<!-- Before filing an issue, please check if vim-go's help addresses your problem (see `:help go-troubleshooting`). Consider executing `:GoReportGitHubIssue` to populate much of this information automatically. --> ### What did you do? (required: The issue will be **closed** when not provided) <!-- If possible, please provide clear steps for reproducing the problem. --> ### What did you expect to happen? ### What happened instead? ### Configuration (**MUST** fill this out): #### vim-go version: #### `vimrc` you used to reproduce: <!-- Use a *minimal* vimrc with other plugins disabled; do not link to a 2,000 line vimrc. If this is not provided or is obviously incomplete, the issue may be unceremoniously closed. --> <!-- vimrc --> <details><summary>vimrc</summary> ```vim ``` </details> #### Vim version (first three lines from `:version`): <!-- :version --> #### Go version (`go version`): <!-- go version --> #### Go environment <details><summary><code>go env</code> Output:</summary><br><pre> <!-- go env --> </pre></details> #### gopls version <details><summary><code>gopls version</code> Output:</summary><br><pre> <!-- gopls version --> </pre></details>