--============================================================================= -- tasks.lua -- Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Wang Shidong & Contributors -- Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > -- URL: https://spacevim.org -- License: GPLv3 --============================================================================= local M = {} local selected_task = {} local task_config = {} local task_viewer_bufnr = -1 local variables = {} local providers = {} -- load apis local file = require('spacevim.api.file') local toml = require('spacevim.api.data.toml') local sys = require('spacevim.api.system') local log = require('spacevim.logger').derive('task') local menu = require('spacevim.api.cmdlinemenu') local function load() log.debug('start to load task config:') local global_conf = {} local local_conf = {} if vim.fn.filereadable(vim.fn.expand('~/.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml')) == 1 then global_conf = toml.parse_file(vim.fn.expand('~/.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml')) for _, v in pairs(global_conf) do v.isGlobal = true end log.debug('found global conf:\n' .. vim.inspect(global_conf)) end if vim.fn.filereadable(vim.fn.expand('.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml')) == 1 then local_conf = toml.parse_file(vim.fn.expand('.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml')) log.debug('found local conf:\n' .. vim.inspect(local_conf)) end task_config = vim.fn.extend(global_conf, local_conf) end local function init_variables() variables.workspaceFolder = file.unify_path(require('spacevim.plugin.projectmanager').current_root()) variables.workspaceFolderBasename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(variables.workspaceFolder, ':t') variables.file = file.unify_path(vim.fn.expand('%:p')) variables.relativeFile = file.unify_path(vim.fn.expand('%'), ':.') variables.relativeFileDirname = file.unify_path(vim.fn.expand('%'), ':h') variables.fileBasename = vim.fn.expand('%:t') variables.fileBasenameNoExtension = vim.fn.expand('%:t:r') variables.fileDirname = file.unify_path(vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')) variables.fileExtname = vim.fn.expand('%:e') variables.lineNumber = vim.fn.line('.') variables.selectedText = '' variables.execPath = '' end local function select_task(taskName) selected_task = task_config[taskName] end -- this function require menu api local function pick() selected_task = {} local ques = {} for key,_ in pairs(task_config) do local task_name if task_config[key].isGlobal then task_name = key .. '(global)' elseif task_config[key].isDetected then task_name = task_config[key].detectedName .. key .. '(detected)' else task_name = key end table.insert(ques, {task_name, select_task, {key}}) end menu.menu(ques) return selected_task end local function replace_variables(str) for key, _ in ipairs(variables) do str = vim.fn.substitute(str, '${' .. key .. '}', variables[key], 'g') end return str end local function map(t, f) local rst = {} for _, v in ipairs(t) do table.insert(rst, f(v)) end return rst end local function expand_task(task) if task.windows and sys.isWindows then task = task.windows elseif task.osx and sys.isOSX then task = task.osx elseif task.linux and sys.isLinux then task = task.linux end if task.command and type(task.command) == "string" then task.command = replace_variables(task.command) end if task.args and type(task.args) == "table" then task.args = map(task.args, replace_variables) end if task.options and type(task.options) == "table" then if task.options.cwd and type(task.options.cwd) == "string" then task.options.cwd = replace_variables(task.options.cwd) end end return task end function M.edit(...) if select(1, ...) then vim.cmd('e ~/.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml') else vim.cmd('e .SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml') end end function M.get() load() for _, provider in ipairs(providers) do vim.tbl_extend(task_config, provider()) end init_variables() local task = expand_task(pick()) return task end local function open_task() local line = vim.fn.getline('.') local task if string.find(line, '^%[.*%]') then task = string.sub(vim.fn.matchstr(line, '^\\[.*\\]'), 2, -2) vim.cmd('close') require('spacevim.plugin.runner').run_task(expand_task(task_config[task])) end end local function open_tasks_list_win() if task_viewer_bufnr ~= 0 and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(task_viewer_bufnr) then vim.cmd('bd ' .. task_viewer_bufnr) end vim.cmd('botright split __tasks_info__') local lines = vim.o.lines * 30 / 100 vim.cmd('resize ' .. lines) vim.cmd([[ setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted nolist nomodifiable \ noswapfile \ nowrap \ cursorline \ nospell \ nonu \ norelativenumber \ winfixheight \ nomodifiable set filetype=SpaceVimTasksInfo ]]) task_viewer_bufnr = vim.fn.bufnr('%') vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(task_viewer_bufnr, 'n', '<Enter>', '', { callback = open_task, }) end local function update_tasks_win_context() local lines = {'Task Type Description'} for task, _ in pairs(task_config) do local line if task_config[task].isGlobal then line = '[' .. task .. ']' .. string.rep(' ', 22 - #task, '') .. 'global ' elseif task_config[task].isDetected then line = '[' .. task_config[task].detectedName .. task .. ']' .. string.rep(' ', 22 - vim.fn.strlen(task .. task_config[task].detectedName), '') .. 'detected ' else line = '[' .. task .. ']' .. string.rep(' ', 22 - #task, '') .. 'local ' end if task_config[task].description then line = line .. task_config[task].description else local argv = task_config[task].args or {} line = line .. task_config[task].command .. ' ' .. table.concat(argv, ' ') end table.insert(lines, line) end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(task_viewer_bufnr, 'modifiable', true) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(task_viewer_bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(task_viewer_bufnr, 'modifiable', false) end function M.list() load() for _, provider in ipairs(providers) do vim.tbl_extend(task_config, provider()) end init_variables() open_tasks_list_win() update_tasks_win_context() end function M.reg_provider(provider) table.insert(providers, provider) end function M.get_tasks() load() for _, provider in ipairs(providers) do vim.tbl_extend(task_config, provider()) end init_variables() return task_config end return M