deol.nvim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) execute 'edit' tempname() call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_on_if() abort call dein#begin(s:path) let temp = tempname() call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim', \ { 'on_if': '&l:filetype ==# "foobar"' }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deol.nvim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) set filetype=foobar call s:assert.equals(plugin.lazy, 1) call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_on_source() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/neopairs.vim', \ { 'on_source': ['deol.nvim'] }) call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim', { 'lazy': 1 }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('neopairs.vim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) call dein#source('deol.nvim') call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_on_func() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim', { 'lazy': 1 }) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', \ { 'on_func': 'deoplete#initialize' }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') let plugin2 = dein#get('neosnippet.vim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin2.rtp })), 0) call dein#autoload#_on_func('deoplete#initialize') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin2.rtp })), 0) call neosnippet#expandable() call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin2.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_on_cmd() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', \ { 'on_cmd': 'NeoCompleteDisable' }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) NeoCompleteDisable call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_on_map() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim', { 'on_map': {'n': '<Plug>'} }) call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim', { 'on_map': {'n': '<Plug>'} }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin1 = dein#get('deol.nvim') let plugin2 = dein#get('neosnippet.vim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin1.rtp })), 0) call dein#autoload#_on_map('', 'deol.nvim', 'n') call dein#autoload#_on_map('', 'neosnippet.vim', 'n') call s:assert.equals(plugin1.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals(plugin2.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin1.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.lazy_on_pre_cmd() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim', { 'lazy': 1 }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deol.nvim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) call dein#autoload#_on_pre_cmd('Deol') call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.depends() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'depends': 'deol.nvim' }) call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim', {'merged': 0}) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() let plugin = dein#get('deol.nvim') call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.depends_lazy() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', \ { 'depends': 'deol.nvim', 'lazy': 1 }) call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim', { 'lazy': 1 }) let plugin = dein#get('deol.nvim') call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call dein#end() call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 0) call s:assert.equals(isdirectory(plugin.rtp), 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 0) call s:assert.equals(len(dein#source(['deoplete.nvim'])), 2) call s:assert.equals(plugin.sourced, 1) call s:assert.equals( \ len(filter(dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath), \ { _, val -> val ==# plugin.rtp })), 1) endfunction function! s:suite.depends_error_lazy() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', \ { 'depends': 'defx.nvim' }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) call s:assert.equals(len(dein#source(['deoplete.nvim'])), 0) call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/defx.nvim', { 'lazy': 1 }) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', \ { 'depends': 'defx.nvim' }) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) call s:assert.equals(len(dein#source(['deoplete.nvim'])), 0) endfunction function! s:suite.hooks() abort call dein#begin(s:path) let g:dein#_hook_add = 'let g:foo = 0' function! Foo() abort endfunction call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { \ 'hook_source': \ join(['let g:foobar = 2'], "\n"), \ 'hook_post_source': \ join(['if 1', 'let g:bar = 3', 'endif'], "\n"), \ }) call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim', { \ 'hook_add': function('Foo'), \ 'hook_post_source': function('Foo'), \ }) call dein#set_hook('neosnippet.vim', 'hook_source', function('Foo')) call dein#set_hook(['deoplete.nvim'], 'hook_add', 'let g:foobar = 1') call dein#set_hook([], 'hook_add', 'let g:baz = 3') call s:assert.equals(g:foobar, 1) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) call s:assert.equals(g:foo, 0) call dein#call_hook('source') call s:assert.equals(g:foobar, 2) call dein#call_hook('post_source') call s:assert.equals(g:bar, 3) call s:assert.equals(g:baz, 3) endfunction function! s:suite.no_toml() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call writefile([ \ 'foobar' \ ], g:temp) call s:assert.equals(dein#load_toml(g:temp, {}), 1) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) endfunction function! s:suite.no_plugins() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call writefile([], g:temp) call s:assert.equals(dein#load_toml(g:temp), 0) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) endfunction function! s:suite.no_repository() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call writefile([ \ "[[plugins]]", \ "filetypes = 'all'", \ "[[plugins]]", \ "filetypes = 'all'" \ ], g:temp) call s:assert.equals(dein#load_toml(g:temp), 1) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) endfunction function! s:suite.normal() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call writefile([ \ "[[plugins]]", \ "repo = 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'", \ "on_ft = 'all'", \ ], g:temp) call s:assert.equals(dein#load_toml(g:temp, {'frozen': 1}), 0) let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') call s:assert.equals(plugin.frozen, 1) call s:assert.equals(plugin.on_ft, ['all']) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) endfunction function! s:suite.local() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add('Shougo/neopairs.vim', {'frozen': 1}) call dein#local(s:path.'repos/github.com/Shougo/', {'timeout': 1}) call s:assert.equals(dein#get('neopairs.vim').sourced, 0) call s:assert.equals(dein#get('neopairs.vim').timeout, 1) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) let plugin2 = dein#get('neopairs.vim') call s:assert.equals(plugin2.rtp, \ s:path.'repos/github.com/Shougo/neopairs.vim') endfunction function! s:suite.clean() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) call s:assert.true(!empty(dein#check_clean())) endfunction function! s:suite.local_nongit() abort let temp = tempname() call mkdir(temp.'/plugin', 'p') call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#local(temp, {}, ['plugin']) call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) call s:assert.equals(dein#get('plugin').type, 'none') call s:assert.equals(s:dein_update(), 0) endfunction function! s:suite.build() abort call dein#begin(tempname()) call dein#add('Shougo/vimproc.vim', { \ 'build': 'make', \ 'hook_post_update': \ 'let g:foobar = 4', \ }) call dein#end() call s:assert.not_equals(g:foobar, 4) call s:assert.true(dein#check_install()) call s:assert.true(dein#check_install(['vimproc.vim'])) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) call s:assert.equals(g:foobar, 4) call vimproc#version() call s:assert.true(filereadable(g:vimproc#dll_path)) endfunction function! s:suite.rollback() abort call dein#begin(tempname()) call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim') call dein#end() call s:assert.equals(s:dein_install(), 0) let plugin = dein#get('deoplete.nvim') let old_rev = s:get_revision(plugin) " Change the revision manually let new_rev = 'bc7e8124d9c412fb3b0a6112baabde75a854d7b5' let cwd = getcwd() try call dein#install#_cd(plugin.path) call system('git reset --hard ' . new_rev) finally call dein#install#_cd(cwd) endtry call s:assert.equals(s:get_revision(plugin), new_rev) call dein#rollback('', ['deoplete.nvim']) call s:assert.equals(s:get_revision(plugin), old_rev) endfunction function! s:suite.script_type() abort call dein#begin(s:path) call dein#add( \ 'https://github.com/bronzehedwick/impactjs-colorscheme', \ {'script_type' : 'colors'}) call dein#add( \ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Shougo/' \ . 'shougo-s-github/master/vim/colors/candy.vim', \ {'script_type' : 'colors'}) call s:assert.equals(dein#get('candy.vim').type, 'raw') call s:assert.equals(dein#end(), 0) call s:assert.equals(s:dein_update(), 0) call s:assert.true(filereadable( \ dein#get('impactjs-colorscheme').rtp . '/colors/impactjs.vim')) call s:assert.true(filereadable( \ dein#get('candy.vim').rtp . '/colors/candy.vim')) endfunction function! s:get_revision(plugin) abort let cwd = getcwd() try execute 'lcd' fnameescape(a:plugin.path) let rev = substitute(system('git rev-parse HEAD'), '\n$', '', '') return (rev !~ '\s') ? rev : '' finally execute 'lcd' fnameescape(cwd) endtry endfunction function! s:suite.ftplugin() abort call dein#begin(tempname()) let g:dein#_ftplugin = { \ '_': 'echo 5555', \ 'python': 'setlocal foldmethod=indent', \ } call dein#add('Shougo/echodoc.vim') call dein#end() call dein#recache_runtimepath() call s:assert.equals( \ readfile(dein#util#_get_runtime_path() . '/after/ftplugin.vim'), \ dein#install#_get_default_ftplugin() + [ \ 'function! s:after_ftplugin()', \ ] + split(get(g:dein#_ftplugin, '_', []), '\n') + ['endfunction']) let python = readfile(dein#util#_get_runtime_path() \ . '/after/ftplugin/python.vim') call s:assert.equals(python[-1], g:dein#_ftplugin['python']) call s:assert.false(filereadable(dein#util#_get_runtime_path() \ . '/after/ftplugin/_.vim')) endfunction