*vimregstyle.txt* Extended regular expressions & pattern library VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Barry Arthur Help on using vimregstyle *vimregstyle* 1. Introduction |vimregstyle-intro| 2. Functions |vimregstyle-functions| 3. Patterns |vimregstyle-patterns| 4. External Resources |vimregstyle-resources| ============================================================================== 1. INTRODUCTION *vimregstyle-intro* VimRegStyle is a Regular Expression Pattern Library and suite of utilities for operating on matches within text. ============================================================================== 2. FUNCTIONS *vimregstyle-functions* VimRegStyle maintains an internal library of named patterns. This section details the public interface for that library. *vimregstyle-set* vrs#set({name}, {flavour}, {pattern}) Used to add new patterns to the library. {flavour} should be either 'vim' or 'pcre'. There is a single namespace per {flavour} for all VimRegStyle patterns and attempting to add a pattern with a name that already exists in the library will generate an error message like: *Error* VRS: A pattern of that flavour (vim) already exists under "ip4". NOTE: Casual users will almost never use the |vrs#set()| function. The better way to add patterns is through additions to the |vrs-files|. See |vimregstyle-contribute| for contributing patterns back to the library. *vimregstyle-get* vrs#get({name}[, {flavour}='vim') Get the pattern for the given {name} and {flavour} (defaulting to 'vim'). *vimregstyle-match* vrs#match({string}, {named-pattern} [, {start}[, {count}]]) Replica of builtin |match()| function. *vimregstyle-matchend* vrs#matchend({string}, {named-pattern} [, {start}[, {count}]]) Replica of builtin |matchend()| function. *vimregstyle-matches* vrs#matches({string}, {named-pattern} [, {start}[, {count}]]) Predicate returning true if {string} contains {named-pattern} anywhere within it. Anchoring to the start and end of the {string} will only occur if the {named-pattern} specifically includes the associated anchors. Use |vrs#exactly()| to force an anchored match. *vimregstyle-exactly* vrs#exactly({string}, {named-pattern} [, {start}[, {count}]]) Predicate returning true if {string} exactly matches {named-pattern}. Use |vrs#matches()| to check if the {string} contains the {named-pattern} anywhere within the {string}. ============================================================================== *vrs-files* 3. PATTERNS *vimregstyle-patterns* The patterns are stored in {*.vrs} files within the plugin's {/patterns/} directory. The {.vrs} files have the following format: name flavour pattern ~ Where:~ * {name} contains no whitespace and must not be preceded by whitespace * {flavour} can be {vim} or {pcre} * {pattern} is not delimited — use a bare regex The patterns are further enhanced in that they: * Accept PCRE style multiline, whitespace insensitive syntax. All multiline patterns must commence on the line below the named entry and must be indented with whitespace. * Accept a new regex atom: \%{name,count,separator} providing pattern composition by inline-expanding the {name}d pattern at the current point in the regex optionally {count} times, each one separated by {separator} (which is a multicharacter string literal, not using regular syntax). Example:~ Assuming the VRS library had a pattern called <_ip4_segment> that represented a single 0-255 chunk, an <ip4> regex could then be written using this composition atom as: > ip4 vim \<\%{_ip4_segment,4,.}> < Which would concatenate four copies of the <_ip4_segment> partial pattern, each separated by the literal string '.'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimregstyle-contribute* Pattern contributors can submit additional patterns to VimRegStyle through pull requests on the main Github repository: https://github.com/Raimondi/VimRegStyle Please ensure that all patterns are accompanied with tests. VimRegStyle uses the runVimTests (https://github.com/vim-scripts/runVimTests) unit testing framework. *TODO* Allow user-crafted patterns in a nominal directory (defaulting to ~/.vim/patterns/ ?) ============================================================================== 4. EXTERNAL RESOURCES *vimregstyle-resources* * http://www.regexlib.com/ * http://www.programmersheaven.com/2/Regex * http://www.asiteaboutnothing.net/regex/ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: