*github.txt* Implement Github API via viml Wang Shidong *github* ============================================================================== CONTENTS *github-contents* 1. Configuration.............................................|github-config| 2. Functions..............................................|github-functions| ============================================================================== CONFIGURATION *github-config* *g:githubapi_root_url* Github api root url: default : https://api.github.com/ *g:githubapi_verbose* set githubapi verbose when run shell command. By default it is 0. *g:githubapi_curl_exe* Specific the path for curl, by default it is 'curl', in windows you can use > let g:githubapi_curl_exe = 'D:\Program Files\Neovim\bin\curl.exe' < ============================================================================== FUNCTIONS *github-functions* github#ListAllOrgs({since}) *github#ListAllOrgs()* List all orgs in github,{since} is the integer ID of the last Organization that you've seen. Github API : GET /organizations github#api#activity#List_events() *github#api#activity#List_events()* List public events Github API : GET /events github#api#activity#List_repo_events({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#activity#List_repo_events()* List repository events Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/events github#api#activity#List_net_events({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#activity#List_net_events()* List public events for a network of repositories Github API : GET /networks/:owner/:repo/events github#api#activity#List_org_events({org}) *github#api#activity#List_org_events()* List public events for an organization Github API : GET /orgs/:org/events github#api#activity#List_user_events({user}) *github#api#activity#List_user_events()* List events that a user has received These are events that you've received by watching repos and following users. If you are authenticated as the given user, you will see private events. Otherwise, you'll only see public events. Github API : GET /users/:username/received_events github#api#activity#List_public_user_events({user}) *github#api#activity#List_public_user_events()* List public events that a user has received Github API : GET /users/:username/received_events/public github#api#activity#Performed_events({user}) *github#api#activity#Performed_events()* List events performed by a user If you are authenticated as the given user, you will see your private events. Otherwise, you'll only see public events. Github API : GET /users/:username/events github#api#activity#Performed_public_events({user}) *github#api#activity#Performed_public_events()* List public events performed by a user Github API : GET /users/:username/events/public github#api#activity#List_user_org_events({user}, {org}, {password}) *github#api#activity#List_user_org_events()* List events for an organization NOTE:This is the user's organization dashboard. You must be authenticated as the user to view this. Github API : GET /users/:username/events/orgs/:org github#api#activity#List_notifications({user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#List_notifications()* List your notifications Github API : /notifications github#api#activity#List_notifications_for_repo({onwer}, {repo}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#List_notifications_for_repo()* List your notifications in a repository Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/notifications github#api#activity#Mark_All_as_read({user}, {password}, {last_read_at}) *github#api#activity#Mark_All_as_read()* Mark as read,you need use {last_read_at} as args. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. Default: Time.now Github API : PUT /notifications github#api#activity#Mark_All_as_read_for_repo({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}, {last_read_at}) *github#api#activity#Mark_All_as_read_for_repo()* Mark notifications as read in a repository Github API : PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/notifications github#api#activity#Get_thread({id}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#Get_thread()* View a single thread Github API : GET /notifications/threads/:id github#api#activity#Mark_thread({id}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#Mark_thread()* Mark a thread as read Github API : PATCH /notifications/threads/:id github#api#activity#Get_thread_sub({id}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#Get_thread_sub()* Get a Thread Subscription Github API : GET /notifications/threads/:id/subscription github#api#activity#Set_thread_sub({id}, {user}, {password}, {subscribed}, {ignored}) *github#api#activity#Set_thread_sub()* Set a Thread Subscription This lets you subscribe or unsubscribe from a conversation. Unsubscribing from a conversation mutes all future notifications (until you comment or get @mentioned once more). Github API : PUT /notifications/threads/:id/subscription github#api#activity#Del_thread_sub({id}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#Del_thread_sub()* Delete a Thread Subscription Github API : DELETE /notifications/threads/:id/subscription github#api#activity#List_stargazers({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#activity#List_stargazers()* List stargazers of the repo Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stargazers github#api#activity#List_all_stargazers({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#activity#List_all_stargazers()* List all stargazers of the repo Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/stargazers github#api#activity#CheckStarred({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#CheckStarred()* Check starred Github API : GET /user/starred/:owner/:repo github#api#activity#Star({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#Star()* Star a repository Github API : PUT /user/starred/:owner/:repo github#api#activity#Unstar({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#Unstar()* Unstar a repository Github API : DELETE /user/starred/:owner/:repo github#api#activity#List_watchers({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#activity#List_watchers()* List watchers Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/subscribers github#api#activity#List_watched_repo({user}) *github#api#activity#List_watched_repo()* List repositories being watched by a user. Github API : GET /users/:username/subscriptions github#api#activity#List_auth_watched_repo({user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#List_auth_watched_repo()* List repositories being watched by the authenticated user. Github API : GET /user/subscriptions github#api#activity#Check_repo_Sub({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#Check_repo_Sub()* Get a Repository Subscription Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/subscription github#api#activity#Set_repo_sub({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}, {sub}, {ignore}) *github#api#activity#Set_repo_sub()* Set a Repository Subscription If you would like to watch a repository, set {sub} to 1. If you would like to ignore notifications made within a repository, set {ignore} to 1. If you would like to stop watching a repository, delete the repository's subscription completely. Github API : PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/subscription github#api#activity#Del_repo_sub({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#activity#Del_repo_sub()* Delete a Repository Subscription Github API : DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/subscription github#api#gist#List({user}) *github#api#gist#List()* List public gists for the specified user: GET /users/:username/gists github#api#gist#ListAll({user}, {password}) *github#api#gist#ListAll()* List the authenticated user's gists or if called anonymously, this will return all public gists: GET /gists github#api#gist#ListPublic({since}) *github#api#gist#ListPublic()* List all public gists Get /gists/public github#api#gist#ListStarred({user}, {password}, {since}) *github#api#gist#ListStarred()* List starred gists,{since}A timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. Only gists updated at or after this time are returned. GET /gists/starred github#api#gist#GetSingle({id}) *github#api#gist#GetSingle()* Get a single gist Github API : GET /gists/:id github#api#gist#GetSingleSha({id}, {sha}) *github#api#gist#GetSingleSha()* Get a specific revision of a gist Github API : GET /gists/:id/:sha github#api#gist#Create({desc}, {filename}, {content}, {public}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#gist#Create()* Create a gist Input: > { "description": "the description for this gist", "public": true, "files": { "file1.txt": { "content": "String file contents" } } } < POST : /gists github#api#gist#Edit({desc}, {filename}, {content}, {public}, {user}, {password}, {id}) *github#api#gist#Edit()* Edit a gist Input: > { "description": "the description for this gist", "files": { "file1.txt": { "content": "updated file contents" }, "old_name.txt": { "filename": "new_name.txt", "content": "modified contents" }, "new_file.txt": { "content": "a new file" }, "delete_this_file.txt": null } } < PATCH : /gists/:id Note: All files from the previous version of the gist are carried over by default if not included in the object. Deletes can be performed by including the filename with a null object. github#api#gist#ListCommits({id}) *github#api#gist#ListCommits()* List gist commits Github API : GET /gists/:id/commits github#api#gist#Star({user}, {password}, {id}) *github#api#gist#Star()* Star a gist Github API : PUT /gists/:id/star github#api#gist#Unstar({user}, {password}, {id}) *github#api#gist#Unstar()* Unstar a gist Github API : DELETE /gists/:id/star github#api#gist#CheckStar({user}, {password}, {id}) *github#api#gist#CheckStar()* Check if a gist is starred Github API : GET /gists/:id/star github#api#gist#Fork({user}, {password}, {id}) *github#api#gist#Fork()* Fork a gist Github API : POST /gists/:id/forks github#api#gist#ListFork({user}, {password}, {id}) *github#api#gist#ListFork()* List Fork of a gist Github API : GET /gists/:id/forks github#api#gist#Del({user}, {password}, {id}) *github#api#gist#Del()* Delete a gist Github API : DELETE /gists/:id github#api#gist#ListComments({id}) *github#api#gist#ListComments()* List comments on a gist Github API : GET /gists/:gist_id/comments github#api#gist#GetComment({gistid}, {commentid}) *github#api#gist#GetComment()* Get a single comment Github API : GET /gists/:gist_id/comments/:id github#api#gist#CreateComment({id}, {user}, {password}, {body}) *github#api#gist#CreateComment()* Create a comment Github API : POST /gists/:gist_id/comments github#api#gist#EditComment({id}, {user}, {password}, {body}) *github#api#gist#EditComment()* Edit a comment Github API : PATCH /gists/:gist_id/comments github#api#gist#DelComment({gistid}, {id}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#gist#DelComment()* Delete a comment Github API : DELETE /gists/:gist_id/comments/:id github#api#issues#List_All({user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#List_All()* List issues List all issues assigned to the authenticated user across all visible repositories including owned repositories, member repositories, and organization repositories: Github API : GET /issues github#api#issues#List_All_for_User({user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#List_All_for_User()* List all issues across owned and member repositories assigned to the authenticated user: Github API : GET /user/issues github#api#issues#List_All_for_User_In_Org({org}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#List_All_for_User_In_Org()* List all issues for a given organization assigned to the authenticated user: Github API : GET /orgs/:org/issues github#api#issues#Get_issue({owner}, {repo}, {num}) *github#api#issues#Get_issue()* Get a single issue GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number github#api#issues#Create({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}, {issue}) *github#api#issues#Create()* Create an issue Input: > { "title": "Found a bug", "body": "I'm having a problem with this.", "assignee": "octocat", "milestone": 1, "labels": [ "bug" ] } < Github API : POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues github#api#issues#Lock({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#Lock()* Lock an issue Github APi : PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/lock github#api#issues#Unlock({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#Unlock()* Unlock an issue Github API : DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/lock github#api#issues#List_assignees({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#issues#List_assignees()* Lists all the available assignees to which issues may be assigned. Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/assignees github#api#issues#Check_assignee({owner}, {repo}, {assignee}) *github#api#issues#Check_assignee()* Check assignee Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/assignees/:assignee github#api#issues#Addassignee({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {assignees}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#Addassignee()* Add assignees to an Issue Input: > { "assignees": [ "hubot", "other_assignee" ] } < Github API : POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/assignees NOTE: need `Accep:application/vnd.github.cerberus-preview+json` github#api#issues#Removeassignee({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {assignees}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#Removeassignee()* Remove assignees from an Issue Input: > { "assignees": [ "hubot", "other_assignee" ] } < DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/assignees NOTE: need `Accep:application/vnd.github.cerberus-preview+json` github#api#issues#List_comments({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {since}) *github#api#issues#List_comments()* List comments on an issue, updated at or after {since} . {since} : YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments github#api#issues#List_All_comments({owner}, {repo}, {sort}, {desc}, {since}) *github#api#issues#List_All_comments()* List comments in a repository Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments github#api#issues#Get_comment({owner}, {repo}, {id}) *github#api#issues#Get_comment()* Get a single comment Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id github#api#issues#Create_comment({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {json}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#Create_comment()* Create a comment Input: > { "body": "Me too" } < Github API : POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments github#api#issues#Edit_comment({owner}, {repo}, {id}, {json}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#Edit_comment()* Edit a comment Input: > { "body": "Me too" } < Github API : PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id github#api#issues#Delete_comment({owner}, {repo}, {id}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#Delete_comment()* Delete a comment Github API : ELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id github#api#issues#List_events({owner}, {repo}, {num}) *github#api#issues#List_events()* List events for an issue Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:issue_number/events github#api#issues#List_events_for_repo({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#issues#List_events_for_repo()* List events for a repository Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/events github#api#issues#Get_event({owner}, {repo}, {id}) *github#api#issues#Get_event()* Get a single event Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/events/:id github#api#issues#ListAllMilestones({owner}, {repo}, {state}, {sort}, {direction}) *github#api#issues#ListAllMilestones()* List milestones for a repository Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones Parameters > Name Type Description state string The state of the milestone. Either open, closed, or all. Default: open sort string What to sort results by. Either due_on or completeness. Default: due_on direction string The direction of the sort. Either asc or desc. Default: asc < github#api#issues#GetSingleMilestone({owner}, {repo}, {num}) *github#api#issues#GetSingleMilestone()* Get a single milestone Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number github#api#issues#CreateMilestone({owner}, {repo}, {milestone}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#CreateMilestone()* Create a milestone Input > { "title": "v1.0", "state": "open", "description": "Tracking milestone for version 1.0", "due_on": "2012-10-09T23:39:01Z" } < Github API : POST /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones github#api#issues#UpdateMilestone({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {milestone}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#UpdateMilestone()* Update a milestone Github API : PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number github#api#issues#DeleteMilestone({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#issues#DeleteMilestone()* Delete a milestone Github API : DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number github#api#labels#GetAll({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#labels#GetAll()* List all labels for this repository Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/labels github#api#labels#Get({owner}, {repo}, {name}) *github#api#labels#Get()* Get a single label Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name github#api#labels#Create({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}, {label}) *github#api#labels#Create()* Create a label Input: > { "name": "bug", "color": "f29513" } < Github API : POST /repos/:owner/:repo/labels github#api#labels#Update({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}, {label}) *github#api#labels#Update()* Update a label Input: > { "name": "bug", "color": "f29513" } < Github API : PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name github#api#labels#Delete({owner}, {repo}, {name}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#labels#Delete()* Delete a label Github API : DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name github#api#labels#List({owner}, {repo}, {num}) *github#api#labels#List()* List labels on an issue Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels github#api#labels#Add({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {labels}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#labels#Add()* Add labels to an issue Input: > [ "Label1", "Label2" ] < Github API : POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels github#api#labels#Remove({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {name}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#labels#Remove()* Remove a label from an issue Github API : DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels/:name github#api#labels#Replace({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {labels}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#labels#Replace()* Replace all labels for an issue Input: > [ "Label1", "Label2" ] < Github API : PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels github#api#labels#RemoveAll({owner}, {repo}, {num}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#labels#RemoveAll()* Remove all label from an issue Github API : DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels github#api#labels#ListAllinMilestone({owner}, {repo}, {num}) *github#api#labels#ListAllinMilestone()* Get labels for every issue in a milestone Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number/labels github#api#orgs#Get({org}) *github#api#orgs#Get()* Get an organization Github API : GET /orgs/:org github#api#orgs#Edit({org}, {orgdata}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#orgs#Edit()* Edit an organization Input: > { "billing_email": "support@github.com", "blog": "https://github.com/blog", "company": "GitHub", "email": "support@github.com", "location": "San Francisco", "name": "github", "description": "GitHub, the company." } < Github API : PATCH /orgs/:org github#api#orgs#ListMembers({org}, {filter}, {role}) *github#api#orgs#ListMembers()* List all users who are members of an organization. {filter}Filter members returned in the list. Can be one of: * 2fa_disabled: Members without two-factor authentication enabled. Available for organization owners. * all: All members the authenticated user can see. * Default: all. {role}Filter members returned by their role. Can be one of: * all: All members of the organization, regardless of role. * admin: Organization owners. * member: Non-owner organization members. * Default: all. Github API : GET /orgs/:org/members github#api#orgs#CheckMembership({org}, {username}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#orgs#CheckMembership()* Check if a user is, publicly or privately, a member of the organization. Status: * 204: requester is an organization member and user is a member * 404: requester is an organization member and user is not a member, requester is not an organization member and is inquiring about themselves * 302: requester is not an organization member Github API : GET /orgs/:org/members/:username github#api#orgs#DeleteMember({org}, {username}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#orgs#DeleteMember()* Remove a member Github API : DELETE /orgs/:org/members/:username github#api#orgs#ListPublicMembers({org}) *github#api#orgs#ListPublicMembers()* List public members of an org Github API : GET /orgs/:org/public_members github#api#orgs#CheckPublicMembership({org}, {username}) *github#api#orgs#CheckPublicMembership()* Check public membership Github API : GET /orgs/:org/public_members/:username github#api#orgs#Publicize({org}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#orgs#Publicize()* Publicize a user's membership The user can publicize their own membership. (A user cannot publicize the membership for another user.) Github API : PUT /orgs/:org/public_members/:username github#api#orgs#ConcealUser({org}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#orgs#ConcealUser()* Conceal a user's membership Github API : DELETE /orgs/:org/public_members/:username github#api#orgs#GetMemberships({org}, {username}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#orgs#GetMemberships()* Get organization membership Github API : GET /orgs/:org/memberships/:username github#api#orgs#UpdateMembership({org}, {username}, {user}, {password}, {role}) *github#api#orgs#UpdateMembership()* Add or update organization membership,use admin or member for {role} Github API : PUT /orgs/:org/memberships/:username github#api#orgs#RemoveMembership({org}, {username}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#orgs#RemoveMembership()* Remove organization membership Github API : DELETE /orgs/:org/memberships/:username github#api#pulls#ListAllPRs({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#pulls#ListAllPRs()* List all the PRs of a repo. Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls github#api#pulls#Get({owner}, {repo}, {number}) *github#api#pulls#Get()* Get a single pull request Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number github#api#pulls#create({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}, {pull}) *github#api#pulls#create()* Create a pull request Input: > { "title": "Amazing new feature", "body": "Please pull this in!", "head": "octocat:new-feature", "base": "master" } < or: > { "issue": 5, "head": "octocat:new-feature", "base": "master" } < Github API : POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls github#api#pulls#update({owner}, {repo}, {number}, {pull}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#pulls#update()* Update a pull request Input: > { "title": "new title", "body": "updated body", "state": "open" } < Github API : PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number github#api#pulls#ListCommits({owner}, {repo}, {number}) *github#api#pulls#ListCommits()* List commits on a pull request Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/commits github#api#pulls#ListFiles({owner}, {repo}, {number}) *github#api#pulls#ListFiles()* List pull requests files Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/files github#api#pulls#CheckMerged({owner}, {repo}, {number}) *github#api#pulls#CheckMerged()* Get if a pull request has been merged Github API : GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/merge github#api#pulls#Merge({owner}, {repo}, {number}, {msg}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#pulls#Merge()* Merge a pull request (Merge Button) Github API : PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/merge github#api#repos#get_repo({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#repos#get_repo()* Get a single repository GET /repos/:owner/:repo github#api#repos#releases#Create({owner}, {repo}, {user}, {password}, {release}) *github#api#repos#releases#Create()* Create an release Input: > < { "tag_name": "v1.0.0", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "v1.0.0", "body": "Description of the release", "draft": false, "prerelease": false } < Github API: POST /repos/:owner/:repo/releases github#api#repos#releases#latest({owner}, {repo}) *github#api#repos#releases#latest()* Get the latest release Github API: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/latest github#api#repos#releases#list_assets({owner}, {repo}, {release_id}) *github#api#repos#releases#list_assets()* List assets for a release Github API: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id/assets github#api#search#SearchRepos({q}, {sort}, {order}) *github#api#search#SearchRepos()* Search for repos, for how to {sort} result, you can use `stars`,`forks` and `updated`. and for {order} you can use `asc` and `desc`.for {q} see: Input: > { 'in' : 'name,description', 'size' : '', 'forks' : '', 'fork' : '', 'created' : '', 'pushed' : '', 'user' : '', 'language' : '', 'stars' : '', 'keywords' : '' } < Github API : GET /search/repositories github#api#user#GetFollowers({user}, {password}) *github#api#user#GetFollowers()* List the authenticated user's followers: Github API : GET /user/followers github#api#user#CheckFollowing({username}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#user#CheckFollowing()* Check if you are following a user Github API : GET /user/following/:username github#api#user#Follow({username}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#user#Follow()* follow a user Github API : PUT /user/following/:username github#api#user#ListOrgs({auth}) *github#api#user#ListOrgs()* List all orgs for the auth user. Github API : GET /user/orgs github#api#user#GetOrgMembership({user}, {password}, {org}) *github#api#user#GetOrgMembership()* Get your organization membership Github API : GET /user/memberships/orgs/:org github#api#user#EditOrgMembership({org}, {state}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#user#EditOrgMembership()* Edit your organization membership Input: > { "state": "active" } < Github API : PATCH /user/memberships/orgs/:org github#api#user#UpdateUser({data}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#user#UpdateUser()* Update the authenticated user Input > { "name": "monalisa octocat", "email": "octocat@github.com", "blog": "https://github.com/blog", "company": "GitHub", "location": "San Francisco", "hireable": true, "bio": "There once..." } < Github API : PATCH /user github#api#user#ListEmails({user}, {password}) *github#api#user#ListEmails()* List emails for a user Github API : GET /user/emails github#api#user#AddEmails({user}, {password}, {emails}) *github#api#user#AddEmails()* Add email address(es) Github API : POST /user/emails github#api#user#DeleteEmails({user}, {password}, {emails}) *github#api#user#DeleteEmails()* Delete email address(es) Github API : DELETE /user/emails github#api#user#UnFollow({username}, {user}, {password}) *github#api#user#UnFollow()* Unfollow a user Github API : DELETE /user/following/:username github#api#users#GetAllUsers() *github#api#users#GetAllUsers()* Get all users Github API : GET /users github#api#users#ListAllOrgs({user}) *github#api#users#ListAllOrgs()* List orgs of a specified user. Github API : /users/:username/orgs github#api#users#CheckTargetFollow({username}, {target}) *github#api#users#CheckTargetFollow()* Check if one user follows another Github API : GET /users/:username/following/:target_user github#api#util#Get_current_time() *github#api#util#Get_current_time()* Get current time in a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ github#api#util#GetLog() *github#api#util#GetLog()* view the log of API github#api#util#CleanLog() *github#api#util#CleanLog()* Clean up the log of the API vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: