local a = vim.api local uv = vim.loop local utils = require "nvim-tree.utils" local events = require "nvim-tree.events" local lib = require "nvim-tree.lib" local core = require "nvim-tree.core" local M = {} local function focus_file(file) local _, i = utils.find_node(core.get_explorer().nodes, function(node) return node.absolute_path == file end) require("nvim-tree.view").set_cursor { i + 1, 1 } end local function create_file(file) if utils.file_exists(file) then print(file .. " already exists. Overwrite? y/n") local ans = utils.get_user_input_char() utils.clear_prompt() if ans ~= "y" then return end end local ok, fd = pcall(uv.fs_open, file, "w", 420) if not ok then a.nvim_err_writeln("Couldn't create file " .. file) return end uv.fs_close(fd) events._dispatch_file_created(file) end local function get_num_nodes(iter) local i = 0 for _ in iter do i = i + 1 end return i end local function get_containing_folder(node) local is_open = vim.g.nvim_tree_create_in_closed_folder == 1 or node.open if node.nodes ~= nil and is_open then return utils.path_add_trailing(node.absolute_path) end local node_name_size = #(node.name or "") return node.absolute_path:sub(0, -node_name_size - 1) end function M.fn(node) node = lib.get_last_group_node(node) if node.name == ".." then node = { absolute_path = core.get_cwd(), nodes = core.get_explorer().nodes, open = true, } end local containing_folder = get_containing_folder(node) local input_opts = { prompt = "Create file ", default = containing_folder, completion = "file" } vim.ui.input(input_opts, function(new_file_path) if not new_file_path or new_file_path == containing_folder then return end utils.clear_prompt() if utils.file_exists(new_file_path) then utils.warn "Cannot create: file already exists" return end -- create a folder for each path element if the folder does not exist -- if the answer ends with a /, create a file for the last path element local is_last_path_file = not new_file_path:match(utils.path_separator .. "$") local path_to_create = "" local idx = 0 local num_nodes = get_num_nodes(utils.path_split(utils.path_remove_trailing(new_file_path))) local is_error = false for path in utils.path_split(new_file_path) do idx = idx + 1 local p = utils.path_remove_trailing(path) if #path_to_create == 0 and vim.fn.has "win32" == 1 then path_to_create = utils.path_join { p, path_to_create } else path_to_create = utils.path_join { path_to_create, p } end if is_last_path_file and idx == num_nodes then create_file(path_to_create) elseif not utils.file_exists(path_to_create) then local success = uv.fs_mkdir(path_to_create, 493) if not success then a.nvim_err_writeln("Could not create folder " .. path_to_create) is_error = true break end end end if not is_error then a.nvim_out_write(new_file_path .. " was properly created\n") end events._dispatch_folder_created(new_file_path) require("nvim-tree.actions.reloaders").reload_explorer() focus_file(new_file_path) end) end return M