This page documents changes in master branch since last release v1.0.0 ## PreRelease The next release is v1.1.0 <!-- call SpaceVim#dev#followHEAD#update('en') --> <!-- SpaceVim follow HEAD en start --> #### New Features - Add some log for flygrep [#2388]( #### Bug Fixs - Fix debug command [#2226]( - Fix preview in flygrep [#2256]( #### Unmarked PRs - Rework phrasing. [#2386]( - Update to v1.1.0-dev [#2382]( - Doc: add some tweaks on doc instructions [#2056]( <!-- SpaceVim follow HEAD en end --> ## Latest Release SpaceVim releases v1.0.0 at 2018-12-26, please check the release page: - [SpaceVim releases v0.9.0]( for all the details