"============================================================================= " FILE: config.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim if !exists('s:neobundles') let s:within_block = 0 let s:lazy_rtp_bundles = [] let s:neobundles = {} let neobundle#tapped = {} endif function! neobundle#config#init() abort "{{{ if neobundle#config#within_block() call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'neobundle#begin()/neobundle#end() usage is invalid.') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Please check your .vimrc.') return endif augroup neobundle autocmd VimEnter * call s:on_vim_enter() augroup END call s:filetype_off() let s:within_block = 1 let s:lazy_rtp_bundles = [] " Load extra bundles configuration. call neobundle#config#load_extra_bundles() endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#append() abort "{{{ if neobundle#config#within_block() call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'neobundle#begin()/neobundle#end() usage is invalid.') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Please check your .vimrc.') return endif if neobundle#get_rtp_dir() == '' call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'You must call neobundle#begin() before.') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Please check your .vimrc.') return endif call s:filetype_off() let s:within_block = 1 let s:lazy_rtp_bundles = [] endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#final() abort "{{{ if !neobundle#config#within_block() call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'neobundle#begin()/neobundle#end() usage is invalid.') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Please check your .vimrc.') return endif " Join to the tail in runtimepath. let rtps = neobundle#util#split_rtp(&runtimepath) let index = index(rtps, neobundle#get_rtp_dir()) if index < 0 call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Invalid runtimepath is detected.') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Please check your .vimrc.') return endif for bundle in filter(s:lazy_rtp_bundles, \ 'isdirectory(v:val.rtp) && !v:val.disabled') let bundle.sourced = 1 call insert(rtps, bundle.rtp, index) let index += 1 if isdirectory(bundle.rtp.'/after') call add(rtps, s:get_rtp_after(bundle)) endif endfor let &runtimepath = neobundle#util#join_rtp(rtps, &runtimepath, '') call neobundle#call_hook('on_source', s:lazy_rtp_bundles) let s:within_block = 0 let s:lazy_rtp_bundles = [] endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#within_block() abort "{{{ return s:within_block endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#get(name) abort "{{{ return get(s:neobundles, a:name, {}) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#get_neobundles() abort "{{{ return values(s:neobundles) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#get_enabled_bundles() abort "{{{ return filter(values(s:neobundles), \ "!v:val.disabled") endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#get_autoload_bundles() abort "{{{ return filter(values(s:neobundles), \ "!v:val.sourced && v:val.lazy && !v:val.disabled") endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#source_bundles(bundles) abort "{{{ if !empty(a:bundles) call neobundle#config#source(map(copy(a:bundles), \ "type(v:val) == type({}) ? v:val.name : v:val")) endif endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#check_not_exists(names, ...) abort "{{{ " For infinite loop. let self = get(a:000, 0, []) let _ = map(neobundle#get_not_installed_bundles(a:names), 'v:val.name') for bundle in map(filter(copy(a:names), \ 'index(self, v:val) < 0 && has_key(s:neobundles, v:val)'), \ 's:neobundles[v:val]') call add(self, bundle.name) if !empty(bundle.depends) let _ += neobundle#config#check_not_exists( \ map(copy(bundle.depends), 'v:val.name'), self) endif endfor if len(_) > 1 let _ = neobundle#util#uniq(_) endif return _ endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#source(names, ...) abort "{{{ let is_force = get(a:000, 0, 1) let bundles = neobundle#config#search( \ neobundle#util#convert2list(a:names)) let bundles = filter(bundles, "!v:val.disabled && !v:val.sourced") if empty(bundles) return endif let filetype_before = neobundle#util#redir("autocmd FileType") let reset_ftplugin = 0 for bundle in bundles let bundle.sourced = 1 let bundle.disabled = 0 if !empty(bundle.dummy_commands) for command in bundle.dummy_commands silent! execute 'delcommand' command endfor let bundle.dummy_commands = [] endif if !empty(bundle.dummy_mappings) for [mode, mapping] in bundle.dummy_mappings silent! execute mode.'unmap' mapping endfor let bundle.dummy_mappings = [] endif call neobundle#config#rtp_add(bundle) if exists('g:loaded_neobundle') || is_force try call s:on_source(bundle) catch call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Uncaught error while sourcing "' . bundle.name . \ '": '.v:exception . ' in ' . v:throwpoint) endtry endif call neobundle#autoload#_source(bundle.name) if !reset_ftplugin let reset_ftplugin = s:is_reset_ftplugin(&filetype, bundle.rtp) endif endfor let filetype_after = neobundle#util#redir('autocmd FileType') if reset_ftplugin && &filetype != '' if &verbose call neobundle#util#print_error( \ "Neobundle: resetting ftplugin, after loading bundles:" \ .join(map(copy(bundles), 'v:val.name'), ", ")) endif call s:reset_ftplugin() elseif filetype_before !=# filetype_after if &verbose call neobundle#util#print_error( \ "Neobundle: FileType autocommand triggered by:" \ .join(map(copy(bundles), 'v:val.name'), ", ")) endif execute 'doautocmd FileType' &filetype endif if exists('g:loaded_neobundle') call neobundle#call_hook('on_post_source', bundles) endif endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#disable(...) abort "{{{ let bundle_names = neobundle#config#search(a:000) " do not print errors, same as dein for bundle in bundle_names call neobundle#config#rtp_rm(bundle) let bundle.refcnt -= 1 if bundle.refcnt <= 0 if bundle.sourced call neobundle#util#print_error( \ bundle.name . ' is already sourced. Cannot be disabled.') continue endif let bundle.disabled = 1 endif endfor endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#is_disabled(name) abort "{{{ return get(neobundle#config#get(a:name), 'disabled', 1) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#is_sourced(name) abort "{{{ return get(neobundle#config#get(a:name), 'sourced', 0) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#is_installed(name) abort "{{{ return isdirectory(get(neobundle#config#get(a:name), 'path', '')) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#rm(bundle) abort "{{{ call neobundle#config#rtp_rm(a:bundle) call remove(s:neobundles, a:bundle.name) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#rmdir(path) abort "{{{ for bundle in filter(neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), \ 'v:val.path ==# a:path') call neobundle#config#rm(bundle) endfor endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#get_types(...) abort "{{{ let type = get(a:000, 0, '') if type ==# 'git' if !exists('s:neobundle_type_git') let s:neobundle_type_git = neobundle#types#git#define() endif return s:neobundle_type_git endif if !exists('s:neobundle_types') " Load neobundle types. let s:neobundle_types = [] for list in map(split(globpath(&runtimepath, \ 'autoload/neobundle/types/*.vim', 1), '\n'), \ "neobundle#util#convert2list( \ neobundle#types#{fnamemodify(v:val, ':t:r')}#define())") let s:neobundle_types += list endfor let s:neobundle_types = neobundle#util#uniq( \ s:neobundle_types, 'v:val.name') endif return (type == '') ? s:neobundle_types : \ get(filter(copy(s:neobundle_types), 'v:val.name ==# type'), 0, {}) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#rtp_rm_all_bundles() abort "{{{ call filter(values(s:neobundles), 'neobundle#config#rtp_rm(v:val)') endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#rtp_rm(bundle) abort "{{{ execute 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(a:bundle.rtp) if isdirectory(a:bundle.rtp.'/after') execute 'set rtp-='.s:get_rtp_after(a:bundle) endif " Remove from lazy runtimepath call filter(s:lazy_rtp_bundles, "v:val.name !=# a:bundle.name") endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#rtp_add(bundle) abort "{{{ if has_key(s:neobundles, a:bundle.name) call neobundle#config#rtp_rm(s:neobundles[a:bundle.name]) endif if s:within_block && !a:bundle.force " Add rtp lazily. call add(s:lazy_rtp_bundles, a:bundle) return endif let rtp = a:bundle.rtp if isdirectory(rtp) " Join to the tail in runtimepath. let rtps = neobundle#util#split_rtp(&runtimepath) let &runtimepath = neobundle#util#join_rtp( \ insert(rtps, rtp, index(rtps, neobundle#get_rtp_dir())), \ &runtimepath, rtp) endif if isdirectory(rtp.'/after') execute 'set rtp+='.s:get_rtp_after(a:bundle) endif let a:bundle.sourced = 1 call neobundle#call_hook('on_source', a:bundle) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#search(bundle_names, ...) abort "{{{ " For infinite loop. let self = get(a:000, 0, []) let bundle_names = filter(copy(a:bundle_names), 'index(self, v:val) < 0') if empty(bundle_names) return [] endif let _ = [] let bundles = len(bundle_names) != 1 ? \ filter(neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), \ 'index(a:bundle_names, v:val.name) >= 0') : \ has_key(s:neobundles, bundle_names[0]) ? \ [s:neobundles[bundle_names[0]]] : [] for bundle in bundles call add(self, bundle.name) if !empty(bundle.depends) let _ += neobundle#config#search( \ map(copy(bundle.depends), 'v:val.name'), self) endif call add(_, bundle) endfor if len(_) > 1 let _ = neobundle#util#uniq(_) endif return _ endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#search_simple(bundle_names) abort "{{{ return filter(neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), \ 'index(a:bundle_names, v:val.name) >= 0') endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#fuzzy_search(bundle_names) abort "{{{ let bundles = [] for name in a:bundle_names let bundles += filter(neobundle#config#get_neobundles(), \ 'stridx(v:val.name, name) >= 0') endfor let _ = [] for bundle in bundles if !empty(bundle.depends) let _ += neobundle#config#search( \ map(copy(bundle.depends), 'v:val.name')) endif call add(_, bundle) endfor if len(_) > 1 let _ = neobundle#util#uniq(_) endif return _ endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#load_extra_bundles() abort "{{{ let path = neobundle#get_neobundle_dir() . '/extra_bundles.vim' if filereadable(path) execute 'source' fnameescape(path) endif endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#save_direct(arg) abort "{{{ if neobundle#util#is_sudo() call neobundle#util#print_error( \ '"sudo vim" is detected. This feature is disabled.') return endif let path = neobundle#get_neobundle_dir() . '/extra_bundles.vim' let bundles = filereadable(path) ? readfile(path) : [] call writefile(add(bundles, 'NeoBundle ' . a:arg), path) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#set(name, dict) abort "{{{ let bundle = neobundle#config#get(a:name) if empty(bundle) call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Plugin name "' . a:name . '" is not defined.') return endif if bundle.sourced return endif if !neobundle#config#within_block() call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'You must call neobundle#config() ' \ .'within neobundle#begin()/neobundle#end() block.') return endif call neobundle#config#add( \ neobundle#init#_bundle(extend(bundle, a:dict))) endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#add(bundle) abort "{{{ if empty(a:bundle) return endif let bundle = a:bundle let prev_bundle = get(s:neobundles, bundle.name, {}) if !empty(prev_bundle) && prev_bundle.lazy != bundle.lazy let bundle.lazy = 0 endif if !empty(bundle.depends) call s:add_depends(bundle) endif if !empty(prev_bundle) if prev_bundle.sourced return endif call neobundle#config#rtp_rm(prev_bundle) endif let s:neobundles[bundle.name] = bundle if bundle.disabled " Ignore load. return endif if !bundle.lazy && bundle.rtp != '' if !has('vim_starting') " Load automatically. call neobundle#config#source(bundle.name, bundle.force) else call neobundle#config#rtp_add(bundle) if bundle.force execute 'runtime!' bundle.rtp . '/plugin/**/*.vim' endif endif elseif bundle.lazy && !bundle.sourced if !empty(bundle.on_cmd) call s:add_dummy_commands(bundle) endif if !empty(bundle.on_map) call s:add_dummy_mappings(bundle) endif endif endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#tsort(bundles) abort "{{{ let sorted = [] let mark = {} for target in a:bundles call s:tsort_impl(target, a:bundles, mark, sorted) endfor return sorted endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#get_lazy_rtp_bundles() abort "{{{ return s:lazy_rtp_bundles endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#config#check_commands(commands) abort "{{{ " Environment check. if type(a:commands) == type([]) \ || type(a:commands) == type('') let commands = a:commands elseif neobundle#util#is_windows() && has_key(a:commands, 'windows') let commands = a:commands.windows elseif neobundle#util#is_mac() && has_key(a:commands, 'mac') let commands = a:commands.mac elseif neobundle#util#is_cygwin() && has_key(a:commands, 'cygwin') let commands = a:commands.cygwin elseif !neobundle#util#is_windows() && has_key(a:commands, 'unix') let commands = a:commands.unix elseif has_key(a:commands, 'others') let commands = a:commands.others else " Invalid. return 0 endif for command in neobundle#util#convert2list(commands) if !executable(command) return 1 endif endfor endfunction"}}} function! s:tsort_impl(target, bundles, mark, sorted) abort "{{{ if has_key(a:mark, a:target.name) return endif let a:mark[a:target.name] = 1 for depend in get(a:target, 'depends', []) call s:tsort_impl(get(s:neobundles, depend.name, depend), \ a:bundles, a:mark, a:sorted) endfor call add(a:sorted, a:target) endfunction"}}} function! s:on_vim_enter() abort "{{{ if !empty(s:lazy_rtp_bundles) call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'neobundle#begin() was called without calling ' . \ 'neobundle#end() in .vimrc.') " We're past the point of plugins being sourced, so don't bother " trying to recover. return endif call neobundle#call_hook('on_post_source') endfunction"}}} function! s:add_depends(bundle) abort "{{{ " Add depends. for depend in a:bundle.depends let depend.lazy = a:bundle.lazy if !has_key(s:neobundles, depend.name) call neobundle#config#add(depend) else let depend_bundle = s:neobundles[depend.name] " Add reference count let depend_bundle.refcnt += 1 if (a:bundle.sourced && !depend_bundle.sourced) || !a:bundle.lazy " Load automatically. call neobundle#config#source(depend.name, depend.force) endif endif endfor endfunction"}}} function! s:add_dummy_commands(bundle) abort "{{{ let a:bundle.dummy_commands = [] for command in map(copy(a:bundle.on_cmd), " \ type(v:val) == type('') ? \ { 'name' : v:val } : v:val \") for name in neobundle#util#convert2list(command.name) " Define dummy commands. silent! execute 'command ' \ . '-complete=customlist,neobundle#autoload#_command_dummy_complete' \ . ' -bang -bar -range -nargs=*' name printf( \ "call neobundle#autoload#_command(%s, %s, <q-args>, \ expand('<bang>'), expand('<line1>'), expand('<line2>'))", \ string(name), string(a:bundle.name)) call add(a:bundle.dummy_commands, name) endfor endfor endfunction"}}} function! s:add_dummy_mappings(bundle) abort "{{{ let a:bundle.dummy_mappings = [] for [modes, mappings] in map(copy(a:bundle.on_map), " \ type(v:val) == type([]) ? \ [v:val[0], v:val[1:]] : ['nxo', [v:val]] \ ") if mappings ==# ['<Plug>'] " Use plugin name. let mappings = ['<Plug>(' . a:bundle.normalized_name] if stridx(a:bundle.normalized_name, '-') >= 0 " The plugin mappings may use "_" instead of "-". call add(mappings, '<Plug>(' . \ substitute(a:bundle.normalized_name, '-', '_', 'g')) endif endif for mapping in mappings " Define dummy mappings. for mode in filter(split(modes, '\zs'), \ "index(['n', 'v', 'x', 'o', 'i', 'c'], v:val) >= 0") let mapping_str = substitute(mapping, '<', '<lt>', 'g') silent! execute mode.'noremap <unique><silent>' mapping printf( \ (mode ==# 'c' ? "\<C-r>=" : \ (mode ==# 'i' ? "\<C-o>:" : ":\<C-u>")."call "). \ "neobundle#autoload#_mapping(%s, %s, %s)<CR>", \ string(mapping_str), string(a:bundle.name), string(mode)) call add(a:bundle.dummy_mappings, [mode, mapping]) endfor endfor endfor endfunction"}}} function! s:on_source(bundle) abort "{{{ if a:bundle.verbose && a:bundle.lazy redraw echo 'source:' a:bundle.name endif " Reload script files. for directory in filter(['plugin', 'after/plugin'], \ "isdirectory(a:bundle.rtp.'/'.v:val)") for file in split(glob(a:bundle.rtp.'/'.directory.'/**/*.vim'), '\n') " Note: "silent!" is required to ignore E122, E174 and E227. " try/catching them aborts sourcing of the file. " "unsilent" then displays any messages while sourcing. execute 'silent! unsilent source' fnameescape(file) endfor endfor if !has('vim_starting') if exists('#'.a:bundle.augroup.'#VimEnter') execute 'doautocmd' a:bundle.augroup 'VimEnter' endif if has('gui_running') && &term ==# 'builtin_gui' \ && exists('#'.a:bundle.augroup.'#GUIEnter') execute 'doautocmd' a:bundle.augroup 'GUIEnter' endif endif if a:bundle.verbose && a:bundle.lazy redraw echo 'sourced:' a:bundle.name endif endfunction"}}} function! s:clear_dummy(bundle) abort "{{{ endfunction"}}} function! s:is_reset_ftplugin(filetype, rtp) abort "{{{ for filetype in split(a:filetype, '\.') for directory in ['ftplugin', 'indent', \ 'after/ftplugin', 'after/indent'] let base = a:rtp . '/' . directory if filereadable(base.'/'.filetype.'.vim') || \ (directory =~# 'ftplugin$' && \ isdirectory(base . '/' . filetype) || \ glob(base.'/'.filetype.'_*.vim') != '') return 1 endif endfor endfor return 0 endfunction"}}} function! s:reset_ftplugin() abort "{{{ let filetype_out = s:filetype_off() if filetype_out =~# 'detection:ON' \ && filetype_out =~# 'plugin:ON' \ && filetype_out =~# 'indent:ON' silent! filetype plugin indent on else if filetype_out =~# 'detection:ON' silent! filetype on endif if filetype_out =~# 'plugin:ON' silent! filetype plugin on endif if filetype_out =~# 'indent:ON' silent! filetype indent on endif endif if filetype_out =~# 'detection:ON' filetype detect endif " Reload filetype plugins. let &l:filetype = &l:filetype " Recall FileType autocmd execute 'doautocmd FileType' &filetype endfunction"}}} function! s:filetype_off() abort "{{{ let filetype_out = neobundle#util#redir('filetype') if filetype_out =~# 'plugin:ON' \ || filetype_out =~# 'indent:ON' filetype plugin indent off endif if filetype_out =~# 'detection:ON' filetype off endif return filetype_out endfunction"}}} function! s:get_rtp_after(bundle) abort "{{{ return substitute( \ fnameescape(a:bundle.rtp . '/after'), '//', '/', 'g') endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo