scriptencoding utf-8 let s:server_lib = get(g:, 'chatting_server_lib', fnamemodify('~/sources/Chatting/target/Chatting-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar', ':p')) let s:login_user = '' let s:server_job_id = 0 let s:client_job_id = 0 let s:debug_log = [] let s:chatting_commands = [] let s:current_channel = '' let s:last_channel = '' let s:server_ip = get(g:, 'chatting_server_ip', '') let s:server_port = get(g:, 'chatting_server_port', 2013) let s:vim8_ch_waittime = get(g:, 'chatting_ch_waittime', 100) let s:close_windows_char = get(g:, 'chatting_close_win_char',"\") let s:messages = [] let s:opened_channels = [] let s:unread_msg_num = {} let s:st_sep = '' function! s:push_message(msg) abort if type(a:msg) == type([]) for m in a:msg if !empty(m) call s:hander_msg(m) endif endfor else if !empty(a:msg) call s:hander_msg(a:msg) endif endif endfunction function! s:hander_msg(msg) abort let info = json_decode(a:msg) call add(s:messages, info) if info['type'] ==# 'onWindowChange' let s:current_channel = info['name'] if index(s:opened_channels, s:current_channel) == -1 call add(s:opened_channels, s:current_channel) endif if s:current_channel !=# '' call s:update_statusline() endif elseif info['type'] ==# 'group_message' let n = get(s:unread_msg_num, info['group_name'], 0) let n += 1 if has_key(s:unread_msg_num, info['group_name']) call remove(s:unread_msg_num, info['group_name']) endif call extend(s:unread_msg_num, {info['group_name'] : n}) if s:current_channel !=# '' call s:update_statusline() endif elseif info['type'] ==# 'info_message' if info['context'] =~# 'you are logined as ' let s:login_user = substitute(info['context'], 'you are logined as ', '', 'g') endif elseif info['type'] ==# 'onGetConnection' let s:chatting_commands = split(info['commands'], ',') endif endfunction function! chat#chatting#start() abort if s:server_job_id == 0 call s:log('startting server, server_lib is ' . s:server_lib . '(' . (empty(glob(s:server_lib)) ? 'no such file' : 'file exists' ). ')') if has('nvim') let s:server_job_id = jobstart(['java', '-cp', s:server_lib, ''],{ \ 'on_stdout' : function('s:server_handler'), \ }) elseif exists('*job#start') && !has('nvim') let s:server_job_id = job#start(['java', '-cp', s:server_lib, ''],{ \ 'on_stdout' : function('s:server_handler'), \ }) endif endif endfunction function! s:server_handler(id, data, event) abort endfunction function! s:client_handler(id, data, event) abort if a:event ==# 'stdout' call s:push_message(a:data) call s:update_msg_screen() elseif a:event ==# 'exit' call s:log('client exit with code:' . a:data) let s:client_job_id = 0 endif endfunction function! s:ch_callbakc(ch, msg) abort call s:push_message(a:msg) call s:update_msg_screen() endfunction function! s:start_client() abort if has('nvim') if s:client_job_id == 0 let s:client_job_id = jobstart(['java', '-cp', s:server_lib, '', s:server_ip, s:server_port],{ \ 'on_stdout' : function('s:client_handler'), \ 'on_exit' : function('s:client_handler') \ }) call s:log('Server_lib:' . s:server_lib) endif else let s:channel = ch_open(s:server_ip . ':' . s:server_port, \ {'callback': function('s:ch_callbakc') ,'mode': 'nl', 'waittime': s:vim8_ch_waittime}) call s:log('Client channel status:' . ch_status(s:channel)) endif call s:log('Client startting with server ip(' . s:server_ip . ') port(' . s:server_port . ')') endfunction let s:name = '__Chatting__' let s:c_base = '>>> ' let s:c_begin = '' let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' let s:msg_win_opened = 0 function! chat#chatting#OpenMsgWin() abort if has('nvim') if s:client_job_id == 0 call s:start_client() endif else if !exists('s:channel') || ch_status(s:channel) !=# 'open' call s:start_client() endif endif if bufwinnr(s:name) < 0 if bufnr(s:name) != -1 exe 'silent! botright split ' . '+b' . bufnr(s:name) else exe 'silent! botright split ' . s:name endif else exec bufwinnr(s:name) . 'wincmd w' endif call s:windowsinit() call s:init_hi() setl modifiable let s:msg_win_opened = 1 if !empty(s:last_channel) let s:current_channel = s:last_channel endif call s:update_msg_screen() call s:echon() while get(s:, 'quit_chating_win', 0) == 0 let nr = getchar() if nr !=# "\" && nr !=# "\" let s:complete_input_history_num = [0,0] endif if nr != 9 let s:complete_num = 0 endif if nr == 13 call s:enter() elseif nr ==# "\" || nr == 6 " 向右移动光标 let s:c_begin = s:c_begin . s:c_char let s:c_char = matchstr(s:c_end, '^.') let s:c_end = substitute(s:c_end, '^.', '', 'g') elseif nr == 21 " ctrl+u clean the message let s:c_begin = '' elseif nr == 9 " use complete str if s:complete_num == 0 let complete_base = s:c_begin else let s:c_begin = complete_base endif let s:c_begin = s:complete(complete_base, s:complete_num) let s:complete_num += 1 elseif nr == 11 " ctrl+k delete the chars from cursor to the end let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' elseif nr ==# "\" || nr ==# "\" "+ 移动到左边一个聊天窗口 call s:previous_channel() elseif nr ==# "\" || nr ==# "\" "+ 移动到右边一个聊天窗口 call s:next_channel() elseif nr ==# "\" || nr == 2 " 向左移动光标 if s:c_begin !=# '' let s:c_end = s:c_char . s:c_end let s:c_char = matchstr(s:c_begin, '.$') let s:c_begin = substitute(s:c_begin, '.$', '', 'g') endif elseif nr ==# "\" let l = line('.') - winheight('$') if l < 0 exe 0 else exe l endif elseif nr ==# "\" exe line('.') + winheight('$') elseif nr ==# "\" || nr == 1 " + a 将光标移动到行首 let s:c_end = substitute(s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end, '^.', '', 'g') let s:c_char = matchstr(s:c_begin, '^.') let s:c_begin = '' elseif nr ==# "\" || nr == 5 " + e 将光标移动到行末 let s:c_begin = s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' elseif nr ==# s:close_windows_char let s:quit_chating_win = 1 elseif nr == 8 || nr ==# "\" " ctrl+h or delete last char let s:c_begin = substitute(s:c_begin,'.$','','g') elseif nr ==# "\" if s:complete_input_history_num == [0,0] let complete_input_history_base = s:c_begin let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' else let s:c_begin = complete_input_history_base endif let s:complete_input_history_num[0] += 1 let s:c_begin = s:complete_input_history(complete_input_history_base, s:complete_input_history_num) elseif nr ==# "\" if s:complete_input_history_num == [0,0] let complete_input_history_base = s:c_begin let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' else let s:c_begin = complete_input_history_base endif let s:complete_input_history_num[1] += 1 let s:c_begin = s:complete_input_history(complete_input_history_base, s:complete_input_history_num) else let s:c_begin .= nr2char(nr) endif call s:echon() endwhile setl nomodifiable exe 'bd ' . bufnr(s:name) let s:quit_chating_win = 0 let s:last_channel = s:current_channel let s:current_channel = '' let s:msg_win_opened = 0 normal! : endfunction function! s:update_msg_screen() abort if s:msg_win_opened normal! ggdG for msg in s:messages if msg['type'] ==# 'group_message' && msg['group_name'] ==# s:current_channel call append(line('$'), '[' . msg['time'] . '] < ' . msg['sendder'] . ' > ' . msg['context']) elseif msg['type'] ==# 'info_message' && msg['context'] !~# '^join channel :' call append(line('$'), '[' . msg['time'] . '] ' . msg['context']) elseif msg['type'] ==# 'user_message' \ && ( \ msg['sendder'] ==# s:current_channel \ || \ (msg['sendder'] ==# s:login_user && msg['receiver'] ==# s:current_channel) \ ) call append(line('$'), '[' . msg['time'] . '] < ' . msg['sendder'] . ' > ' . msg['context']) endif endfor normal! gg delete normal! G redraw call s:echon() endif endfunction function! s:echon() abort redraw! echohl Comment | echon s:c_base echohl None | echon s:c_begin echohl Wildmenu | echon s:c_char echohl None | echon s:c_end endfunction fu! s:windowsinit() abort " option setl fileformat=unix setl fileencoding=utf-8 setl iskeyword=@,48-57,_ setl noreadonly setl buftype=nofile setl bufhidden=wipe setl noswapfile setl nobuflisted setl nolist setl nonumber setl norelativenumber setl wrap setl winfixwidth setl winfixheight setl textwidth=0 setl nospell setl nofoldenable setl cursorline endf function! s:log(msg) abort let time = strftime('%H:%M:%S') let msg = '[' . time . '] ' . string(a:msg) call add(s:debug_log, msg) endfunction function! s:debug() abort tabnew for line in s:debug_log call append(line('$'), line) endfor nnoremap q :bd! endfunction let s:enter_history = [] function! s:enter() abort if s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end ==# '/quit' let s:quit_chating_win = 1 let s:c_end = '' let s:c_char = '' let s:c_begin = '' return endif if has('nvim') if s:client_job_id != 0 call jobsend(s:client_job_id, [s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end, '']) endif else call ch_sendraw(s:channel, s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end ."\n") endif call add(s:enter_history, s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end) let s:c_end = '' let s:c_char = '' let s:c_begin = '' endfunction let s:complete_num = 0 function! s:complete(base,num) abort if a:base =~# '^/[a-z]*$' let rsl = filter(copy(s:chatting_commands), "v:val =~# a:base .'[^\ .]*'") if len(rsl) > 0 return rsl[a:num % len(rsl)] . ' ' endif endif return a:base endfunction let s:complete_input_history_num = [0,0] function! s:complete_input_history(base,num) abort let results = filter(copy(s:enter_history), "v:val =~# '^' . a:base") if len(results) > 0 call add(results, a:base) let index = ((len(results) - 1) - a:num[0] + a:num[1]) % len(results) return results[index] else return a:base endif endfunction function! s:init_hi() abort if get(s:, 'init_hi_done', 0) == 0 " current channel hi! ChattingHI1 ctermbg=003 ctermfg=Black guibg=#fabd2f guifg=#282828 " channel with new msg hi! ChattingHI2 ctermbg=005 ctermfg=Black guibg=#b16286 guifg=#282828 " normal channel hi! ChattingHI3 ctermbg=007 ctermfg=Black guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#282828 " end hi! ChattingHI4 ctermbg=243 guibg=#7c6f64 " current channel + end hi! ChattingHI5 guibg=#7c6f64 guifg=#fabd2f " current channel + new msg channel hi! ChattingHI6 guibg=#b16286 guifg=#fabd2f " current channel + normal channel hi! ChattingHI7 guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#fabd2f " new msg channel + end hi! ChattingHI8 guibg=#7c6f64 guifg=#b16286 " new msg channel + current channel hi! ChattingHI9 guibg=#fabd2f guifg=#b16286 " new msg channel + normal channel hi! ChattingHI10 guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#b16286 " new msg channel + new msg channel hi! ChattingHI11 guibg=#b16286 guifg=#b16286 " normal channel + end hi! ChattingHI12 guibg=#7c6f64 guifg=#8ec07c " normal channel + normal channel hi! ChattingHI13 guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#8ec07c " normal channel + new msg channel hi! ChattingHI14 guibg=#b16286 guifg=#8ec07c " normal channel + current channel hi! ChattingHI15 guibg=#fabd2f guifg=#8ec07c let s:init_hi_done = 1 endif endfunction function! s:update_statusline() abort let st = '' for ch in s:opened_channels let ch = substitute(ch, ' ', '\ ', 'g') if ch == s:current_channel if has_key(s:unread_msg_num, s:current_channel) call remove(s:unread_msg_num, s:current_channel) endif let st .= '%#ChattingHI1#[' . ch . ']' if index(s:opened_channels, ch) == len(s:opened_channels) - 1 let st .= '%#ChattingHI5#' . s:st_sep elseif get(s:unread_msg_num, s:opened_channels[index(s:opened_channels, ch) + 1], 0) > 0 let st .= '%#ChattingHI6#' . s:st_sep else let st .= '%#ChattingHI7#' . s:st_sep endif else let n = get(s:unread_msg_num, ch, 0) if n > 0 let st .= '%#ChattingHI2#[' . ch . '(' . n . 'new)]' if index(s:opened_channels, ch) == len(s:opened_channels) - 1 let st .= '%#ChattingHI8#' . s:st_sep elseif get(s:unread_msg_num, s:opened_channels[index(s:opened_channels, ch) + 1], 0) > 0 \ && s:opened_channels[index(s:opened_channels, ch) + 1] !=# s:current_channel let st .= '%#ChattingHI11#' . s:st_sep elseif s:opened_channels[index(s:opened_channels, ch) + 1] ==# s:current_channel let st .= '%#ChattingHI9#' . s:st_sep else let st .= '%#ChattingHI10#' . s:st_sep endif else let st .= '%#ChattingHI3#[' . ch . ']' if index(s:opened_channels, ch) == len(s:opened_channels) - 1 let st .= '%#ChattingHI12#' . s:st_sep elseif get(s:unread_msg_num, s:opened_channels[index(s:opened_channels, ch) + 1], 0) > 0 \ && s:opened_channels[index(s:opened_channels, ch) + 1] !=# s:current_channel let st .= '%#ChattingHI14#' . s:st_sep elseif s:opened_channels[index(s:opened_channels, ch) + 1] ==# s:current_channel let st .= '%#ChattingHI15#' . s:st_sep else let st .= '%#ChattingHI13#' . s:st_sep endif endif endif endfor let st .= '%#ChattingHI4# ' exe 'set statusline=' . st endfunction function! s:previous_channel() abort let id = index(s:opened_channels, s:current_channel) let id -= 1 if id < 0 let id = id + len(s:opened_channels) endif let s:current_channel = s:opened_channels[id] if s:current_channel =~# '^#' call s:send('/join ' . s:current_channel) else call s:send('/query ' . s:current_channel) endif call s:update_msg_screen() call s:update_statusline() endfunction function! s:next_channel() abort let id = index(s:opened_channels, s:current_channel) let id += 1 if id > len(s:opened_channels) - 1 let id = id - len(s:opened_channels) endif let s:current_channel = s:opened_channels[id] if s:current_channel =~# '^#' call s:send('/join ' . s:current_channel) else call s:send('/query ' . s:current_channel) endif call s:update_msg_screen() call s:update_statusline() endfunction function! s:send(msg) abort if has('nvim') if s:client_job_id != 0 call jobsend(s:client_job_id, [a:msg, '']) endif else call ch_sendraw(s:channel, a:msg ."\n") endif endfunction call chat#debug#defind('chatting', function('s:debug'))