require 'lspconfig' local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs' local util = require 'lspconfig.util' local inspect = vim.inspect local uv = vim.loop local fn = vim.fn local tbl_flatten = vim.tbl_flatten local function template(s, params) return (s:gsub('{{([^{}]+)}}', params)) end local function map_list(t, func) local res = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do local x = func(v, i) if x ~= nil then table.insert(res, x) end end return res end local function indent(n, s) local prefix if type(n) == 'number' then if n <= 0 then return s end prefix = string.rep(' ', n) else assert(type(n) == 'string', 'n must be number or string') prefix = n end local lines = vim.split(s, '\n', true) for i, line in ipairs(lines) do lines[i] = prefix .. line end return table.concat(lines, '\n') end local function make_parts(fns) return tbl_flatten(map_list(fns, function(v) if type(v) == 'function' then v = v() end return { v } end)) end local function make_section(indentlvl, sep, parts) return indent(indentlvl, table.concat(make_parts(parts), sep)) end local function readfile(path) assert(util.path.is_file(path)) return '*a' end local function sorted_map_table(t, func) local keys = vim.tbl_keys(t) table.sort(keys) return map_list(keys, function(k) return func(k, t[k]) end) end local lsp_section_template = [[ ## {{template_name}} {{preamble}} **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.{{template_name}}.setup{} ``` {{commands}} **Default values:** {{default_values}} ]] local function require_all_configs() -- Configs are lazy-loaded, tickle them to populate the `configs` singleton. for _, v in ipairs(vim.fn.glob('lua/lspconfig/server_configurations/*.lua', 1, 1)) do local module_name = v:gsub('.*/', ''):gsub('%.lua$', '') configs[module_name] = require('lspconfig.server_configurations.' .. module_name) end end local function make_lsp_sections() return make_section( 0, '\n', sorted_map_table(configs, function(template_name, template_object) local template_def = template_object.document_config local docs = local params = { template_name = template_name, preamble = '', commands = '', default_values = '', } params.commands = make_section(0, '\n\n', { function() if not template_def.commands or #vim.tbl_keys(template_def.commands) == 0 then return end return '**Commands:**\n' .. make_section(0, '\n', { sorted_map_table(template_def.commands, function(name, def) if def.description then return string.format('- %s: %s', name, def.description) end return string.format('- %s', name) end), }) end, }) params.default_values = make_section(2, '\n\n', { function() if not template_def.default_config then return end return make_section(0, '\n', { sorted_map_table(template_def.default_config, function(k, v) local description = ((docs or {}).default_config or {})[k] if description and type(description) ~= 'string' then description = inspect(description) elseif not description and type(v) == 'function' then description = 'see source file' end return string.format('- `%s` : \n```lua\n%s\n```', k, description or inspect(v)) end), }) end, }) if docs then local tempdir = os.getenv 'DOCGEN_TEMPDIR' or uv.fs_mkdtemp '/tmp/nvim-lsp.XXXXXX' local preamble_parts = make_parts { function() if docs.description and #docs.description > 0 then return docs.description end end, function() local package_json_name = util.path.join(tempdir, template_name .. '.package.json') if docs.package_json then if not util.path.is_file(package_json_name) then os.execute(string.format('curl -v -L -o %q %q', package_json_name, docs.package_json)) end if not util.path.is_file(package_json_name) then print(string.format('Failed to download package.json for %q at %q', template_name, docs.package_json)) os.exit(1) return end local data = vim.json.decode(readfile(package_json_name)) -- The entire autogenerated section. return make_section(0, '\n', { -- The default settings section function() local default_settings = (data.contributes or {}).configuration if not then return end -- The outer section. return make_section(0, '\n', { 'This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.', '<details><summary>Available settings:</summary>', '', -- The list of properties. make_section( 0, '\n\n', sorted_map_table(, function(k, v) local function tick(s) return string.format('`%s`', s) end local function bold(s) return string.format('**%s**', s) end -- local function excape_markdown_punctuations(str) local pattern = '\\(\\*\\|\\.\\|?\\|!\\|"\\|#\\|\\$\\|%\\|\'\\|(\\|)\\|,\\|-\\|\\/\\|:\\|;\\|<\\|=\\|>\\|@\\|\\[\\|\\\\\\|\\]\\|\\^\\|_\\|`\\|{\\|\\\\|\\|}\\)' return fn.substitute(str, pattern, '\\\\\\0', 'g') end -- local function pre(s) return string.format("<pre>%s</pre>", s) end -- local function code(s) return string.format("<code>%s</code>", s) end if not (type(v) == 'table') then return end return make_section(0, '\n', { '- ' .. make_section(0, ': ', { bold(tick(k)), function() if v.enum then return tick('enum ' .. inspect(v.enum)) end if v.type then return tick(table.concat(tbl_flatten { v.type }, '|')) end end, }), '', make_section(2, '\n\n', { { v.default and 'Default: ' .. tick(inspect(v.default, { newline = '', indent = '' })) }, { v.items and 'Array items: ' .. tick(inspect(v.items, { newline = '', indent = '' })) }, { excape_markdown_punctuations(v.description) }, }), }) end) ), '', '</details>', }) end, }) end end, } if not os.getenv 'DOCGEN_TEMPDIR' then os.execute('rm -rf ' .. tempdir) end -- Insert a newline after the preamble if it exists. if #preamble_parts > 0 then table.insert(preamble_parts, '') end params.preamble = table.concat(preamble_parts, '\n') end return template(lsp_section_template, params) end) ) end local function make_implemented_servers_list() return make_section( 0, '\n', sorted_map_table(configs, function(k) return template('- [{{server}}](#{{server}})', { server = k }) end) ) end local function generate_readme(template_file, params) vim.validate { lsp_server_details = { params.lsp_server_details, 's' }, implemented_servers_list = { params.implemented_servers_list, 's' }, } local input_template = readfile(template_file) local readme_data = template(input_template, params) local writer ='doc/', 'w') writer:write(readme_data) writer:close() uv.fs_copyfile('doc/', 'doc/server_configurations.txt') end require_all_configs() generate_readme('scripts/', { implemented_servers_list = make_implemented_servers_list(), lsp_server_details = make_lsp_sections(), })