local util = require 'lspconfig.util' local bin_name = 'grammarly-languageserver' local cmd = { bin_name, '--stdio' } if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 then cmd = { 'cmd.exe', '/C', bin_name, '--stdio' } end return { default_config = { cmd = cmd, filetypes = { 'markdown' }, root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor, single_file_support = true, handlers = { ['$/updateDocumentState'] = function() return '' end, }, init_options = { clientId = 'client_BaDkMgx4X19X9UxxYRCXZo', }, }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/znck/grammarly `grammarly-languageserver` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm i -g grammarly-languageserver ``` WARNING: Since this language server uses Grammarly's API, any document you open with it running is shared with them. Please evaluate their [privacy policy](https://www.grammarly.com/privacy-policy) before using this. ]], default_config = { root_dir = [[util.find_git_ancestor]], }, }, }