" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif " Don't load another plugin for this buffer let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo-=C " Let the matchit plugin know what items can be matched. if exists("loaded_matchit") let b:match_ignorecase = 0 " let b:match_words = " \ '\:\:\,' . " \ '\<\(wh\%[ile]\|for\)\>:\:\:\,' . " \ '\:\:\,' . " \ '\:\:\:\,' . " \ '\\)\@!\S:\,' . " \ '(:)' " very tricky examples: " bad: let b:match_words = '\(foo\)\(bar\):more\1:and\2:end\1\2' " good: let b:match_words = '\<\(\(foo\)\(bar\)\):\3\2:end\1' let b:match_words .= ',\:\' let b:match_words .= ',\:\' let b:match_words .= ',\:\' let b:match_words .= ',\%(end\)\@\ze no cursor:< mid \1\g{hlend} | not >\ze no:< end \1\g{hlend} | not >\ze no' let b:match_words .= ',\\word{\(.\{-}\)}:\\endword{\1}' let b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") \ =~? "comment\\|string\\|vimSynReg\\|vimSet"' endif let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save