Include: include/setup.vader Execute (Displays custom formatted quickfix buffer): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new let bufnr = bufnr('%') noautocmd set filetype=python Assert !hlexists('neomakePythonLint'), 'neomakePythonLint does not exist' call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'bufnr': bufnr, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'E123 Line 1 nmcfg:{"name": "python", "short": "Alph"}', \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 2, \ 'col': 5, \ 'bufnr': bufnr, \ 'type': '', \ 'text': 'Line 2', \ }, \ { \ 'bufnr': bufnr, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'No line', \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 4, \ 'bufnr': bufnr, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'text': 'Line 4 (warning)', \ }, \ ]) lopen let loclist_bufnr = bufnr('%') AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'neomake_qf' Assert hlexists('neomakePythonLint'), 'neomakePythonLint does exists' AssertEqual getline(1, '$'), [ \ 'Alph 1:- E123 Line 1', \ 'Alph 2:5 Line 2', \ 'Alph No line', \ 'Alph 4:- Line 4 (warning)', \ ] normal! 0 " :normal! ignores autocmd's here? doautocmd CursorMoved AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'E123' AssertEqual getpos('.')[1:2], [1, 10] " Error code highlighted via syntax. AssertEqual map(synstack(1, 10), 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")'), ['neomakePythonLint'] AssertNeomakeMessage 'Placing sign: sign place 5000 line=1 name=neomake_file_err buffer='.loclist_bufnr.'.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Placing sign: sign place 5001 line=2 name=neomake_file_err buffer='.loclist_bufnr.'.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Placing sign: sign place 5002 line=4 name=neomake_file_warn buffer='.loclist_bufnr.'.', 3 AssertEqual neomake#signs#by_lnum(loclist_bufnr), { \ '1': [[5000, 'neomake_file_err']], \ '2': [[5001, 'neomake_file_err']], \ '4': [[5002, 'neomake_file_warn']], \ } if exists('*matchaddpos') AssertEqual map(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeCursorListNr'"), 'v:val.pos1'), [[1, 6, 4]] else AssertEqual map(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeCursorListNr'"), 'v:val.pattern'), ['\%1c\%6c.\{4}'] endif wincmd p " Test changing the location list while it's open call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'bufnr': 1, \ 'text': 'E42 Line 1 nmcfg:{"name": "Beta", "short": "Beta"}', \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 2, \ 'col': 5, \ 'bufnr': 1, \ 'text': 'Line 2', \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 3, \ 'bufnr': 1, \ 'text': 'Line 3 nmcfg:{"name": "Gamma", "short": "Gamm"}', \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 4, \ 'col': 5, \ 'bufnr': 1, \ 'text': 'Line 4', \ }]) " AssertNeomakeMessage 'Reusing sign: id=5000, type=neomake_file_err, lnum=1.', 3 " AssertNeomakeMessage 'Reusing sign: id=5001, type=neomake_file_err, lnum=2.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Upgrading sign for lnum=4: sign place 5002 name=neomake_file_err buffer='.loclist_bufnr.'.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Reused 2 signs.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Placing sign: sign place 5003 line=3 name=neomake_file_err buffer='.loclist_bufnr.'.', 3 wincmd p Assert hlexists('neomakePythonLint'), 'neomakePythonLint does exists' if exists('*matchaddpos') AssertEqual map(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeCursorListNr'"), 'v:val.pos1'), [[1, 6, 4]] else AssertEqual map(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeCursorListNr'"), 'v:val.pattern'), ['\%1c\%6c.\{4}'] endif " Does not highlight E42 (no "python" maker/syntax in new list). AssertEqual map(synstack(1, 10), 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")'), [] AssertEqual getline(1, '$'), [ \ 'Beta 1:- E42 Line 1', \ 'Beta 2:5 Line 2', \ 'Gamm 3:- Line 3', \ 'Gamm 4:5 Line 4'] normal! G0 doautocmd CursorMoved AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'Line' AssertEqual getpos('.')[1:2], [4, 10] " Highlights E42 (with "python" maker/syntax in new list). call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'bufnr': 1, \ 'text': 'E42 Line 1 nmcfg:{"name": "python", "short": "Beta"}', \ }]) AssertEqual map(synstack(1, 10), 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")'), ['neomakePythonLint'] close finally Assert exists('#neomake_qf'), '#neomake_qf exists' call neomake#quickfix#disable() Assert !exists('#neomake_qf'), '#neomake_qf does not exist' bwipe endtry Execute (Sets quickfix title (location list, command maker)): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new set ft=neomake_tests let bufnr = bufnr('%') file custom_file let maker1 = copy(g:error_maker) let maker1.short_name = 'errmkr' let maker1.serialize = 1 function! maker1.postprocess(entry) if has('patch-7.4.2200') if has('patch-8.0.1040') " 'efm' in setqflist/getqflist" AssertEqual getloclist(0, {'title': 1}).title, \ 'neomake_test_init' else Assert getloclist(0, {'title': 1}).title \ =~# '\V:\?Neomake[file]: custom_file (error-maker..., maker2?)' endif endif let a:entry.bufnr = bufnr('%') let a:entry.lnum = 1 return a:entry endfunction let maker2 = copy(g:error_maker) let = 'maker2' function! maker2.postprocess(entry) if has('patch-7.4.2200') if has('patch-8.0.1040') " 'efm' in setqflist/getqflist" AssertEqual getloclist(0, {'title': 1}).title, \ 'Neomake[file]: custom_file (error-maker..., maker2?)' else Assert getloclist(0, {'title': 1}).title \ =~# '\V:\?Neomake[file]: custom_file (error-maker..., maker2?)' endif endif return a:entry endfunction CallNeomake 1, [maker1, maker2] if has('patch-7.4.2200') AssertEqual getloclist(0, {'title': 1}).title, \ 'Neomake[file]: custom_file (error-maker(1), maker2(1))' endif " Location list entry contains marker. AssertEqual map(getloclist(0), 'v:val.text'), [ \ 'error nmcfg:{''short'': ''errmkr'', ''name'': ''error-maker''}', \ 'error nmcfg:{''short'': ''make'', ''name'': ''maker2''}'] lopen AssertEqual w:quickfix_title, 'Neomake[file]: custom_file (error-maker(1), maker2(1))' normal! G0 doautocmd CursorMoved AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'error' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (Sets quickfix title (location list, get_list_entries)): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new set ft=neomake_tests let bufnr = bufnr('%') file custom_file let maker1 = copy(g:error_maker) let maker1.short_name = 'errmkr' function maker1.get_list_entries(...) if has('patch-7.4.2200') AssertEqual getloclist(0, {'title': 1}).title, 'neomake_test_init' endif return [{'lnum': 1, 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), 'text': 'error_msg_1'}] endfunction let maker2 = {} let = 'maker2' function maker2.get_list_entries(...) if has('patch-7.4.2200') AssertEqual getloclist(0, {'title': 1}).title, 'Neomake[file]: custom_file (error-maker..., maker2?)' endif return [{'lnum': 2, 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), 'text': 'error_msg_2'}] endfunction CallNeomake 1, [maker1, maker2] if has('patch-7.4.2200') AssertEqual getloclist(0, {'title': 1}).title, 'Neomake[file]: custom_file (error-maker(1), maker2(1))' endif " Location list entry contains marker. AssertEqualQf [getloclist(0)[0]], [ \ {'lnum': 1, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'col': 0, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': -1, \ 'type': 'W', 'pattern': '', \ 'text': 'error_msg_1 nmcfg:{''short'': ''errmkr'', ''name'': ''error-maker''}'}] lopen " Title is always handled via FileType autocmd. AssertEqual w:quickfix_title, 'Neomake[file]: custom_file (error-maker(1), maker2(1))' normal! G0 doautocmd CursorMoved AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'error_msg_2' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (Handles interleaving maker output and buffer names (quickfix)): if !neomake#has_async_support() NeomakeTestsSkip 'no async support.' return endif call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new set ft=neomake_tests let bufnr = bufnr('%') let s:flagfile = tempname() let maker1 = NeomakeTestsCommandMaker('maker1', 'echo file1: maker1_1; ' \ .'while ! [ -s '.fnameescape(s:flagfile).' ]; do sleep 0.01; done; ' \ .'echo file1: maker1_2') function maker1.process_output(...) if filereadable(s:flagfile) return [{'text': 'maker1_2', 'lnum': 2, 'bufnr': bufnr('%')}] endif call writefile([], s:flagfile) return [{'text': 'maker1_1', 'lnum': 1, 'bufnr': bufnr('%')}] endfunction if neomake#has_async_support() let maker2 = NeomakeTestsCommandMaker('maker2', \ 'while ! [ -e '.fnameescape(s:flagfile).' ]; do sleep 0.01; done; ' \ .'echo file2: maker2_1') function maker2.process_output(...) call writefile([''], s:flagfile) return [ \ {'text': 'maker2_1', 'lnum': 1, 'bufnr': bufnr('%')}, \ {'text': 'maker2_2', 'lnum': 2, 'filename': 'very_long_name_for_unlisted_buffer_via_filename_entry'}] endfunction else let maker2 = NeomakeTestsCommandMaker('maker2', 'true') endif let maker1.errorformat = '%f: %m' let maker1.buffer_output = 0 let maker2.errorformat = '%f: %m' CallNeomake {'enabled_makers': [maker1, maker2], 'file_mode': 0} let unlisted_bufnr = bufnr('very_long_name_for_unlisted_buffer_via_filename_entry') " Quickfix list entry contains marker. let qflist = getqflist() AssertEqual map(copy(qflist), '[v:val.bufnr, v:val.text]'), [ \ [bufnr, 'maker1_1 nmcfg:{''short'': ''make'', ''name'': ''maker1''}'], \ [bufnr, 'maker2_1 nmcfg:{''short'': ''make'', ''name'': ''maker2''}'], \ [unlisted_bufnr, 'maker2_2'], \ [bufnr, 'maker1_2 nmcfg:{''short'': ''make'', ''name'': ''maker1''}']] AssertEqual neomake#GetCurrentErrorMsg(), 'maker1: maker1_1 (W)' copen if has('patch-7.4.2200') " Set according to finished_jobs. AssertEqual w:quickfix_title, 'Neomake[project]: maker2(2), maker1(2)' else " Set via quickfix filetype, according to order of entries. AssertEqual w:quickfix_title, 'Neomake[project]: maker1(2), maker2(2)' endif doautocmd CursorMoved " Empty bufname gets transformed to buf:X. AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), '[buf:'.bufnr.']' normal! W AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'maker1_1' normal! j0 doautocmd CursorMoved " Same buffer as previous entry: name omitted. AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'maker2_1' normal! j AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), '[very_long_nameā¦]' normal! j AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), '[buf:'.bufnr.']' cclose bwipe exe unlisted_bufnr 'bwipe' finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (Handles empty entries): let maker = {} function maker.get_list_entries(...) return [] endfunction CallNeomake {'enabled_makers': [maker]} Execute (Does not change current error text (command maker)): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new CallNeomake 1, [g:error_maker] AssertEqual neomake#GetCurrentErrorMsg(), 'error-maker: error (E)' lopen AssertEqual getline(1), 'erro 1:- error' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (Does not change current error text (entries maker)): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new CallNeomake 1, [g:entry_maker] AssertEqual neomake#GetCurrentErrorMsg(), 'entry_maker: error (E)' lopen AssertEqual getline(1), 'entr 1:- error' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (Disable custom formatted quickfix buffer): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) call neomake#quickfix#disable() call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'bufnr': 1, \ 'text': 'Line 1', \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 2, \ 'col': 5, \ 'bufnr': 1, \ 'text': 'Line 2', \ }]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1, '$'), \ ['|1| Line 1', '|2 col 5| Line 2'] normal! 0 doautocmd CursorMoved AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), '|1|' AssertEqual getpos('.')[1:2], [1, 1] close Execute (neomake#quickfix#FormatQuickfix handles entries with config in text): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "a", "short": "a"} nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1), 'b Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "a", "short": "a"}' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (neomake#quickfix#FormatQuickfix handles entries without cfg (ending with curly brace)): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new call setloclist(0, [ \ {'text': 'text1 nmcfg:{"name": "maker", "short": "makr"}'}, \ {'text': " 'something': 'X'}"} \ ]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1), "makr text1" AssertEqual getline(2), "makr 'something': 'X'}" lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (neomake#quickfix#FormatQuickfix handles entries without text): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'text': ' nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1), 'b ' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (neomake#quickfix#FormatQuickfix handles entries without bufnr)): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new file test_bufname call setloclist(0, [ \ {'text': 'msg1 nmcfg:{"name": "maker", "short": "makr"}', 'bufnr': 0}, \ {'text': 'msg2', 'bufnr': bufnr('%')}, \ {'text': 'msg3', 'bufnr': 0}, \ {'text': 'msg4', 'bufnr': bufnr('%')}, \ ]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1), "makr msg1" AssertEqual getline(2), "makr msg2" AssertEqual getline(3), "makr msg3" AssertEqual getline(4), "makr msg4" lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (neomake#quickfix#FormatQuickfix logs exception from nmcfg)): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new call setloclist(0, [{'text': 'text1 nmcfg:{undefined}'}]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1), '???? text1 nmcfg:{undefined}' AssertNeomakeMessage 'Error when evaluating nmcfg ({undefined}): Vim(let):E121: Undefined variable: undefined.', 0 AssertNeomakeMessage '\v\(in function neomake#quickfix#FormatQuickfix, line \d+\)', 3 lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (neomake#quickfix#FormatQuickfix reuses signs): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) lopen let loclist_bufnr = bufnr('%') AssertEqual getline(1), 'b 1:- Text with marker' AssertNeomakeMessage 'Placing sign: sign place 5000 line=1 name=neomake_file_err buffer='.loclist_bufnr.'.', 3 call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) " AssertNeomakeMessage 'Reusing sign: id=5000, type=neomake_file_err, lnum=1.', 3, {'bufnr': loclist_bufnr} AssertNeomakeMessage 'Reused 1 signs.', 3 lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (custom qf gets disabled with manual setloclist()): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) lopen let ll_bufnr = bufnr('%') AssertEqual getline(1), 'b 1:- Text with marker' doautocmd CursorMoved AssertNeomakeMessage 'Placing sign: sign place 5000 line=1 name=neomake_file_err buffer='.ll_bufnr.'.' Assert !empty(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeMakerName'")), 'There are existing matches.' AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'neomake_qf' let s:au_called = [] augroup neomake_tests autocmd Syntax * call add(s:au_called, expand('<amatch>')) augroup END call setloclist(0, [{'text': 'something custom'}]) AssertEqual s:au_called, ['qf'] AssertNeomakeMessage 'Resetting custom qf for non-Neomake change.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Cleaning 1 old signs.', 3, {'bufnr': ll_bufnr} AssertEqual neomake#signs#by_lnum(ll_bufnr), {} let matches = filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeMakerName'") Assert empty(matches), printf('Found unexpected matches: %s', string(matches)) AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'qf' call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) Assert !empty(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeMakerName'")), 'There are existing matches again.' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (disabling it restores initial lines (in qf window)): new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1), '|1| Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}' call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try AssertEqual getline(1), 'b 1:- Text with marker' call neomake#quickfix#disable() AssertEqual getline(1), '|1| Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (enabling does not touch existing lists (in another window)): new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1), '|1| Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}' wincmd p call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try wincmd p AssertEqual getline(1), '|1| Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}' call neomake#quickfix#disable() AssertEqual getline(1), '|1| Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (enabling does not touch existing lists (in another window)): new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) lopen AssertEqual getline(1), '|1| Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}' call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try AssertEqual getline(1), 'b 1:- Text with marker' wincmd p call neomake#quickfix#disable() wincmd p AssertEqual getline(1), 'b 1:- Text with marker' lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (Enables customqf on VimEnter): if exists('#neomake_qf') au! neomake_qf endif try call neomake#quickfix#enable() Assert exists('#neomake_qf#VimEnter') call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'bufnr': 1, \ 'text': 'Line 1 nmcfg:{"name": "python", "short": "Alph"}', \ }]) lopen AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'qf' doautocmd VimEnter AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'neomake_qf' lclose finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (Does not use quickfix list with empty location list): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try call setqflist([{ \ 'text': 'Line 1 nmcfg:{"name": "python", "short": "Alph"}', \ 'lnum': 1, \ }]) lopen if has('patch-7.4.2200') Assert !exists('b:neomake_qf') AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'qf' else " XXX: needs list refactoring to fix this properly. Assert exists('b:neomake_qf') AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'neomake_qf' endif lclose copen Assert exists('b:neomake_qf') AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'neomake_qf' cclose finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (Formats quickfix list if opened already): Save g:neomake_open_list let g:neomake_open_list = 2 call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new let maker1 = copy(g:error_maker) let maker1.short_name = 'mkr1' let maker1.serialize = 1 " For predictable order. let maker2 = copy(g:error_maker) let = 'mkr2' CallNeomake 1, [maker1, maker2] wincmd j AssertEqual getline('.'), 'mkr1 1:- error' doautocmd CursorMoved AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'error' normal! j AssertEqual getline('.'), 'mkr2 1:- error' AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'error' AssertNeomakeMessage 'Handling location list: executing lwindow.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'list window has been opened (old count: 2, new count: 3, height: 1).', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Handling location list: executing lwindow.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Resizing existing quickfix window: 3resize 2.', 3 lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (custom qf with new window / buffer): call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'Text with marker nmcfg:{"name": "b", "short": "b"}', \}]) lopen AssertEqual map(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeMakerName'"), 'v:val.pattern'), ['.*\%<2c'] if exists('*matchaddpos') AssertEqual map(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeCursorListNr'"), 'v:val.pos1'), [[1, 3, 4]] else AssertEqual map(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeCursorListNr'"), 'v:val.pattern'), ['\%1c\%3c.\{4}'] endif AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'neomake_qf' tab split if exists('##WinNew') Assert !empty(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeMakerName'")), 'Expected matches (2).' AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'neomake_qf' endif doautocmd CursorMoved if exists('##WinNew') Assert !empty(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeMakerName'")), 'Expected matches (3).' endif Assert !empty(filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeCursorListNr'")), 'Expected matches (3).' AssertEqual b:current_syntax, 'neomake_qf' enew let matches = filter(getmatches(), " == 'neomakeMakerName'") Assert empty(matches), printf('Found unexpected matches: %s', string(matches)) bwipe lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (customqf allows for custom syntax): let s:syn_au_called = 0 augroup neomake_tests au Syntax * let s:syn_au_called = 1 au Syntax * syn match MyError /error/ containedin=ALL augroup END call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) try new call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'E123 error nmcfg:{"name": "python", "short": "py"}', \}]) lopen AssertEqual getline('.'), 'py 1:- E123 error' AssertEqual map(synstack(1, 8), 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")'), ['neomakePythonLint'] " :normal! ignores autocmd's here? doautocmd CursorMoved AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'E123' normal! w AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'error' AssertEqual getpos('.')[1:2], [1, 13] AssertEqual map(synstack(1, 13), 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")'), ['MyError'] AssertEqual s:syn_au_called, 1 lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() endtry Execute (customqf gets formatted with disabled syntax): let s:syn_au_called = 0 augroup neomake_tests au Syntax * let s:syn_au_called = 1 augroup END call neomake#quickfix#enable(1) syntax off try new let syn_before = neomake#utils#redir('syn') call setloclist(0, [{ \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'text': 'E123 error nmcfg:{"name": "python", "short": "py"}', \}]) lopen AssertEqual getline('.'), 'py 1:- E123 error' AssertEqual map(synstack(1, 8), 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")'), [] " :normal! ignores autocmd's here? doautocmd CursorMoved AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'E123' normal! w AssertEqual expand('<cWORD>'), 'error' AssertEqual getpos('.')[1:2], [1, 13] AssertEqual map(synstack(1, 13), 'synIDattr(v:val,"name")'), [] AssertEqual s:syn_au_called, 0 AssertEqual syn_before, neomake#utils#redir('syn') lclose bwipe finally call neomake#quickfix#disable() syntax on endtry