Include: include/setup.vader

Execute (sh: shellcheck):
  " Unless -s is specified, shellcheck checks shebangs on its own and issues a
  " warning for unsupported dialects.
  call setline(1, '#!/bin/sh')
  let default_args = ['-fgcc', '-x']
  AssertEqual default_args, neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  call setline(1, '#!/bin/dash')
  AssertEqual default_args, neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  call setline(1, '#!/bin/bash')
  AssertEqual default_args, neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  call setline(1, '#!/bin/ksh')
  AssertEqual default_args, neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args

  " Shellcheck also checks for a directive denoting the appropriate shell
  call setline(1, '#shellcheck shell=sh')
  AssertEqual default_args, neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  call setline(1, '') " reset shebang for next tests

  " If extension is .ksh, force 'ksh'.
  silent file test.ksh
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'ksh'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args

  " If extension is .sh, use variables to detect the dialect. (:h ft-sh-syntax)
  silent file
  let g:is_sh = 1
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'sh'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  unlet g:is_sh
  let g:is_kornshell = 1
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'ksh'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  unlet g:is_kornshell
  let g:is_posix = 1
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'ksh'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  unlet g:is_posix
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'bash'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args

  " Use 'bash' for everything else.
  call setline(1, '#!/usr/bin/env foo')
  silent file foo
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'bash'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  silent file foo.bash
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'bash'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  silent file
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'bash'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  let g:is_sh = 1
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'bash'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  unlet g:is_sh
  let g:is_kornshell = 1
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'bash'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  unlet g:is_kornshell

  " The following should never happen in practice.
  set ft=
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'bash'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  set ft=nadda
  AssertEqual default_args + ['-s', 'bash'], neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck().args
  bwipe test.ksh foo foo.bash

Execute (Test Neomake on with shellcheck):
  call g:NeomakeSetupAutocmdWrappers()

  " From shellcheck 0.4.6.
  let shellcheck_output = [
        \ " warning: a appears unused. Verify it or export it. [SC2034]",
        \ " note: Expressions don't expand in single quotes, use double quotes for that. [SC2016]",
        \ " error: '(' is invalid here. Did you forget to escape it? [SC1036]",
        \ " error: Parsing stopped here. Invalid use of parentheses? [SC1088]",
        \ " error: Trying to declare parameters? Don't. Use () and refer to params as $1, $2.. [SC1065]",
        \ ]

  let maker = NeomakeTestsGetMakerWithOutput(neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck(), shellcheck_output)
  let = 'shellcheck'

  edit tests/fixtures/
  let bufnr = bufnr('%')
  CallNeomake 1, [maker]
  AssertEqual len(g:neomake_test_finished), 1
  AssertNeomakeMessage 'Running makers: shellcheck.'
  AssertEqualQf getloclist(0), [{
  \ 'lnum': 3, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'col': 1, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': 2034,
  \ 'type': 'w', 'pattern': '', 'text': 'a appears unused. Verify it or export it.',
  \ }, {
  \ 'lnum': 3, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'col': 3, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': 2016,
  \ 'type': 'I', 'pattern': '', 'text': 'Expressions don''t expand in single quotes, use double quotes for that.',
  \ }, {
  \ 'lnum': 5, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'col': 4, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': 1036,
  \ 'type': 'e', 'pattern': '', 'text': '''('' is invalid here. Did you forget to escape it?',
  \ }, {
  \ 'lnum': 5, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'col': 4, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': 1088,
  \ 'type': 'e', 'pattern': '', 'text': 'Parsing stopped here. Invalid use of parentheses?',
  \ }, {
  \ 'lnum': 5, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'col': 4, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': 1065,
  \ 'type': 'e', 'pattern': '', 'text': 'Trying to declare parameters? Don''t. Use () and refer to params as $1, $2..',
  \ }]

  " Compare real output with expected one."
  " if executable('shellcheck')
  "   let real_output = neomake#compat#systemlist('cd tests/fixtures && shellcheck -fgcc -x')
  "   if real_output != shellcheck_output
  "     call neomake#log#error('expected output changed:')
  "     AssertEqual real_output, shellcheck_output
  " endif

Execute (shellcheck copies base maker):
  let maker = neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck()
  AssertEqual maker.args, ['-fgcc', '-x', '-s', 'bash']

  let maker.args = ['changed']

  let maker = neomake#makers#ft#sh#shellcheck()
  AssertEqual maker.args, ['-fgcc', '-x', '-s', 'bash']